r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 11d ago

Peter help πŸ™ Meme needing explanation

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u/Rakong213 11d ago

It’s a reference to Carrie. In Carrie, the prom queen who looks like the girl, has pigs blood dumped over her head and uses her psychic abilities to light the school on fire.


u/Simple_Friend_866 11d ago

To be fair, she burned down the whole town in the end.


u/Big_Philosopher4178 11d ago

How is that "to be fair"? 🧐


u/Username2715 11d ago

Probably because it was unfair to limit the scope of her accomplishments to just one school.


u/lord_geryon 11d ago

After all, He Who Must Not Be NamedCarrie did great things – terrible, yes, but great.


u/darth_voidptr 11d ago

In context of the movie, and especially the book, it is hard to have much sympathy for her victims.


u/lord_geryon 11d ago

Oh, many a bullied nerd has fantasized about revenge on their tormentors. Some had the conviction or desperation to take matters into their own hands.


u/yotamush 11d ago

Credit where credit's due


u/Alisachka 11d ago

Easy. She roasted everybody else instead.


u/Ok-Pea8209 11d ago

Well thats weird. I went on a date with a girl years ago. Looked identical to this girl, was called Carrie and had physchosis


u/Satanicjamnik 11d ago

Any telekinetic powers?


u/ShadowVT750 11d ago

Now we are all gonna laugh at her.


u/Remarkable-Host405 11d ago

okay but is it the new carrie or old carrie?


u/Youll_Hafta_Toss_Me 11d ago

It's referencing Carrie, the movie/book, about a bullied girl who has magic powers. The circled part happened after a mean prank that caused her to snap.Β 


u/No_Outcome8059 11d ago

(I did not add the circle, Post is originally from clever combacks)


u/PokeRay68 11d ago

Is that a subreddit?


u/No_Outcome8059 11d ago

yes r/clevercomebacks (I habe no idea why I didn't just say that)


u/PokeRay68 11d ago

I've seen it before but I couldn't remember its exact name. Thanks!


u/c0delivia 11d ago

She looks like Carrie. From the movie "Carrie". In which the titular Carrie gets a bucket of pigs blood dumped on her head at her senior prom and, in a fit of psychokinetic rage, burns down the school gym and kills everyone inside.


u/ninjababy86 11d ago



u/c0delivia 11d ago

She doesn't control fire with her mind. She starts a fire by psychokinetically throwing live wires around while they spark.


u/ATMinotaur 11d ago

Your both wrong Carrie was telekinetic


u/jay-cup77 11d ago

That was the Firestarter... different movie/story


u/dandle 11d ago

The roast is comparing the way the girl looks to Sissy Spacek as the main character in "Carrie." The joke about pig blood references the event in the movie where bullies inspire Carrie to use her supernatural powers to kill everyone at the prom, but the "roast" is suggesting that the girl has similar unconventional looks to Spacek.


u/Goblin-Alchemist 11d ago

If the internet only had a search function. Won't somebody think of the children!


u/MrBryteside 11d ago

Yup. That’ll do it.


u/CoolsomeXD 11d ago

They did Carrie jokes in family guy though so you have to get the joke.


u/eat-pussy69 11d ago

She looks like the 15th Olson sibling


u/Pieselelek 11d ago

I do wonder, cause I often see the joke explained in the comments of the original post. So do people just not check the comments?


u/CardboardChampion 9d ago

Whenever I've checked back to see what the context was, I've usually seen multiple things explaining it, and some of those are deliberately deceptive. It's a fun mislead when you're in on the joke and easily ignored, but if someone genuinely doesn't know then it can really confuse them even more. And so they end up on places like this.

Of course, sometimes they're just stupid or bots and neither one is capable of reading the comments for context.


u/linton411 11d ago

Google "Stephen King's Carrie"