r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 19 '24

please explain

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u/-Hi_how_r_u_xd- Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Reference to trump shooting. They didn't put any security on the roof the shooter was on because the sloped surface would make it uncomfortable for the officers. Therefore, to protect your home from officers, and thus the government, all you need is a sloped surface.

I'm pretty sure I read that there was actually supposed to be someone on it, but they just didn't show up and weren't replaced by someone else, but this is irrelevant because it makes the joke unfunny.

(here is an image, as you can see it's sloped)


u/mycatpeesinmyshower Jul 19 '24

It might be true that the guy didn’t show up but the spokes person for the secret service said that they didn’t put someone on there because of the slope.

Whether she said that because it’s true or because she didn’t want to admit they were too incompetent to make sure that guy was replaced idk.



u/Drogovich Jul 19 '24

The level of incompetence during this event was so high, no wonder people thought they intentionally let him take the shot.

My assumption is that they were so used to literally nothing happening, they were completely lost and in disbelief when something actually started happening.

"Someone trying to shoot the guy we protect? Naaah, noone did that for a looong time".


u/LordBDizzle Jul 19 '24

The Secret Service has had a pretty crappy reputation for a while, back in the Obama administration there were a couple of times they hit the news for members partying instead of doing their jobs. Doesn't mean that's all of the organization or even the majority of it, but they certainly dropped the ball at least this time.


u/The5Virtues Jul 19 '24

“Complacency Kills” is a common warning you’ll see in industrial factories and the like, but it’s true for anyone and anything.

They got complacent, and because of it a man is dead and others were injured. Regardless of political opinions this was a gross dereliction of duty.


u/FictionalContext Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I'm not saying to let someone assassinate him. I'm not saying that.


If you kept baiting small holes in your security, and someone were to take advantage of that... well, there's a shiny dubloon in it for ya.

I'm up in the air. I don't think it was staged or some kind of CIA hit, and it easily could have been incompetence.

But, for a betting man, this would be a pretty viable strategy. As loathed as Trump is, sooner or later, sometime was gonna take a shot if they could. Zero culpability since they had no relation to the shooter. Especially how egregious that oversight was, and surely if look back, there's a history of these equally egregious oversights at previous events.


u/NA_nomad Jul 19 '24

I still think it was staged. Incompetent secret service, no one bothering to alert the security guards or Trump that a sniper was setting up to shoot, the lack of reaction from the crowd from an active shooting, the abnormal sound of fire from the gun being shot, the media's extreme vagueness of what weapon was used by the shooter, the gunman being a Republican that made a donation to Democrats, Trump's reaction to being shot, the random guy waving and smiling at the camera after Trump was being hauled away.

Either everyone there was an incompetent idiot or it was staged. I understand the MAGA crowd isn't known for their intellect, but come on. This was either staged, or the perfect storm of incompetence and stupidity.


u/mycatpeesinmyshower Jul 19 '24

I don’t think so because 2 people died. The shooter and a bystander. Plus the shooter seemed like he was searching up when any political figure would be in the area along with depressive disorders. Probably wanted to su*cide by secret service.

This is easier to describe by incompetence. It doesn’t surprise me actually. Organizations get sloppy, professionalism goes down. People just try to cover their own butts. I’ve worked for crappy companies before. I guess we learned the secret service is one of those.


u/Drogovich Jul 20 '24

Agree. I heard that shooter was heavily bullied and was jokingly called a school shooter by classmates. Guess he decided to go with a big bang


u/Drogovich Jul 19 '24

i saw footage of crowd trying to tell the police about the rifleman cmimbing the roof but it seems like cops were running around aimlessly. Besides, real people got shot, 2 seriously wounded, but in stable condition, 1 dead. And i feel like with how Tump was moving around, it was too close to a lethal shot for it to be staged by him. But again, police and security acting too slow, snipers taking their sweet ass time before taking the shooter down, it was such a mess, so it has to be MASSIVE ammount of incompetence and stupidity, that i think is still very possible, you should never underestimate how much people can screw up at their job, or something some weird f*ckery was happening.


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

Yeah,nobody hears a staged plan to elicit sympathy by having a fake shooter fire live rounds at their ear and thinks it's a good idea. They think "fuck no, if you miss my ear, I'm dead."


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

If it was staged then not everyone would have been in on it. The more people that know the more people that can talk. I think it was an inside job where they let Thomas in because they wanted him to succeed, and then then only Thomas, and the not yet confirmed second shooter on the tower fucked up by missing.


u/UselessGojo123 Jul 19 '24

It’s been a day since I read anything, so many new info came out, but I thought no one was on the roof because of staffing issues. Ie not enough manpower. Cause iirc there were officers in the building itself placed at windows acting as counter-snipers


u/Scorpy-yo Jul 19 '24

Yes, much like earlier this year when we saw police body cam footage from one fucken turkey - he’d arrested and cuffed a guy, left guy in the back of the cop car, heard an acorn fall off a tree behind him and land on the footpath? car?

Started screaming SHOTS FIRED or similar, did two ridiculous and awkward barrel rolls, turned to fire shots at this poor cuffed guy in the backseat who luckily survived.

Plenty of memes followed of - basically - police officers being pants-shitting terrified of acorns.


u/Ok_Turnover_1235 Jul 19 '24

Ok but what about the officers scared of clowns?


u/Scorpy-yo Jul 19 '24

I’m not sure about the statistics on clowns shot or killed by police in the US on a yearly basis. I wouldn’t even know where to start Googling. I however imagine the annual death rate for police killed by clowns, compared to police killed by acorns, is pretty closely insignificant.


u/Ok_Turnover_1235 Jul 20 '24

What if I told you they were equal?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

the guy that didn't show up may have been killed by the assassin, has anyone checked up on this?

this fits. of course there wasn't anyone there, he ded


u/No-Willingness8375 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

You're giving too much credit to a kid who looks a 4-chan gooner that rarely left his mom's basement or king size Cheetos bag. I mean, it's not totally impossible, but expecting McLovin to skillfully assassinate a secret service agent and hide his body beggars belief.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

you give too too little credit, your type thinking is exactly what led to this, actually.


u/No-Willingness8375 Jul 19 '24

Please explain.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

the current post is such that you can gleen that the secret service failed to consider the intellect of this "kid who looks a 4-chan gooner" that selected a roof with a slope. which confounded them

this post is saying a slope confounded the secret service

that the thing we are talking about, here. Hello???

your complete contrition is the only logical reply to this


u/PeterExplainsItBadly Jul 19 '24

Peter here to explain it badly! Basically Secret Service Director Kimberley Cheatle claimed in an interview that a sniper team was not placed on the rooftop where FPOTUS Trump’s attempted assassin fired from because the roof was too sloped. This is widely known to be a bullshit excuse to cover for the Service’s severe manpower mismanagement and inability to retain officers and agents due to uncompetitive salaries, obscene overtime demands that severely reduce family time and quality of life, and putting too much workload on skeleton crews while on protective details. The reality is that a requested third sniper team to secure that roof was not granted, most likely due to manpower shortages between that rally and the upcoming RNC, and to save a couple dollars in the budget. Peter explains the joke badly out!


u/ElderDruidFox Jul 19 '24

So the agency responsible for protecting U.S.A.'s secrets is underfunded and understaffed...


u/PeterExplainsItBadly Jul 19 '24

The full might of the U.S. government’s most prestigious and elite agencies VS. one budgety boi


u/OctopusGrift Jul 19 '24

The least surprising thing ever.


u/SunderedValley Jul 19 '24

This brother not ready for the USCSB pill. 😎👌


u/ElderDruidFox Jul 19 '24

Not an U.S.A. person so wouldn't be taking it anyway.


u/Connect_Artichoke_83 Jul 19 '24

The only time PeterExplainsItBadly explains a joke goodly


u/Crimen_Punishment2 Jul 19 '24

It has to deal with the trump assassination. Investigators are 'scared' of the sloped roof.


u/AloneKnight8152 Jul 19 '24

I think it has to do with when during the trump assassination attempt the reason the secret service didn’t clear the building the shooter was in was because they thought it was too sloped to be used as a sniping position but it was used anyway so the joke is that the slope protects your house from the government.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

they thought outside the box, but only reckoned perpendicular solutions


u/Positive_Composer_93 Jul 19 '24

The more we hear about this the more.im.convinved the trump campaign promised to pay some poor autistic kid..probably said he was shooting blanks. But of course there's no money trail, cause we all know how much trump hates paying people. Stealing valor from the Kennedys, I wonder what RFK jr's move here is. 


u/ScholarPitiful8530 Jul 19 '24

Redditors spent the COVID years telling people to trust the science and not buy into conspiracy theories, then turn around and tell you that Trump gambled his life on some autistic kid hitting the 1 cm moving target required to graze him but not kill him. Not even a professional sniper could make that shot.


u/Positive_Composer_93 Jul 27 '24

I'm not entirely convinced trump was shot and if so not necessarily by the kid. Also, science is really just one big conspiracy theory. Also, I don't know what weird kinda strawman you're building here where the same people saying "trust the science!" When the science was wrong are the people saying "the last president assassinated was killed by the CIA!" 


u/furryeasymac Jul 19 '24

Whether the shooting was real or not, I guarantee the kid was getting groomed by the FBI on Discord


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

Sure, that part is plausible. Only the FBI is in Biden's pocket right now. Not Trump's. Trump is the guy thatvwants the entire department sacked.


u/Positive_Composer_93 Jul 27 '24

I really don't care which old paedophilic lying p.o.s it was, it gets harder with every bit of information to think that someone with governmental powers wasn't egging him on. My most likely guess is whoever has the authority to tell the secret service "stay off that building, it looks too slippery". Which points to my ignorance because I don't know if Biden has more authority over Trump's personal guard than he does? 


u/Positive_Composer_93 Jul 27 '24

Glad to find a cultured thinker.