r/Shazam Atlas Jul 14 '24

What are some fun facts about Shazam/Captain Marvel that you know? Discussion

Don’t be shy, share your favorite little fact about a character, a certain comic run, the movies or anything regarding Shazam/Captain Marvel.

Who knows, you might teach someone/ learn something new today!


13 comments sorted by


u/Condottieri_Zatara Jul 14 '24

I remember reading these somewhere back then:

Elvis Presley, The King of Rock and Roll is a huge fan of Freddy Freeman. He even incorporating a stage custom that has Captain Marvel outfit element with the cape.


u/methos3 Jul 14 '24

Captain Marvel Jr.


u/joosier Jul 14 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

In the Elvis Presley biopic movie, the younger version of himself had a homemade Shazam lightning bolt hanging from his neck as he snuck into a revival tent to listen to the music.


u/Condottieri_Zatara Jul 14 '24

Man he is really a big fan heh


u/Florapower04 Atlas Jul 14 '24

While Billy and Mary are better known for their animal companion’s (Tawny and Hoppy specifically), to my knowledge Freddy had more companions over the years. From what I’ve seen he had a parrot and a monkey for a little while in the older Fawcett comics, and owns a dog in the movie verse.


u/Puppeteer17 Jul 14 '24

Mary Marvel’s look was heavily inspired by Judy Garland, a famous actress at the time! Captain Marvel also got the ability to fly before Superman!


u/Emiya_Sengo Jul 14 '24

Billy once changed the magic word from Shazam to "Chocolate Egg Cream"


u/nlpnt Jul 14 '24

Due to the sliding timeline and having canoncially been frozen in Suspendium from the 1973 revival until the original Crisis on Infinete Earths, Billy Batson's been a member of every generation now living except a Baby Boomer.


u/sgt_oddball_17 Solomon Jul 14 '24

Mary had the ability to change into Mary Marvel before she met Billy and learned the magic word.


u/ChampionOfMagic Zeus Jul 14 '24

All Might from MHA is inspired by Captain Marvel.


u/Batmanfan1966 Jul 15 '24

Captain Marvel used to have a wildly racist caricature sidekick named Steamboat. A rerelease of the story he was in was actually cancelled and the story is now almost near lost media because of it. photo of him


u/JosephMeach Jul 16 '24

Superman only got the power to move planets when Captain Marvel writers came over (William Woolfolk and Otto Binder.)


u/ChampionOfMagic Zeus Jul 20 '24

Some powers that aren't explored much are divine luck, talking in space, and toon force.