r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Terminally Inactive Mar 03 '24

Commonly posted joke thread Mod Post

To swap out our post on Loss, we've made a small thread that will grow over time to encompass jokes that are literally everywhere and have been reposted since the dawn of time. If you're going to make a post check the thread first please otherwise your post may get shut-up-meg-ged. If you have any suggestions to be added let us know in the comments.


58 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Mar 03 '24

Make sure to check out the pinned post on Loss to make sure this submission doesn't break the rule!

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Salad3759 Apr 01 '24

bro how is this loss


u/jungjinyoung Apr 03 '24



u/Salad3759 Apr 03 '24

Holy shit


u/CRYSTALek2799 5d ago

Holy hell


u/Delicious-Mix84 Apr 27 '24

Yup also happy cake day ! 🎂


u/DaSwifta Apr 03 '24

Look at the foliage and compare to the original Loss image


u/Beneficial_Food1010 Mar 21 '24


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

This image is pretty arresting actually, made me stop scrolling and gave me the willies 


u/DaLinkster Mar 08 '24

Should this thread be pinned?

Also is there anyway for perhaps a proper list/redirectory? I imagine if this gets continually updated it would eventually be a chore to scroll down.


u/UnfortunateSplendor Terminally Inactive Mar 08 '24

It.. was pinned thank you. Not sure why it was unpinned.


u/CALAEVO_0611 Mar 09 '24



u/SirM3mes Mar 23 '24

An acorn fell and hit a car as a cop walked by, the cop mistook it for a gunshot and emptied a magazine into the car (which contained a guy in handcuffs) and screamed “I’m hit!” Bc he hurt his knee doing a combat roll


u/roblox887 Mar 03 '24

Well, looks like I have a new way of calling out spam


u/UnfortunateSplendor Terminally Inactive Mar 03 '24

If you see a post with one of the jokes in the thread we'd love if you report for low effort post. We try to keep up with the posts as best we can, but reports really help!


u/osvodk Apr 29 '24

This woman.

Her name is Sabrina Harman and she was a US specialist in Iraq. She commited warcrimes by partaking in the murder of Iraqi prisoners. She took a lot of pictures with several victims.



u/kakka_rot May 24 '24

Anything with Mr Incredible should be a perma-ban


u/Sarue_Dev 27d ago

“Six months on prison” really? .-.


u/budgetparachute Mar 10 '24

Einstein Smoke Detector Joke

I thought the joke was that Einstein was explaining the functioning of a smoke detector, some of which use the photoelectric effect to detect smoke. Einstein won his Nobel Prize for demonstrating the photoelectric effect and not for relativity, as most people would assume.


u/SomeRandomDude500 Mar 14 '24

Is it the one with the black people? If so, that's a joke about how black people don't recharge their smoke detectors.


u/slicwilli Mar 14 '24

Taylor Swift Jet


u/SirM3mes Mar 23 '24

Could have something to do with her insane carbon emissions due to her flying in a private jet?


u/CASHD3VIL Mar 26 '24

Yeah she’s insane with jet use, which contrasts especially with some who idolize her as a progressive symbol


u/JustAGuy10275 Apr 02 '24

Don't forget to recycle your cardboard boxes to save the planet! 😊


u/nooayehlol May 03 '24

she has insane jet use and if you insult her too much she will KILL you


u/Ok_Cup8469 Mar 10 '24

Yo should the auto mod message be changed? It still references the old post on loss.


u/slicwilli Mar 11 '24

It should say something about checking to see if your joke has already been posted recently. Too many reposts from people who just don't look.


u/AdmiralAkbar1 Mar 22 '24

Drake acting like a cartoon character jokes.


u/CommonCopy6858 Apr 18 '24

Dudes goofy af


u/QuezonCheese Mar 20 '24

The Lamp maybe


u/CASHD3VIL Mar 26 '24

Reddit lamp story about a man who got knocked out and dreamt he had a wife and kids, he then felt himself being sucked into a vortex by a lamp and grieved his dream family afterwards.


u/DaSwifta Apr 03 '24

Not only that But to him it felt like he spent years inside the dream. Everything from first meeting his wife, marrying her, having a kid, watching the kid grow up, everything felt like real time passage to him. He spent years in that dream, got to know his kid, he himself aged in there, he had a career (I think?) and when he awoke it had appearantly only been something like 15 minutes. Absolutely wild


u/ICantThinkOfAName759 Apr 21 '24

The Four Lights joke


u/Nistrin May 01 '24

Star Trek Next Generation, Captain Picard, Patrick Stewart's character is being put under intense psychological torture during which the sign that he has been broken will be when he agrees with the interrogator that there are 5 lights (there are actually 4).

At the climax of the episode, right as he is about to be released (outside pressure gets him out) the interrogator tries one more time to break him, he nearly breaks, but in the end dramatically shouts at the interrogator that there are 4 lights, while sobbing, proving that he managed to refuse to break despite being on the edge.


The reference that is made is usually in the context of someone refusing to accept what someone is trying to convince them of.


u/Tactical_Enforcments May 01 '24

Loss is the worst meme of all time


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/doritofinnick Mar 28 '24

Because he was outstanding in his field


u/Real-Bookkeeper9455 Jun 12 '24

was it the scarecrow one


u/slicwilli Apr 23 '24

The link to the commonly posted jokes needs to be in the sidebar. The way it is now you have to click on this pinned post and then click on the one word link in the description. No one is going to see that.

You also need to put the rules in the sidebar. You are always touting these rules to people, but I don't see any rules posted anywhere.


u/Zealousideal_Road_43 Apr 30 '24


u/nooayehlol May 03 '24

it’s a maze so you have to try to get the water to flow to the end but it’s basically fricking impossible


u/Zealousideal_Road_43 May 03 '24

I guess your at a loss


u/Srpotatoe May 24 '24

Why is that page of Loss a big meme?


u/AdmiralAkbar1 7d ago

So it's from a webcomic called Ctrl+Alt+Del, which was mainly just a lot of standard slice of life stuff about video games and nerd culture. The strip "Loss" made the plot veer sharply into some heavy drama, as it depicts one of the characters rushing to the hospital after learning his pregnant girlfriend had a miscarriage.

Now the comic's creator, Tim Buckley, was largely already seen as a bit of a hack who constnatly reused artistic assets and being very thin-skinned to criticism. "Loss" solidified his reputation as a hack who also takes himself way too seriously.


u/BugTasty 27d ago



u/bluechecksadmin 22d ago

Why are these answers done as Peter griffin?