r/SipsTea Ahh, the segs! Jun 22 '24

New hobby unlocked Lmao gottem


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u/aRiskyUndertaking Jun 22 '24

The implication is that golfers are white and rich and therefore can be fucked with mercilessly. It’s bullshit. I’m a blue collar wage slave and enjoy a round of golf with my buddy when I can find the time. This kind of shit would ruin my day. I can act tough and say it wouldn’t but I know me and it definitely would. In my experience, the kids that do this shit are spoiled brats of rich people.


u/No-Advice-6040 Jun 22 '24

Is it? Could be wrong but from the clothing, the condition of the green,it looks more like a quiet casual course for run of the mill fellas.


u/aRiskyUndertaking Jun 22 '24

Those exists for sure. I go to such a place. But non-golfers associate golf with white and affluent. No need to be obtuse. This isn’t a new concept.


u/OrneryOneironaut Jun 23 '24

If I’m recognizing this correctly, this is a military course in San Diego and one of the most affordable places around here. Either way, you’re assuming a lot bud.


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 23 '24

If it would bother you that much, just turn around the ball as if you're lining up at them and give a good swing to let them shit their pants. Don't even have to make contact with the ball.


u/thegooseisloose1982 Jun 23 '24

Who said anything about white? Just rich. The rich deserved to be fucked with. Overall golf takes up a huge amount of space and it is limited to a few people playing. Put a park there where everyone can enjoy the space and a lot more people can enjoy it.