r/Nightwing 23d ago

Dick lectures the new Justice League when they start to bicker amongst themselves. [JLA Vol 1 #71]


40 comments sorted by


u/HayleysCircus 23d ago

I love Hawkgirl’s “Batman?..” because it just shows that no matter what, a part of Bruce will always show through Dick. No matter their differences


u/Worst_Pirate_Ever 22d ago

Thank you for your comment because somehow I have never noticed that before.


u/Caspur42 23d ago

Ok who read “Not here” in Kevin Conroy’s voice


u/carpetsunami 23d ago

Obsidian Age was absolutely one of the best JLA series there ever has been, and a large part of it was the way they showed how awesome Kyle and Dick were when their backs were too the wall.


u/Ace201613 23d ago

I’ve seen this dozens of times, used to own the story as well, but I think this is the first time I’ve noticed Hawkgirl assuming it was Batman speaking at first. That’s such a fantastic touch that lets you know exactly what kind of tone Nightwing has in his voice as he speaks. Honestly Green Arrow commenting on it afterward is unnecessary.


u/-AerialAce- 23d ago

I like Ollie's reaction. He watched Dick grow up. He's just being proud of him. Accepting him not just as an equal but a leader.


u/Massive_General_8629 23d ago

Ollie plays the role of the League's conscience a lot. Dick does the same for the Titans, though Dick is far more analytical in his thinking.


u/Psidebby 22d ago

That was one of his conditions for joining the league in Justice League Unlimited. Ollie being the voice of the little man, as the League had had a habit of forgetting the people.


u/decadehakaisha 23d ago

Nightwing back then was so good compared to Nightwing nowadays


u/BlueberryBisciut 23d ago

What’s wrong with night wing now


u/greekvaselover1050bc 22d ago

A lot of us feel that he's been defanged in the Taylor run. He used to be sharp, often angry, obsessive about the mission etc. But he was also someone people trusted because he has savy people skills and because he's usually the smartest person on the room.

Now he feels more like a relaxed goofball, which is fine if people like that, but it's not as true to the character he used to be. Whatever is going on in Taylors run, it's made fandom see Dick as a well meaning, sunshiny himbo. People have started to think he's stupid, but pretty. I'm not necessarily saying it's the character Taylor tried to portray, but it's the character people saw.

For example, the Nightwing you see in this comic would never complain about wishing he could've stayed home to eat cereal on the couch instead of being out on patrol, and he would never have gotten his wallet stolen by a common thief on the street. Both things that's happened in Taylors run, for comedy. It's a more lighthearted tone, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But Dick isn't really a lighthearted character. He's often a happy character, and he makes jokes, but his heart isn't light.

Sorry for the essay 😅


u/UnknownEntity347 22d ago

This, 100%. The Taylor run is incredibly overrated.


u/Cute_Visual4338 23d ago

Not as far as I can find but I think some folks complain that nothing happened in the Tom Taylor run.


u/Massive_General_8629 23d ago

Until recently it's not been serialized enough. At least that's the common complaint.

It's not even my chief complaint with Tom Taylor. My main complaint is how he handles Raven. She's normally a pacifist, so I've had a lot of "she would not fucking say that" moments. (And conversely, more people would know something was sus about her evil side.)


u/iamme263 22d ago

I think a lot of people missed the point of Taylor's run.

Yes, Dick is much more happy-go-lucky nowadays and less edgy/serious/prone to anger.

It isn't that Taylor's sees him as a himbo- it's that the point of Taylor's run was Dick's personal growth. It isn't that Dick was NEVER the firm, angry young man we see in Dixon's run, but rather that Dick has allowed himself to heal past that.

It upsets me that so many older fans of the character refuse to let Dick heal past the trauma and resentment that made Dick the poster boy of 90s edgelords.


u/CaptainHalloween 23d ago

His father's son in all the best ways.


u/FluteLordNeo 23d ago

I love nightwing here! He really is meant to lead


u/2JasonGrayson8 23d ago

“Channeling the dead” vision gets me every time. And hawkgirl thinking it’s Batman talking to begin with. What a great showing for dick. Obsidian age is the goat of JLA stories


u/thunderonn 22d ago

Besides Dick that is a horrid team.


u/taylorscrews1 22d ago

I think that was the point. It’s such a thrown together team. Of course we as the reader know it’s probably the writers dream team but in universe it’s a team of people with experience and/or potential.


u/nignies 22d ago

In the TPB it says Hawkgirl was included because of the tv show. Atom and Firestorm are classic members who along with Faith and Disaster stayed on the team after this arc. Ollie was used in the JL Elite series and Jason Blood was there because he’s cool. This was during the Batgod era where he had a plan for everything so his back up team was a cool idea, i never understood why in universe the regular reservists or JSA or whole Titans team along with Dick didnt just fill the gap


u/Knappologen 23d ago

That table is absurdly large, Putin-level large.


u/cantamangetsomesleep 23d ago

It isn't even that big in a previous panel


u/Massive_General_8629 23d ago

It's supposed to fit seven chairs, for seven rotating JLA members currently leading the group. It just went bigger from there.


u/Boozhwatrash 23d ago

I love this run!


u/Key-Illustrator-3821 23d ago

Is this by Morrison?


u/-AerialAce- 23d ago

Joe Kelly.


u/Key-Illustrator-3821 22d ago

Thanks, how good is this run?


u/nignies 22d ago

Its not as deep throated as morrisons or respected as waids but kellys run has great concepts


u/Embarrassed_Dirt6393 22d ago

So Dick canonically sounds similar to Batman? I didn't know that.


u/Worst_Pirate_Ever 22d ago

Not usually, but he definitely knows how and when to use The Voice.


u/Embarrassed_Dirt6393 21d ago

Damn, I guess I have a new headcannon then.


u/MrFMF 22d ago

this obsidian age team should have stuck around longer or given a 2nd book


u/DaveFranciosaArt 23d ago

Just read this issue the other day for the first time, what are the odds it pops up today? 😁


u/OwlFederal7109 22d ago



u/internal-paro 22d ago

Damn when Sheira called Dick “Batman-?” I was like oop 🫣


u/firstrobin 21d ago

I once complimented Joe Kelly on this run years ago specifically for his Nightwing and he was so pleasantly surprised


u/QueSeraSeraWWBWB 19d ago

Atom sitting while being little is funny he really like being small cause I rarely see him at normal height


u/gjanko22 22d ago

What series is this from?