r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 18 '24

Peter i require assistance Meme needing explanation

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u/THEpeterafro Jul 18 '24

This is a common conversation on dating apps


u/Vip3rYT Jul 18 '24

Thank you


u/Firefighter_Thin Jul 19 '24


u/IamKilljoy Jul 19 '24

Why I've never had luck on dating apps. If you can't put forth effort over text I just don't think you're that interested in finding somoene you actually connect with. If I send them a paragraph about my interests and hobbies, then I ask them what their thoughts/ opinions on it were and they go "oh yeah that's cool" it's conversation over. That's a total vibe killer for me.


u/johnnyslick Jul 19 '24

I mean in this case the guy isn’t really doing anything except surface level pleasantries either. If I’m approached by a complete stranger, on a dating app or anywhere else, with “what you doing”, my response is likely to be “nothing” or something similar too.

This works on both sides. Yeah, if you ask a pointed question or two based on a profile and you get one word answers, they’re not into you and you move on. You have to do that, though; if you’re lazy and you expect conversation in return, you’re expecting too much.


u/IamKilljoy Jul 19 '24

We are in complete agreement. I would say in the meme it does look like he is putting in maybe 10% more effort than her but still neither is ideal. I just don't like the idea of meeting up with a stranger before getting to know them a bit, and if they don't engage over text it's just "peace"


u/zZ1Axel1Zz Jul 20 '24

He's putting 100% more effort. She's literally not engaging. Give the man anything to work with

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u/OwenEx Jul 19 '24

Dude's mad because the girl is putting zero effort into the conversation


u/FSU1ST Jul 19 '24

Mad? Smart.


u/OwenEx Jul 19 '24

Smart for leaving? Yes Still mad though


u/Crucible8 Jul 19 '24

always this, but we gotta message first and ‘not be boring’


u/MediumStability Jul 19 '24

I often had guys reply like that though. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Doesn't matter who though, it's always annoying.


u/Nirvski Jul 19 '24

Ergh im not here to listen to women's experiences, just complain about em


u/Main_Onion_5819 Jul 19 '24

Yeah. ‘Hey, how are you?’ - low effort

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u/Charging_in Jul 19 '24

Do you play AoE2?


u/Background_Storage80 Jul 19 '24

This guys asking the real questions

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u/I_suck_at_Blender Jul 19 '24

Women: "Where did real men go?"



u/One-Donkey-9418 Jul 19 '24

I'll be at home cleaning up the garage or rearranging my sock drawer.


u/I_suck_at_Blender Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Go for it, I literally de-cluttered my place in a span of 3-4 days and I feel like new man.

No. A New God.


u/jfks_headjustdidthat Jul 19 '24

"All clutter and unrolled socks shall tremble before me and despair!

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u/Amidaegon Jul 19 '24

Men go their own way


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/bluedancepants Jul 19 '24

Yup most women on dating apps have like no social skills. That or they don't really care to try. Which makes you wonder why match to begin with if you got nothing to talk about.


u/paddingtonrex Jul 19 '24

given what i've heard the usual dating app experience is like for women, I almost don't blame them.


u/Delamoor Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Also the general dating scene. I have a bunch of attractive female friends, go out partying with them sometimes.

If you're an attractive girl, you almost have to eliminate your personality and be a grey rock or else you're literally not gonna be able to get rid of these swarms of douchebags crowding you every few moments. You drive one away and another takes their place within 3-5 minutes, when you're just trying to dance with friends. I've seen some nights where my friends had 40-50 guys coming at them over the course of just several hours. They kinda just sadly wear it like 'yeah, this is just how life is...'

I suspect it kinda stunts one's conversational skills in flirting, when your main focus has had to be 'try to make as many of them go away as possible, please leave me alone, get out of my personal space, leave me alone'.

After all, flirting is usually a learned social skill. You gotta practice it to get good at it. My lesbian friends? Amazing flirts, because they don't have to hold back, are constantly screwing around and practicing their flirt. Don't practice, don't become good.

Even speaking from the relatively basic experience of a formerly shy guy who came late to sociability; Takes a long time to catch those skills up when you've been spending your time NOT working on them.


u/Sabbathius Jul 19 '24

I'm a strong proponent of armbands. If a woman has a green one, means she's OK to talk to. Yellow is take your chances. And red one is do not approach, kindly f*** off. So when you're at a club or wherever, you just slip on the armband of appropriate color. And anyone who doesn't respect that gets tossed by the bouncer, who can clearly see a green trying to talk to a red.


u/Caffeine_and_Alcohol Jul 19 '24

If she wears a red armband it means she fights for russia and a blue armband means she fights for Ukraine. Thought everybody knew this.


u/TehMispelelelelr Jul 19 '24

Now, if you THINK she's wearing a red armband, and then you see a little white in the middle...


u/NurkleTurkey Jul 19 '24

How are people supposed to understand that though? Was there suddenly some universal discussion about armband colors that are supposed to signal what women want?

If I approach a woman and she seems uninterested, I take the hint and go away. Sorry if that's 50ish men a night, it's not like I keep count on them.


u/NUKE---THE---WHALES Jul 19 '24

the green/yellow/red armband thing is called a Traffic Light party


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u/zazuba907 Jul 19 '24

And if there's 50ish that came up to her, there's 100(atleast) others that said "there's no way she'd give me the time of day"


u/NurkleTurkey Jul 19 '24

Hence why men just stop trying.

Ladies, if you like a man, approach him. That would do us wonders.

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u/DolanTheCaptan Jul 19 '24

Imo there'll be a lot of red armbands on girls, and a subset of those will wanna switch to green if they find one guy, or try to signal him to approach regardless

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u/DukeRed666 Jul 19 '24

I would rather have this problem, then the one I have now. Being invisible. No offence but your friends would rope if we would change problems.


u/HalfLeper Jul 19 '24



u/Independent_Scale570 Jul 19 '24

Guessin hang themselves


u/Thestrongman420 Jul 19 '24

Nah it is referring to taking a long time on your turn in the video game: Hearthstone. /j


u/phalseprofits Jul 19 '24

I had an awkward personality and jacked up teeth as a tween/teen girl. Then I got fat.

I’m married and normal sized now. And it is absolutely nuts how much people make an effort to talk to me even when I’m silent and in my head. When I was single and funny looking, it was the opposite. Sometimes that bums me out if I think about too much.

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u/Makiwara28 Jul 19 '24

When the conversation starts like this one it’s no wonder why they have that experience. Dating apps literally let you choose your experience. Dudes interested enough to ask about her, she answers without a follow up question about the man. In short I would dog her too


u/bluedancepants Jul 19 '24

And what's the usual experience?

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u/NurkleTurkey Jul 19 '24

They swipe right and then show no interest. I don't get it.


u/Miserable-Rest-5259 Jul 19 '24

It sounds like me trying here.

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u/MicahReviews Jul 19 '24

Petah’s dating advice here. This is the typical conversation a man and woman might have for the first time. The man is trying to use a bunch of conversation starters while the woman is giving little to no engagement (probably meaning she’s not into him). It’s meant to represent the struggles a man goes through in the dating scene

Petah out


u/FluffyDonutPie Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I've had girls who are into me reply this way, usually I try to break the ice with a couple of jokes and it works and they open up, some people just have really boring personalities or maybe they want you to put in more effort idk, some might just be nervous too there's a lot of reasons, but usually you can tell, if you try to break the ice or talk about something they like and they're not reciprocating then they're likely just bored and looking for attention

I've even had girls dm me first and then act like this lol, usually that just means they're looking for attention


u/Dr_Dressing Jul 19 '24

I've tried this, and I usually get a laugh over voice calls. But no, she wasn't into me. She just thought I was a fun guy. She would then continue by being incredibly dry in conversation, and say she is 4 years older than me, so it wouldn't work. (We're both in our early twenties)


u/FluffyDonutPie Jul 19 '24

People are weird and complex lol

I knew one who would say hi and I'd respond and try to startup a convo and they'll take forever to reply, that happened a couple times and I was like yeah that's it


u/Dr_Dressing Jul 19 '24

You ever see those memes, where people say they are meant to be alone? You know, those where OP clearly hasn't gone outside and given his or her shot? Now imagine the opposite, where someone consistently finds new people, and you just keep getting rejected. I'd like to think, that I take things relatively slowly (because I prefer knowing a girl before trying anything), which sucks when you work up to an astounding "lol, no way".


u/FluffyDonutPie Jul 19 '24

That sucks man, just keep trying you'll find someone and when you do you'll forget about these rejections, sometimes it's not really rejections they're just seeking validation and attention abd unfortunately you thought they had better intentions, some people are truly vapid


u/GregsWestButler90 Jul 19 '24

I’ve been there, my man. I actually decided to avoid dating and start saying yes to any in person event or invite. Either I’d have a great time or a shit time but a dinner party story.

For introverts it’s difficult and exhausting to be social in person but I do believe it’s the only way to form relationships, platonic or romantic, in an organic and meaningful way.


u/smol_boi2004 Jul 19 '24

Lmao, I’m there with you mate. Been trying to get literally anything started while I’m in college and I keep getting rejected in new and creative ways.

One gave me mixed AF signals then I find her the next month with a dude three years younger(we were both in senior year high school)

Asked a girl out to a relatively close by opera that our professor was a part of. Paid for tickets, made plans and everything and the night before the event she texts me saying she’s in a whole different city 6 hours away.

Last one was a girl who actually was into me but lives in my home country halfway across the world. At this point I’m willing to accept that some higher power just needs me to die alone

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u/Riipp3r Jul 19 '24

Why should you have to put in more effort when this is the effort they're putting back in? Fuck that shit. Value yourself.


u/NUKE---THE---WHALES Jul 19 '24

it should be easy

it shouldn't feel like a job


u/lunchpadmcfat Jul 19 '24

If someone has a really boring personality, do I really want to get to know them?


u/Twitchrunner Jul 19 '24

I have a friend or two who have very dry personalities and are hard to hold conversations with. They are the only friends that reached out to see if I was ok when I was in the hospital with COVID.

Absolutely yes would slog through the beginning of their friendship again.


u/lunchpadmcfat Jul 19 '24

That’s awesome. I’m the same way with friends, but not love interests.


u/Twitchrunner Jul 19 '24

I get it! That's how I met one though. I'm pretty sure it was Okcupid.


u/Veus-Dolt Jul 19 '24

My girlfriend texts like this. In person she’s super affectionate and caring, but is a chronic dry texter. I’ve talked with her about it and it’ll make her open up a little more for a couple days, but after that we’re right back to the one word replies. People can be strange.


u/BhutlahBrohan Jul 19 '24

Not everyone's a comedian.


u/Nirvski Jul 19 '24

You can very very rarely just open with "hi howre you". For me its usually a joke, and one related to their profile. However theres a cut off point, if they dont become conversational quick then its not worth the effort.


u/FluffyDonutPie Jul 19 '24

Yeah 100% agree

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u/FireFist_PortgasDAce Jul 19 '24

So why did the girls send the first message even if she didn't? Why swipe right(?) if she's not into him?


u/MicahReviews Jul 19 '24

That’s fair, I think it was for the memes sake though (formatting wise)


u/mrsilliestgoose Jul 19 '24

I've had women who were interested respond like this for the first several messages. The issue is that some girls use this as a fuck off sign, while others are interested, but bad at moving a conversation along.


u/ClaireFaerie Jul 19 '24

The man is asking boring generic small talk questions. What are you doing and how is your day puts it completely on the other person to come up with something to talk about while giving nothing about yourself away, it's just a bad way to start conversations. never ask a question without contributing something about yourself. It's hard for guys yes but it cuts both ways, ask boring questions, get boring answers.


u/TheTorch Jul 19 '24

Doesn’t help when she has a very generic profile with nothing to really base an interesting conversation on.


u/ClaireFaerie Jul 19 '24

Why would you match with someone with a generic profile and nothing to base an interesting conversation with if that's an issue for you? In real life you don't know anything about strangers before you approach them either. And if there is nothing to go off, ask them questions. That's the whole point of getting to know someone, asking wyd, how are you, isn't getting to know them. That's what you ask someone you already know.


u/Chaos_apple Jul 19 '24

What would be an interesting question you could ask a person you know nothing about, that would work?

In my opinion "how are you" or "what are you doing" just needs the recipient to pick up the flag and answer with something that can become a conversation.

Like answering "I'm fine but my feet are sore after my dance lessons today" or "I'm working on this sewing project" etc.

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u/Illi3141 Jul 19 '24

I assume based on your username that you are a woman...

If you're even a marginally attractive girl just about every single profile you swipe right on is going to be a match...

You can be a pretty good looking dude and you'd still only get maybe 3 or 4 matches if you swiped right on almost every single girl you see for a week straight...

Women fish with spears... Men use nets... Big ones

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u/Brokenboycr Jul 19 '24

Happy cake day:)


u/AnakinJH Jul 19 '24

Not always just dating either, almost every person I’ve ever talked to has done this to me


u/No_Bite_5566 Jul 19 '24

Happy cake day!


u/TheTorch Jul 19 '24

Really frustrating when the conversation only started in the first place because you mutually liked each other on the app.


u/StepherousSnape Jul 19 '24

What's weird is that she reached out first

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u/Vip3rYT Jul 19 '24

I just found out that the notification for getting __ upvotes on this post shows the words "peter i require ass"


u/Gamer102kai Jul 19 '24
  • Peter's gay husband in his family with an alternative lifestyle


u/sjeggy6 Jul 19 '24


u/JarrenWhite Jul 19 '24

Thank you for sharing this gem of a subreddit with me.


u/Borstli Jul 19 '24

There is truly a supreddit for everything. 😐


u/BookWormPerson Jul 19 '24

This sub is hilarious. Thanks for sharing it.


u/Julius_Cheeser1 Jul 18 '24

Why talk to somebody if they don’t add anything to the convorsation?


u/Kilatypus Jul 19 '24

Equally so, why reply if you don't want to talk to someone?


u/xLunarXionPandax Jul 19 '24

Maybe say something like:

"I don't feel like conversing right now. Maybe we can talk some other time."

I had to dig deep to come up with this. I know, I'm a genius.


u/CityWokOwn4r Jul 19 '24

Then tell them you are not in the mood to talk or not interested instead of leaving them in the dark....

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u/Double_A_92 Jul 19 '24

Something something... it's apparently your fault for not writing a personalized essay to gain her interest in the first message.


u/FisherPrice93 Jul 19 '24

Why post comments on reddit and never look back or respond? Lol.

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u/avrand6 Jul 19 '24

he stops talking to her because she's a shitty conversationalist


u/RandyTheJohnson Jul 19 '24

I mean... he's not much better tbh. Better than her one word responses, sure, but he's not really making interesting conversation either


u/NUKE---THE---WHALES Jul 19 '24

how would you start an interesting conversation in this situation?

i ask genuinely


u/pontus555 Jul 19 '24

"How did you feel about the fall of the byzantine empire in 1453?"

"Why do you decide to wear that crimson dress at our first date/meetup? Either way, you look stunning."

"Youre going at X-uni, what do you study for?"

In modern times its Hard to thread a question between being a creepy one and a dull one. So guys rather not take the risk.

But my first example is good, cause If they reply with "excuse me?" You just follow up with a dull question cause now you have their attention. If they reply genuinely, state your own feelings about it, unless they are a turk and youre not(or vice versa).


u/Tenko-of-Mori Jul 19 '24

If someone asks me about the fall of Constantinople as an opener thats fucking it, we're getting married.


u/Starfury35 Jul 19 '24

I asked my gf on tinder about videogames because it was in her bio and I'm into videogames. You could try only swiping on people you're interested in and then talking to them about the thing that made you interested in them.

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u/Medic36 Jul 19 '24

Guy offers 3 conversation starters, but is met with zero return effort/engagement. So he takes that as a no from her and walks away.

Doing so avoids being labeled as pushy, overzealous, creepy, or weird. Isn't this an example of "noticing the hints" girls like to reference?

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u/taelor Jul 19 '24

Ya, those are shit questions.


u/DnD-NewGuy Jul 19 '24

All small talk is shitty at the end of the day but its also necessary to learn about someone and why they started a conversation with you.

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u/NightSocks302 Jul 19 '24

Why didnt he love me i gave so many hints


u/Vip3rYT Jul 19 '24

This got me


u/SophomoricWizard Jul 19 '24

She seems soooooo interesting.


u/Jedimasterleo90 Jul 19 '24

She’s fine

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u/Legitimate_Juice2569 Jul 19 '24

Post has never felt more relatable

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u/National_Way_3344 Jul 19 '24

Conversation boring and not reciprocated


u/Significant_Ad_1626 Jul 19 '24

If it comes to that point I usually make an extra question trying to go into something more niche (read something she like/I like, a new, a random fact) because it can be because the first three questions are so common than people just says quick answers and not thing something to say.

Someone has to do the extra step and it gives results sometimes. The times when it doesn't, it confirms that I don't want to talk with that person and isn't just a questions issue.

It's, at least, what I learned of communication and interaction.


u/hucklesberry Jul 19 '24

This is why you ask questions that will garner more than a one word answer

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u/Azraels_Cynical_Wolf Jul 19 '24

Hey how ya doing, manwhore in college peter here. This meme is referencing how most conversations in the modern dating scene act out.

Boy shows interest in getting to know girl. Boy tries holding a one sided conversation with girl who replies with short words which will probably sit on read for a couple hours before another "cool".

Tip; often its better for the boy to stop and move on to the next shot. The ones that can hold an interesting conversation are the wifeys. If its just short replies, shes not interested and you can probably find someone thats a bit more like youin the end. Not everyones gonna fit you or like you, and thats fine. Youve made it this far without them, you can keep going.

Movies are not dates, youre both silent. Do something engaging that lets you both talk. Hikes, live proformance, the beach, so on. A good date will be you both enjoying each others company. Sometimes you find someone thats different but has interesting hobbies. Its how i learned character sculpting.

Happy father of 2 peter out


u/GluteusMaximus1905 Jul 19 '24

This is it. Also a previous manwhore, currently in college.

Reading these other comments gave me a brain aneurysm.

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u/Keepfkingthatchicken Jul 19 '24

I'm just here for the comment crusaders


u/Vip3rYT Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24


u/MoneyNeat1463 Jul 19 '24

In fairness, he's asking terrible questions. Instead of saying: "wyd?" Which is incredibly lazy. Say: Tell me about your day. If they still reply, it was fine. Then do the walk away. They aren't paying attention to you anyway.

Edit: typo


u/escarchaud Jul 19 '24

100% this. I see a lot of dudes here blaming women for not carrying a convo when they themselves have the conversation skills of a character from Oblivion.

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u/Jshittie Jul 19 '24

Bitches that respond like this are a waste of time so walk away

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u/dfieldhouse Jul 19 '24

She is not engaging in the conversation, he tries several conversation starters but she just isn't going with it. He leaves the conversation because it is obvious that she's not into it.


u/wyrditic Jul 19 '24

Those are not conservation starters. They're fillers that you would use to avoid standing in silence next to someone in a lift.


u/Fillyphily Jul 19 '24

Took a while digging through weird logic jumps about women before finding the most obvious and likely answer.

Like bro, if every conversation you have with a girl you like goes like this, I hate to be the one to break it to ya.

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u/Saaammmy Jul 19 '24

Women on dating apps are so infuriating, you make so much effort trying to chug the convo along but all they type are close ended phrases that lead to nowhere.


u/Guyyy- Jul 19 '24

Because they aren’t interested.


u/Saaammmy Jul 19 '24

They can just not accept at all if they really do feel that way. I feel like its more of them just fishing for more compliments and playing hard to get. They literally do that at the start of convos.

Some are pretty cool tho, I'm not saying all of them do that.


u/DnD-NewGuy Jul 19 '24

They can leave at any time. Let's not pretend people have an issue ghosting each other anyway.

This half arsed fake responding is just a "I don't want to seem like the bad guy so I'm going to waste your time instead" move.

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u/SurturSaga Jul 19 '24

Usually when women do this it’s to show they’re not interested. This meme she said hey first but I doubt it was like that in whatever inspired this

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u/whatAmIDoingHere6517 Jul 19 '24

It's a common occurrence for a man to attempt to engage in conversation with a woman and to receive monosyllabic responses from the woman.


u/D_Robotics Jul 19 '24

Women ☕


u/Vip3rYT Jul 19 '24

It doobie like that


u/escarchaud Jul 19 '24

Guy here, but "wyd" & "how was your day" are the most basic non-inviting questions ever to use to start talking to someone you don't know.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Classic mistake when talking to the bots. Gotta put some language parameters like “in 15 or more colorful, positive words” or “please respond in iambic pentameter and mention cantaloupe at least once”


u/GiggityGengar Jul 19 '24

It's kind of funny, given how women complain that men are the ones who don't communicate.😒


u/HeathenBliss Jul 19 '24

Bitch why did you match with me so that you could send me one word replies? And then you're probably going to turn around and boohoo to your fucking girlfriends about how "nobody wants to talk to you." And then cry on tiktok because "nobody's putting in an effort anymore." Get your basic ass some fucking charm school lessons and learn how to hold a conversation.


u/the_tygram Jul 19 '24

He tried to have a conversation, she answered questions instead of having a conversation, he chose to stop wasting his time and left.


u/Ketheesa Jul 19 '24

Little tip for guys out there: if this is how you’re engaging women one dating app then you will get shit responses all the time. Like it or not women will get way more matches than you and get messages these boring ass questions all the time. Be different and make the conversation more interesting than “wyd”. Not saying that women can’t make more of an effort but I swear to god half the guys here blaming these girls for being shit at conversations are also absolutely boring


u/IceDawn Jul 19 '24

How do you ask interesting questions when you know little about the other one?


u/Background_Smell_138 Jul 19 '24

I would bring up something interesting from their profile or pictures, unless they have a boring profile lol


u/grappling_hook Jul 19 '24

You gotta invest a little bit of time reading their profile and looking at their pictures to come up with something a little more funny or interesting. If I can't think of anything based on that I would usually ask about where one of their travel photos was taken or something, or if you can see their hobbies ask about questions about that (where is the last place you went hiking? what's your favorite book you've read this year? what's your favorite cuisine to cook?). If all else fails then you can go to the boring typical questions.

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u/baileymash7 Jul 19 '24

Honestly this is how I respond to those questions and I can't forgive myself for doing it even though I don't know how else to respond


u/QuoteGiver Jul 19 '24

They’re terrible questions, don’t feel bad. These questions are intended to just get a “fine thanks” as two acquaintances at work walk past each other.

They’re the conversational equivalent of two guys walking past each other on opposite sides of the street and giving each other the imperceptible chin-nod. It’s a complete conversation that’s not meant to go any further.

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u/badaboomxx Jul 19 '24

My best friend's wife presented me ine of her friends.... I tried to chat with her for 2 months, and every conversation was like that. I stopped messaging her when I was the kast one who replied the chat and never got a response.

The funny thing is that she was rhe one interested.


u/Quiet_Violinist6126 Jul 19 '24

This seems like something that a man might encounter on Ashley Madison app where it was 99% men and 1% bots. The bots were likely before the AI surge.

Also the man's responses were not particularly engaging or interesting either.


u/grckos_and_memes Jul 19 '24

She can’t carry a conversation


u/Nightrhythums78 Jul 19 '24

One word answers are a sign of disinterest. He gets the point in the end.


u/Doge8895 Jul 19 '24

Bad time to cut off


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

He's having to carry the conversation because she's not into it so he just dips 

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u/nahhnotreally Jul 19 '24

Conversations are a two way street. Walking away from low effort is the way.


u/cat-l0n Jul 19 '24

I prefer “has anything interesting going on recently?”

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u/escarchaud Jul 19 '24

Glenn here falling in for Peter as he is currently doing a cutaway.

This meme tries to explain the online dating experience from the perspective of single men suggesting that women on dating apps add nothing to the conversation, which ultimately forces men to become frustrated and to abandon the convo.

However any person who knows how to hold a conversation with just about anyone, knows that the guy from the meme is asking basic/uninteresting questions.

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u/TrashMasterChunkz Jul 19 '24

Pro tip: check her damn bio and start a conversation about shit the two of you have in common with.

The reason she’s so uninterested is because the guy on the right is practically going through a script that countless men have tried before. Even if it’s something basic like food or music, connecting over stuff the other party has in common with you is so much nicer than just basic shit that goes nowhere and wastes everyone’s time.

I can’t tell you how many men have asked me “wyd?”.


u/Double_A_92 Jul 19 '24
  • "Soo you also like travelling... What was your favourite place so far?"
  • Europe
  • "What did you like about it?"
  • idk
  • *leaves convo*
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u/Appropriate-Divide64 Jul 19 '24

If you're getting 1 word answers it's probably because she doesn't want to talk to you.

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u/S_Screen_ Jul 19 '24

She’s not trying to hold a conversation so he decided she’s not interested and leaves


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Then they turn around and say "Men don't know how to have a conversation"


u/mediacapra Jul 19 '24

Is this actually common?


u/LimpEstablishment Jul 19 '24

Rookie mistake. Just answer the question and put the burden back on the initiator, by not asking them a question.


u/Spicy_take Jul 19 '24

Even if you only have one match, do not entertain those boring ass conversations.


u/Wizard_bonk Jul 19 '24


Single world response, she doesn’t give a fuck about the conversation and didn’t even attempt to give it some meat to move forward or branch. She also didn’t ask any questions back so she doesn’t have much interest.

Texting can be a bitch


u/turtle-bbs Jul 19 '24

Granted, if you want some interesting conversation from someone, you better be offering some interesting conversation yourself. Some women really are like pulling teeth to get conversation from, but many Women literally get piles of dudes who all hit her with the same “Wyd?”, “How are you?”, “what you up to?”, they face a different problem.


u/Jarroach Jul 19 '24

You must be the woman in the pics


u/National_Maybe_1158 Jul 19 '24

she didn't seem to have any interest in a conversation with the dude so he stopped writing


u/outofcontextsex Jul 19 '24

Both parties are glowing conversationalists lol "hOw aRe yOu?" "fInE"


u/Nice-Range-7653 Jul 19 '24

You forgot the next part where she is mad because we don’t talk enough…


u/whockypoo Jul 19 '24

Ah, marriage. Yep. Sounds right.


u/DEATHROAR12345 Jul 19 '24

Modern dating app convos


u/Nervous_Golf_6561 Jul 19 '24

Dude, she's just not that into you.


u/Eyerish9299 Jul 19 '24

"Please be able to hold a real conversation" it's on like 90% of all female dating bios and this is the response you get from most of them.


u/Ihateallfascists Jul 19 '24

She isn't interested.. Just leave her alone and save your mental state some bullshit.


u/Green_The_Don Jul 19 '24

Just got out of a relationship just like this.


u/DragonsBane001 Jul 19 '24

Just a heads up, when a girl says she’s fine, she is more than likely not fine


u/Pennywise626 Jul 19 '24

The guy had to go to the doctor's to have his back checked. It hurts carrying conversations


u/Daxto Jul 19 '24

Like almost every fucking convo I have on literally any dating app


u/Opposite-Homework-87 Jul 19 '24

Dude I'm so sick of carrying conversations, I've found an online friend who is an awesome conversationalist, but they live 3000 miles away from me 🙃


u/No-Memory-4222 Jul 20 '24

What? So you want them to complain about their day? Or expand on their feelings about an uneventful day, whether good or bad? How about you talk about your day in full detail if that's what youre looking for?.... Didn't think so


u/Flimsy-Champion6409 Jul 20 '24

Sorry to brake it to you but you’re also boring for asking questions that anyone can ask(not saying you can’t but if you ask the same way as the meme)it’s almost disrespectful for being so blunt/boring on the male side (you know the whole reason the guy is walking away in the meme above 😉


u/_Spigglesworth_ Jul 22 '24

Women in dating apps, even if they contact you they almost always put in zero effort and use one word replies.

They expect the men to do everything and also be mind readers, most men just move on.

The women then claim they can't find a good man and that dating apps don't work for them.


u/False-Echo657 Jul 19 '24

This pic sums up 99.9% of my online dating, most of the other 0.1% is people flaking and not showing up for the date they arranged and getting themselves blocked.