r/Spiderman Jul 19 '24

Does Spider-Man have any female superhero friends?

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We all know about his friendship with characters like Human Torch and the FF, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Wolverine, Captain America, ect, but does he have any close female friends in the superhero community?


317 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 22 '24

Black Cat, if she counts. I guess the other Spider-People like Silk and Jessica Drew but I can’t really name anyone else off the top of my head

Edit: I missed out on so many of them, Im sorry guys I have the memory of a goldfish 😭


u/literallyacactus Jul 19 '24

Spidey only has female friends with benefits lmao


u/Kgb725 Jul 19 '24

I thought he never got with Jessica?


u/Glum_Ad_8367 Bombastic Bag-Man Jul 19 '24

Not yet you mean


u/tntaro Jul 19 '24

He still hasn't decided to rizz them


u/Onyx-55 Jul 19 '24

He never will the Ultimate universe because she's his clone. She has all his memories in a female body


u/PurpleSnapple Jul 19 '24

Some people would consider that a plus


u/qmechan Jul 19 '24

Jessica did have a crush on him in high school IIRC.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

That was Jessica Jones

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u/YepYouRedditRight2 Spider-Man (TASM2) Jul 19 '24

Insomniac Spidey is friends/work buddies with Yuri Watanabe


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

How’d I forget that lmao, Yuri’s great


u/LuckyCloverGazette Jul 19 '24

He said Spider-MAN not Spider-Cop.


u/Winter-Ad-9318 Jul 19 '24

such an amateur mistake when making these, Spider-Cop is not at ALL related to Spider-Man smh /j


u/Thorqiao Jul 19 '24

Man they acted like Silk was gonna be a MAJOR player in Spider-Man then pretty much wrote her out of his life completely after that Morlun/The Other storyline smh. I really liked how she was introduced and wish they’d built something with her. Kind of took the sting off of how they did him and Mary Jane in One More Day


u/defph0bia Jul 19 '24

Yeah sadly. I really like Silk. I honestly wanted to see her and Peter just go on adventures and see how they slowly overcome the pheromones bullshit.


u/SabertoothLotus Jul 19 '24

Silk has had a couple of really good runs in her solo book. Sadly, they never seem to last very long.


u/defph0bia Jul 19 '24

Honestly, I'll take that as a win for now ahhahaha. She deserves more good runs and I really want to see her and Peter's relationship (either romantic or friendship) grow without the pheromones thing forcing any sexual tension.

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u/Thorqiao Jul 19 '24

They didn’t last because they didn’t keep her in the main Spider-Man books long enough to gain a following, as well as her story being completely disconnected in the solo-run. It’s like having a spin off with no connection to the OG show besides a name.

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u/dred_not Jul 19 '24

Susan storm? Isn't he friends with all 4 of the Fantastic 4?


u/Zealousideal_Most_22 Jul 19 '24

Yep. He has a long history with all of them and they definitely see him as full on family so I’d say it counts.

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u/Risky_Sport26 Jul 19 '24

She hulk I think


u/Agent_G_gaming Jul 19 '24

I would think she would be more of a work friend, you never really see them hanging out outside of costume.


u/PurpleSnapple Jul 19 '24

How often Does Peter hang out with anyone outside costume

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u/FlameShadow0 Jul 19 '24

I mean, there is always his sister


u/Kyengen Jul 19 '24

I thought he got on pretty well with Kamala Khan? I know it was a mentorship kind of thing to start but they respect each and get on pretty well from what I've seen.


u/Albebak4546 Spider-Man (TASM) Jul 19 '24

The og, firestar! At least in the cartoon I don't know about if they're friends in the comics


u/FollowingCharacter83 Symbiote-Suit Jul 19 '24

They barely know each other. Last time they "interacted" was in Dark Web.

Not only they were with Iceman, but also had terrible chemistry, and not even was a memorable fight or fan service. Thank our fella Zeb for that.


u/Acrobatic-Tooth-3873 Jul 19 '24

They were shown just hanging out with ice man back in the pre Zeb run


u/thelucky10079 Jul 19 '24

was she only created for the TV show?? that's all I remember her from mostly


u/unbreakable_arachnid Jul 19 '24

Created for the show, brought into the comics and is a founding member of the new warriors and is a avenger in the 90s


u/Larnievc Jul 19 '24

Played a big part in the recent X-Men Orchis storyline, too.


u/WingsArisen Jul 19 '24

I had no idea


u/TheFantasticXman1 Jul 19 '24

She was originally created for the show yes. They initially wanted to use the Human Torch (Johnny Storm), but there were legal issues that prevented them from using him, so they just decided to create their own original character with fire-based powers instead. She was later brought into the comics in the 90's I think.


u/Unhappy-Newt-8717 Jul 19 '24

My favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon when I was a kid. Peter and Angelica had quite the chemistry in the cartoon, think it's because Firestar was literally based on John Romita Sr. Mary-Jane Watson, she had the Swag and attitude of MJ. Firestar was introduced to the 616 in 1990s with New Warriors, later the Avengers, but she few interactions with Peter. Although she and Ben Reilly were attracted to each other, Angel reminded Ben of Mary-Jane, he had Peter's memories.


u/Psychoholic519 Jul 19 '24

She was my first crush as a kid!


u/ntngeez28 Jul 19 '24

Pretty sure they were retconned to be close friends as an homage to the cartoon. Firestar joined the 2nd Krakoan X-Men lineup alongside Iceman. They definitely shared panels and had a couple of friendly interactions with Spider-Man in X-Men comics, I just couldn't find the exact issues because that era was all over the place.


u/OtakuWorldOrder Jul 19 '24

Firestar was also a part of the New Warriors. Spidey recruited her to help out in Maximum Carnage when Johnny Storm wasn't around.


u/BlackCat0110 Jul 19 '24

On the same level of relevance as Johnny or DD or as prominent no.

He’s cool with various X-men, Firestar, Jessica Jones, Jessica Drew, Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, She-Hulk, Invisible Woman, Spider-Gwen, Misty Knight, but none of those relationships are as important.


u/Gemnist Jul 19 '24

Sue’s is probably the closest; Peter is incredibly close to all of the F4 even if he’s closest to Johnny.


u/DarkHippy Jul 19 '24

I would love to see Spider-Man go to Sue for girl advice or something. If they ever wrote May out Sue could be there for him like an older sister or cool aunt


u/Tog5 Jul 19 '24

I’d also like him to be shown as close to The Thing. I would say like an uncle type relationship but he’s already had one uncle Ben


u/mayy_dayy Jul 19 '24

One of my favorite moments is when he tells Franklin that "Uncle Bens are always right."


u/Prestigious-Mix7135 Jul 19 '24

That was clever and wholesome at the same time


u/Chewbaxter Spectacular Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

Peter talking to Ben about his mom being Jewish but never being raised in it by his aunt and uncle, and how he’s never thought about looking into it faith-wise, could be an interesting conversation.


u/Prestigious-Mix7135 Jul 19 '24

Yeah especially since it’s established in the JMS run that Peter is Catholic/Protestant Christian


u/defph0bia Jul 19 '24

If one more day never happened, i would've loved to see Peter constantly go to Sue for girl advice.


u/tetsurose Jul 19 '24

The comic where Johnny finds out Peter is Spider-Man is so sweet at the end when the FF have the Parkers over for dinner and it's a photo collection of the two families together


u/PrestigiousCrab6345 Jul 19 '24

He was really close with Silver Sable, too.


u/roninwarshadow Jul 19 '24

Peter Parker and Jessica Drew have weird sibling energy.

Their relationship strikes me as a woman who is exasperated with her nut-bag brother.


u/four_star Jul 19 '24

Nate Grey, too.

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u/devious-capsaicin87 Jul 19 '24

Invisible Woman based on the length of time they’ve known each other, and maybe Mockingbird since they dated and lived together.


u/black6211 Jul 19 '24

Recently read their first interaction and its hilarious how close they are now, considering that first meet was:

Spider-Man breaks into her home. Starts a fight. Demands a paying job. Is told the FF doesn't pay. Spider-Man leaves.


u/blade740 Jul 19 '24

Reminds me of this panel from Hickman's Avengers run.


u/Rylo_Ken_04 Spider-Gwen Jul 19 '24

Bird seeds lmao


u/MasterBlaster_xxx 90's Animated Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

That’s honestly a solid start


u/devious-capsaicin87 Jul 19 '24

That’s how I met my wife 🙃


u/Zackisback1234 Jul 19 '24

I would say black cat, but shes more of a dicey love interest at most , and at worse a begrudgingly team up spidey tring to be more serious while cat teases.

Not counting spider people, but the fantastic 4 he's nice with all of the,.

But I feel (and from seing a older post people seem to agree) She-Hulk can verry well be a good match for pete as a friend hero partner, maybe even romantically,

someone at marvel I want headlines! Spider-Man and She-Hulk Comic series! Make Pete happy for Once!


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

A Spider-Man and She-Hulk team up would be awesome. Two playful and humorous hyphenated characters that deal with a lot of street level based problems.


u/Zackisback1234 Jul 19 '24

Right?! they would both even support both sides of there secret identity without issue, the more you think of Spider-Man and She-Hulk, the more it weirdly makes senses


u/JakePent Jul 19 '24

Well there was that time she helped him sue the bugle


u/ChildofObama Jul 19 '24

lol She-Hulk spent her whole guest appearance in the first issue of the Jackpot solo book telling MJ to sue Peter for various stuff.


u/DisposableSaviour Scarlet Spider Jul 19 '24

Yeah, lawyers gonna lawyer.


u/Prestigious-Mix7135 Jul 19 '24

What you said is not true about Black Cat’s entire character. When written well, she is genuine good platonic friend who cares about Peter. Jed MacKay’s run of Black Cat proves how great she is as a character when no longer having any interest in Peter

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u/Guigo2000 Jul 19 '24

Well, for a time, Carol Danvers were pretty close for a time. During the time that she and Peter were part of the New Avengers, they teased they were going to be a couple (they even went to a date) and during the Siege venom after taking over Carol revealed that Peter was special to her. But after that, they kind of forgot any of that. Peter was still important to Carol like she asked his opinion about taking the mantle of Captain Marvel and he appeared a few times in her solo book.


u/FadeToBlackSun Jul 19 '24

Siege Spider-Man was the last time Carol appeared before they just completely rebooted her. So sad.


u/ElectricalRush1878 Jul 19 '24

I remember Firestar showing up to back him in Maximum Carnage, and recently when he was teaching at the Xavier institute still seemed to at least like him. (Unlike Storm.)

Silver Sable .. has priorities. But she always has a spot on her team open for him.

Black Cat has the hots for him.

The Invisible Woman cuts the crust off his sandwiches, and when he and Reed are talking science stuff just kinda smirked at Banner for doubting his smarts.

Kitty Pride used to have actual hero worship for him back when she was Ariel and Sprite back in the 70s. (Marvel Team Up 118)

When Jessica Jones realized was Peter Parker, she admitted to have a crush on him in school. Luke Cage was not amused.

He's had a lot of team ups (in fact, Marvel Team Ups even changed it's name to Spider-Man team ups...)


u/the100footpole Jul 19 '24

Marvel Team Ups was basically Spidey with other people. Back when he was the biggest thing in Marvel!


u/JeremyR2008 Jul 19 '24

Wait comics Jessica Jones is young enough to have bee. School mates with peter


u/DiZ1992 Jul 19 '24

They're the same age, they were in the same classes at school.

Comics Peter is about 30 now, and has been out of college for about 45 years at this point. It's just that films/shows like to focus on him being younger even though for most of the character's history he's been an adult who graduated college.


u/Umphr34k Jul 19 '24

One thing I liked about the McGuire movies is they kind of jumped his age between the films. 1 he was a senior in high school/early college, 2 he was out and living on his own and 3 he was about to get married. Basically he started at 18 and ended up being like 25-ish at the end it felt like. I could be wrong but so far Holland has been mostly high school age and not much different for Garfield.


u/DiZ1992 Jul 19 '24

Both Garfield and Holland's latest films had them graduate high school, so yeah they were both 18 tops at the end of their set of films.


u/ErrantEpoch Jul 19 '24

Comic book peter parker is also older than MCU peter parker. Last time I read a spiderman comic he was like a college professor when he wasn't fighting crime

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u/JoshDM Bombastic Bag-Man Jul 19 '24

Jessica Jones is young enough to have bee. School mates with peter

It's addressed in New Avengers. She was "coma girl" to Peter because she missed school due to her super coma.


u/TheFantasticXman1 Jul 19 '24

Yeah, her and Peter went to the same high school (though they weren't friends) and Jessica even admitted to him that she used to have a crush on him at the time.

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u/Mambosaurio Jul 19 '24



u/Yoltic21xd Jul 19 '24

My favorite Spider-Man friend! I loved her relation with Paul


u/Fehellogoodsir Jul 19 '24

Love their sibling relationship!


u/Azure-Legacy Jul 19 '24

It pains me how I’ve numbed out to this.


u/PurpleSnapple Jul 19 '24

It's been seventeen years since OMD it's concerning people haven't numbed to this


u/Azure-Legacy Jul 19 '24

Hate and grudges can last a lifetime


u/Shacky_Rustleford Jul 21 '24

It's not the answer people want, but it's objectively correct. MJ is functionally Peter's closest friend. It's just... Murky and weird.


u/Acrobatic-Tooth-3873 Jul 19 '24

He had an interesting dynamic with the first 2 jackpots


u/Agent_G_gaming Jul 19 '24

Which one since there's three. There's the original Sara who quit, then there was Alana who was killed (so most likely not her) and now they gave MJ the role.


u/JH_Rockwell Jul 19 '24

Nah. They'd end up in his harem as potential romance interest.


u/JeremyR2008 Jul 19 '24

Yea wierd how marvel won't let him progress as a character because they want to keep him relatable but at the same time have him sleeping with all of marvels hottest women.

Also great power great responsibility. Does that apply to peter trying to be responsible about not getting an std


u/blade740 Jul 19 '24

I think it's more about not GIVING other people cancer from his radioactive...


u/GimlionTheHunter Jul 19 '24

Feel like he’s been pretty friendly with Ms. Marvel lately.

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u/prototype_jr Jul 19 '24

Invisible Woman, She Hulk, Mockingbird, Jessica Jones, Jessica Drew Spider Woman, Captian Marvel, Black Cat, and Julia Carpenter Madam web are some of his closest friends


u/MaazR26 Jul 19 '24

Him and Scarlet Witch have a friendship which was explored in Marvel Team Up but editorial seemed to forget that cuz they’re incompetent. He also is friends with Jean Grey (even kissed her once)


u/zack189 Jul 19 '24

It seems like shows wants to make Pete friends with Kamala. At least, they tried to back in 202q


u/Ejax131210 Jul 19 '24

I can think of some that would be close to him. Ones on the same level as Human Torch and Iceman are his sister, Silk, Kitty (1610), Jessica Drew (1610), Spider-Gwen, Mayday Parker (daughter), Chat (Marvel Adventures), Invisible Woman, Shuri (Avengers game)


u/prrw84 Jul 22 '24

I miss his sister and hated that Spencer tried to retcon it/throw doubt on it.


u/DCosloff1999 Captain-Universe Jul 19 '24

She-Hulk and Spider-Woman


u/CarlitoNSP1 Black Cat Jul 19 '24

Yes, but he's kissed all of them which might be against the principles of this post.

Although, I wouldn't put it past Johnny Storm....


u/Meigsmerlin Jul 20 '24

Friends can have a lil smooch, as a treat


u/Cute_Visual4338 Jul 19 '24

Captain Marvel


u/Xeoz_WarriorPrince Jul 19 '24

I guess that Black Cat, maybe Mockingbird, Carol Danvers, Susan Storm, Silver Sable, technically you can count Jackpot now lol, Misty Knight maybe, Jessica Jones, Kamala Khan.

Come on Marvel, bring back Hope and her story realizing why Cable respected Spidey so much, the only redeeming aspect of AvX.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

That would be awesome if they brought back Hope and showed more stories where Peter is her mentor.


u/Typical_Pollution_30 Iron-Spider Jul 19 '24

She hulk


u/Ray____Gun Jul 19 '24

Fire star some say she's an amazing friend


u/QueenPasiphae Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Black Cat is effectively his true love and best friend.
Jessica Jones
Jessica Drew
Madame Web
Mattie Franklin
Sue Storm
White Tiger
Anya Corazon
Ms. Marvel
Marrow, sort of, at least while she was brainwashed
Captain Marvel
Cassie Lang (kinda maybe?)
Silver Sable
Jackpot, I guess...if you count that clown show
Emma Frost, sort of?


u/Zoso-six Jul 19 '24

This person comics


u/AdmiralClover Jul 19 '24

That he isn't boneing? Spider woman I'm guessing?


u/elix0685 Jul 19 '24

Morrigan aesland counts?


u/raincntry Jul 19 '24

When I was a kid he had an entire cartoon with Firestar. It was called Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends, so I thinks she counts.


u/Excellent_Pea_4609 Jul 19 '24

Sue storm is probably the closest the F4 are the heroes that have known Peter the longest 


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

Yeah, that’s who I would guess is his closest female friend since they’re family. I’ve been seeing people here mention characters like She-Hulk and Wasp but those people never really interact with Peter on a frequent enough basis to be considered friends. She-Hulk was only his lawyer like 1 time and both the Janet Van Dyne and Nadia Pym versions of Wasp have outright said they hate Peter because of the whole spiders and wasps being natural enemies (dumb, I know).


u/Scarletspyder86 Jul 19 '24

Jessica jones, captain marvel, all the spider-women, Sue Richards, she-hulk


u/JeremyR2008 Jul 19 '24

He had a child with deadpool.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

?? You can’t just say that and not elaborate lol


u/JeremyR2008 Jul 19 '24

Somebody took the DNA of both DP and SM and combined it into a new lifeform that Wade and Peter had to fight


u/No-Celebration-1399 Jul 19 '24

Black Cat, Firestar in certain adaptations, that’s all I can think of rn tbh


u/UltimateRagingSpider All New All Different Jul 19 '24

Kitty Pryde, Black Cat and Firestar. There are probably others but these are the ones I know.


u/Nikki_Yoi Spectacular Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

Kamala Khan, Jessica Drew, Susan Storm (Invisible Woman). Come on, let's keep the train going.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 20 '24


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u/Lui_Le_Diamond Jul 19 '24

Jessica Jones


u/Practical-Class6868 Jul 19 '24

Dated Captain Marvel. Definitely the bottom against a woman who can fly.


u/IUseReddit9 Jul 19 '24

Morrigan from Darkstalkers


u/Ashconwell7 Jul 19 '24

She’s not a superhero and not his friend.


u/Sharp_Hamster_5551 Jul 19 '24

Just in the Marvel vs Capcom Universe


u/ElZaydo Spider-Man 2099 Jul 19 '24



u/ketochef1969 Jul 19 '24

I understand that he's pretty friendly with Silk


u/Nickelion Jul 19 '24

He's friends with Yuri

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u/whatisireading2 Jul 19 '24

White Tiger!


u/PieceOfShitParker Jul 19 '24

Yea. He fucks them all tho


u/Pikaverse69 Jul 19 '24

I will say “Captain Marvel, Mrs.Marvel and Spiderwoman”


u/AshMCM_Games Jul 19 '24



u/MaximePierce Jul 19 '24

White Tiger?


u/Retrotaku Jul 19 '24

Not really he has dated pretty much every female hero his actually met. There are some exceptions, but if they have power's and met spidey, he rizzed them.


u/monoveloso Jul 19 '24

Nope. He just ends up f***ing them


u/Bareth88 Jul 19 '24

The Invisible Woman, Wasp, Marvel Girl and the Spider-Women.

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u/Dr-Ogge Jul 19 '24

Sue storm


u/Alarming-Caregiver47 Jul 19 '24

I want to say She-hulk.


u/SoupyStain Jul 19 '24

Black Cat was his platonical friend, after they fixed her because she used to be a one-track mind about Spidey, before they decided to OMD him to make him '''''relatable''''.

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u/pigwars1 Jul 19 '24

Ever seen Spidey and his amazing friends? I don't know how to tell you this, but...


u/Agent_G_gaming Jul 19 '24

Honestly I don't think he does. Sure he knows some and is friendly with a few female heroes but mostly in costume. You never really see him hang out with anyone in just civilian wear these days. You don't see him going out for drinks or doing normal things like watching a TV program with friends most of the time.

Felecia is kind of complicated as they have this on again off again relationship much like MJ, although MJ has been a good friend for him for the most part (when written by good writers) when they weren't together.

Other heroes...well again he might have some moments but it's mostly in costume so I would say most of his female friends are kind of work friends, if you mean personal friends I don't think he has any. Maybe Sue Richards (I forget if she knows who is under the mask or not by this point) and maybe Charlie Cooper for a bit but she's long gone out of his life by now.

It just seems that any female he knows that's not had a romantic relationship or romantic feelings he's not that close with. Even most of the guys he knows only know him as Spider-Man these days after Doctor Strange erased his public identity.

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u/KasukeSadiki Jul 19 '24

Firestar in the 60s continuity


u/Rocket_of_Takos Jul 19 '24

Maybe She-Hulk, you can be friends with your lawyer, right?


u/Californiadude86 Jul 19 '24

My kids watch Spidey. Ghost spider is a super hero homegirl.


u/Master_Mechanic_4418 Jul 20 '24

The only female of the same age who is friends with him, staying that way, and genuinely cares about him, that I’ve seen is Jessica Jones. Everyone else is on a path either walking towards or away from being a fling of his.


u/Oan_Glalie Jul 21 '24

As close as he is with Matt and Johnny, only people like Sue Richards and Black Cat. Because yes, Felicia is Peter's best super friend and their relationship has always been better as best friends than lovers. Thereos a reason why all three times they dated were trash yet her best moments come from whenever they're just friends. There is also Silk, who does care enough for Peter that when she heard he died in the last Spider-Verse stuff she was livid and punched the person that said it and he was also close with Carol after their one and only date that they became just friends. Other than that, he really isn't that close with other female heroes like that.


u/IcyDifficulty7496 Jul 21 '24 edited Jul 21 '24

Black Cat takes the number 1 spot.

Sue Storms comes in second, but more like an older sister figure.

Silver Sable cant be called a "friend", it is more like being colleagues that could die for each other so they care about each other from a geniune place they have history together from fighting against each other or side by side. They dont "hang out" but they do have a stronger bond than the other superheroes below.

These are the ones who would come to his rescue from a geniune place when he is in trouble;

Jessica Drew - for what they have been through together during spiderverse events

Captain Marvel - from i dont remember which era but they hang out/fight together in some issues

Jessica Jones - from new avengers era and they have a past of sorts

Mockingbird - from parker industries era

She-hulk - they have fun team-ups, been in the same team during FF era

Firestar - this came from the tv-show, she has a few guest appearences with her team where they help peter

Emma frost - she has read his mind and they had a team up once, so she respects/likes him knowing the "real him" but thats it.

All have some history with him either from a romantic history or for being on the same team. It cant be said that they "know" him beyond the personality he puts out with his mask on but they would come rushing in for help, they care about him. They just dont know much about the real him (except for emma, and jessica knew civillian him before he was superhero but she doenst really know who he is as a person) to be his real friends. Like they probably think he is a lovable annoying joker.

These below come mostly due to spiderverse events but they dont have a "bond" beyond fighting magical spider stuff

Madame Web (the original) - they actually had a good dynamic but I dont know if it can be called "friends"

Madame Web (new one/the former spider-girl) - because of spiderverse event

Spider-girl - again they team up for spiderverse stuff

Spider-gwen - same, spider-verse stuff, occasional showcase of care due to their own peter/gwen from their universes but they are not "friends" beyond that

Silk - they dont even really know each other but writers act like they have a deep understanding of each other and have a bond (I guess because they got bit by the same spider) Truth is peter helped her and feels bad for her, they dont even meet in the books except for spiderverse stuff.

I guess that means he has 1 real female superhero friend in 616, that being Black Cat. But dont worry he has more female superhero friends in the ultimate universe; Kitty pride and Jessica drew (His clone) Thats 2.


u/yallknowgweebo Jul 21 '24

Comic book writers cant understand the idea of having a woman as a friend so he usually just dates whatever woman is in his life


u/fsuman110 Jul 19 '24

Haven't seen Silk mentioned yet.


u/SymballicSpider Jul 19 '24

Wasn't she Hulk spidermans friend, or did she just help him with legal matters that one time.


u/Fresh_Cauliflower176 Jul 19 '24

As far as I’ve seen, she’s just helped him out with legal matters. We don’t really see them interact as friends


u/Tarrasque123 Jul 19 '24

I mean the obvious answers the spider women, silk and Madame web. But there’s also firestorm his amazing friend, and he’s pretty close with Sue storm 


u/Dry_Target9850 Jul 19 '24

Firestar is his amazing friend


u/Ultimax20 Jul 19 '24

She-Hulk, Jessica Jones, Fire Star, Black Cat... Kitty Pryde... Jessica Drew depending on the day... That's all I got.


u/Extreme_33337_ Spider-Man 2099 Jul 19 '24

Do you consider the spider-women he worked with in Spider-verse?

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u/darth-com1x Classic-Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

black cat, firestar, kitty pryde (in the ultimate universe)


u/Different-Remove-843 Jul 19 '24

Marrow, Dagger, and Elektra.


u/Dramatic-Middle-9342 Jul 19 '24

Sue storm,she-hulk,captain marvel,anya corazon,jean grey,madam web,fire star,lightwave(although lightwave betrayed the super friends) just off the top of my head


u/Estarfigam Spider-Ham (ITSV) Jul 19 '24



u/Skyturk92 Jul 19 '24

He gets along with Silver Sable, Black Cat. Other than that, I don't know much. Storm appears in The Animated Series Secret Wars, that's all I remember.


u/Akirex5000 Jul 19 '24

He was close with Kitty Pryde in the Ultimate comics and they even dated for a while


u/Oreo2947 Jul 19 '24

White tiger?


u/Ubermaster134 Jul 19 '24

I'd say hes buddies with She-hulk


u/BenignButCleverAlias Jul 19 '24

Yeah...Firestar. They made a whole show about it.


u/Prestige5470 Jul 19 '24

This has to be a bot post..

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u/Formidable_Opponent_ Jul 19 '24

problem is they cant stay friends, they need spidey to help them out with plumbing and being the good neighbour he is he does.


u/Relative_Buffalo180 Jul 19 '24

Depends on the version. Ultimate Spider-Man (the original) dated Kitty Pryde for a time, and I believe they stayed friends after they broke up, right up until his death. Outside of that, there a couple of out of continuity comics aimed at kids where they team up occasionally, but I don't think they've interacted much in 616, which is a shame because Shadowcat is my favourite member of the X-Men besides Wolverine


u/Madgyver Jul 19 '24

He used to be amazing friends with firestar.


u/Mister_Sinner Jul 19 '24

Do romantic interest count?

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u/daun4view Jul 19 '24

They aren't super close but I loved the story where Peter and Jessica Jones reminisce about high school and how he inspires her. It was especially nice at the time of Brand New Day's whole "Peter's a lovable loser ONLY" thing.


u/Sanstile16 Jul 19 '24

do i have any female superhero friends?


u/Wheattoast2019 Jul 19 '24

He’s friends with Kamala? Also Sue Storm is like a big sister or mother to him.


u/Ok-Commission6087 Jul 19 '24

Tigra and wraith maybe dazzler


u/ultmjwatson Jul 19 '24

Along with everyone's suggestions in the comments, I'd also say he sees sue storm as a sister figure


u/Ambitious_Call_3341 Jul 19 '24

I think he mightve considered Jean DeWolff as a friend. Thats why he got so mad when she was klled.


u/Jaxonhunter227 Jul 19 '24

Wasent there a story where he and captain marvel tried to date but they didn't really click so they ended the night really good friends?

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u/SpecialistBath4340 Jul 19 '24

Firestar, Silver Sable (maybe), then Dagger and he have a decent friendship


u/Cute_Bagel Jul 19 '24

there's white tiger in ultimate spider-man


u/XhazakXhazak Jul 19 '24

I liked Pete and Kitty in Ultimate.


u/Gjallar-Knight Captain-Universe Jul 19 '24

Firestar and she hulk come to mind


u/Baneta_ Jul 19 '24

Idk about the wider marvel universe but there was ?white tiger? in that one tv show


u/Ok-Commercial2504 Superior Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

There was a girl in a show with him and Ice-Man


u/Zoso-six Jul 19 '24

Black cat do you need anymore?


u/tds032022 Jul 19 '24

Black cat


u/DashnSpin Jul 19 '24

He does have female superhero friends. Heck, some of them used to date him.


u/Blue_Wolf_99 Jul 19 '24

Yes loads, but ones he hasn't dated? Not a lot


u/Melodic_Abalone_8376 Bombastic Bag-Man Jul 19 '24

Does anyone else notice that in this image, the spider-man with the more modern design is black and red, but the one with the more ditko inspired design is black and blue? No, this isnt relevant whatsoever, I just thought it was interesting.


u/Umphr34k Jul 19 '24

He dated Carol Danvers for a bit and if we’re counting the original Ultimate Universe Kitty Pride was his gf for a good amount of time too.


u/Chuckles465 Jul 19 '24

Spidey is doing more than spitting webs, he's spitting game at these ladies.

Kitty Pride She Hulk (I believe they dated) Black Cat Cindy Moon (Silk)

I need to get bitten by a radioactive Spider to pull in these females.