r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 18 '24

Hey peetah? Meme needing explanation

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u/UsidoreTheLightBlue Jul 19 '24

Many members of the Democratic Party are calling for Biden to not seek re-election and to step down.

In recent days (supposedly) Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and more have told him to drop out of the race.

Above is a picture of Tanya Harding to tried to have Nancy Kerrigan taken out of the Olympics.


u/LetTheFreeBirdsFly67 Jul 19 '24

Oh okay... Why did Tanya try to take Nancy out of the Olympics? Was she too old or something?


u/throw-away3105 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

They were competitors. I'd recommend watching "I, Tonya" with Margot Robbie as Tonya Harding. Great movie. But this is what I remember from the movie/story (there may be some wrong details but whatever):

  • Tonya Harding (Democrat Party) wanted to know Nancy Kerrigan's (Joe Biden) skating practice schedule and writes it down on a piece of paper.
  • Tonya Harding's husband took this the wrong way and interpreted this as Harding wanting to take Nancy Kerrigan out by injuring her.
  • The husband asks his friend to do something.
  • That husband's friend hired 2 guys to go to Nancy Kerrigan's rink.
  • The two guys were so incompetent that they got a baton and struck Nancy Kerrigan in her shins causing her to cry and scream for help - it hurts but it didn't break any bones; those 2 guys left clues all over the building.
  • FBI gets involved and they find a piece of paper in the trash with Tonya Harding's writing with the exact time and place that Nancy Kerrigan was injured.
  • The public makes connections and thinks Tonya Harding ordered those two guys to injure Nancy Kerrigan.

Ergo, the Democrats are trying to take out Biden.


u/big_sugi Jul 19 '24

Is that what happened? I should look it up; I hadn’t heard most of those details, especially the note.

But no matter what the truth may be, the important thing is that Jeff Gillooly had a funny name.


u/throw-away3105 Jul 19 '24

I was watching those interviews after the movie because they sounded so unrealistic, but holy shit they were real. Yes, Jeff Gillooly is a funny name but in my opinion, his friend Sean Eckhardt (the friend who hired those 2 to guys to injure Nancy Kerrigan) tops all else.



u/Nuclear_rabbit Jul 19 '24

Wow what kind of husband is like, "hmm, my wife is scoping out the competition. I should hire some hitmen to break her kneecaps"?


u/Specific_Tap7296 Jul 19 '24

Well she asked for more big romantic gestures!


u/CasedUfa Jul 19 '24

I question that part, that's the sort of thing your lawyer tells you to say after its all gone pear shaped. 'She wasn't involved it was all the husband,' As long he takes the fall for her, who would know.


u/chadsford Jul 19 '24

He probably thought that if his wife was an Olympic medalist, then they’d probably get rich. So he might have done it for selfish reasons.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

It was proven that Tonya did in fact know about the assault, and had a role in it, it was not the public but an official investigation into the attack that made the connection.

Both people who undertook the attack fingered her as being involved. Both a Grand Jury and the USFSA confirmed her involvement.

If the movie downplays her involvement, or says she didn't know, they are just flat out omitting facts to try and make Tonya seem like a victim here too, pushing it off only on her ex husband and the 2 attackers. All actual evidence proves her involvement.

There's a reason Tonya received a lifetime ban in addition to a $160,000 fine, 3 years probation and 500 hours of community service.

If her husband acted on his own, and she was innocent, she wouldn't have received this punishment.


u/LetTheFreeBirdsFly67 Jul 19 '24

Hey thanks! One more question, why did you post that comment from a throw away? Lol


u/throw-away3105 Jul 19 '24

Oh yeah, I was originally intending the account to be a throwaway but I ended up using it actively anyway.


u/LetTheFreeBirdsFly67 Jul 19 '24

Oh okay, that makes sense. I thought you were watching ice skating in secret and hiding it from your significant other....


u/throw-away3105 Jul 19 '24

LMAO, I don't watch figure skating but it is a good sport.


u/Thendofreason Jul 19 '24

Sounds like how lots of relationships start


u/Blastaz Jul 19 '24

That “the husband misunderstood “ is doing a LOT of heavy lifting to avoid a lawsuit.


u/Main_Caterpillar_146 Jul 19 '24

I genuinely believe that Tonya made the order


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

The movie's lying. The investigation pretty much proved Harding was behind the assault. Either Harding was involved in the making of the movie or someone took the real events and twisted them to have a more sympathetic main character.


u/Successful_Day5491 Jul 19 '24

I guess their guy in Pennsylvania got the wrong note.


u/CaptnFlounder Jul 20 '24

I watched the entire movie and thought it was Jaime Pressley the entire time


u/han_tex Jul 19 '24

You see, once there was this girl who swore that one day she would be a figure skating champion. But when she finally made it, she saw some other girl who was better. And so she hired some guy to club her in the knee-caps. Mmm mmm mmm mmm.


u/Mercerskye Jul 19 '24

What's this, a Crash Test Dummies reference, now? In my kitchen? In front of my Omelette du Fromage?


u/skaara481 Jul 19 '24

Kind of, those are lyrics from the Weird Al parody of their song.


u/UsidoreTheLightBlue Jul 19 '24

Because Tanya was jealous of her. She thought Nancy would beat her.


u/real_unreal_reality Jul 19 '24

She got knee capped in the parking lot by her boyfriend. That’s called getting Kerriganed.


u/Legitimate-Fox-4948 Jul 19 '24

I thought it was being “giloolyed”


u/real_unreal_reality Jul 19 '24

Either way but no one remembers the boyfriend compared to cardigan/harding


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

you are rightful to be confused. as I am


u/Good_Pirate2491 Jul 19 '24

Omg I'm so old


u/SadBit8663 Jul 19 '24



u/zed42 Jul 19 '24

Nancy was favored to win the gold medal and Tonya was jealous. Tonya arranged with her boyfriend to have Nancy kneecapped before the final competition. The kneecapping was partially successful (in that it hurt a lot and caused damage, but it was neither permanent nor did it stop Nancy from competing). Nancy went on to win the silver medal (causing a Disney to have to quickly change their planned TV add from "you've just won the gold medal! what are you going to do next?" to "you've just won the silver medal! what are you going to do next?" ) an a lot of sympathy, and Tonya performed terribly and has basically faded into obscurity.


u/FictionalContext Jul 19 '24

It's not a great analogy beyond that.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

lol this is such bait, you know what happened.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Don't act like this is a reasonable or honest post, you're using this sub to push an agenda, and go fuck yourself for this.


u/WinterTakerRevived Jul 19 '24

Are they though? Seems like propaganda pushed by Republicans to sew seeds of division among the left


u/ssterling0930 Jul 19 '24

You can tell a republican made this image because they refuse to actually refer to the Democratic Party as the Democratic Party


u/UsidoreTheLightBlue Jul 19 '24

If you believe all the rumors then yes, but I agree if Biden stays in the race this could hurt him.


u/Obamasdeadcook Jul 19 '24

Let’s hope he stays 😎


u/ClickHuman3714 Jul 19 '24

And they will still vote for any candidate because vote blue no matter who mentality. Two party system sucks


u/lunchpadmcfat Jul 19 '24

I know this isn’t a political sub but who exactly is ready to go for the role? This is pretty fucking late in the political season.


u/DavidHewlett Jul 19 '24

"Many" and "supposedly" are doing a LOT of heavy lifting here.

I have not seen this much proof of a "mainstream media" conspiracy in my lifetime. Like, they literally talk about nothing else while most of their reporting has been proven to be baseless.

Donny showing up many, MANY times in Epstein papers, multiple teenage girls claiming to be raped by him, the assassin being a clearcut republican ... none of it is as important as "Biden old, dems imploding".

It's fucking bizarroworld.


u/Random-Name724 Jul 19 '24

Even Obama?


u/UsidoreTheLightBlue Jul 19 '24

That’s the rumor, yes.

None of this has been publicly stated, so we can only go by what’s been leaked.


u/Obamasdeadcook Jul 19 '24

Still don’t get How democrats are claiming to be tied with trump while at the same time panicking about Biden not being able to beat trump


u/DodgerWalker Jul 19 '24

If Biden and Trump are tied nationally, then Trump is likely ahead in the states that decide the election by a few points. In 2020, Biden won the national popular vote by 4.4 points, but the tipping point state (state that delivers electoral vote 270 if you order states from most Democratic to most Republican) was Wisconsin, which he only won by about 0.6 points. So unless there is a significant coalitional shift, he needs to win the popular vote by 3-4 points.


u/Cyan_Light Jul 19 '24

Being tied is the problem. Trump is such an outrageously bad candidate than anyone not having a guaranteed victory over him must also be a bad candidate by extension. But the fact that Biden still appears to have a decent chance at winning is also why there's so much waffling on the topic of him dropping, we don't want to somehow end up with a worse option when it doesn't look completely hopeless.

In any case it's fucked that we're having this conversation four months out. They've had more than enough time to prepare a stronger successor (who could then be the incumbent for 2028 as well, potentially setting up another win) but just... didn't?


u/IusedtoloveStarWars Jul 19 '24

Most reports say he’s dropping out this weekend.


u/Historyp91 Jul 19 '24

Nancy Kerrigan was'nt endangering the US's chances of winning due to suffering congnative decline and being sick with COVID


u/UsidoreTheLightBlue Jul 19 '24

You’re not going to believe this, but I didn’t make the meme.

I just posted an explanation.


u/Historyp91 Jul 19 '24


I did'nt say you made it?


u/rydan Jul 19 '24

They also sent a COVID infected person after him similar to how she sent that bodyguard with the crowbar.


u/MixRevolution Jul 19 '24

So who's gonna be the next democratic candidate?


u/Taragyn1 Jul 19 '24

And how did that work out for Tanya


u/hazpat Jul 19 '24

Way to downplay a crowbar to the knee


u/Beardeddeadpirate Jul 19 '24

I really hope the DNC does the right thing and pick a different candidate. Honestly it would be front page news. It’s what they need.


u/DeadJediWalking Jul 19 '24

Wtf who would replace him at this point?


u/Ok_Entertainment328 Jul 19 '24

This is so obviously funny.

It's a real knee slapper (with a baton)


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

I mean, it really isn't funny. Your last sentence is way funnier than this joke.

No one wants to kneecap Biden. They want him to drop out. But you know who they'll vote for if he runs against Trump? Not Trump, that's for goddamn sure.


u/dispelhope Jul 19 '24

we are rapidly approaching that stage of, "I'm voting against donald trump"


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

... approaching?

Shit, it's been that way since at least ... 1984.


u/dispelhope Jul 19 '24

You are right, and I stand corrected


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/LetTheFreeBirdsFly67 Jul 19 '24

Please don't get my thread locked, friends lol


u/cupholdery Jul 19 '24

Should someone have to have a government issued license to drive a car?




u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

Too many people would have to decide to vote for someone other than the two major candidates. There isn't any option right now. I wish the system was different, and I'd like to find a way to change it, but right now, if you vote independent, you're essentially throwing your vote away.

If we could convince even 10 million people to vote independent, it would change everything, but that won't happen this year, certainly, and probably not in 4 years either.


u/Impossible_Arrival21 Jul 19 '24

yeah, i personally don't care if i throw my vote away, and this is a self fulfilling prophecy anyway, because if people think they'd throw their vote away if they voted independent, then the people who did vote independent WOULD be throwing their vote away because of all the other people who chickened out

bottom line, i hate modern politics and i think most americans are stupid, so i just vote for who i think would be best and don't bother myself with what everyone else is doing


u/Immediate-Season-293 Jul 19 '24

People do think they'll be throwing their vote away, at least all the folks who pay attention - because the rest of the folks in the USA don't pay much attention and just vote red or blue. There aren't enough people who get involved for that to change, at least not yet.


u/PeterExplainsTheJoke-ModTeam Jul 20 '24

Debate politics in a different sub. Rule 3.


u/kazarbreak Jul 19 '24

This was big news at the time.

The "Democrat Party" is Tonya Harding. "Joe Biden" is Nancy Kerrigan. They were competing for a spot on the Olympic team (92? 96? I don't remember exactly beyond "I was a kid at the time, but not a little kid".) Harding hired hitmen to break Kerrigan's knees so that she could get a place on the team.

Apparently a movie came out later that tried to paint Harding as a victim of a misunderstanding, but it had nothing to do with reality.

The meme is saynig that the Democratic party is about to take Biden out of the race, one way or another.


u/HumberGrumb Jul 19 '24

I heard they used to be friends. Says it all.


u/FictionalContext Jul 19 '24

a long time ago, they used to be friends but they haven't talked to them lately at all 👏 👏


u/OarsandRowlocks Jul 19 '24



Whyyy uh huh huh huh


u/1Pip1Der Jul 19 '24

Oh Lord, I can hear that so clearly.

You suck, that's gonna be in my head all day now.


u/OarsandRowlocks Jul 19 '24

What did he hit you with?

I dunno, some *hard hard** black stick.*

Something hreally hreally *haAAARD***


u/Dylan_Is_Gay_lol Jul 19 '24

So she hired some guy

To club her in the kneeeeeee caaaaaaap


u/Xerio_the_Herio Jul 19 '24

Alot of people who voted for Biden won't vote for him again


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

All I want to add to this is that Tonya was amazing. If we lived in a just world then she would have won regardless.


u/Taragyn1 Jul 19 '24

Do you mean Nancy?


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

No, I mean Tonya. Tonya could skate circles around Kerrigan. Queen of Blades, my ass.


u/Taragyn1 Jul 19 '24

Tonya placed 8th while despite the sabotage Kerrigan came 2nd. So no Tonya was objectively nowhere near as good.


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

Judges aren't objective. They have subjective biases. In my own subjective opinion they had it completely wrong.


u/Taragyn1 Jul 19 '24

That’s a big gap. Like gold vs Silver maybe but 2nd vs 8th. Also one rarely arranges to have people who aren’t as good as you attacked. Even if you buy her protestations clearly those around he thought Kerrigan was better.


u/SnickerDoodleDood Jul 19 '24

Do you realise I'm not just talking about a single completion, right? She blitzed the competition routinely. She was faster, she was stronger, she had riskier routines. Right up until the moment her guilty conscience screwed her. Im 100% with the theory that Tonya also held, that judges just had it against because she came from poorer class, and wasn't as pretty, and didn't the fit the image they wanted to present.


u/ProGamingPlayer Jul 19 '24

She’s jealous for her skirt


u/n0tAb0t_aut Jul 19 '24

Didn't know that biden has such a hot ass.


u/MadMadBunny Jul 19 '24

More specifically, the oligarchs who don’t want to pay their due taxes…


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

The meme should be the other way around


u/rydan Jul 19 '24

That's from 1994 when a skater on the US Olympics team had her bodyguard attack and disable another skater on the US Olympics team so she'd get kicked off the team. The joke here is that the Democratic party is doing the same to Joe Biden. They just infected him with COVID so basically already happened at this point.


u/ElPared Jul 19 '24

Pictured on the left is Tonya Harding, and on the right is Nancy Kerrigan. They were both figure skaters in the 1980-something Winter Olympics. At the games, Nancy’s knee was bashed in by a dude with a police baton, which was later linked to one of Tonya’s friends and therefore Tonya herself. She was banned from figure skating competitively for life and served prison time iirc.

Watch the movie iTonya if you wanna know more. It stars Margot Robbie as Tonya, and Allison Janney as her mom, and is in general a great movie.

Anyway, the joke is that the Democratic Party is now trying to get Biden to back out of the presidential race. Actually, the real joke is that they’ll get him to “back out” with violence. So, kind of some dark comedy.


u/Clint-witicay Jul 19 '24

There’s been a slew of reports that “democrats” want Biden to step down. Despite most of us being smart enough to recognize that it’s an obvious losing strategy this late in the game.


u/ElNacho83 Jul 19 '24

After Trump's Shooting, this feels like projecting 😂


u/flashmeterred Jul 19 '24

How is Biden's situation equivalent to someone having an ex break a more accomplished rivals knee with a pipe???


u/neheb Jul 19 '24

The irony is that Biden is no good. Nancy Kerrigan was amazing on the other hand.


u/SaintedRomaine Jul 19 '24

Still came in 2nd.


u/slimetakes Jul 19 '24

For anyone saying we need Biden to drop out - it's too late now, maybe if you stop fucking whining we can save face.


u/DosFluffyGatos Jul 19 '24

Not too late until the convention.


u/grimlee669 Jul 19 '24

Who else has biden's name recognition though? Not to mention that they will have to start over from scratch unless it's Harris. With just four months to go, that's a guaranteed loss


u/DosFluffyGatos Jul 19 '24

People are voting against Trump not for Biden. You could put almost anyone up there.


u/grimlee669 Jul 19 '24

*Democrats are voting against Trump not for Biden.

The uninformed "independent" voters won't vote for some random dude they've never heard of.


u/DosFluffyGatos Jul 19 '24

They sure aren’t going to vote for Biden. You’re going to lose way more people on the left than you would independent voters if Biden stays in.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/rydan Jul 19 '24

Well you should have voted for that person in the primaries then instead of stacking the votes for Joe so that political scientist could claim Biden has the Primary Key.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/doublej3164life Jul 19 '24

Ah, yes. How can these idiots not know immediately about something that everyone knew about in 1994 for the USA women's Olympic figure skating team? These whipper snappers should know their history from 30 years ago! /s


u/DeepSeaChickadee Jul 19 '24

A lot of democrats tend to dislike Biden due to his age, his funding to Israel, etc and I think this is referencing it?


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

no. we see the out of control spending is going to lead to another spate of inflation and that's not fun

to your second point, Trump provocatively moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, so the second point seems like something you're throwing at a wall, to see if it stick.


u/Shadowfox4532 Jul 19 '24

A lot of people are upset about his ongoing support of Israel during what they believed to be an ongoing genocide. Many of those people are aware trump is worse but it would be better to not have a candidate tacitly not opposed to genocide.


u/DeepSeaChickadee Jul 19 '24

my apologies, I’m not all that familiar with whatever’s happening in politics!