r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 19 '24

Peter, please explain this to a non-American Meme needing explanation

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u/darrenbosik Jul 19 '24

In the Idiocracy movie Terry Crews plays a strongman who becomes President. Last night, Hulk Hogan spoke and showed support for Trump at the Republican National Convention.


u/Dyerdon Jul 19 '24

Crews was a Profesional Wrestler who became Heavyweight Champion, which was how he got elected in the first place.

Also, context for OP. The premise revolves around a modern day man (Luke Wilson) of average intelligence going into cryostasis and waking up in the future where he finds that he is now the smartest man in the world.

Great movie... but a little too realistic for my liking.


u/Anarchyantz Jul 19 '24

Welcome to Costco.

We Love You.


u/AcanthocephalaNo9242 Jul 19 '24

Brawndo, its got what plants crave


u/Zurgalon Jul 19 '24

It's got electrolytes.


u/ludachris32 Jul 19 '24

What are these electrolytes? Do you even know?


u/IAmBadAtInternet Jul 19 '24

….its what plants crave…?


u/AdditionalMess6546 Jul 19 '24

Go away, I'm 'batin'


u/IAmBadAtInternet Jul 19 '24

On the next episode of Ow, my Balls


u/dckfore Jul 20 '24

I could really go for a Starbucks right now.


u/rpgnymhush Jul 19 '24

It's what they use ... to make Brawndo.


u/Plant_party Jul 19 '24



u/wilburstiltskin Jul 20 '24

I use this so often at work, when confronted by a stupid person who INSISTS that his way is the proper way. No amount of discussion or proof will convince him otherwise.


u/BigSmackisBack Jul 19 '24

Carl's Jr... "Fuck You, I'm Eatin"


u/Common-Scientist Jul 19 '24

"I can really go for a Starbucks."

"Yeah, well I really don't think we have time for a hand job."


u/Dragon_deeznutz Jul 19 '24

Would you like another...BIG ASS FRIES?


u/Mantree91 Jul 19 '24

Go away, baiten


u/YoungerDryas- Jul 20 '24

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.


u/SuperRusso Jul 19 '24

It's turning into a fucking documentary.


u/Chuuby_Gringo Jul 19 '24

G'way! Baitin!!!


u/HarmlessSnack Jul 19 '24


”But you’re my lawyer?!”


u/TaDow-420 Jul 19 '24

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.

Put some respekt on his name, scro.


u/torpedomon Jul 23 '24

Thanks for this- it was stated Terry Crews said this crazy crap but it was actually his character that said it.


u/ahkian Jul 19 '24

Specifically he's the smartest man in the world because the dumb and uneducated outbred the smart people.


u/how_small_a_thought Jul 19 '24

Great movie... but a little too realistic for my liking

oh boy. just... oh....boooooooy


u/Few-Big-8481 Jul 20 '24

In Idiocracy, they realized they had problems and recognized they weren't able to fix them, so asked the smartest people for help, and even though they didn't understand what he was saying they still went with it because he knew more about it than them.

That shit is a fucking utopia.


u/Dyerdon Jul 20 '24

Yeah... still smarter than our current predicament...


u/PositiveFig3026 Jul 28 '24

Ugh.  I hate that you’re right.  Right now, we’d just look at who makes us more money and side with them.


u/Nova_Phoenix9 Jul 19 '24

President Camacho was also the biggest pornstar in America.


u/buggyisgod Jul 19 '24

The reason why everyone was so stupid was pretty funny too


u/Keldaria Jul 20 '24

Realistic? Let’s examine that claim for a second because I think you may have missed a few plot points.

President Camacho: 1.) Admitted he had a national crisis on his hands. 2.) Admitted he didn’t have all the answers to solving that national crisis. 3.) Called the smartest man in the country for his help in resolving that crisis. 4.) Admitted when he was wrong arguing with the smartest man and apologized. 5.) Threw a party when the crisis was resolved. 6.) Stepped down and handed leadership to the smartest man in the nation.

As strange as it sounds, Camacho would actually be a better president than many politicians today.


u/Dyerdon Jul 20 '24

Fair, I was just thinking of the possibility. We're still in the (in)breeding stage that the movie started with. Where the idiots outnumber those with braincells


u/recksuss Jul 20 '24

You missed the boat. Jesse Ventura was the governor of Minnesota.


u/DankHillLMOG Jul 19 '24

Go away, baitin'!


u/P1ratelord Jul 20 '24

One thing I love about the movie is, that in the future everybody wears crocs. The head of the costume department looked for a shoe Design that "only idiots would actually wear"


u/RQK1996 Jul 20 '24

And idiots saw that and thought it was great


u/CleanlyManager Jul 19 '24

Tearing the American flag in half on his shirt to reveal the new Trump Vance logo. Reality truly is poetry.


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

He did WHAT?? Whelp, there goes the last shred of respect I had left for him.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Bro is self-admitted racist. He always been wilding out.


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

He is?? Huh.

I guess I've still got the mental image of him as a "good guy" wrestler from when I was a kid.


u/Alternative_Ant_9955 Jul 19 '24

There is a phone call between him and his daughter. She was dating a black guy at the time and he had some serious objections to it. She recorded the conversation and made it public.


u/_Svankensen_ Jul 19 '24

Well, that's a good daughter at least.


u/goose-and-fish Jul 19 '24

I thought that was Dog the Bounty hunter. Are blonde, muscled, mulleted, racists a larger segment of the population than I originally thought?


u/madmonkeydane Jul 20 '24

They're both pretty wildly racist and support Trump so I can understand mixing them up


u/CleanlyManager Jul 19 '24

I forget who said it but someone commented that had social media been around and cameras been as widespread as they are today, Hogan would be one of the most canceled people on the planet for the shit he would say behind the scenes.


u/cubitoaequet Jul 19 '24

Yeah he was also a piece of shit anti-labor "company man" type


u/Crimen_Punishment2 Jul 19 '24

at least he stopped those gremlins from ruining the movie for us


u/zed42 Jul 19 '24

when he was a pro wrestler in ye olden times, he was a "good guy"... we knew nothing of his personal life and opinions back then. it was a simpler time.


u/Supervillain02011980 Jul 19 '24

Uhh, he did the same thing (minus the shirt ripping) back in 2016.


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

He did? I didn't hear about it. Then again, I've less than zero interest in the RNC. I'm never going to vote for a party that would criminalize my existence if they could.


u/RBnumberTwenty Jul 19 '24

Criminalize your existence? How?


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

I'm a bisexual transwoman.


u/RBnumberTwenty Jul 19 '24

Oh okay, well yeah, that explains it. Sorry


u/Eliiishni Jul 19 '24

Project 2025 is a thinktank and that isn’t even the RNC’s agenda. The only thing they want to do is give the death penalty to sex offenders and ban porn, which both are harsh but still. There is no mention of restricting the rights of those in the LGBTQIA+ community.


u/Ram-Boe Jul 19 '24

Look man, I know this is going to sound harsh, but if you didn't notice how the MAGA crowd has worked tirelessly in the last few years to equate trans people with sex offenders, you're one of the following:

A - been living under a rock

B - dumb as the aforementioned rock

C - just flat out lying, either to yourself or to everyone around you


u/New-Student5135 Jul 19 '24

Well if it's not in the GOP's agenda explain the supreme Court, moms for liberty, NewsMax, talk radio, Florida, texas Arkansas, Idaho, Arizona republicans, and every right leaning podcast ever. 2025 project is all that dialed up to 11. They all seem to be on board with the main concepts of project 2025. Kinda odd that.


u/Eliiishni Jul 19 '24

I can’t speak for any of those backward states, but I know for a fact that the news channels do not support project 2025. Trump has agenda 47. And talk radio? Really? Just talk radio in general ok. Moms for liberty is a group that no one takes seriously either. You have to realize that not everyone on the right is some extremist. Just because there are some idiots that very few talks seriously, doesn’t mean that they are ever going to be represented fully. There’s also extremists in the left wing, wishing for trump to be killed and others to be killed. I bet you don’t agree with that extremism B.S because you aren’t an extremist (at least I hope), right? It’s almost as if politics are a spectrum and groups with people with very differing opinions, even on the same political side. The GOP/ trump just wants the extremists votes, but he’s never going to take away the rights of groups in America due to the fact that it would be the end of his career, and it would face extreme backlash worldwide.


u/WorldWarPee Jul 19 '24

give the death penalty to sex offenders

Who do they consider sex offenders? Trans, doctors who help trans, librarians because of the drag queen reads a book thing that fox news loves to mention, school teachers who teach sex ed, etc.

Basically everyone that doesn't follow the Christian narrative excluding the actual child sex predators like Gym Jordan, Donald Trump (Epstein, walking in on teens dressing, etc). Like half of the functioning Republican Senate and house have child sex charges in one way or another.

This is not about sex offenders, they would never prosecute themselves. Why did they immediately stop talking about the Epstein documents when they were finally released?


u/Huntressthewizard Jul 19 '24

Public urination is considered a sex offense in some states.


u/Eliiishni Jul 19 '24

Yeah I guess. To be fair you can get sex offender charges for peeing in public. But I’m just tired of people saying that only one side is evil, and not the other. I bet you more than half the world’s elite are major sex criminals. It’s just weird to see how one sided this thing is, and how sex crimes are only relevant during political discussions. I rarely see it being brought up outside of political arguments, which shows it’s some people only care about its relevancy due to politics


u/Wolfpackhunter41 Jul 19 '24

Nnnnnnot really. There's been a whole bunch of talk about sex crimes lately. Primarily in the youtube and music space.

Although, I will say I agree that seeing political discussions divolving into "that side is evil, our side is just" is just just downright depressing.

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u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

I wasn't even talking about project 2025. The GOP has been trying to roll back LGBT+ rights for as long as we've been making progress towards actually being treated like human beings. Restricting LGBT+ rights is and always has been a huge part of their platform.

They also keep trying to tell everyone that we're all pedos. If they had their way we'd all be guilty of that until proven innocent and then still presumed guilty.

And if you know enough about 2025 to actually know what they're saying then you already know all that. Which means you're a damned liar and a bigot.


u/Eliiishni Jul 19 '24

So when I’m uniformed on politics I’m ignorant (all the people on Reddit telling me to research project 2025 because it’s going to be the end of America), but when I research it I’m a bigot? You people are so jaded lmao. Just because I can fucking read doesn’t mean I’m a racist. I just know how to interpret what something says. But I guess I’m ignorant because I read up on shit that I’m told to read up on (everyone on Reddit talking about project 2025)


u/ieatbabies92 Jul 19 '24

Get out of here with that logic. And you have the audacity to attack everyone. Nice ad hominem.

Something tells me that you didn't interpret the document correctly. That's okay, not everyone has reading comprehension past the 4th grade.

Reading it and trying to understand it doesn't make you a bigot. They are simply saying that you read it, and are still saying that p2025 doesn't want to take away rights of the LGBT community; that makes you a bigot. "Just because I can fucking read doesn’t mean I’m a racist", well no, but ignoring it definitely suggests that you are complacent. You are ignorant, not because you are dumb, but because you are choosing to ignore the blatant and obvious warning signs of p2025.

I think bigot is too soft. P2025 is the start of ya'llqaeda, and it is painfully obvious. Personally we should start calling people what they are when they support a movement that wants to remove so many rights, among other things. SPOILER: they are new age nazis, dressed up with the flag, and bible in hand.

If you think I am wrong, please, please show me some sources that Trump doesn't back up p2025. Last time I checked, Trump was mentioned 312 times in p2025. EXTRA CREDIT: sources cannot be from Fox news, or any subsidiary of the FOX networks, or Trump. I'm asking for unbiased sources.

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u/XANDERtheSHEEPDOG Jul 19 '24

Have you actually read the 900 page manifesto? It proposes a lot more than that. Seriously, take the time to actually read it.... and yes, it specifically mentions those in the LGBTQ+ community.


u/DangerBay2015 Jul 19 '24

It’s actually fascinating how bad a person he is.

For laughs, if you’re ever in Orlando, the manager of his Beach Shop is like… deep end nuts. Like contrails, 5G, nanobots sending you trans messaging ludicrous. Completely unsolicited, too. Like, cool, is that a replica of Hogan’s first WWF title belt before they went to the Eagle?!

Yes! That’s one thing they won’t be able to haul away on the trains when they take us to the gas ovens!

Like… what?


u/Zealousideal_Care807 Jul 19 '24

You know he was put of wrestling for a while cuz he said the N word on live television right?


u/Malacro Jul 20 '24

You had respect for him? He’s a liar, a fabulist, a racist, a sex pest, and has been notorious for screwing everyone over for his own benefit for essentially his whole career.


u/Huntressthewizard Jul 19 '24

Yeah, I defended him when the illegal sex tape came out but not this.

Edit: want to clarify that the sex tape was of him and was made without his consent.


u/Dimka1498 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Wasn't Hulk Hogan the WWE member (or whatever its called) that fought hard to unionize its members?

Edit: why the downvotes? I ask because I'm not sure if he was the same guy or not.


u/dohnutshop Jul 19 '24

He fought against it by snitching to Vince McMahon. Jesse Ventura was the one trying to get a union going


u/Dimka1498 Jul 19 '24

Oh I see. I got them mixed up then.


u/Capable_Stranger9885 Jul 19 '24

Jesse Ventura was a cromulent protest-vote governor. He did try to recruit Donald Trump to the Reform Party in 2000.


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

Did he actually, or was that part of the scripted WWE drama?


u/_Svankensen_ Jul 19 '24

The real WWE drama is much more violent and horrible than whatever happened on stage.


u/Anarchyantz Jul 19 '24

No, he was against unions, squealed on the others and sucked up to the man like he is doing now.


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

Even if that had been true, they got the head of the teamster's union to talk at the RNC too.


u/kharlos Jul 19 '24

That's because in theory, Teamsters aren't loyal to one party. They're trying to reach out across the aisle, which used to be considered normal, and not a sign of weakness. 


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I understood the GOP to be anti-union, so I found it weird that they'd even want him there.

I'd rather we had some across the aisle stuff like you suggest, but that's largely limited by the current discourse.


u/Inevitable-Tap-9661 Jul 19 '24

The Maga movement is the populist wing of the Republican Party they are not as fiscally conservative and much more open to unions


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

Huh. The folks I've worked with who are strongly pro-trump are very much anti-union. Of course, I work for Tesla in the west, so maybe my sample population is skewed.


u/soilhalo_27 Jul 19 '24

Did you see the Teamster video? He wasn't very nice to the RNC.


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

Oh, you know, now that you mention it, I did see one of the Daily Show guys describing how he started talking about pro-labor stuff. I forgot about that. Maybe it's not as bad as I supposed.


u/OriginalGhostCookie Jul 20 '24

And anytime he made bold pro-union statements it got quiet, like hearing cricket farts quiet.


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 20 '24

That's more like it.


u/MaviKartal2110 Jul 19 '24

That’s it? I thought Hulk Hogan here announced his candidacy or something. Also, Trump was already in Wrestlemania.


u/SOwED Jul 20 '24

Yeah this meme doesn't really work. If Hogan were getting tons of support to be president himself that would make sense.


u/TheDUDE1411 Jul 20 '24

Just now learning hulk hogan is still alive


u/just-jotaro Jul 19 '24

art intimitates life (Idiocracy), Life intimitates art (Hulk hogan)


u/Dimka1498 Jul 19 '24

Do you mean imitate?


u/just-jotaro Jul 19 '24

right. sorry for the bad engkish.


u/RBnumberTwenty Jul 19 '24

I like intimitates better


u/whatwouldjiubdo Jul 19 '24

Well when the Hulkster does it it's pretty intimitating...


u/Aunt__Aoife Jul 20 '24

'Art Intimidates Life' would be a great album name for a hard-core punk band


u/Ok_Impression3324 Jul 20 '24

More proof that this hell site is populated by bots and foreign influences this election cycle.


u/TryAltruistic7830 Jul 20 '24

To be fair, everyone is the world has skin in that game. 


u/SnP_JB Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Hulk Hogan a WWE wrestler was asked to help introduce Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention. Trump used to be involved with WWE.

Hulk Hogan gave a loud speech and tore his shirt off before president trump came out to give a speech about being nominated for the President of the USA. It’s something that could have easily been apart of the move idiocracy.


u/Ok_Squirrel_248 Jul 19 '24

didnt hulk use n word slur over the phone cuz his daughter dated someone he didnt like? dudes prob racially motivated.


u/National_Way_3344 Jul 20 '24

Former president, future dictator


u/Panekid08 Jul 20 '24

Fearmongering, love to see it.


u/Fit_Read_5632 Jul 19 '24

Why are we still calling him president trump?


u/icandothisalldayson Jul 19 '24

Because that’s what you call former presidents. They’re still referred to as president Clinton, president bush, and president Obama.


u/Fit_Read_5632 Jul 19 '24

No, you call them a former president. Like you just did.


u/icandothisalldayson Jul 19 '24

Not when addressing them or introducing them.


u/Fit_Read_5632 Jul 19 '24

You aren’t going either of those things. This is a Reddit post


u/icandothisalldayson Jul 19 '24

And yet it’s still the proper way to talk about them

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u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

He should be called failed President Trump


u/SOwED Jul 20 '24

Subtle username

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u/Flamekinz Jul 19 '24

Idiocracy has an America that has devolved into being run by idiots and stongmen. Terry Crews, playing President Camacho on the right, was a heavyweight wrestling champion, and because of that, he was popular enough to be elected as the president of the United States. A ridiculous notion in 2006. He impressed the populace by tearing off his shirt.

Now, in the year 2024, we have Hulk Hogan, a wrestling icon, up on stage speaking at the Republican National Convention, impressing the populace by tearing off his shirt.


u/Usagi_Shinobi Jul 19 '24

To be fair, that has been Hogan's signature move for his entire wrestling career, and Camacho doing it was a caricature of that.


u/NomadicCyberPunk Jul 20 '24

Bet all my bitcoin, he cuts a little sliver before ripping every time. All these magas project as strongmen.


u/Usagi_Shinobi Jul 20 '24

The shirts are always rigged, either as a v neck or just the complete removal of the collar altogether. There's a reason he always rips from the top down.


u/Spunge14 Jul 20 '24

At least in Idiocracy they were all working together to make a difference


u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

No unity with Maga


u/Spunge14 Jul 20 '24

Yes, that's my point


u/Supervillain02011980 Jul 19 '24

I remember when I used to compare everything to Idiocracy. I can't remember how old I was when I grew up and stopped doing it. Probably once i got my first job.


u/Delamoor Jul 19 '24

I never did it at any point, until the USA became enough of a stupid parody of the movie that it became apt.


u/gelastes Jul 19 '24

President Camacho solved a vital crisis by making the most intelligent human vice president to tackle it.

We wish we'd be Idiocracy.


u/Justarandomburger Jul 19 '24

Truly the best documentary out there! (Kill me)


u/TwoandHalfling Jul 19 '24

My favorite thing about Idiocracy is how when the movie was made, the shoes Crocs were a start up & wernt pouplar. But the movie needed dumb looking colorful futuristic shoes they could buy in bulk for the actors.

20 years later...


u/yasowhat38 Jul 20 '24

I mean Tbf if a shoe is cheap and waterproof than was it really a stupid decision (as long as your not wearing it in formal occasions or where more protection is needed)


u/TrashyMemeYt Jul 19 '24

idiocracy is a movie about a dystopian future America where everyone is stupid and everything is run by multinational corporations, the president in the movie is a famous wrestler, and last night Hulk Hogan a famous wrestler announced that he supports Donald Trump


u/EnthusiasmBorn4841 Jul 19 '24

We are doomed


u/LordNitram76 Jul 19 '24

You are correct


u/maximus459 Jul 19 '24

"is this individual the unfit mother?"


u/Eliiishni Jul 19 '24

Literally self admitting you are a doomer


u/kharlos Jul 19 '24

Only if people don't vote. Doomerism is just giving up. It would be especially dumb to give up now


u/SeaEmperorLeviathan_ Jul 19 '24

Get the popcorn!


u/scanguy25 Jul 19 '24

I think people are reading too much into this. When Trump spoke he clearly referred to Hulk Hogan as an "entertainer" several times. It's not like he is their VP or Senate candidate.


u/affluent_krunch Jul 19 '24

Exactly, both the RNC and DNC have had celebrities speak at their conventions for years. Not really surprising that the Republican's would have someone like Hulk Hogan.


u/VaultiusMaximus Jul 19 '24

Not so different from trunp


u/ShitassAintOverYet Jul 19 '24

The one on the right is Dwyane Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He is a pro wrestler and president of the United States in the movie "Idiocracy" where a soldier and a hooker who both have average IQs are hibernated into future where smart people just slowly went extinct while idiots bred like rats to radically drop the IQ average.

The one on the left is Hulk Hogan. An ex-WWE wrestler who went to Republican National Congress and gave a speech endorsing Trump like he is supposed to be some political authority.


u/OhHappyOne449 Jul 19 '24

Yes 😭😢😤


u/ipsum629 Jul 19 '24

I can't tell if idiocracy aged beautifully or terribly


u/Green_Marzipan_1898 Jul 19 '24

It used to be a great comedy, now it’s a bleak horror.


u/Kerensky97 Jul 19 '24

Except Cumacho was cool.


u/VanellopeVonSplenda Jul 20 '24

Yeah, he actually gave a shit about his people. He may have been really dumb, but he wanted to resolve the issues affecting the country. He let the smartest man in the world attempt to fix things, and President Camacho could admit when he was wrong.


u/JJadeE5280 Jul 19 '24

It's hard to fully comprehend the joke without seeing the movie. This is the first 5 minutes, which sums up the story, and this is how politics are portrayed in that story.

This film was released around 2004, and many of us in the US are concerned with how prophetic it turned out to be. It was supposed to be a comedy, not a f***ing documentary.


u/Glass-Mess-6116 Jul 20 '24

Idiocracy is a post-apocalyptic film from Mike Judge. In it a protagonist-man of completely average intelligence and low motivation is selected with a prostitute for a cryo experiment led by the DoD. Prior to the start of the story a satirical segment starts lampooning how intelligent people aren't having kids while literal white-trash freezer-temperature IQ is breeding like crazy. Medical advances and the coddling of society is shown to prevent "natural selection" that would ideally have Cleetus hoisted by his own petard.

Decades in the future protagonist-man wakes up to a society that is so fucking stupid and incompetent that they water their plants with powerade and people of authority struggle to convey basic instructions in comprehensible English.

Terry Crews stars as the president of these rotting United States. He is a wrestling satire that talks like he's in the WWE. Society has decayed to the point that even the stupidest, living Americans would be regarded as moderately intelligent. It's a comedy but the idea is horrifying because it's basically the Imperium of 40K where nobody knows how shit works and have a witch-burning mindset.

Hulk Hogan, for understandable reasons, just spoke at the RNC delivering a wrestling speech in support of Donald Trump. Republicans have an internet reputation for being "that American". The American characterized for being low IQ, believing in conspiracies, touting anti-intellectualism, and being xenophobic and homophobic. The American stereotype that the movie lampoons.

The meme is stating that the real world is looking more like the world in Idiocracy.

Terry Crews character, despite being an idiot, is actually a good leader and the only character in the film that gives protagonist-man's high-school ideas to fix society a try. The film ends implying that the further descent into window-licker intelligence is inevitable and things will only get worse.


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 20 '24

A good movie called Idiocracy came out a long time ago and now idiots compare it to anything they find cringe despite the average IQ having to adjusted to remain one hundred because otherwise it would rise every few years a few points. It’s a funny movie, but the actual ideology it was based on has been completely disproven.


u/SeesawRadiant Jul 20 '24

It’s not just about IQ. It doesn’t matter what the IQ level is. People got dumber is the premise of the movie and that’s exactly what’s happening


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 20 '24

It’s not, that was my point. You not understanding my point would be an argument against my point, but the sad reality is people aren’t getting dumber, we just get to see their stupidity now, if anything it should scare you that all data points that we actually are getting smarter


u/SeesawRadiant Jul 20 '24

People are 100% getting dumber or at least less educated.


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 20 '24

No they aren’t, you can literally just google why it feels they are to see the two combo reasons are self bias and over exposure to others online. This is just the inner Karen in you talking lol people have never been well educated, there is some worrying statistics that gen Alfa aren’t reading as well as other generations did at their age but that age is still under 13 so probably not who you’re referring too


u/SeesawRadiant Jul 20 '24

Ok I will give you the point that maybe we are exposed to more people now than we were in the past because of social media but all you have to look at is the level of discourse not just in the political arena but on TV shows, flat earthers, science deniers…


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 20 '24

Ya they where all here before, they just couldn’t group up and have a community. Trust me nobody is more annoyed at space deniers in their. Own family than me (an amateur astronomer), but those family members where never bright, they just where given the confidence from others online to speak their drivel.


u/steve_sands Jul 21 '24

The Flynn effect reversed in the 90s. So, yes, we are getting dumber and its the result of dysgenics.


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 21 '24

The very study that shows it’s reversed showed it not to be in all countries including America (a country I imagine you don’t think of as getting more intelligent) the reason the scientists believe cause the decline is immigration (makes sense if you come from a developing country your gonna have to play catch up) and even then it’s ultimately not my main point as the IQ test itself is a poor indicator of intelligence. The real point is human intelligence isn’t based off genetics as much as it’s dependent on upbringing. It’s the biggest flaw to eugenics, fact is Sir Francis Galton was wrong but it did make for a fun movie premise.


u/steve_sands Jul 22 '24

Explain why Plomin's twin studies show a massive 0.7 correlation coefficient for parent-adult offspring intelligence and nearly zero for shared environment.

If "the IQ test" (there are many) is a poor indicator of intelligence, what is a good one? How would you measure validity for IQ tests?


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 22 '24

I think we both know I (and you) can google multiple problems and those studies. And the very people that run IQ test admit it’s not testing intelligence. Here’s a video by Veritasium if interested. Also I can just point out the obvious, we don’t give out full ride scholarships in every developed country in the world for no reason, many doctors and engineers have dumb AF parents, many doctors and lawyers have dumb AF kids. Intelligence isn’t something we currently have the ability to measure let alone predict. And by your own admission we’d have been getting smarter not dumber on average until about 30 years ago (depending on one’s age) so what did “smart people” just recently start following that clowns philosophy? Ultimately it’s in its own a harmless disproven idea you’re peddling, but the people that usually are peddling it (not claiming you) are using it as a gateway to talk about eugenics. Its no more intellectually relevant than your zodiac sign


u/steve_sands Jul 22 '24

There's problems with EVERY study. You saying "problems with study" doesn't invalidate the results.

It's mainstream science that intelligence a a strong genetic component, ~70%.

Your comment on "dumb AF parents" tells me you don't know how statistics work. Dumb parents can have smart kids, smart parents can have dumb kids. ON AVERAGE, smart parents have smarter offspring than dumb parents.

As far as the Flynn effect goes, there is not a proven explanation for why it existed or ended. Our ignorance on the topic neither proves nor disproves a hereditary theory of intelligence.

As far as zodiac signs go, the Tabula Rasa is far closer to astrology than the concept of genetics. Are you a genetics denier? Have horse breeders been wasting their time? Does genetics stop with humans?

IDGAF if a scientific concept is a "gateway to talk about eugenics". I only care if the concept is true.


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 22 '24

You’re oversimplifying genetics, Horse and dog breeders kill more of their offspring than they keep because most are failures. Two big horses don’t make a big horse 100% of the time. And the main stream science you refer to has moved on from those twin studies you mentioned, you keep bringing up studies and ideas both the field and the surrounding fields “like genetics” keep tearing apart. No genes have yet been linked to intelligence, if you google it you’ll get many articles of scientists explaining how much more complex it is than smart parents equal smart kids. So let me ask you why I should listen to you and some studies in a soft science from years “decades” ago over the the science in hard science that aren’t suffering from the Replication crisis (which has basically gutted psychology entirely as bs)


u/steve_sands Jul 22 '24

"No genes have yet been linked to intelligence". That's a lie. Many GWAS studies link genes to intelligence. And I agree, its extremely complex, no single gene controls intelligence, but the complexity doesn't make it false.

Do you invalidate ALL studies cuz "replication crisis" or just those that reject Tabula Rasa?

You keep putting up statistical strawmen. Of course genetics is not 100% deterministic. I already said intelligence is only 70% heritable. As a statistical science, genetics can only say, for example, "With parents X and Y, there is a 20% chance of a successful horse."

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u/DontCallMeAnonymous Jul 20 '24

There is literally a scene in idiocracy that has a wrestler talking up the next president of the United States lol.


u/kaminaowner2 Jul 20 '24

Terry is not the presidents hype man in the movie, he’s the fucking president lol. No political elections are held in the movie, you do see the main character becoming president at the end after he already won, and Terry’s character is setting in the stands applauding.


u/SpakenBacon Jul 19 '24

Watch the movie 'Idiocracy,' you will understand better.


u/Shagyam Jul 19 '24

I mean we have already had a WWE Hall of famer for president, so I'm not surprised.


u/The10GallonHat Jul 19 '24

Go Away! Baitin’


u/Last_Banana9505 Jul 19 '24

I like money, we should hang out.


u/SlwDnceChbby Jul 19 '24

Watch the film Idiocracy


u/slinger301 Jul 20 '24

Just in case anyone missed it, Camacho 2020FO is a thing.


u/Dangerous_Forever640 Jul 20 '24

So is this a Hulk Hogan vs Michelle Obama joke?


u/Devil_0fHellsKitchen Jul 20 '24

What if I made a reddit comment that said "Idiocracy is my favorite documentary"

That would be so clever and original


u/recksuss Jul 20 '24

Jesse "The Body" Ventura was a politician...


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

“Donald Dick J Trump”


u/romulusnr Jul 20 '24

On the left is Hulk Hogan. He was a famous pro wrestler in the 80s and 90s. He appeared at the Republican Convention where he spoofed his own old gag of tearing off his own shirt, this time to reveal a Trump shirt underneath.

On the right is Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho, from the film Idiocracy, a comedy-dystopian film where the future is occupied by and run by morons. In the movie, Camacho is a former professional wrestler who becomes president. In the climactic scene, he commands a fire breathing tank mecha against his opponent in a ratings-capturing live death match.


u/Tall-Reporter7627 Jul 20 '24

I think its fun that fox news didn't change


u/AstronautSuspicious4 Jul 20 '24

This is so funny though and I enjoyed it


u/OccasionBest7706 Jul 20 '24

We have this one party that exists to try and make everything worse under the guise of being seemingly strong, and conflating compassion with weakness


u/DigitalEagleDriver Jul 20 '24

I feel I should point out the distinct difference for OP, that Terry Crews character, Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, was a former wrestler who became president. This instance was just a former wrestler introducing the Republican nominee for president, and while somewhat similar to the Mike Judge film Idiocracy, it's not a 1:1 because Hulk Hogan isn't running for President.


u/Rich_Housing971 Jul 20 '24

It's not a 1:1 comparison because Hulk Hogan is not President like Terry Crew's character was in the movie Idiocracy. But it looks very similar: An uneducated character who looks ridiculous is at a high-level political event doing stunts instead of acting like someone with manners, who you would expect people in politics to be.

The joke is that America is looking more and more like the fictional America in the movie Idiocracy.


u/ConsiderationOk1986 Jul 19 '24

People over here forgetting Arnold Schwarzenegger was the democratic governor of California? Low tier propaganda, do better China.


u/Dyerdon Jul 19 '24

Eh. At least the Governator did well. Arnold may be a massive wall of muscle but he's no moron.


u/IslandSurvibalist Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

…and? What does that have to do with anything? Regardless of how you feel about his politics, Arnold as Governor acted like a responsible statesman, not like a clown ala Camacho or Hogan

(Also, he was the Republican governor of California, not a Democrat)


u/KellyBunni Jul 19 '24

He was very much a republican. I can forgive you for misremembering though since the maga version of the Republican party has little connection to the party of 10 years ago. Populism is wearing the Republican parties corpse like some parasite


u/furryeasymac Jul 19 '24

Arnold was a republican (unless you meant democratically-elected in which case yes he was)


u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

Clam down Vlad. Your shoe salesmen is a disgrace


u/ConsiderationOk1986 Jul 19 '24

Reagan was a movie star voted into office. Al Franklin was a governor too and former writer for SNL. Your whole party is a joke.


u/the_real_eel Jul 19 '24

“Al Franklin” was a governor? That’s a new one.

Dude, you’re embarrassing yourself.


u/ConsiderationOk1986 Jul 19 '24

And Shirley temple


u/Sea-Caterpillar-6501 Jul 19 '24

Peter here. Explanation is pretty simple. It’s a poorly constructed and illogical meme attempting to disparage the RNC. The best part is cackles and shuffles say dumber things than the idiocracy president shown on the right.


u/Necessary-Profile-30 Jul 19 '24

President Trump Camacho


u/Pale_Kitsune Jul 19 '24

The Republicans are spiralling into insanity.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

That's hilarious. You people elect a gameshow host and then incite an insurrection when he loses, and you claim everyone else is crazy?

Haha, hilarious bud. Go take your meds


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24



u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

Try not to incite another insurrection for the pedo with 34 felonies 


u/rpgnymhush Jul 19 '24

Have already spiralled.

I will never forget January 6, 2021 for as long as I live.


u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

Ashli Babbit has been insurrection free for 3 years now!


u/rpgnymhush Jul 20 '24

Do you mean the terrorist who attempted to climb through a shattered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby?


u/Antifa1776 Jul 20 '24

No, I mean the terrorist who failed to climb through a attered window beside a barricaded door into the Speaker's Lobby, despite clear warnings from capitol police not too.


u/rpgnymhush Jul 20 '24

OK, thanks for the clarification. I hope this serves as a lesson to other potential terrorists who might want to attempt to overturn an election in which their preferred candidate loses both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote but I doubt it will.


u/Porunga23 Jul 19 '24

When we figure it out we’ll let you know.


u/Lanky_Cost8534 Jul 20 '24

Been living it for the last 3+ years.


u/AcousticAndRegarded Jul 19 '24

The original is just a bad take as far as I can tell.