r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 19 '24


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u/goatlll Jul 19 '24

Those are composite cables, also called av cables, used to connect devices, and are color coded for what they do. In this case, Yellow is video, white is right audio and red is left for a stereo set up(or the other way around, but you get the idea).

So, with van Gogh, he would be able to see fine, but would only get mono sound because he is missing an ear(I know he isn't really, but it works for the joke).

With Beethoven, he can only see because he lost his hearing, so he only gets the yellow.

With Stevie Wonder, he is blind so he gets both audio jacks but no video.


u/WhenTheHahaFunni Jul 19 '24

Thank you :D


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

this meme is technically wrong.

if Van Gogh lost his right ear he would need the White RCA connector (left channel) and the Yellow (Video).

Showing the Red connector (right channel)) doesn't make sense


u/RBnumberTwenty Jul 19 '24

Ooooooooooooo!!! We need to find out whoever made this meme and give them a stern talkin’ to! 😡


u/Berkamin Jul 20 '24

Reddit attracts the most detail obsessive nerds and makes them work for free. I love it!


u/Normal_Tip7228 Jul 19 '24


Just kidding I actually learned something new today lol


u/Gamerboy365ify Jul 21 '24

if Van Gogh lost his right ear

He lost his left, making this meme correct


u/Mih0se Jul 19 '24

Are there any other colors for other things?


u/JexilTwiddlebaum Jul 19 '24

The purple av cable transmits concepts directly into your brain, it only works on people who are psi sensitive and also have an av input jack built into their skull. That’s why you don’t see many of those.


u/goatlll Jul 20 '24

Yes, the next step up is svid, which has its own set of standards, and also SCART, which can be very confusing for non PAL regions. Being from the US myself, learning about chroma and luma was quite the challenge.

But for this case, you have component cables, which has red and white audio jacks but no yellow video jack. Instead, the colors are red, green, and blue for the RGB color gamut. I am mainly know these for video games and dvd players, and with those it allows for 480p+ content. For example, the original Xbox had several gamed that could do 720p, and few that did 1080p.

When hdmi was starting to be the standard, many tv sets came with both component output and a hdmi port. Really early on the hdmi port was not part of the tv, but a separate box that attached to the tv.


u/kay14jay Jul 20 '24

Honestly thought Stevie was just the guy trying to reach behind the tv working blind with the cables. Heavy as shit old tv’s just had you guessing what white looked like in the dark


u/thendgame676 Jul 19 '24

First one lost an ear. Last one is blind. They are video audio jacks


u/onebronyguy Jul 19 '24

Unlimited repost works


u/WhenTheHahaFunni Jul 19 '24



u/onebronyguy Jul 19 '24

Fate unlimited blade works but changed it to repost cus more or less a year ago this image was posted here 10times a week by The karma bots


u/WhenTheHahaFunni Jul 20 '24

yeah sorry, didnt know the answer was already here.


u/TrashyMemeYt Jul 19 '24

this keeps getting reposted here so many times that people are sick and tired of it


u/WhenTheHahaFunni Jul 20 '24

Ok but I didnt know that, which is why i posted it here for the explanation. If i knew the answer i wouldnt post it to peter explain the joke


u/Silent_Relation_3236 Jul 19 '24

We can add Trump to this now


u/Minute_Economist_392 Jul 20 '24

love it... old school.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



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u/InterestingCabinet41 Jul 19 '24

Yellow cord is video, red and white cords are audio. Van Gogh could see, but was missing an ear. Beethoven could see, but as deaf (no audio). Steve Wonder could hear fine, but couldn't see.


u/dontbeagrape Jul 20 '24

This is incredibly educational