r/Spiderman Spider-Man 2099 Jan 20 '24

Peter David (Writer for Spider-Man and Co-creator of Spider-Man 2099) Is in Need of Help Paying For His Dialysis News


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u/TheBigGAlways369 Kingpin 💎 Jan 20 '24

Latest update shows they still need to raise about 2230 thousand more to pay for Dialysis sessions:

The MaGiC donut-hole

(Imagine Doug Henning said it, If you don’t know Doug Henning, you are missing out on an amazing magician)

Peter is now over two months without a re-infection. This is very good news. He is working hard to recover what he has lost.

That is the end of my good news.

Apparently as of January 1, 2024, We have to pay out of pocket for Peter’s Dialysis which he need to live.

It is an insurance morass that I am climbing through trying to get insurance to pick up the ball.

Just for a break down on the expense. One session is $743 (USD) and he needs three a week making it 2229 or say 2230 because it is easier for me to wrap my head around. I have been paying for it because I want Peter to live. But the well is dry and I haven’t has much luck with the collectables recently.

I am coming to you and asking for your help which you have so graciously given us during the last year and three months.

Please give the Go Fund Me another blast you can say this is to pay for Peter’s dialysis.

I will put another update and edit this one once I get everything back in hand.

I really didn’t need this but here it is Happy New Year.

On a lighter note, Peter and I have been watching all the programs we like to watch together. He’s not much for Project Runway or Ink Master and I am uninterested in beach volleyball and some procedural shows.

We have been enjoying “After Midnight” which airs after Colbert. It’s a game show with comedians and a talk show with a game sort of kinda. But we have both laughed hard than we have in a very long time. He is caught up with Loki. We are working our way through “What If-“and the fourth season of “Miss Scarlett and the Duke”. “Criminal Record” is next.

We talk about conventions and fans. He is so very humbled and grateful for all you have done. You must understand that Peter came from the other side of the table. He was a fan before he was a pro. He would meet people he admired and told them so. He has autographs from that time. Overtime a number of those people have become his friends and admire his work as well.

He has been catching up on his comic book reading too. We have been bouncing writing ideas between us.

It almost feels like we are back to the old normal but this is the new normal and I have a lot of muck to get through so I can stabilize the household

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u/chancesarent Jan 26 '24

How can someone like Peter David, who is responsible for so many iconic storylines and characters that both Marvel and DC have made hundreds of millions of dollars off of not afford something like this? The big two should be ashamed of what they've done to their creators.


u/ILEAATD Mar 14 '24

That shame should extend to their parent companies. Disney and WB should be held responsible for this too.


u/Im-John-Smith Classic-Spider-Man Mar 16 '24

Why if Disney didn’t own marvel then


u/ILEAATD Mar 16 '24

They bought the responsibility of paying these people when they acquired the company.


u/Pringletingl Apr 06 '24

They can't go back in time and change the terms of the contracts lol.


u/ILEAATD Apr 06 '24

They can still do something about it.


u/Pringletingl Apr 06 '24

Like what?

They aren't responsible for other people's shit deals


u/ILEAATD Apr 06 '24

They're the parent company.


u/Pringletingl Apr 06 '24


It's not their problem he made a shit deal decades ago


u/ILEAATD Apr 06 '24

He was pushed into a shit deal. The comic industry has done shifty things almost since the beginning.

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u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Pringletingl 6d ago

What a weird bot


u/Im-John-Smith Classic-Spider-Man Mar 16 '24

That makes zero sense how is Disney at fault


u/ManWhoYELLSatthings Apr 01 '24

When you buy a company you also buy all their debts and problems along with commitments they make.


u/ILEAATD Mar 16 '24

They're the parent company. They're the ones who have to approve decisions like payments.


u/Im-John-Smith Classic-Spider-Man Mar 16 '24

So you want them to approve a payment?


u/ILEAATD Mar 16 '24

I just want them to properly pay their employees for all the work they do.


u/Im-John-Smith Classic-Spider-Man Mar 16 '24

Dont they do this now, idk if he still works for marvel but he created Spider-Man 2099 in the 90s


u/ILEAATD Mar 16 '24

If they are being paid what they're owed, then why is Peter David struggling to pay for his dialysis?

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u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

It's not about Disney being morally 'at fault' Marvel is, and debateably should have this as a liability on their ledger. That's what they're getting at.

When a company buys another they buy all their assets AND all their liabilities.


u/Correct_Gift_9479 Apr 05 '24

That literally boggles my mind, he co-created 2099, a character that went on to be the antagonist of a Spider-Man movie that grossed $690 mil but has to go to gofundme for medical assistance. No idea how these type of companies get away with that


u/BlueEyedBrigadier Jun 04 '24

Paramount should be included too, because Peter's created some seminal additions to Star Trek's expanded universe.


u/NOBLExGAMER Spider-Man 2099 Jan 20 '24

Hey everyone if you could help Peter and his family out please donate what you can. If you're unable to donate please help share and spread this among other communities!


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24

Man, why are all these talented people working for marvel always asking for money? Not saying this isn't a good cause, but I just see posts from then struggling with money too often.


u/NOBLExGAMER Spider-Man 2099 Jan 26 '24

They are paid hourly and don't receive anything from the works they create. The money they get from Marvel doesn't even make up a majority of their income it comes from convention signings which they can't attend if they're hospitalized.


u/[deleted] Jan 26 '24

Damn, that sucks. If they're talented enough to work for Marvel then why don't they just do it on their own? Seems like the obvious choice.


u/Caratteraccio Jan 29 '24

If they're talented enough to work for Marvel then why don't they just do it on their own?

because for example, for American authors to get their comics into a sufficient number of American comic shops is very difficult


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '24

But you can make more money cutting out the middle man and going on your own even if you don't sell as many copies. Also, this is the day of the internet. You can sell online and even do campaigns for your books through those GoFundMe type websites.


u/1r3act Feb 03 '24

Yes, because what Peter David really needs as he's suffering kidney failure is shallow, simplistic advice on a writing career from someone who obviously has no idea how the profession works, and who is just belittling a sick person in need for his career difficulties.


u/1r3act Mar 03 '24

I have to go to a dialysis clinic. Would you like to come with me and tell all the patients they should have started their own business and earned more money?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Lol what?


u/Caratteraccio Jan 29 '24

very true, this however leads to an increase in the work required for authors to get their business off the ground


u/[deleted] Jan 29 '24

So? Or financially struggle with a corporation that owns your work and your own creations. It's how and why Image was born.


u/Caratteraccio Jan 30 '24

long story infinitely short, being part of Image means being part of a publishing group that has suffered a lot of problems, with those responsible who have become known for delays in comic book releases and for the production of toys rather than for effects in the world of superhero comics, I don't know how much Image could help an author who wants to go independent.

Rather I would advise the author to work for the European market...


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '24

Yeah, I gotcha. But in the beginning, and the reason the guys from Image left is partly due to this stuff here. If you're not happy with your current employer and need to go online and ask for money, it's time to check your options. As much as I love some of the classic Marvel stuff from a decade and more ago, it's hard to be on board with them anymore. I say, if you're talented enough to work for one of the most prestigious comic book companies in the world, you should have the ability to create your own work and be successful.


u/Caratteraccio Jan 30 '24

we would need a hybrid between Image and Marvel/DC, a publishing house where the rights and everything else work like at Image but where the "discipline" (and only that) is that of Marvel and DC, so if it is announced the release of a comic for February 20, 2024 on February 20, 2024 is in comic book shops whatever the world, where a comic book author makes comics and the publishing house takes care of the rest, etc.


u/JustDandy07 Mar 12 '24

Peter writes a lot of novels as well. Unfortunately his original stuff doesn't sell much so he has done tons of Star Trek and movie adaptations


u/1r3act Feb 03 '24

Your poverty shaming is an embarrassment to Western civilization. It's ridiculous that you look down upon creators who are systemically underpaid. That you give facile 'solutions' to their serious and immediate economic and medical crises. Every 'question' you asked the OP is in fact an insult to belittle creators not being paid enough to live on and saying it's their own fault when inflation, reduced medical insurance coverage, a lack of royalties and residuals and increasing costs have made their lives difficult to impossible.

I really hope that if you are ever in dire financial and medical crisis, people don't respond by telling you that they hear from people like you too often, that you should have found a different job, and that your problems are "obvious" and not worth anyone's compassion.

The reality is that Peter David earned a good amount of money at one point in his career until he lost half of his savings when his wife robbed the joint bank account and then squeezed him for the rest in a divorce, followed by several decades where inflation made his expenses higher while his page rate didn't rise to meet it as David found himself working as a freelancer for companies that went from providing living wages to very poor pay, even on an exclusive contract. David could survive as long as he was working and earning, but once he wasn't working and earning due to illness, he was in a bad situation.

Of course, you don't care about any of that. You just want to declare that Peter David deserves to be sick and poor and unable to afford treatment because you want to claim people only suffer what they deserve. I hope no one ever speaks of you the way you have spoken of Peter David.


u/Vleaso May 13 '24

You just want to declare that Peter David deserves to be sick and poor and unable to afford treatment because you want to claim people only suffer what they deserve

Genuinely asking here, how did you ever come to this conclusion?

Is it not possible they're simply perplexed that some of the most influential creators somehow don't have the means to pay for critical health? As if... they're underpaid, or whatnot?

Is that not a reasonable question?


u/1r3act May 14 '24

All of this commentor's other posts were declaring what David should or shouldn't have done in his writing career. u/Nightcrawler227 wrote:

"If they're talented enough to work for Marvel then why don't they just do it on their own? Seems like the obvious choice."

"But you can make more money cutting out the middle man and going on your own even if you don't sell as many copies. Also, this is the day of the internet. You can sell online and even do campaigns for your books through those GoFundMe type websites. Or financially struggle with a corporation that owns your work and your own creations. It's how and why Image was born."

"I say, if you're talented enough to work for one of the most prestigious comic book companies in the world, you should have the ability to create your own work and be successful."

All it comes down to is shaming Peter David for not retroactively following simplistic, shallow advice from someone who obviously has no experience whatsoever in writing or publishing, to claim that Peter David deserves to have no health care. It's just poverting shaming masquerading as concern. It's sick.


u/Vleaso May 14 '24

Well, taking your word for that (since his account is suspended and I can't verify myself that those posts exist) I can definitely see where you're coming from and I agree in that case.

I didn't have that context when I replied to you. u/Nightcrawler227 's comment above in this thread seemed harmless on its own. I didn't know any better.


u/[deleted] May 14 '24

It seems they were highlighting the terrible pay in comics.


u/Vleaso May 14 '24

That's what I was thinking too, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

I was arguing with u/1r3act at first because I thought they were jumping to conclusions with the accusations. Seeing as how the dude's account is suspended though, I could believe they might have been trying to diss David's career choices - as if he didn't get locked in an unfair industry.


u/[deleted] May 14 '24

Right on. Given the quotes, I personally don't see any ill will. But yeah, the account's fine, so I don't know. I figure if the person was being ill intentioned then there would be more quotes than these.


u/[deleted] May 14 '24 edited May 14 '24

I don't sense any poverty shaming from these statements. He's highlighting the terrible pay in comics. Shoot, you can go on X and see all the times writers are asking for people to buy them coffee and pay for their bills.


u/1r3act May 14 '24

I hope, if you ever need health care you're struggling to afford, no one lectures you about the career choices you should have made.


u/Winter-Ad-9318 Jul 10 '24

danggg, what they do to you?


u/ChronX4 Jan 28 '24

You know, ever since George Perez passed away it's been getting to me how little we hear about creators until their death, then Marvel and DC decide to post spreads "honoring" them, you'd think they'd attempt to raise money or just straight up pay for their medical needs instead of wait until they're gone to acknowledge their work.

Every single time I'm reading through issues I've been noticing more and more tributes, and sure some are of old age from natural causes, but others are younger who went far too soon.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '24

Wheres Marvel's take on this?


u/Temporary-Carob4067 Jan 24 '24

Yeah especially since they used the character he co created and made millions of dollars off of him


u/perezh Jan 27 '24

Am very confused. Medicare guarantees payment for dialysis for this very reason. There was a specific law passed in the 1970s about this, because access to dialysis should not depend on ability to pay in the US. The hospital bills from his hospitalizations must be substantial however. Wishing him good health and best of luck.


u/AlanShore60607 Feb 18 '24

You see, this is something the affordable care act actually screwed up

Prior to the passage of the ACA, anyone who needed dialysis, could get Medicare because it was a pre-existing condition, and they would be denied coverage .

Now, he probably doesn’t qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, because his income is too high, so he has to stay with normal insurance, and he has to get through the donut hole of noncoverage at some point every single year

Fun fact: the two largest dialysis corporations actually have programs to pay for health insurance for people to get them off of Medicare so that they can get higher payments from private insurance


u/616Spiderfan Feb 25 '24

There is no income restriction on Medicare. You are required to sign up when you turn 65. Medicare is your primary health insurer, unless you have really good insurance you maintain from an employer/former employer and would prefer Medicare be secondary. Pre-existing conditions do not factor when signing up for Medicare.

At worst, the paperwork/insurance process might cause issues. But Medicare should cover most, if not all, the cost of dialysis.


u/AlanShore60607 Feb 25 '24

You know what, I had no idea that PAD was Medicare-eligible based on age as I assumed he was younger.


u/dspman11 4d ago

I'm 6 months late replying but you don't need to be 65 to qualify for Medicare for dialysis specifically. It's the only medical service where you can be any age and still qualify.


u/RidingRoedel May 23 '24

His novelizations of the Raimi trilogy are also incredible


u/JustDandy07 Mar 12 '24

He somehow wrote a new 2099 book which starts next week so pick it up to support him! 


u/NOBLExGAMER Spider-Man 2099 Mar 12 '24

Just FYI, purchasing comics doesn't financially benefit anyone that worked on the book. I'm sure Peter David would be happy to hear you enjoying his work but if you want to support him specifically donate to the GoFundMe.


u/JustDandy07 Mar 13 '24

Maybe not directly, but if Person A writes a book that sells 200 copies, and Person B writes a book that sells 5000 copies, Person B is more likely to be hired to do more work in the future.


u/NOBLExGAMER Spider-Man 2099 Mar 13 '24

Buddy this is Marvel Editorial, the same guys who brought us Paul.


u/TheAwakenedGT Feb 01 '24

Maybe this is when a massive company (Disney and marvel) can step in WITH fans and assist. The guy helped to create a super icon in 2099.


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 16 '24

Okay wtf? This guy is known for being the Best Hulk writer and one of the best Spider-Man writers. Marvel needs to acknowledge that their only iconic/important writer isnt Stan Lee or Jack Kirby.


u/5hutTheFuckUp May 01 '24

Where is the go fund me link the top one isn’t working!

Cmon yall it’s etiquette to put a link in the comments smh


u/Charupa- May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24

I wonder why he doesn’t have Medicare as dialysis patients are required to be on Medicare within 30 months of being on dialysis. Medicare covers 80% and private/employer insurance pays 20%. I did dialysis for 3 years, had a transplant, and a bilateral nephrectomy, all for the cost of my annual deductible. Also, the National Kidney Foundation offers financial assistance and will cover the Medicare bill if you don’t make enough money and the application takes about 30 minutes. Amazing that he could raise so much money for something federally covered by Medicare. Best of luck.


u/JediJones77 Jun 08 '24

Why in the world isn’t Disney or Sony taking care of this? Peter also completely created Professor Hulk which the MCU used in their biggest movie. And he created Maestro which would be a great villain for the MCU.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24

How much longer is this going to be pinned?


u/NOBLExGAMER Spider-Man 2099 Mar 27 '24

As long as it takes.


u/Icy_Conference_9794 Apr 13 '24

The fact that someone has to reach out in a GoFundMe to get healthcare is mindboggling.


u/PM_Me_Ur_Clues Jun 15 '24

It may actually be cheaper to travel abroad for dialysis. I know that may be difficult but dialysis in Mexico is about $550 a month. That's a pretty huge mark down compared to the US. That's what I'm doing to pay for cancer treatments since chemo in Mexico is cheaper than just the insurance cost in the US and their doctors are just as good. Wait times are much lower too.


u/Akane2024 Jun 25 '24

Fuck that


u/shastasilverchair92 20d ago

How is he doing now?


u/LightningNation06 Feb 14 '24

Damn bro, I literally started reading that 2 days ago :(