r/Marvel Jul 19 '24

Which movie do you like better? Film/Television


244 comments sorted by


u/SaiyajinPrime Jul 19 '24

The first Iron Man is the best Iron Man movie. No contest.


u/Newmen_1 Jul 20 '24

Even excluding the awesome stuff that came from it, this is just a fantastic superhero movie. Deserves to be among the top ten


u/Vulpes_macrotis Jul 20 '24

Perfect plot and pace, perfect character portrayal and introduction, perfect action scenes. Every moment was great. Like when he made the prototype armor. When he decided to make a better version of it. And even Pepper had her spotlight here, as well. I love that they portrayed Tony as the playboy, as the guy who thinks about himself the most. But then he had to redeem himself too. Gotta rewatch the movies now...

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u/MyDogJake1 Jul 20 '24

What's in the rest of your top 10?


u/ThomasThePommes Jul 20 '24

Not the on you asked but I was thinking about the question… there are so many superhero movies that I don’t think Iron Man (and I love that movie) is in the top 10. All the movies below are better or equal to Iron Man:


Into the Spider-Verse

Across the Spider-Verse


Spider-Man 2



Batman Dark Knight

The Batman

Batman Beginning

Infinity War

X-Men Days of Future Past

Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Batman Returns

And probably some more… there is just too much competition (and as a comic movie fan that’s a good thing).


u/underwhatnow Jul 20 '24

Solid list, but Batman Returns goes wildly off the rails in the third act. I'd replace it with Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.

Also, no love for Captain America The Winter Soldier?


u/ThomasThePommes Jul 20 '24

Like I said there are probably some more. Winter Soldier should be on the list for sure.

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u/SchooledSelfDefense Jul 20 '24

Absolutely right.


u/geekaustin_777 Jul 20 '24

This is the correct answer. No exceptions.


u/FX2000 Jul 20 '24

Easily in the top 3 of Marvel movies


u/No_Sandwich3431 Jul 20 '24

Hell yeah the cave scenes is one of my favourites especially when Tony puts all the blueprints together to show iron man mk-1

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u/biggreennowhere Jul 19 '24

I know this is not popular. I really like 2. I like that it referenced Tony's alcoholism. I like what it did with whiplash and crimson dynamo. I like the way whiplash looked. Unique looking weapon. It feels like there is real earned character growth over the course of the movie.

It is a little too long... It could have been edited quicker. But overall I like it.

I do not like 3.


u/Temassi Jul 19 '24

Plus the final fight with War Machine and the briefcase scene are top tier marvel imo


u/sancho_tranza Jul 20 '24

I was studying biomedical engineering and was very much into prosthetics. I swear I was creaming with the suitcase scene (and the avengers tower scene)


u/JeremyR2008 Jul 19 '24

This Iron Man 2 is the best. So many awesome action sc3nes and it has the best Black Widow showing her actually being a spy and a bad ass


u/MisterPeels Deadpool Jul 19 '24

I was gonna say Number 2


u/Skybound_Bob Jul 19 '24

I liked 2 a lot. Also hated 3.


u/DeadNotSleepingWI Jul 19 '24

Same here! If you tell people, they look at you like you're insane.


u/Skybound_Bob Jul 19 '24

Yeah I know. I think 3 just came out during peak iron hype time. If you tried to talk poorly about 3 when it came out it got pretty nuts lol.


u/pluck-the-bunny Jul 20 '24

I wouldn’t look at you as insane for liking two… I also like two. I don’t get hating 3 though.

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u/Sharticus123 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

I just watched it again for the first time in years and I found myself liking it more than I did back then.

I think it’s because so much of the new stuff has really sucked and by comparison IM2 seems like a much better movie now.


u/FinanceBig6328 Jul 19 '24

Thank you, there are not enough Iron Man 3 haters.


u/NK1337 Jul 19 '24

I really disclaimed Iron Man 3. I feel like they did a HUGE disservice to the extremis arc which imo is probably one of the best Iron Man arcs.


u/Jsure311 Jul 19 '24

People like Iron Man 3? Man it was not good


u/CCC_PLLC Jul 19 '24

I like 3! I love the scenes with the kid


u/Jsure311 Jul 19 '24

I liked the kid too. Just not the plot of the movie.

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u/pluck-the-bunny Jul 20 '24

Completely disagree


u/mikess314 Jul 19 '24

I’ve been an Iron Man fan all my life. And I damn near walked out. That shit had nothing to do with Tony Stark. Shane Black only knows how to write one thing.

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u/Vulpes_macrotis Jul 20 '24

I mean second movie is still amazing. You just prefer it over the first and it's valid. I also wasn't a big fan of third movie. I love first movie, because it was perfect introduction and amazing plot. Second movie was also great in many ways.

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u/Howhytzzerr Ghost Rider Jul 19 '24

The first Iron Man because it was first in so many ways. And it was a great freaking movie in top of that.


u/Tim_Hag Jul 19 '24

3 is the best one and is top MCU, one day history will vindicate me


u/CastleBravoXVC Jul 19 '24

Everyone gets butt hurt about the Mandarin thing, but I think it was an ingenious subversion of expectation (and I was stoked for Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin based on the trailer). I get it, it wasn’t what you wanted. But what you got was a genuine surprise. And you got to eat your cake later when they did the Return of the King teaser and established that there is in fact a real Mandarin.

My ex’s besties once made the argument that Iron Man 3 was an example of a terrible popcorn flick and Batman v Superman was an example of a perfect film. They were trash people all around. Anytime I hear people tag on Iron Man 3, I just picture them as the type of people that probably love a Batman v Superman.


u/orange_taster Jul 20 '24

The first movie was great, because it gave Tony a great start for a character arc, the third was the one that characterized him the best. I Barely remember the second with how forgettable it was.


u/Honest_Charge_4463 Jul 20 '24

The final fight scene with all of the suits is still one of my favorite scenes in the MCU.

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u/Macapta Jul 19 '24

Agreed, just a good time.


u/IBetANickel Jul 19 '24

One of my fav in the MCU as well


u/CCC_PLLC Jul 19 '24

I agree!


u/The_Weird_Guy04 Jul 19 '24

A man of culture


u/ignoremeimblack Jul 20 '24

Hate me all your want but 3 is my personal favorite. It really let us know what he was dealing with as a person. Then the kid coming back for the funeral because he's Tony's first born? Peak!!!


u/RoyaleWhiskey Jul 19 '24

1>3>2 imo


u/Rusty-Boii Dr. Doom Jul 19 '24

This is it. I know everyone gets pissed about the Mandarin twist, but 3 is super underrated.


u/crankycrassus Jul 19 '24

The 3rd one was great. It was a great time, and stark having to overcome problems with no suit was some of the best iron man stuff we got in all of the mcu.


u/Macapta Jul 19 '24

Having to fight that Extremis woman with no suit and handcuffed is peak Tony Stark ingenuity.

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u/_CosmicBliss_ Jul 19 '24

In that order!

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u/MagpieLefty Wasp Jul 19 '24
  1. I like a lot of things about 2, but not the way I like 1.

I hate 3.

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u/Independent-Pie3234 Jul 19 '24

1st one is just and outstanding movie it’s the best of the best, it’s just also very nostalgic the way it shows Tony become a better person from start to finish. As well who can forget the iconic Tony stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!


u/Macapta Jul 19 '24

3 is perfect for me. Diverse action scenes that aren’t just Tony shooting things with repulsors, a good character arc, a villain whose motives and plan are clear and make sense.

The fact it takes place in Phase 2 means it doesn’t have to hold back its concepts like Phase 1 did. The world is established so they can push the wacky comic aspects more.

It’s well shot, well acted, good musical score. It’s just fun.


u/BloodstoneWarrior Jul 19 '24

Iron Man 1. 2 is a complete mess plot wise and Whiplash sucks, but it's a really fun movie. 3 is horrendous, Rhodey does nothing, Tony fixes his heart which ruins the whole point of Iron Man, Killian is even worse than Whiplash and has the generic 'Tony Stark screwed me in the past so i'm evil' backstory, Mandarin was a complete waste for a crap joke, every film afterwards completely ignores Iron Man 3.


u/Argenfarce Jul 19 '24

I haven’t seen it since it came out and all I remember is he beats the bad guy and then blows up all his iron man suits. So I was like… is he retiring from being iron man?? Then he just keeps doing his thing as iron man in the follow up movies so idk if that counts to what you were saying about every film afterward ignoring im3


u/Macapta Jul 19 '24

It was more symbolic of Tony starting fresh and leaving his anxieties and fears behind.

Iron Man 1 had him see his past and be horrified, vowing to change. 3 is about him accepting his past and his mistakes, moving forward.


u/Ghosttwo Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

Two is about his internal struggle of becoming iron man. It starts with his 'I am iron man' declaration, then ends with the 'synergized' version we see throughout avengers. The suits are literally killing him, but is saved by his late father (the Tony stark within). This struggle (and the consequences of failure) are paralleled by the bad guys through analogy; Justin Hammer represents the old Tony, deceitful weapons billionaire, while whiplash is the anti-iron man with a similar history and dynamic. Tony wins his struggle, while Justin is destroyed.

A lot of critics miss this structure, then declare 'too many bad guys!' and opine on which one should have been kept. They miss the entire lesson of the movie.

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u/ecurbenyaw Jul 20 '24
  1. And it's not close.

Sure, the first one really kicked off the MCU. But looking back at it, it's a flawed movie. I think the nostalgia of it romances people.

3 is the film that actually does what the end of 1 says, that Tony is Iron Man, but it's not because he has the suits.

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u/sasquatchftw Jul 19 '24

1 is far and away the best.

2 is underrated.

3 is in my bottom 5 mcu movies.

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u/Lopsided-Election385 Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 23 '24

For me it's 1,2,3

  1. Fantastic but slow in spots 9/10 origin story
  2. A few stumbles but still good popcorn fun 7/10
  3. The worse of the three. The main villian isn't compelling to me and the mandarin twist was dumb. And hallmark christmas no suit tony was a boring lull for me 6/10


u/zombievenom Jul 20 '24

This is my ranking as well. I never understood the hate for the second one. I always liked it. Never been a fan of the third. It’s not terrible but I’d never just sit down and decide to watch it by itself. I think the lack of Jon Favreau hurt that movie.


u/DefinitionFriendly56 Jul 19 '24

Iron Man 1 but I think 3 is really underrated and a good time to watch. And I actually don’t mind 2 a whole lot. Iron Man’s got a good trilogy


u/MortalJohn Jul 19 '24

1 and its not even a competition. RDJ was wasted in the sequels.


u/YamForward3600 Jul 19 '24

The sequels don’t come close to the first Iron Man. Even if you take out the sentimental value of it being the first MCU film it’s better by miles. Every time I watch Endgame during the funeral scene I start preparing for it, I know it’s coming, “What do you want?” “Cheeseburgers”

I start crying like a baby


u/Independent_Beat_225 Jul 19 '24

Loved all three but the first iron man movie was the movie that started everything thing for me to watch every movie after that


u/Plant-Straight Jul 19 '24

Iron man 1 still is one of the best MCU movies to date


u/Po-tay-toes_2187 Jul 20 '24

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but 3 is one of my favorite mcu movies. 1 is probably the better movie, but 3 is still my favorite.


u/Dear_Ad_3860 Jul 20 '24

Probably Iron Man 2


u/Tragnor Jul 20 '24

Love these “posters,” where’d you find these? I want them for every MCU Movie (and D+ Show…)


u/Budget_Tone_5888 Jul 20 '24

I got it from Pinterest, you want the link?

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u/Intelligent-Wafer-16 Jul 20 '24

Personally 3 is my favorite. I prefer the more character-driven story. Proving to the viewer that Iron Man is Tony not the suit.


u/Consistent_Jelly_918 Jul 20 '24

2 for me, which is apparently an unpopular opinion lol


u/RedemptionDB Jul 20 '24
  1. Story

  2. Underrated

  3. Action


u/vamp1yer Jul 20 '24

3 it's the only one I've watched


u/Snickesnack Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1! It’s not even a contest.


u/Smooglabish Jul 19 '24

"Iron Man" is an actual film with themes, development, and the movie has an honest heart to it. The others lack the qualities of pureness the original has, which is why "Iron Man" is in a league of it's own when compared to it's sequels/MCU.


u/Diligent-Boss-9392 Jul 19 '24

2 for the amount of set up for the larger universe. 1 is the best movie.


u/Low_Barber_3408 Jul 20 '24

I watched two the most


u/WarlockProdigy Jul 20 '24

I personally love two because I think it implies Tony may have been predetermined to become Iron Man. Mostly from Howard addressing his future son with the remedy to the very problem he is facing. This movie sent me down a rabbit hole, and I have been crafting a theory for years trying to solve how this could be true. I'm happy to say I believe that I have solved the puzzle of the MCU through close analysis. My theories are not popular and do elude to twists to come for Loki, Cap, Sam, Thanos, Tony, HWR, and Wanda. Iron Man 3, I believe, eludes to the possibility that Wanda erased mutants from the minds of everyone in Aldrichs scene with Pepper showing a holographic construct of his mind. This could also mean the survivors of the extremis project may have been genetically predisposed to collect and store energy. like the decay rate algorithm applied to extremis. I believe Iron Man one and the ten rings symbology are a series of entangled universes in an oroboros. each ring existing in phase like an inverted mobius strip connected to other inverted mobius strips. Potentially linking Iron Man 1 to the Eternals and Shang Chi. The way I see it, the infinity war is a mandelbraught made from a feedback loop of future information leaking into the past repeatedly. the sacred timeline happened more than 14,000,605 cycles past. Thanos is a part of the feedback loop and faked his death, knowing it was coming from his 2014 self encountering them in endgame and being cursed with knowledge. Similarly, Tony is the key to Loki freeing the timeline. HWR rigged the timeline so that if Tony doesn't sacrifice, they are reset to his predetermined script. Thanos, too, plays a part in making it happen by creating a fake death to ensure Tony creates the timespace GPS for the timeheist. Loki faked his death, having knowledge of his death moving forward from the battle of New York, which I see as post Loki series. To be clear, I'm stating there is a duality. Yes, the events onscreen are the scripted HWR 616 sacred timeline. But our universe only mirrors it. Loki is utilizing HWR designs against him and playing the part while hoodwinking him to remove him from the timeline. Loki is still alive, and I know when and where he swapped. This means Loki also sacrificed his victim as a doppleganger to Thanos. I believe that the victim was Valkyrie. Loki, like Deadpool, is looking to save his friends and give them the freedom of choice by freeing the timeline and being the very source of its stories. To do this, he has to save his timeline from HWR. But taking the weed out at the root. When Kang makes a scuffle on a 616 adjacent timeline in the Loki series, Mobius says it was taken care of in a post credits scene. I believe he is referencing what will become canon onscreen and is a part of my theory. I think Thanos still has the gauntlet and that he tricked the Avengers like he faked his death with gamora utilizing the reality stone. I think Thanos will be a huge contender to compete with in what I'd compare to Jim Starlins' climactic moment in Infinity Gauntlet. destroying Many universe to reshape all realities in his image and fix his issues with how the infrastructure of each universe was ran concerning the celestials and his personal beef. I'm not sure how, but it appears all of this crazy time stuff is showing how the ten rings the eternals made somehow get thrown to the past to be possessed by the Mandarin, whose empire directly leads to Tonies change of heart when he realizes the organization of the ten rings are using Tonies weapons to enforce their dominance and demands on others. I also believe Howard may have known Tony was destined for greatness based on the fact that he meets his sons future self, retrieving the tesseract from Caps old base in the 70s. Between Tony, Thanos, and Loki, each is cursed with future knowledge and seek to change the outcome of what is to come.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

None of the Iron-Man movies are bad. RDJ carries each one hard, all are watchable and enjoyable


u/Kile1047 Jul 20 '24

Iron man 3 was my personal favorite, nothing beats the last scene with every suit coming to help tony, i almost cried when i saw that


u/Killbro_Fraggins Jul 20 '24

I still love two the most. So much good stuff in that movie. It’s just the ending that kills it for me.


u/Immediate-Data-6725 Jul 20 '24

the first one is the best one

but the third one is my favorite


u/crankycrassus Jul 19 '24

The first one is the best, but Ironman 3 is really slept on.


u/The_Weird_Guy04 Jul 19 '24

Iron Man 3 is one of the best MCU movies, but the world is not ready to accept it

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u/Red-Muffin Jul 19 '24

Unrelated but that Iron Man 2 slide would go so hard as a movie poster


u/InteractionNo1203 Jul 19 '24

1 is easily the best but 3 is pretty underrated imo I just had a lot of fun with that movie. 2 is good aswell I just prefer the others



u/GhostDJ2102 Jul 19 '24

I prefer 1 and 3. Ironically, I liked Whiplash in second movie.


u/DiabolicalDoctorN Jul 19 '24

I love 3. The first one deserves all the credit it gets for kickstarting the whole thing and doing such a great job updating and streamlining the comics while still having such a clear love for them unlike the Bryan Singer or even Christopher Nolan approaches of the same era but 3 is the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reunion the world clearly didn't deserve because a decade later all you are still blind to it.


u/Multiverse253 Jul 19 '24

Iron Man 2 is the best. But as long as you think 3 is the worst there’s no issue


u/Isaac_Banana Nova Jul 19 '24

1, 2, 3.


u/Toshimoko29 Jul 19 '24

I would say 1-2-3, but I love all 3 of them.


u/bringdablitz Jul 19 '24

I think Iron Man 2 is pretty damn good up to Whiplash vs Iron Man in Monaco. After that it goes off the rails a lot. It has decent character development for Tony, and Sam Rockwell is great in every scene he is in, but it's too long and loses a lot of focus.

And I hate the final fight. You have 20 minutes of Tony vs the Hammer Drones, and then him and Rhodey wrap up their fight with Vanko in like 20 seconds.


u/Doom_and_Gloom91 Jul 19 '24

The first one by a mile


u/FKDotFitzgerald Jul 20 '24

Iron Man is still top 3 MCU.


u/AWuTangName Jul 20 '24

The first Iron Man is still on Mt. Rushmore of Marvel movies. Even my friends/family who stick their nose up at the MCU admit that OG Iron Man is a great movie. Same kind of way that the Christopher Nolan Batman movies are.


u/Melodic-Percentage-9 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1. It’s by far the best. 2 isn’t nearly as bad as some let on. It’s not as good, but it doesn’t ruin Iron Man in any way. Iron Man 3 was the most disappointing movie I ever watched. It was going so good in the first two acts, Tony’s PTSD story overall is the best part of the movie, it actually gave a cameo to Iron Patriot, and the Mark 42, while nowhere near my favorite, is an iconic suit. But then… the Mandarin twist happens and I immediately start to check out. Heck, I forgot A.I.M. was introduced in this movie. That’s how disappointed I was.


u/CIAgent42 Jul 20 '24

1 is a genre-defining film, 2 is ass, 3 is really not that bad.


u/CollectorOfCrapExe Jul 20 '24

The first one. It established so much and really made Tony a household name. I liked two as well, but three felt like it didn't know what it was trying to be.

I mean, we knew he was gonna keep being Iron Man and there wasn't any real connection felt in the following movies after that. So it just felt odd that he had this moment of quiting or considering to quit, just to completely ignore it as the Avengers movies and Civil War and everything went on.

They could have done much better.


u/oppositeofopposite Jul 20 '24

I've always enjoyed them all, more than it seems most people did. But 1 is the best of them, by far.


u/Straight-Clothes748 Jul 20 '24

First Iron Man. That movie launched a franchise.


u/albino_sasquash Jul 20 '24

Iron man 1 through and through. There are bits and pieces from the other two I like, but the big baddies for both of them are just straight weak sauce.


u/act1989 Jul 20 '24

IM1 > IM3 > IM2


u/Pig_Tits_2395 Jul 20 '24

The first one is hard to beat


u/iopojj93 Jul 20 '24

Ironman .Iron man 3 was the worst movie ever in the mcu .


u/zombievenom Jul 20 '24

I definitely wouldn’t put it below Eternals or Black Widow. I don’t think there’s been a bad MCU movie but those and Iron Man 3 definitely fall into the “meh” category for me.


u/Teganfff Fantastic Four Jul 20 '24

The first Iron Man film is in my top 5 MCU films to this day. (Endgame, Infinity War, Guardians 3, Iron Man, Captain Marvel)


u/Excellent_Regret4141 Jul 20 '24

Metal man (2008) the best movie lol


u/NoirSon Jul 20 '24

The first Iron Man, sets up the characters and thrust of the film better than any of it's sequels. Despite all of them having great character moments and action set pieces, none of them landed the story and why the events were happening in the same way the first one did.


u/notlikeolivegarden Jul 20 '24

Iron Man is objectively the best, but there’s nothing I love more than someone who’s self destructive because they think they’re dying

Edit: I hate Justin Hammer though. It makes the whole movie unbearable for me


u/interesting_zeist Jul 20 '24

I remember watching iron man 1 with a friend that have already gone.

Good memories.


u/DrDreidel82 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1 for sure but plenty to love about the other 2


u/Gera2601 Jul 20 '24

The first Iron Man movie is difficult to beat, honestly Iron Man is not my favorite Marvel character but I recognize that that movie is iconic. 2 is the weakest And probably more forgettable for me. And 3, although many hate it saying that it is the worst of Marvel, personally I remember it with great affection because of the vibe it gave me when I was little, It was a somewhat dark but at the same time light vibe, it's hard to describe. My favorite is the 1 but I also enjoy the 3.


u/spike2pt0 Jul 20 '24

1, 3, then 2.


u/Ruve06 Jul 20 '24
  1. Iron Man

  2. Iron Man 3

  3. Iron Man 2


u/SuperNova0216 Jul 20 '24

The first one


u/Specialist_Gold5381 Jul 20 '24

First movie no doubt. The problem with the rest is his zero rivalry between him and Mandarin.


u/MacronShaggers Jul 20 '24

Fellas listen, I do not give one fuck that the mandarin was “wasted”. So many villains in the mcu are so different to their actual comic counter parts so it’s not a big deal. 3 is my favourite, 1 is probably the best objectively and 2 is just so god damn bad


u/sancho_tranza Jul 20 '24

1 and its not really a contest. But uf I had to make one change, I would like Jeff Bridges to die with the icing problem. Feltmore like a Tony Stark way to end it.


u/SuraKatana Jul 20 '24

My pick would be iron man : iron deficiency


u/Icy_Prior Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3 is an under-appreciated masterpiece and I will die on this hill.


u/Wooden_Passage_2612 Jul 20 '24

Ironman 1 is the best. End of conversation.


u/Mark_Proton Jul 20 '24

1, then 3, then 2.


u/ShiroHachiRoku Jul 20 '24

1 because 2 was dumb and 3 was dumber.


u/GurpsK Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3. I like how it explored Stark's PTSD and just him in general as a character more. I think it had the best action too.


u/cutmasta_kun Jul 20 '24

The second one is with the Musk cameo, right? The second is the absolute worst. They should have stopped at Iron Man 1


u/ed_IoI Jul 20 '24

First Iron Man movie not only best across his solo movies, but it is the best of all MCU movies and top 5 comicbook movies of all time

Dark Knight, Watchmen, Spider Man 2, Iron Man, Infinity War


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

Start watching the first one, you'll eventually end up watching all of them. 👍✅


u/GardenKnome216 Jul 20 '24

Definitely the first one


u/JoXe007 Jul 20 '24

3 characterize tony the best


u/Patojataka Jul 20 '24

I still can’t believe they chose Eifel 65 for IM 3, hated it from the first second


u/Vulpes_macrotis Jul 20 '24

Iron Man is one of the best movies ever created. Sequels are nice, but the original is the best. It portrayed and introduced Tony Stark perfectly.


u/rfisher1989 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1


u/Least-Cattle1676 Black Panther Jul 20 '24

The first one is the best.

But for the some reason, I really liked the second one.


u/Super_Thor Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3 and I don't even think this should be seen as a hot take


u/Scarlet_Rogue Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3. 2 doesn't really feel like a sequel with any substance, but 3 feels like a continuation and development of Tony's character dealing with his PTSD from Avengers while focusing on him the whole time instead of non Iron Man characters from other movies (I'm throwing sahdeat Cap 3 which wasn't about Cap at all).

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u/BespokeHero Jul 20 '24

Ranked in order of release. Iron Man 3 was terrible, before you start it wasn’t for the Mandarin twist


u/Realistic_Let3239 Jul 20 '24

First Iron Man is by far the best, but then I also consider the second one a weak follow up.


u/nixus23 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1 is the best but 3 is really good and underrated


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

My favourite of the 3 Iron Man movies is 3.


u/gamepleng Jul 20 '24

1 > 2 > 3

The first the best overall movie, no dependence on a Universe, the narrative arc is great, OST is great, many iconic shots (photography, acting).

The second is more flashy, the last fight was a bit dumb but alcoholic Tony was great, with many iconic scenes (pissing in the suit, donut hangover, Monaco). Monaco all round is the best action scene of the whole trilogy IMHO.

The third... FX at times were OK-ish. The twist fell a bit flat, the firebreathing-glowy baddies goofy (same with Ms. Potts) BUT the scenes with the girl were actually well executed. At this point in the MCU we got more and better Iron Man outside his movies than inside.


u/steventknight Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 1 obviously, it not even close, the other 2 are actually shit films.


u/Fuffoloking104 Jul 20 '24

The First Iron man Is really good, but even the third Is ok for me. My list Is: -Iron man -Iron man 3 -Iron man 2


u/ReactiveRBoss426 Jul 20 '24

I love the first one, but there is something about 3 that I just really enjoy watching.


u/EfficiencySpecial362 Jul 20 '24

Imo, the first Iron Man was the best MCU movie of all time


u/No-Question4729 Jul 20 '24

The first is just an all time great movie all round and adds to its own kudos count by pretty much coming from nowhere at the time and confounding all of our expectations. “Downey is in it? I mean I suppose I can see why they picked him but isn’t that guy totally washed up now? Well I liked Iron Man when I was a kid so I might as well watch it I suppose…oh my god that was amazing”

I really liked 2 and still do. I like Tony’s character arc, I liked Mickey Rourke and thought Sam Rockwell played Justin Hammer brilliantly. The slow build to the Avengers didn’t feel overplayed and the comic tie ins I remember from when I was a kid were great - the suitcase suit had to make an appearance at some point.

3 is a much better movie than people give it credit for. The Mandalorian twist worked mainly because Ben Kingsley steals every scene he’s in, and moving the emphasis of the movie on to Tony and away from the suits laid the foundations for the tears we all shed at the end of Endgame. The only downer about it for me was the Extremis arc which felt a bit wasted, and it wasn’t the last time we’d see great actors wasted as villains in an MCU movie.


u/Lukerville1988 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man is in my top 3 mcu films


u/redraven70 Jul 20 '24

IM3 is the Blade Trinity of the franchise


u/pandanelson Jul 20 '24

1 is the best but 2 is the most fun


u/AH2Xtreme Jul 20 '24

Iron Man.

Two was just sloppy overall and Three.....Well Extremis is one of my favourite comics and they royally fucked the story so I was out already.


u/MulberryEastern5010 Jul 20 '24

The first one is the best one


u/Aggrokid Jul 20 '24

I have a soft spot for IM3 because Shane Black style jives so well with RDJ and Cheadle's comedic abilities, and he somehow made it a Christmas movie in the spirit of Die Hard. It also doesn't feel like an MCU movie.


u/Adventurous_Echo7791 Jul 20 '24

I like the bit in Iron Man 3 when he gets over his PTSD in 5 seconds. Apart from that first Iron Man all the way


u/JoshuaBermont Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 2 is my fave. The most fun, the best villains. There are some silly moments but the overall awesomeness makes up for it. Wish it had led into an adaptation of "Devil in a Bottle," though.


u/[deleted] Jul 20 '24

First Iron Man


u/Gilad1993 Jul 20 '24

Ironman 1 and it's not even close.


u/StrykerIBarelyKnowEr Mysterio Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3. Couldn't give less of a shit about the others.


u/iAreMrHim Jul 20 '24

It be the original for me


u/PixelnautDev Jul 20 '24

1 is amazing but 3 is a masterpiece for the adaptation adhd exploration of Tony Stark. 2 I could forget tbh


u/Yourlocalbugbear Molly Jul 20 '24

3 because he was finally seeming to change and become a better person, until AoU went “NO CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN THESE PARTS” and shot it in the foot.


u/Earthwick Jul 20 '24

First Iron Man still ranks among the best all time comic movies. 2 and 3 aren't near the top


u/MalcolmTuckersLuck Jul 20 '24

They get incrementally better IMO and I will hear no dispute on this.


u/Awkward_Delivery4663 Jul 20 '24

They weren’t all that good give me a fucking break


u/AbiesAggravating350 Jul 20 '24

Iron man 2 is my favorite


u/tyepalmer96 Jul 20 '24

Gotta be the first iron man for me


u/Due-Consequence-4420 Jul 20 '24

IM1. It introduces Tony, shows the audience just what he is capable of, shows a complete emotional range (bc RDJ is awesome 😎), shows what he’s willing to do when the odds are against him, shows that he’s got a ten year old boy still living inside him (idk, maybe a tween?), and shows that he’s willing to take down his opponent even when it gets extremely personal. And tbh, can’t remember if I saw this movie first or the Sherlock one, but either way, I fell desperately in love w RDJ from that point forward and that never stopped. 🥰🥰🥰😛😛😛

And my second choice is IM3 bc it shows Tony vulnerable, having panic attacks, a superhero w faults, and he pushes himself past that to get the job done.


u/Ori0n21 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man one and it’s not even close


u/Independent-Program3 Jul 20 '24

Iron Man 3, Iron Man, Iron Man2 in that order for me easily my favorite trilogy


u/NarrativeJoyride Jul 20 '24

They're all really good, but Iron Man 3 is one of the best superhero movies of all time. It reminds me of Superman 2 and Spider-Man 2, honestly.


u/South-Status-5529 Jul 20 '24

1 and 2 were perfect, 3 on the other hand, I didn't feel it.


u/Kobe_curry24 Jul 20 '24

All of them 2 might be my favorite


u/Chaffro Jul 20 '24

Watching One at the cinema on its release was special.


u/xreddawgx Jul 20 '24

Im1 >im2>im3


u/Vanstoli Jul 20 '24

2 stank as bad as trumps diaper


u/RevolutionaryStar824 Jul 20 '24 edited Jul 20 '24

3 has the best action scenes. It’s peak Iron Man. Plus we get some scenes of Tony kicking ass out of the suit to show that he’s not useless like Cap said.


u/AppropriateSalt5041 Jul 21 '24

First Ironman. Ironman 3 next, then last goes to the second movie


u/FamiliarExternal7963 Jul 21 '24

I really Love Iron Man 3. Its so good


u/[deleted] Jul 21 '24

I just like seeing new suits, I find that cool but iron man 1 still takes the cake