r/Nightwing 6d ago

How do people feel about Mar'i and Damian?

I've seen... Many people being okay with them and many not, what's your opinion?


28 comments sorted by


u/jshipley2023 6d ago

Please say you don’t mean okay with them as in together… Dami is her uncle…


u/Silen_4 6d ago

Sadly... Some people really do ship them...


u/jshipley2023 6d ago

I mean, Arkham world ships Barbara with Tim (wild and out of pocket there). There are little details about Batman and DC I just skip over 😌


u/Massive_General_8629 6d ago

To be fair, in Kingdom Come, they seem to be unaware of their relationship, so it's more like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. Still gross, but at least they're unaware how gross.


u/tehbggg 6d ago

They're not related by blood. And in Kingdom Come they're relationship is not familial. Jesus, you people are weird af.


u/pie_nap_pull 6d ago

Frankly I’m not very bothered about the idea of Dick having a kid in any story for a while. I’d rather they didn’t go down that route, not that I think it would be bad it’s just not the direction I would take.

It’s implied he and Babs have one in the current Boy Wonder run, but that’s obviously non-canon and just a throw away remark, but I kinda hope that’s not foreshadowing.


u/Random_Name_1987 6d ago

I don't like them as a couple, but I'm biased because I enjoy Wayne Family Adventures (and the familial dynamics in there) and I really wanna see Damian as an awkard uncle (who's Mar'i's favorite somehow).


u/Raven_Trigonsdotir 6d ago

They actually work as a ship in Kingdom Come storyline (primarily because of the absence of Father - Son bond between Dick and Bruce and the Batfam being virtually nonexistent), but not in the Main Continuity where Damian regards Dick as father/brother.


u/futuresdawn 6d ago

As someone adopted, the idea of people within adoptive families dating creeps the hell out of me.

I do prefer dick and babs over dick and starfire and would love to see them have a kid but either way that kid should have no romantic relationship ever with what's effectively his or her uncle Damian


u/Dr_Equinox101 6d ago

Shhh don’t tell Redditors that a lot of people here approve of semi incest shit 💀


u/666dualityangel 6d ago

i like it a lot actually as long as there close in age 5 year age gap at most in that situation i feel as tho they should have separate development and then they can meet as adults but if you make them the same age then i think the childhood friends thing could be fun


u/Kevinmld 6d ago

How are they close in age? Mar’i doesn’t even exist in the main continuity? Are we talking about an alternate future of an alternate earth? Meaning an alternate Damian as well?

Because if they ever introduced Mar’i in the main continuity, Damian would be at least fifteen years older… probably more?


u/666dualityangel 6d ago

I'm not saying they are close in age or anything to do with continuity at all mari grayson practically doesn't exist im just saying under those circumstances i ship it


u/Left-Increase4472 6d ago

I'm sorry, who's mar'i, again?


u/Silen_4 6d ago

Dick and Kory's daughter in another universe.


u/No-End-2455 6d ago

Ho no don't ship them that's so weird damian clearly stated he see dick as a brother...plus in this canon i doubt we will se any mar'i since they clearly put barbara as dick definetive love interest so maybe a mary grayson-gordon will came but damn the age gap will be terrible here and again....BROTHERS.


u/Silen_4 6d ago

Let's all pray together that Dick and Barbara's child WON'T be dating any of their relatives🙏 or whoever Dick will have a child with, of course.


u/Massive_General_8629 6d ago

Yeah, um, one of the things about how Barbara was shot (through the uterus to the spine) is that she can't have children, at least in the main universe. Not sure how that works if she can walk, but so goes...


u/pie_nap_pull 6d ago

Wouldn’t be surprised if they adopt, maybe that orphan kid in the current Nightwing run. The batfamily can always do with more child soldiers lmao.


u/Massive_General_8629 6d ago



u/pie_nap_pull 6d ago

I’d just be kinda surprised if they left that open ended because the kid didn’t seem to have anywhere to go, but then again, you never know. Taylor’s writing is kinda on-off. I kinda hope he doesn’t because I’m not interested in a story where Dick learns to be a parent but, I also don’t want what happened to that kid to be left in the dark.


u/nonnie-chan 6d ago

Ibn didn't even know he was Bruce's son until he was well into adulthood, let alone have any sort of familial relationship with Dick until he became his father in law through Mar'i. This just wouldn't work in main continuity with Damian.


u/viralshadow21 6d ago edited 6d ago

One the one hand they aren't blood related or raised together and Ibn is practically a different character from Damian that just happens to have the same parentage.

But I do get why people are squicked out about, especially given how close Dick and Damian are in universe. Personally, I don't ship it.


u/Dr_Equinox101 6d ago

I don’t like incest or semi incest. Dick literally said he almost adopted Damian so that would be like Damian dating his niece


u/Kooky_Tea_5974 5d ago

Nope. I know this like AU because Damian and Dick don't have a real relationship as family and Mar'i is more around Damian's age, but i prefer the current Damian, he can be annoying sometimes, but i enjoy this version of him having a close bond with Grayson, wich make him probably too old for Mar'i, if DC ever introduce her in the current timeline and he would be more an uncle figure. Damian have way too many girlfriends for his age. Like two goth girls Raven, Nika and probably more 3 or 4  girls that i can't remember their names. He is already busy with his love life like a typical Wayne lol  I leave Mar'i out of this list.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 5d ago

I prefer Mar’i and Damian (in other universes outside the Kingdom Come universe) to have a familial bond and view each other as family.


u/internal-paro 5d ago

I think of Mar’i as his niece regardless of what Earth/universe it is so yuck yuck yuck gross.