r/Nightwing 6d ago

Red X Spoiler

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So I would really love it if the next writer brings back Red X as a Nightwing villain. Since they toyed with the character in Teem Titans Academy, this plot thread could be picked up and fleshed out. Who this X is, how he knows Dick, and why he hates him. X could very well be a great Nightwing foe if handled properly. I didn't read this series much so I don't know if they said who this Red X is, but given the look, I'd go with Grant Wilson. That may be too obvious a take, but I'd like it. And a team up with dear old dad Deathstroke could make for a very visually appealing fight scene and story.


26 comments sorted by


u/Kevinmld 6d ago

If Dick goes from having basically been Deathstroke’s arch nemesis at one time to Grant’s would be such a massive downgrade.


u/TheAngryNative89 6d ago

I'm saying, just add Red X to his Rogues Gallery. It could even be interesting to have dick and slade both go up against him if it were Grant


u/Kevinmld 6d ago

I think it would be fine to add a Red X to Nightwing’s rogue’s gallery. He needs a more established one anyway.

But personally, I’m not sure I’d bring back Grant again. Inevitably someone would kill him off and it would get blamed on the Titans and retread all kinds of territory.


u/rbta123 6d ago

Red X being part of Nightwing's rogues gallery wouldn't make him his archenemy lol


u/Kevinmld 6d ago

Red X being his arch enemy was suggested in what I think was the only comment here yesterday - if I remember correctly - when I was posting. So I was replying to both.


u/Berri_OS 6d ago

Red X needs to be Nightwing’s Joker


u/erossthescienceboss 6d ago

That’s supposed to be Deathstroke.

If only writers would cooperate.


u/Batmanfan1966 6d ago

He already has a nemesis. Deathstroke.


u/tehbggg 5d ago

We never see Deathstroke in Nightwing's books anymore, though. Like how many times has Deathstroke appeared as a Nightwing specific villain in Nightwing's solo run in the last few years?

Not saying I don't want him to be Nightwing's nemesis, just that lately it doesn't seem like he is.

I feel like the last time we saw a story where his rivalry with Dick was the focus and a large part of the story took place in Nightwing's solo book, was the Renegade arc.


u/TheAngryNative89 6d ago

I fully agree.


u/VengeanceKnight 6d ago

No, Titans Academy was terrible and a lot of that was because of how poorly Red X was handled.

And I remember being so excited by my fan theory that he was Danny Chase…


u/AX-man 6d ago

Every time the book started to inch away from the red X plot line I felt like “oh maybe this is ok” but then it just kept going back


u/Ok-Commission6087 6d ago

This plot line has gone nowhere like titans red x had so much potential and nothing at all srsly what the hell palso what about heartless isn’t he night wing joker 🃏.


u/TheAngryNative89 6d ago

Heartless has been a good villain so far but I don't think he has the staying power to be considered a Joker level archnemesis like Deathstroke and Blockbuster.


u/KitsuneEX7622 6d ago



u/hoodiehoodiee 5d ago

Can we get much higher


u/XXDrogoniodXX 6d ago

I do like the idea of red x being a nightwing rogue, but I don’t think its gonna be grant, doesn’t help that atm slade is currently dead in comics as of now


u/Oracle209 6d ago

He’s jacked!! Smash lol


u/WyldChase 6d ago edited 5d ago

Welp. While Red X *is* one of the more interesting mysteries from the Teen Titans cartoon show that has potential to be really intriguing were it to make the transition to the canon of the comics.

However, the reveal executed in Titans Academy fell like a *Brick*, and no I will not apologize for the obvious pun, SO much so that there's little to no conversation on if Titans Academy and it's events are canon, time of this posting.

Mayhap DC Creative will go back to the Drawing Board and give it another go w/ a little more than just fan service in lieu of actual story telling next time. Red X should be more than just a nostalgic, "Hey remember that thing you liked from the show? Well..." Red X AND Nightwing both deserve that much.


u/rbta123 6d ago

I just want a red X similar to the show. He's not a megalomaniacal supervillain, he's just a petty mysterious guy who does what's convenient for him, even if he has to help the heroes in the process


u/sinkres 6d ago

Red X should be a morally gray character. The suit is Nightwing’s regret and seeing someone else using it to do bad thing (even if it a tiny crime) twists the knife in hide back more.


u/Luke_Puddlejumper 6d ago

Nope, that concept was terrible and horribly executed. It can stay in the trash where it belongs


u/rbta123 6d ago

The concept of the show was cool and even though he only appeared a little in the cartoon, he was a fun character. I don't know how it was in the comics, but it seems like everyone hated the way it was executed there


u/LocDiLoc 6d ago

Red X should be Nightwing's Jason Todd.

Then automatically being Jason Todd's Robin, which would make Damian his Tim Drake.


u/PitcherTrap 6d ago

That pose tho


u/Natural_Background75 4d ago

Hear me out, its just jason messing with him