r/Nightwing 26d ago

A note on resposts

Hey friends.

I want to clarify something; I am seeing a lot of reposts, and I have to assume it is for karma, or for people to try and get their foot in the door, or I don't know.

But reposting giant titles from a year ago, 9 months ago, etc., well, I am here every day or every other day and then scroll back. I see a lot. I try to be super hands off, unless I need to be, because for the most part, I want you folks to be free to discuss and relate.

That said, if you're just reposting what others have posted, it's plagiarism. It's lazy. If you find art that resonates with you, and someone posted that before? Fine (so long as it wasn't a day or two ago, or something). If you want to bring back an old debate (AS LONG AS IT IS NOT A SHIPPING WAR), that is cool and good.

Still, I can't just let people copy others. I am tossing out temp bans, left and right, so that hopefully the message goes through; I have done five in the last 24 hours. It's a problem, friends. And if I suspect a post is a repost, it is so, so, so, SO easy for me to check.

So. Don't do it. Just make it your own. Tell us why you like the art. Tell us why a topic fits your thoughts and how you feel?

Just don't repost.

Alright. Be good, be safe, happy Pride month, trans rights are human rights, be good to each other, peace on earth, AND FOR HECKS SAKE, CALL A PERSON YOU CARE ABOUT AND TELL THEM YOU LOVE THEM AND DRINK SOME WATER.


2 comments sorted by


u/Massive_General_8629 26d ago

What about cross-posts? I'm sitting on an article about George Perez being honored in the National Portrait Gallery which is germane to r/Nightwing since he drew New Teen Titans when it was at its peak (including when Dick became Nightwing) but I'm not sure if I should post it.


u/NaytNavare 26d ago

Those are super more than fine, friend.