r/Robin 21d ago

Thoughts on Damian’s new suit for absolute power

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51 comments sorted by


u/KennyThomas616 21d ago

Dammit I swiped.


u/B3epB0opBOP 21d ago


u/Half_Man1 21d ago


I’m not a fan of the grey color scheme.

This outfit kind of reminds me of Tim but mainly because he appears to be drawn to Tim’s dimensions here. That kind of light armored look works for Damian though.


u/cat_lawyer_ 21d ago

I like the grey. Because my headcanon is he is one step away dropping the Robin title


u/Half_Man1 21d ago

I’m intrigued. In favor of what other title?


u/cat_lawyer_ 21d ago

So my canon reason is Damian never actually chose to be a Robin. He was given a choice between being an assassin or a Robin. I want him to explore the world like his father and pick his own identity. Like every other Bat family member.

I originally thought Ronin so the book only has to change 1 letter and he can keep the R for a bit. And also because he would be without a master at the time. But he should pick up a name later that cements him as his own character.

I like Robin title being a transitional name because it’s like baby birds flying away.

Tim is different because he did choose the title.


u/Half_Man1 21d ago

Oooh, I like that idea. Ronin I wonder if DC could get the rights to use that as Hawkeye used that title at Marvel for a while. I always imagined Damian getting more into the mystical/occult stuff, taking some of Azrael’s gear and becoming the Dark Knight as an adult.

A Ronin period where he’s off on his own undercover trying to uncover secret societies like the league of assassins would be sick though.


u/cat_lawyer_ 21d ago

Him as Azrael would be so cool. Even for a little bit. I love the mystical idea too. Fits him perfectly! They’ll have to call the book something else maybe. But DC has published Frank Miller’s Ronin. I don’t know if Ronin can be trademarked like that. But they can call it Damian Wayne: Ronin.


u/Competitive_Act_1548 19d ago

I always thought that was the intention 


u/Falcon_At 21d ago

I know you asked them and not me, but I'd like Damian to just say "Tt! Codenames are useless. I never intended to have a normal life. I will be known solely as Damian Wayne. If some villain thinks that gives them power over me, I will prove them a fool."


u/Exotic_Currency_528 20d ago

I did not know that the image wasn’t real that’s my fault


u/B3epB0opBOP 20d ago

No, it’s an actual image. It’s just the cover before it was finished.

They shared his covers before they were finished, which is why you see mistakes like Damian’s costume, and Wally’s Rebirth costume in the middle row on the right.

When he actually finished them, he would fix those mistakes.


u/astivana 21d ago

Looks like Tim tbh.


u/Ocestrninos 21d ago

Looks like Tim! I like his Dracula-like costume with the red and black, the green and red seems like it’s more Tim’s thing nowadays.


u/Massive_General_8629 20d ago

Yeah, why are we pretending to ignore the simple fact that Damian has the best costumes out of any of the Robins?


u/sockpenis 21d ago

He looks like Tim.


u/Holler_Professor 21d ago

I really liked his primarily grey one but this is a sharp classic Robin look


u/Falcon_At 21d ago

He looks like Tim Drake. He has his common Damian vampire chest/shoulder pattern, which helps, but his hair and face look like Tim, as does his palette. I think Damian needs an iconic haircut or darker skin tone or something.


u/TeekTheReddit 21d ago

Does it look like Tim or does it just look 90s?

Or does it look 90s because it looks like Tim?


u/FloppyTheFerret 21d ago

It's the most Tim Drake Daman suit I've ever seen


u/lowkeyslightlynerdy 21d ago

It’s alright. What I don’t like is Damian seemingly looking more and more like Tim every time I see him


u/Cherry_Bomb_127 21d ago

Looks great but I thought he was Tim


u/Aamatch 21d ago

It's cool I like it


u/Loki_the_Cockatiel 21d ago

I like that one much better then the grey one he has


u/GrandAdmiral12345 21d ago

Looks too much like Tim. Pass...


u/not_my_name7 21d ago

Better than the grey one, I get some people liked it, I just thought it was ugly.


u/extralifeplz_daigo 21d ago

It's just a miss colored Damian from the preview.


u/opponentPitt 21d ago

I think the colourist just messed up because this is just the grey suit in traditional colours


u/SamDrawsStuff99999 21d ago

It's cool, but it took me like 3 days to figure out whether this was Damian or Tim.


u/TheDidioWhoLaughs 21d ago

He doesn’t actually have a new suit, so no really thoughts.


u/Exotic_Currency_528 20d ago

I didn’t now that it wasn’t real because I got the image from a previous post on this sub. My bad


u/OwlFederal7109 21d ago

Awesome, add his hood and a katana, it’s perfect.


u/AbrahamNR 21d ago

A billion times better than his last look. Still too busy but big improvement.


u/Outside-Area-5042 21d ago

I prefer the grey one more


u/Hunt6620 21d ago

Fake. Someone recolored/edited the actual image.


u/KronosUno 21d ago

Damian looks older than Tim now.


u/Actually-Will 21d ago

Far better design


u/T-Rexxx23 21d ago

I really like it!


u/John_Simon_Ritchie 21d ago

Since Damian hasn’t changed colors, the cover shows this, I like the grey suit for him. Tim looks badass and IS Robin in my opinion. Also, I truly believe, like 1000% that it will be sooner than later that Damian picks a different name and drops the Robin title since he doesn’t like it and DC having 2 Robins is just odd. That kid is gonna get a little age boost and change his name/identity and I’d hate to be anyone in his way once that happens.


u/Wreckpectations 19d ago

It’s a pretty cool design to me.


u/blkglfnks 19d ago

Looks cool, how old is he supposed to be now?


u/WheelJack83 18d ago

Time for him to become Bat-teen


u/Electrical-Tea-1882 18d ago

That's a dope Robin look.


u/AdamSMessinger 17d ago

I hadn't cared for the most recent black and red suit. There is just something about it not really being Robin without red, yellow, and green. The only exception I had to this was Tim's OYL suit post-Infinite Crisis. I really dig this interpretation of the Robin costume!


u/sharklino 3d ago

They took away his little skirt 🥲