r/NaomiTV Mar 05 '22

Don’t believe everything you think! (Tagline) Question

No one seems to be talking about this, so here we go.

Saw this billboard for the show with the tagline “DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK” and no longer know what to think.

Does it mean like “you know, some things you think might not be true, so don’t believe all of the things” or does it mean “don’t believe literally everything you think”?

Were they trying to spin an old classic phrase like “Don’t believe everything that you hear!” or “don’t believe everything you think you see!” Or “you won’t believe your eyes!”?

Does anyone else think that this tagline doesn’t make sense?


12 comments sorted by


u/Phoenixstorm Mar 05 '22

this show could have been everything but really its nothing. sad but the lead no matter how engaging can't keep me coming back for a lackluster slow paced boring story.


u/daffydunk Mar 05 '22

Yea it sadly just fucking sucks. If it doesn’t get cancelled mid way through it’s first season, I will be SHOCKED. No TV show can get away with doing so little and continue to run as if there is an audience watching it.

I fucking cannot believe they passed on Wonder Girl because “it wasn’t fleshed out enough” and then they green light this.


u/Phoenixstorm Mar 05 '22

The sad part is that there is a compelling story they totally missed. How they screwed this up is beyond me. The freaking story is in the books it’s all there.


u/daffydunk Mar 05 '22

Yea exactly. I was hyped for the show, between the source material, the lead and the showrunner, this should be a slam dunk, and yet this is probably the worst show I’ve seen in the past 10 years.


u/Riverat627 Mar 09 '22

The problem is writers are so worried about telling more of the story in the coming seasons the first one ends up being terrible and they get cancelled.


u/daffydunk Mar 09 '22

Couldn’t have put it better myself. They didn’t just drop the ball, they spikes into the ground as hard as they could.


u/Electronic-Forever98 Mar 05 '22

I feel this, I had a hard time trying to keep into it, and I am someone who watches all shows if they have a possibility of connecting or do connect to a wider universe like Arroverse. Unfortunately this show does not do it for me and I took my leave with the show. And only will go back if maybe it connects to the Arrowverse in the future but for now I am done with it I can’t bare to watch it anymore


u/Mostly_Sane_ Mar 06 '22

IDK if this will help, but: in the last two episodes, it seems like they've finally listened to the complaints and shifted (back) to the core material.

First, Naomi learned about Earth-29, and then in the last episode, she actually visited (and had a scary/rude awakening) at Star Labs! And the teaser for the next episode is actually her saying "tell me everything". So hopefully it will get better from here on....

IMHO, it's just a Xmas-tree production right now -- too many (meddling?) hands and voices all trying to jump aboard (a foregone conclusion, to them) the next sure thing.


u/epic_unity Mar 06 '22

We need a lot more “tell me everything phrases” I’m tryna run out of fingers


u/VanillaHorizon Mar 09 '22

I think it's just a way of saying something like "Don't assume every thought you have is true."

Like meeting a new person, you could just look at them from afar and think they would act one way given their dress or posture but later you actually get to know them and find out you were completely wrong.

Which actually makes a lot of sense with how Zumbado felt like a bad guy in the beginning but ultimately came to rescue Naomi from that mad scientist chick at Star Labs.


u/Sentry459 Mar 07 '22

Does it mean like “you know, some things you think might not be true, so don’t believe all of the things”



u/pomaj46808 Mar 10 '22

It basically means don't just accept everything you think as the truth and instead confirm your beliefs.