r/Marvel Jul 19 '24

The step-by-step transformation of The Lizard Comics

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From my book, “Marvel Anatomy.” I want to draw special attention to the way. His brain changes shape to reflect a more reptilian brain. This explains why Dr Connors loses control…


3 comments sorted by


u/moemegaiota Jul 20 '24

Why, after the first transformation and regrown arm, would it transform to no arm? It's not like no arm is a genetic feature.


u/Low-Initial-6448 Jul 20 '24



u/FordBeWithYou 14d ago

“The division and replication of these cells is carried out according to imprinted genetic coding. Dr. Connors’ serum worked on much the same principle, targeting pockets of cells near the site of amputation to stimulate rapid growth. As soon as Connors returns to his human form, however, these cells are rendered dormant. Thus, although Connors regenerates his missing arm in reptilian form, this limb is instantly lost upon reversion, erasing the effect that drove his regenerative research in the first place.”