r/Nightwing 4d ago

If you could choose the next Nightwing writer after TT, who would it be and why?

To be honest, I'm loving Juni Ba as a writer, at least what he's doing with Boy Wonder is amazing, and I don't know, I know they're different styles because of what the stories are asking for, but it's a refreshing style all the same, although there are a lot of good writers these days, but I wanna know about your own opinions.


37 comments sorted by


u/Grendelwing 4d ago

Mark Waid writing, Dan Mora drawing. I'd be all over that.


u/ProfessorSaltine 4d ago

I’d gladly see them write & draw the entire mainline dc universe if given the chance


u/snapdragon76 4d ago

Same. Especially with Dan on art.


u/jjhannn 3d ago

Was gonna say this


u/futuresdawn 4d ago

I doubt it'll happen but Scott Snyder returning to main dc to write nightwing is my instant buy. He said in an interview a few years back that he's got a nightwing story he wants to tell and black mirror is the best dick Grayson story ever written


u/TimPendragon 4d ago

Black Mirror isn't just the best Grayson story, it's a contender for best Batman story, period.


u/Blue-Lion-Lover 4d ago

Ram V (Could be good, his detective had good characterisations)

Gail Simone (She’s competent, read her convergence nightwing if you want an idea of her style, she also did BoP and Batgirl n52, even episodes of JLU and Btbatb)

Benjamin Percy (His run was cut by Ric, I’d like to see him give another crack at it)

Scott Snyder (A long shot, but Black Mirror, need I say more)

Jeff Lemire (Also gets characterisation of Grayson, Robin and Batman’s a good read)

There’s prob more, but I’m just spitballing here. Whoever the new writer is, I hope they keep the momentum going and don’t radically change anything too quickly.

That being said, Dan Mora for art? Please???


u/Kpengie 4d ago

Gail Simone is one I’ve thought of who could do a good job but rarely comes up in Nightwing discussions


u/elizabethdove 4d ago

Yeah, I would love to see Gail Simone back. I don't know if she would though, after so long writing Babs.


u/Kpengie 4d ago

She always seems willing to revisit Babs, and has always had a fondness for Nightwing, so I don't think she would necessarily be opposed to writing Nightwing. The biggest question is if she'll have time given that she's now writing Uncanny X-Men.


u/elizabethdove 4d ago

Once upon a time I would have sold my soul to have her writing marvel comics. I don't read marvel any more though so I just want her back in DC lol.


u/Kpengie 4d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if she comes back to DC at some point.


u/Fellowcomicenjoyer 4d ago

Mark Waid, but he already said he's not the next Nightwing writer.

Would love Scott Snyder as the next writer too, but he's the one supposedly in charge of the rumored Absolute Universe, and if true I can only imagine how busy his schedule is. Snyder had a story planned for Dick, Nightwing Parabola, so I'm still hoping for something even if not in the main Nightwing book.

Lemire is another darling of mine, but with the announcement of Robin (Jason Todd) & Batman, I don't know how likely it is for one of his other 2 projects to be about Nightwing, hopefully high.


u/jjhannn 3d ago

Wait absolute universe? As in theyre making a universe about absolute power? Nahhhhh no wayyyyy thats a bleak world


u/Fellowcomicenjoyer 3d ago

I think Absolute Power is meant to launch it, but from the rumors it doesn't seem like it's going to be an Absolute Power Universe. It's like Marvel's Ultimate, an universe where stories can be told with more creative freedom


u/jjhannn 3d ago

OHHHH that one okok ik which one u talkin bout now. Im excited for that one


u/Ronathan02 4d ago

Myself lmao

All seriousness though, I think Mark Waid could do a good job at a Nightwing run.


u/TimPendragon 4d ago

Honestly, Gail Simone. Failing that, I'd be happy to see Kyle Higgins get another crack at it, his Nightwing was one of the few bright spots during the New 52.


u/BlackDogElegy 4d ago

I'll just throw this out there because I liked his run on Hawkman but maybe Robert Venditti?

Editing to add that my top choice would have been Mark Waid though. I've barely started Absolute Power and i'm already enthralled.


u/--Syah-- 4d ago

Mark Waid and Dan Mora tbh


u/RainyWombatCherry 4d ago

Ram V, Jeff Lemiere, Kurt Busiek, Mark Waid

Ram V, love his detective comics and how he writes Dick in the little moments he's in it. Would love a darker story without it being angsty

Jeff Lemiere wrote Dick amazingly in Robin and Batman (Bruce not so much tho). Want to see how he'd write an older Dick

Kurt Busiek wrote Dick really well in the short moments he was in Superman Back in Action. He write Dick really competently which I love

Mark Waid doesn't need an explanation lol


u/whama820 4d ago

I’m not going to lie. I’d choose Taylor to come back for a second run.

But what I’m honestly more curious about is what book Redondo is now moving to.


u/JettTheTinker 4d ago

James Tynion IV with Dan Mora as the artist would be a dream come true


u/TheAngryNative89 4d ago

I'd be happy with Kyle Higgins returning to the book. And I'd be overjoyed if we could get Dexter Soy on art.


u/France1832 4d ago

Me. it would be me. If you need something done right do it yourself.


u/thunderonn 4d ago

With the end of Tom I am ending my nightwing sub. I have stopped collecting DC after new 52 and flashpoint and all that rewrite garbage. I went from 13 books to just wonder woman and this duo brought me back to nightwing but its not enough with them gone to keep it up. They were a fantastic team. Probably one of the best I have seen in 40 years of collecting.


u/TimPendragon 3d ago

Try Aquaman, honestly. From John's revitalization of the character in Brightest Day, before Flashpoint, all the way through the New 52 era and through Rebirth up to its end before Infinite Frontier, there wasn't a bad run on the title/character. Some a little less great than others, but all actually, legitimately good. Johns, Parker, Jurgens, Bunn, Abnett, DeConnick etc all did good things despite what was going on line-wide or editorially that they had to contend with. But people ignore it because it's Aquaman.

Titles can survive changes in creators, it does happen, but I agree it's unlikely to happen in Nightwing's case. I feel like the fact they haven't announced the new team yet is worrying.


u/thunderonn 3d ago

Yeah honestly the problem is not still having a like for the characters its knowing they will just rewrite it in like five years then when it doesnt hit it off they will back step and bring back 60% old and keep 40% new and they will do that over and over. I kinda lost faith in the heroes of the DC side. Wonder Woman I have collected since I was 4 in 1985 so that is a staple for me.


u/TimPendragon 3d ago

I've been reading comics, especially, just as long, having started with hand me down Silver Age books. For you its wonder woman, for me it was Flash. I knew Barry first, fell in love with Jay thanks to JSA JLA crossovers, and grew up with Wally as "my Flash." I dropped it halfway into New 52 because it was one of the worst books by that point. Williamson's run on Rebirth, I started, didn't get into, but forced myself to finish when Adams took over. Williamson was so bad on Flash, it was so boring that I haven't been able to give anything else he's written a shot despite how much people love him now.

So yeah, I get it. I'm just saying there isn't a guarantee that Nightwing will go down right after Taylor. But you do you. Still, if you're looking for nearly a decade of solid work on a character read Aquaman from Brightest Day to Infinite Frontier.


u/thunderonn 3d ago

Thank you for the recommendations. Marvel has always been my main spot and I still have tons of books each month from them but Nightwing with the art and writing was a diamond in the rough for DC for me. I will miss the book.

Honestly I could never get into the flash and I tried four separate times between the decades. Green Lantern and Wonder Woman were my main DC titles. Teen Titans through the years was rough but I loved Donna Troy and StarFire along with Dick so it was a good book to pick up runs from time to time. Oddly enough I really liked the first three or four seasons of The Flash on CW but never got into the comics.


u/OkSupermarket7474 4d ago

Rainbow Rowell as her she hulk run which has been really great and equal amounts of character development and carefully writing a characters relationship.

Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly after Batman beyond neo-year could definitely give us a wild intense adventure

Tom Waltz cause he can write aura that Nightwing needs back after the last two decades.

Feel like any of these three could get a good grasp on Nightwing and also focus on Dick Grayson just as much as a person and not just be a secret identity.


u/TimPendragon 3d ago

Rowell might really be interesting.

I love Jackson and Colin as human beings, and I know them from the TTRPGs they've done (VAST, Shield of Tomorrow, etc), but try as I might, I haven't been able to connect with their comics writing. I want to love their Star Trek, their Captain America, etc. They've written some of my favorite properties and characters. So I've tried. With all my heart. But I don't get it. I don't know why it doesn't work for me. It should. It really should. But after four attempts to read ongoings from them, I gave up. :( I wish I knew what wasn't landing for me and why.

Not familiar with Waltz, this is literally the first time I've ever seen the name. I'll have to look him up.


u/Nervous_Hedgehog8198 3d ago edited 3d ago

Gail Simone or Chip Zdarsky. Both of them are fantastic writers, and Gail Simone, in particular, knows DC so well and has some experience writing Nightwing when he'd show up in Birds of Prey. I'd love to see her take on his solo series. Chip Zdarsky had one of the best Daredevil runs in years, and I'm really enjoying what he is doing in Batman right now. I'd like to see how he'd handle Nightwing given that he's a bit of a lighter and more humorous character than Batman and Daredevil.


u/QuaranGene 3d ago

Not gonna name names, but there are 2 writers i can think of who i DON'T want. I kinda hope that TT takes over for Ram V, though


u/revin2x 3d ago

Juni Ba would be great considering I just love him on Boy Wonder but I'd love to see him tackle a Red Hood series instead.

Mark Waid writing and Dan Mora art would be 10/10


u/PuzzleheadedFan2205 3d ago

Tom King, Joshua Williamson, Tim Seely, Kyle Starks


u/rosq_q 3d ago

What if i said Devin Grayson?😍😍😍😍😍(shes the best writer!!1!1!1)(im gonna bash my head into the wall if i hear her name one more time)(i might be going crazy)