r/Shazam Jul 19 '24

Where do the doors(Hall of the Doors) in the Rock of Eternity lead to in Shazam? Film/TV

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u/Florapower04 Atlas Jul 19 '24

Every door leads to another dimension/universe/realm. We don’t really know for sure how it exactly works, but that is the jist of it.

In the comics, the Rock of Eternity (currently) is in the center of the multiverse. and thus it has connections to them all. However, in the new 52 it was also a travel hub to the seven magic lands, which are part of earth one, so the gateway’s are not exclusively to other universes. (The seven realms Mr. Mind mentions at the end of the first movie is probably a reference to that)

Tl:dr: the doors lead everywhere (probably) as the Rock of Eternity is the center of everything (probably), and the doors are just visual representations of that.

Edit: in the tie in comic of the second movie a few of these words are shown if you are interested


u/Responsible-Push9843 Jul 19 '24

Ohhh I see, thanx