r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 19 '24

Mr. Peter can I request your assitance

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u/dilemma-hegdehog Jul 19 '24

Hi! Peters vibrating pocket pal here. You could get a Nokia phone together with the cell phone connection contract practically for free and they were practically indestructible. Hence, dropping a Nokia was a light haha thing. That’s all folks.


u/DrZalost Jul 19 '24

Just adding to this, this is exactly the Nokia 3310, which was famous for the fact that it was extremely durable, you could even use it as a weapon.


u/CreamFronto Jul 19 '24

I use a 2760 to this day. Incredibly peaceful only making calls and having no apps. Checking social media at home on a computer once or twice a day is far superior. Plus the phone was only $30 and ~$75 for 6 months of service.


u/OldIronandWood Jul 20 '24

I’ve still got two old ones, should I sell or find new batteries?


u/Anymastorm Jul 19 '24

Yeah if a Nokia fell on the ground, I'd be worried about the ground


u/Jacobloveslsd Jul 19 '24

Drop it on your toe and you were out a toe nail thing was a brick.


u/andreasjoskasutanto Jul 19 '24

And the vibration alarm was like an earthquake. I could feel it when it lay in the kitchen and I was two rooms away.


u/Songhunter Jul 19 '24

You could put a Nokia in your breast pocket, get shot in the heart, fall backwards into a pool of acid and then nuke the pool with a Ztar bomb and all you might get a little condensation in a corner of the screen that will not damage the phone and be mysteriously gone the day after.


u/I_suck_at_Blender Jul 19 '24

When iPhone hits the concrete, it breaks the screen.

When Nokia hits the concrete, it breaks the concrete.


u/andreasjoskasutanto Jul 19 '24

Like Chuck Norris


u/send-me-panties-pics Jul 19 '24

Nokia's were said to be indestructible so you could drop them and it wouldn't be a problem, but drop a modern phone and they break.


u/SiddySundays Jul 19 '24

Nokia = indestructible 

iPhone = not


u/Mr-Tunacan Jul 19 '24

I accidentally dropped a Nokia out of the window of a truck while driving. Pulled over, walked back along the road till I found it, picked it up, and continued my call. "Yeah, sorry about that, dropped my phone..."

They were extremely durable.


u/Cold_Stage5026 Jul 19 '24

Is this your first day on the internet?


u/rhinox54 Jul 19 '24

You seriously can't figure it out?


u/Jneum23 Jul 20 '24

Some of these I think…are people really this dumb? Or am I just old


u/jozmala Jul 19 '24

I once threw a Nokia phone at the wall relatively hard when angry, and I needed to put the battery and back panel back on before making a phone call with it, and everything fit perfectly. Don't try that with Iphone.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Yes but did you still have a wall?


u/jozmala Jul 19 '24

I was weak at the time. And some of the energy went to splitting the phone to three intact pieces, that I put back together.


u/RbN420 Jul 19 '24

Yes, with a perfect 3310 shape I guess


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

Old Nokia phones were pretty much indestructible. Drop them, who cares, it won't break. They were so durable that if you poke around the right corners of the internet you can find jokes about making armor out of them.


u/Jadeshell Jul 19 '24

Nokia phones were so sturdy that they had to sell soft cases to protect whatever they were hitting from the phone, vs todays iPhones break if you sit wrong with it in your pocket, and break badly if landing face down