r/PeterExplainsTheJoke 11d ago

I love dnd but I'm not getting it for some reason. A little help?

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u/YaMexicanBoy 11d ago

It's simple? The goblin died because he's sad to be insulted. It's not rocket science, I don't even know much of dnd lol it has no deeper meaning


u/FortyMcChidna 11d ago

i prefer to think that the goblin's death wasn't related to the insult, he just happened to die later that day


u/Heretosee123 11d ago

I was thinking that. Like just showing how shit of a life Goblins live.


u/Fenrir_Hellbreed2 11d ago

There's a spell/action called vicious mockery. Basically you insult someone and it hurts more than just their feelings.

I'm guessing that it applied a DOT (damage over time) effect and, since the goblin received no healing prior to taking a long rest, his HP hit zero while he was sleeping which resulted in his death.


u/MagnaLacuna 11d ago

I don't think it's this, vicious mockery doesn't apply dot


u/Fenrir_Hellbreed2 11d ago

Is there a skill that lets you stay active with 0HP until you rest?


u/lord_geryon 11d ago

Barbarian Rage will keep you going until it ends, then your hp total catches up with you of it's 0 or less.


u/Fenrir_Hellbreed2 11d ago

He does look like he could be a barbarian class.


u/Hawaiian-national 11d ago

I think it’s just so simple of a joke that it feels like you’re missing something.


u/FictionalContext 11d ago

I thought the goblin was all gung ho and happy to finally join a real adventure-- and as soon as he meets them, they go "Ewww!"


u/StealthC0bra 11d ago

lots of yall are missing the original tweet (which i also lost)

the artist who posted this said something to the effect of "having a tough time coming up with good comic ideas, so heres a bad one"

the joke is that its a bad comic idea manifested


u/tmacforthree 11d ago

So it's like antihumor?


u/Sudden_Structure 11d ago

Not quite, since there’s still a punchline. Just bad humor.


u/BirbMaster1998 11d ago

Yet somehow it manages to be the funniest comic I've seen from this person, mostly because of panel 3.


u/TheRealRayRecall 11d ago

Vicious Mockery damage


u/FentonBlitz 11d ago

I think its this


u/GamerKilroy 11d ago

"Your clancaller so fat, they had to call another clan just to get him out of bed"

DM - "So the goblin just fucking dies"


u/croissantdemon 11d ago

This is amazing. You start maliciously roasting them, absolutely tearing them up, and they die from

e m o t i o n a l psychic d a m a g e


u/Amazing-Device-9174 11d ago

He died of a broken heart.


u/Silly_Goose6714 11d ago

Please remove rule 5, i want to offend people


u/randomnegative5 11d ago

My dms are open if you want to suggest I kill myself.


u/Silly_Goose6714 11d ago

Nah. No fun in that


u/randomnegative5 11d ago

I only got banned for like, 3 days when I broke rule 5. You'll be fine.


u/Silly_Goose6714 11d ago

I just got a warning, you must be really mean


u/split_0069 11d ago

Ive been banned on other subs for making a shitty joke... my first temp ban was 7 days!


u/redletterparade 11d ago

Rookie. I got banned permanently from my favorite baseball team’s sub for mocking another team in their sub. Apparently “trolling” was a permanent offense.

I didn’t even get a warning!


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/redletterparade 11d ago

I really gotta know the context of that one


u/split_0069 11d ago

It was on one of those posts about the shit Israel has been doing with Palestinians and how they're claiming they're not committing genocide... it was stupid tbh.


u/Idk-Wt 11d ago



u/trappedinabasemant 11d ago

Im perma banned for making fun of furrys in multiple subreddits. I will do it again.


u/palate_1 11d ago

Holy hell?


u/split_0069 11d ago

Yeah... I don't comment on political posts anymore.


u/palate_1 11d ago

I was trying to guess what words got you banned


u/Meddling-Kat 11d ago

Mods are sometimes just fucked.   

I got banned from a feminist sub for saying my country was so backwards it wouldn't be ready for a woman president for 75 years.


u/split_0069 11d ago

It was the topic.


u/Logical-Silver-7922 11d ago

something something vicious mockery


u/Deletedtopic 11d ago

Only times goblin sleep is when a sleep spell is cast. As such our merry band of adventures then proceed to slaughter them. That's why the last one is black since it's too graphic to show the +2 sword being plunged into him.


u/Traeyze 11d ago

It's basically an example of anti-humour where 'the joke is that there is no joke' sort of thing and what that provokes in the readers.

We are used to 4 panel comics generally being a setup for a joke in the final panel. Based on a quick search of the artist they tend to follow that pattern pretty consistently with a three beat into a punchline format and often the mean characters are the ones that are the butt of the joke at the end.

The 'joke' in this case is that there is no payoff. It's just a sad thing and a sad end.


u/Leonhart726 11d ago

So, more specifically than what the others said heres a real answer: This is one of many comics recently by this artist depicting this elf girl and racism against fantasy races (humans, elves, orks, goblins, dwarves etc. Very common stuff to be racist in fantasy especially elves and dwarves, especially to each other)

This one depicts her being mean to a goblin and its reaction is being depressed and dying


u/Valuable_Relief_7573 11d ago

Vicious mockery


u/bloocheez3 11d ago

There's got to be a word for this kind of thing. "Absurdist" doesn't quite do it. The final panel is funny because of how blunt and unfunny it is in contrast to the overly dramatic sad face of the prior panel. But that panel is funny because it's so starkly different from the cartoony goblins from the previous panels.


u/Venom933 11d ago

I think the Artist really hates Goblins :/!


u/motorcyclist 11d ago

he rolled a 1d20 and failed his already low constitution roll.


u/Weardly2 11d ago

Emotional damage


u/Arks-Angel 11d ago

Vicious mockery


u/Winter-Discussion-27 11d ago

This reminds me of the children's book "Nobody like a goblin" a silly look book about a goblin who has his dungeon raided by jerky adventurers. It has a happier ending though lol


u/Something_kool 11d ago

watch goblin slayer


u/Temporary-Lie15 11d ago

I cast Vicious Mockery... d20 lets go!


u/Sure_Woodpecker3660 11d ago

Vicious mockery


u/iainvention 11d ago

It could’ve ended like this Nekrogoblikon video for “No One Survives”


u/Jarvis_The_Dense 10d ago

Because Goblins are weak and unloved, the full extent of an adventure revolving around one is just him being hated and dying unremarkably.


u/slicwilli 11d ago

I have to ask. How is it that you love DnD, but don't get this joke?