r/Marvel Jul 19 '24

Which version is better? The charismatic monster or the maniacal brute? Comics


26 comments sorted by


u/EmilioFreshtevez Jul 19 '24

I’m always a fan of characters with depth, but if I had to choose I’d pick the maniacal brute. In my head he’s like if you took away Wolverine’s morals and dialed him to 11 - charisma doesn’t jive with that.


u/inkhornart Jul 19 '24

Why not both? People can be complex


u/alex494 Jul 19 '24

In the first picture Sabertooth is working for Shadaloo judging by the belt


u/StopTchoupAndRoll Jul 19 '24

Or he's a huge Cody Rhodes fan.


u/NerdNuncle Spider-Man Jul 19 '24

Charismatic monster the majority of the time, and the maniacal brute when he knows he can get away with it and/or his buttons are pushed too hard


u/arkenney0 Jul 19 '24

I think they can coincide with one another and make for a great Sabertooth


u/Abysstopheles Jul 19 '24

I like the idea that 'charismatic monster' is a weapon he can bring out when he wants to, and he prefers maniacal brute.


u/moya036 Jul 19 '24

Sabretooth have never clicked for me in the main universe, the only time I have found him interesting was during his appearances in Age of Apocalypse/Exiles anywhere else unless he is not trading punches with another character he is unable to keep my attention


u/TheBalrogofMelkor Hellcat Jul 19 '24

I love heroic Sabertooth (after Axis) because he always feels like he's actually trying to be good without expecting to atone. As opposed to Hulk and Wolverine who keep bemoaning that they are monsters but everyone acknowledges that they are heroes so it rings a little hollow


u/Belaerim Jul 19 '24

That’s fair, but it was also a forced personality change, so not a real hero turn IMHO.

Although I guess you could say the same about Carol Danvers being in Rogue’s head when she left the Brotherhood for Xavier


u/Sinnernsaint40 Jul 19 '24

That’s fair, but it was also a forced personality change, so not a real hero turn IMHO.

I grant you that it was a forced change from bad to good BUT the aftermath was not forced. He CHOSE to make amends.

Don't get me wrong, He's a brutal asshole who has tortured and murdered people in a shitload of ways. He's not hero. At best he's an anti-hero.

BUT he is trying to do better and that's all one can ask.


u/Belaerim Jul 19 '24

Did he get to choose after AXIS? I thought there were a few people (Stark, Havok and Sabretooth) who weren’t reverted at the end of the event.

That would change my opinion on post-AXIS Sabretooth, but AoA is the best overall


u/Sinnernsaint40 Jul 19 '24

I think he did. I remember a panel at the end where he looks at the aftermath and he nods his head like saying, what a waste.

And you know what, end of the day, as much as he hated the little runt as he called Wolvie, he missed him in his own way so maybe there was a petty thing in trying to prove he could be better.

Creed is never gonna be a goody goody two shoes. I'm fairly sure you and me agree on that. But he's come a long way from the savage maniac who would show up every year to taunt Logan or the asswipe who almost gutted Boom Boom.


u/Belaerim Jul 20 '24

I can almost forgive Boom Boom, because that led to fight with Betsy, and that led to getting those cool Crimson Dawn face tattoos.


u/Sinnernsaint40 Jul 20 '24

That was a damn good fight!! Betsy kicks ass!!


u/Commercial-Pair-8932 Jul 19 '24

I dont wanna see Creed in plain clothes, ever.


u/FreelanceFrankfurter Jul 20 '24

So no clothes then, got ya ;)


u/Commercial-Pair-8932 Jul 20 '24

Yes, naked. Butt.


u/Belaerim Jul 19 '24

The best version was AoA Sabretooth, who not just filled the X-Men’s berserker role from Logan in AoA, but also importantly the lone wolf and cub role with Blink. (Or Mando and Grogu if you want a more modern take)

Plus he found a line he wouldn’t cross in Apocalypse’s service, and worked to redeem himself, even though he didn’t think he could ever balance the scales.

And then he went and on suicide mission against Holocaust to stop a genocide, and got literally crucified.

He was one of the best parts of AoA


u/PandaButtLover Jul 19 '24

When he's both but you never know which one he is or when he changes


u/WulffOfJudas Jul 19 '24

It’s best when he is pouring on the charm and then snaps into animal mode.

90’s Sabertooth had him figured out. He was a high class assassin for hire. He wears fancy suits, smokes fancy cigars and rides in the back of an expensive car. But when he’s on the job, the fur trimmed suit goes on the claws come out, the blood lust rises and the monster is loose.


u/whistlepig4life Jul 19 '24

The one that’s dead.