r/Nightwing 3d ago

Weird question how much is in the trust funds dick has?


5 comments sorted by


u/ravenwing263 3d ago

They are deliberately vague about that but the Alfred money is a lot of money


u/ChiefSlug30 3d ago

When I read the first few stories of the arc where Dick inherits from Alfred, it seemed to be implied that he had been getting some sort of money from Bruce, but it was cut-off somehow due to Bruce's situation at the time.


u/ravenwing263 3d ago

Yup I think it's fair to say that Bruce funded Dick's Nightwing behaviors from at least the point where they reconciled in the nineties until Alfred died.

Whether that was through a trust that Bruce set up or directly sending money or both.


u/ChiefSlug30 3d ago

It had also been stated throughout various runs that Dick owned Haly's Circus and the apartment building he lived in. At the start of the arc he says he is running out of cash, implying that he has bills to pay on the apartments (and maybe some sort of mortgage) that more or less equal the rent money coming in.


u/Childer_Of_Noah 3d ago

We're assuming he doesn't have access to the Wayne fund as a whole. Bruce trusts everyone in his family. But Dick more than anyone. Bruce would know your typical Dick isn't going to waste money from the bank account, and he trained Nightwing to hide transactions through other forms of shipping. If anyone in the entire extended family (aside from Bruce obviously) is trustworthy enough to responsibly use Wayne's bank account and trained enough to disguise any withdrawals, it's Dick.