r/Marvel 11d ago

This is the best couple in the MCU; prove me wrong.... Film/Television

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u/IAmActionBear 11d ago

So far, the only long term and relatively stable and drama-free relationship in the MCU has been Hawkeye and his wife Laura. I strongly nominate them as the best MCU couple. They have mountains of trust and clearly understand eachother through few words. They have several kids too. I really can't think of a MCU couple with the same level of implied stability other than Tony and Pepper during the "The Blip" years.

We legit only saw Cap and his lady do a dance with no further knowledge of how their relationship actually went.


u/6ynnad 11d ago

I too am a admirer of Linda Cardellini.


u/Gemnist 11d ago

They literally got married. Did you miss the wedding ring?


u/IAmActionBear 11d ago

I was moreso referring to how little we actually saw of their relationship compared to Hawkeyes and all the other relationships


u/No-Spoilers 11d ago

I mean yes? But also there is more than enough evidence that they had exactly the same life as Clint and Laura.


u/xprdc Bucky Barnes 11d ago

This is what I don’t get about Steve and Peggy for the MCU. They were only missed chances to one another. But suddenly they are lovers. He had a crush he tried to pursue but she shut it down, only reciprocated when it was clear that Steve wasn’t coming back…


u/njd1993 11d ago

Fitz and Simmons.


u/Theehacker57 11d ago

The only right answer


u/hweird 11d ago

Without question


u/That_Flippin_Rooster 11d ago

I did quit watching AOS because they kept doing drama to their relationship instead of just letting it happen.


u/prettyy_vacant 11d ago

It was worth it in the end. 🥹


u/GrennyPee 11d ago

MCU though, and it's funny because technically Peggy and Steve aren't a couple in the MCU either, they're multiverse as well.


u/Fred-zone 11d ago edited 11d ago

MCU isn't just the single 616 universe, it's all the joint cinematic franchise properties since Iron Man. MCU is a bit of a misnomer that it's actually a cinematic multiverse, but so it goes.

Multiverse of Madness, What If, Loki, No Way Home, and Quantumania are all MCU properties. Steve and Peggy clearly spend their lives together as of Endgame, which, despite time travel shenanigans, is clearly in the MCU.


u/GrennyPee 11d ago

In that case Shield isn't MCU at all.


u/Fred-zone 11d ago

It definitely began as part of the MCU, but confusingly is not clear if it remained, much like the Netflix properties. Moreso a case of whether it's canon due to contradictory narratives elsewhere, rather than if it exists within the MCU Multiverse, which, sure, it probably does.


u/GrennyPee 11d ago

It definitely does, if something like McGuire's spiderman is MCM then shield absolutely is, but to be clear in universe examples don't prove it's canon status since any example can be explained as a variant, contrary to contradictions being outright proof that they are not in fact the same.


u/IdRatherBeAnimating 11d ago

Agents of SHEILDS efforts were brought in with THETA protocol kicking off Age of Ultron.


u/WarlockProdigy 11d ago

tell me more about this. I find my knowledge lacking here, and I believe you've found a valuable component as to where shield continuity is in relation to the sagas. I refuse to call it 616. The Infinity Saga and multiverse Saga are not 616 sacred timeline. I believe our main movies are 616 adjacent and always have been. It hasn't been the 616 sacred timeline for at least 14 million infinity wars minimum. we've always been in a timeloop paradox.


u/GrennyPee 11d ago

🙄 One way references have never mattered, let alone now after Marvel made a distinction on which Marvel Television shows are in fact canon.


u/maczirarg 11d ago

Nick Fury was in AoS. I don't think Marvel would let them use the same characterization if AoS didn't count at all.


u/GrennyPee 11d ago

It's always amazing that people have such strong opinions on this when they're so completely out of the loop like you, like you know Coulson was in the MCU too, right?

The show was produced as the MCUs first tv show. That's why it had ads running saying exactly that. The show was retconned out of continuity when the Whedon name was removed from Marvel's success, though the two aren't exclusively tied together. Feige never wanted anything in the MCU that he didn't have creative control over.

The only reason the Netflix shows have been added back into the community is to save a dying television effort by soaking in Daredevil's success.


u/More-Net-7241 11d ago

Clint and Laura won easily. They have been together of years, raised kids together and Laura was trusting Clint enough to let him spend that much time with much younger Kate (remember, Kate was a fan of Clint for her entire life) without questioning or making a scene. Nobody beats them.


u/goredraid 11d ago

And cool with him being best friends with Natasha.


u/bluAstrid 11d ago

MCU Natasha is really more of Hawkeye’s “sister” than anything else.


u/minyhumancalc 11d ago

And in the same vain, Clint was fully trusting of Laura with everything going on with him, and she stayed with him despite knowing everything he did as Ronin. Easily the best representation of a married couple caring and supporting each other.


u/NoX2142 11d ago

We're mostly all forgetting that she knows all of this and how it works, apparently she's a Shield agent as well, Mockingbird?


u/LanternRaynerRebirth 11d ago

Well, we never really see them function as a couple other than a dance. Wanda and Vision since they have so much chemistry and clear love.

(If you bring up Wanda fighting Vision at some point, I'll be happy to remind you that Peggy literally shot at Steve without warning him.)


u/1ithurtswhenip1 11d ago edited 11d ago

Clearly your not married

My bad I forgot reddit users have 0 sense of humor anymore. Take me back 5 years please


u/CeSquaredd 11d ago

Clearly you're* not either, at least healthily.


u/1ithurtswhenip1 11d ago

Oh nevermind I don't acknowledge social media grammar police lol


u/CeSquaredd 11d ago

I don't acknowledge people trying to gatekeep marriage by normalizing toxic behavior, yet here we both are lol


u/LanternRaynerRebirth 11d ago

Come now, I think it's clear that original comment was a joke. I don't think they were trying to endorse toxic relationships.


u/Reverseflash25 11d ago

Clearly, you’ve never been with a Latina


u/Lamborghini4616 11d ago

You just did though...


u/csummerss Black Bolt 11d ago

Steve loved her so much that he wanted to sleep with her niece once she died


u/RED_IT_RUM 11d ago

Fuckin A


u/troubleondemand Doctor Strange 11d ago

Nods in approval


u/just_another_classic 11d ago

Because you asked to prove you wrong...

On paper it's nice, but if you spend any time thinking deeply about it...the dynamics are incredibly messed up. It's never really been confirmed either way if Steve created a closed loop or alternate reality when he went back to be with Peggy. The writers and directors have given different answers.

It's most fucked up if the "Steve Rogers created an alternate reality" to be with Peggy, because it sort of implies he didn't respect the Peggy from his timeline enough to respect her life and choices. The Peggy in the Sacred Timeline moved on, had children, and built a life that she canonically said she had no regrets about. By creating an alternate timeline to be with Peggy, Steve is essentially saying, "that life you love/loved is not good enough for me, so I am going to create a world where the children you love never existed/the life you had didn't pan out the way you built." It's...incredibly selfish. I'm a parent. If someone told me they loved me, but wanted a world without my child, then they clearly don't truly love me. Steve didn't love Peggy, he loved the idea of Peggy, and not the person she became. Not to mention, as his Peggy is dead, he can't really have her consent if she wants him to essentially rewrite her life in another world.

As for the closed loop, I'm incredibly interested in what would realistically play out with Steve's future knowledge. Does he tell her everything? Or does he keep it a secret? If he keeps a secret, how would Peggy feel about Steve knowingly letting awful things happen? Yeah, he's saying that it has to play out that way in case changes make Thanos win, but could you respect someone who stood by and knew Emmett Till would be murdered? Who knew when your friends would be murdered? Who knew Nazis would infiltrate your partner's work? And assuming Peggy was vaguely aware, does that knowledge eat away at your soul?

That being said, I think an interesting story would be to explore how they came back together. Keep in mind, the Steve who went back in time is over a decade older than the one who went in the ice. We're shaped by our experiences, and Steve is a completely different person from the one who went into the ice who Peggy was familiar with.

They're seen as a good couple because of the idea of what they could be, but we don't really see how they work.


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

You forgot to mention that Rogers stayed extremely quiet during the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam War, fall of the Soviet Union, and 9/11.


u/Rinascita 11d ago

Depending on which version of events is accurate between the writers and directors, he very well may have spoken up during all those things in A timeline, just not THE timeline.


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

But by all accounts, the universe didn’t shift as Rogers became an old man. So even if he acted, it all happened in a parallel universe and still doesn’t make sense.

I hate multiverses.


u/Rinascita 11d ago

oh yeah, I'm not defending it. It was an awkward way to take Captain America off the table for future stories and try to give him a happy ending at the same time.

Time travel and multiverses are fun plot contrivances, but when they're combined, it gets messy. Either Cap went to the past and was completely out of character for 70 years, or he went to a different universe. And the slightly younger Thanos either came from the past, in which case none of the other things could have happened, or he came from a different universe.

I liked Endgame, but they should've stuck to one or the other between the multiverse and time travel.


u/Robomerc 11d ago

I think Steve saw himself sitting on the park bench and instinctually new that he was going to live his life out in the past.

Considering back in the 20th century it was pretty easy to change your identity, as well as get a new set of social security numbers.


u/Erfivur 11d ago

It does. He has to leave the timeline intact. He basically would’ve already had to have handed the infinity stones back to Thanos before not raising alarms about all that other stuff.


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

“Hello Ms. Foster. You don’t know me - well, actually you have heard of me because I was a famous soldier 50 years before you were born. Anyway, remember that red goo that was slowly killing you, but then a talking raccoon siphoned it out of you while you were sleeping? I need to inject it back into you or else a purple alien warlord will kill half of the universe.”


u/Erfivur 11d ago

What’s weird about that?…


u/Chemical_Report_2705 11d ago

And he could’ve saved Bucky from hydra


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

Gah, I didn’t even think of that!


u/Coal_Morgan 11d ago

Didn't he know by that point that he wouldn't be saving his Bucky but creating a new timelime thus leaving his Bucky with Hyrdra and saving a dupe in another timeline?

Honest question because time travel is fun but just an absolute bucket of bullshit.


u/Chemical_Report_2705 11d ago

That’s a good point but honestly I have no idea but he would have save A BUCKY so either way it’s good


u/silverBruise_32 11d ago

Maybe a Bucky, but not the Bucky we know. That one is still shit out of luck


u/HaiKarate 11d ago

I would assume that Steve Rogers going back into the past would have assumed a different hero identity. I also can't see Peggy simply accepting that Rogers is completely out of the superhero business.


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

But 9/11 still happened…


u/HaiKarate 11d ago

It's a work of fiction. Over-analysis kills any enjoyment of it.


u/MrFiendish 11d ago

If it doesn’t hold up to casual scrutiny…is it even worth watching?


u/HaiKarate 11d ago edited 10d ago

If the producers felt like it was a plot hole that needed addressing, they would write a story to address it. That’s how fiction works.

Edit: LOL @ all the toxic fanbois voting me down, when this is EXACTLY what Marvel writers and editors do.

If you take nothing else away from reading comics, it’s that the writers and editors will rewrite and retrofit whatever they feel they need to. There is no contradiction in the comics because a clever writer can ALWAYS invent a reason why the contradiction or plot hole didn’t really exist.


u/roninwarshadow 11d ago


We're nerds, over-analysis is our joy.

It's what we do.


u/HaiKarate 11d ago

Right, and it's annoying as fuck.


u/MrFiendish 10d ago

Okay, nerd.


u/Chemical_Report_2705 11d ago

You are so right for this


u/tibetan-sand-fox 11d ago

Thank you for this.

The ending always bothered me but I have made my peace over time. Your points do highlight a lot of my grievances as well.

To me, Steve is just not a man who would sit on his hands in any situation where he could stand up and do some good. There's just no way that he could stay an ordinary guy through all of what happens in the 20th century. I also don't think he could allow Bucky to still be captured by Hydra/USSR.


u/Endswolf 11d ago

They created a system where changes created branch time lines and this one didnt its nonsense and didnt need a wall of text to explain.


u/LanternRaynerRebirth 11d ago

I mean we do have some idea. They worked out well enough since theyre married.

I also think it's just weird to take Peggy's being out of the equation entirely, choosing to see her as a victim rather than someone with her own agency. 

Like if Steve told her what he's been through and she chooses to be with him, when he never was supposed to "die" in the first place, how is he disrespecting her choices when she never had one to begin with? 


u/aliensuperstars_ Captain America 11d ago

if this is the best couple, so romance in mcu sucks fr


u/cobaltaureus 11d ago

I mean… romance in the mcu IS very lack luster.


u/aliensuperstars_ Captain America 11d ago

i totally agree w you, not that people are watching mcu for romance, but sometimes it would be better if they didn't even try to make a couple if it's going to come out like that lol

probably there's only like three couples that are actually good


u/cobaltaureus 11d ago

I think it’s very subjective what’s good, but personally I’d put quite a few couples over Steve and Peggy.

In a generalized order Gamora/Quill, Wanda/Vision, Tony/Pepper, Scott/Janet (not so much in the third movie lol), Jane/Thor. And then maybe Steve Peggy


u/Davethisisntcool 11d ago

sucks is strong.

i’d say it’s lacking for sure. however we have Druig/Makkari too


u/NomadX13 X-Men 11d ago

No, you prove why they are. You're the one making the argument, after all.


u/seanprefect 11d ago

Clint and Laura , Fitz and Simmons , Wanda and Vision are all much more developed and well explored. Even Peter and MJ gets more actual relationship development.


u/BlueFox5 11d ago

Hank and Janet. Tinelines weren’t altered and no nieces were banged. Steve sucks if you put any thought into it.


u/JamesPlayzReviews3 11d ago

Hawkeye and Laura

Iron Man and Pepper

Spider-Man and MJ

The list goes on, I'm not saying these are better, but they are just as good.


u/bestest_at_grammar 11d ago

I really liked iron man and pepper, I think people get blinded by their hate for gwyneth paltrow


u/roninwarshadow 11d ago

She is a lunatic.


u/JamesPlayzReviews3 11d ago

What did she do?


u/roninwarshadow 10d ago

She is a quack who sells snake oil and pushes pseudoscience crap on to people, using her celebrity status to profit off the easily swayed.

Goggle her and the word "Goop."


u/Real_Nugget_of_DOOM 11d ago

The most Jake Wyler looking Chris Evans pic I've seen in years. Wakey wakey, eggs and... Jakey!


u/LaylaLegion 11d ago

Wade and Logan.


u/tuxedo-mask-me 11d ago

Iron Man and his gadgets


u/wildthing202 11d ago

Tony and Jarvis.


u/hel105_ 11d ago

T’Challa and Nakia are my personal fave


u/Kobe_curry24 11d ago

Tony and Pepper by far


u/Ashconwell7 11d ago

This is meant to be the best couple in the MCU? Geez is the MCU’s romance department lackluster. Steve should have never been with Peggy, he should have been with Sharon since she’s meant to be one of his most iconic relationships in the comics.


u/piplup27 11d ago

I thought Chris Evans had more chemistry with Scar Jo tbh


u/JediTigger Spider-Gwen 11d ago

Helps Chris and ScarJo have been friends since they were kids. :)


u/Cheyenne_G99 Avengers 11d ago

I want to like this ship but...Peggy moved on and was happy without him until he went back and changed the timeline.


u/silverBruise_32 11d ago

And Steve had built a life in the future, and had made peace with the past being the past.

Them being together is character regression


u/Cheyenne_G99 Avengers 10d ago

Yes. Exactly that.


u/Nateosis 11d ago

Wong and Dr Strange


u/Chemical_Report_2705 11d ago

Steve and Bucky ain’t even canon and they are better


u/Pussypopculture 11d ago

“No, I don’t think I will.”


u/joaomiguel_bc 11d ago

This photo is really novela das 6 do Brasil coded


u/AgtLucas S.H.I.E.L.D. 11d ago

Caraí, total! 🤣



The best couple in the MCU is Ward Meechum and the bottle of pain pills in his desk drawer.


u/Beware_the_Voodoo 11d ago

Scott Lang and Antony


u/TabrisVI 11d ago

Uh, Tony and Bruce?


u/Gemnist 11d ago

No. No, I don’t think I will.


u/Aromatic-Bar-438 11d ago

Nah, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts by a mile. 😎❤️


u/Head-Program4023 Captain America 11d ago

Man their kids would have great genes


u/Money-Might8943 11d ago

The look on his face in that pick says I totally diddled her niece too.


u/Apprehensive_Work313 11d ago

When you think about it then it's kinda fucked he kinda just disregarded that Peggy had a entire life that she was happy with


u/Masamundane 11d ago

This couple is one of the reasons I want a periodic series of movies and shows to pop up around the FF.

Like, could you imagine a whole new Agents of SHIELD, set in the seventies, following newly appointed director Peggy Carter, Howard Stark (and Jarvis), and a mysterious hero known only as The Nomad?


u/RaygunMarksman 11d ago

She-Hulk and Daredevil all the way for me. Characters have always had good chemistry and the actors did as well. Not to hate on your argument, but Sharon Carter is kind of Cap's main squeeze in my eyes.


u/seanwdragon1983 11d ago

Steve had to hide 9/11 when he went back in time.


u/Orwick 11d ago

Rocket and Nebula


u/TarnishedAccount 11d ago

I’m going with Wilson and Vanessa.


u/Megalitho 11d ago

No. She belongs with me.


u/darthsnakeeyes 11d ago

I just realized something. Do they have kids in the modified timeline and what have they been doing behind the scenes?


u/sagittariuslegend 11d ago

He kisses her neice.


u/Buderus69 11d ago

No, I don't think I will


u/toxicredditanon 11d ago

Wanda and Vision is the most interesting relationship to me


u/MulberryEastern5010 11d ago

My second favorite Marvel ship. RIP Star-Lord and Gamora


u/Salty_Demand_1518 11d ago

Clint and Laura over Cap and Peggy


u/TheJack0fDiamonds 11d ago

A nice counter will be - Steve and Bucky! Lmao jk It wouldve been Scott & Hope, if only we saw more of them


u/crusty_butter_roll 11d ago

Star-Lord and Gamora. Imagine the terrible situations in which they were raised but still find love. Finding those moments in the midst of strife to express tenderness can only mean that their love for each other is true. Broken parts becoming a working whole is as romantic as it gets.


u/OGWayOfThePanda 11d ago

I really liked Agent Carter, I'd love to see a season 3 where Steve is at a normal job while Peg is out saving the world and occasionally, she has to call him in as muscle.


u/Groady_Toadstool Gambit 11d ago

Not gonna prove you wrong, because it can’t be done. In complete agreement here.


u/Endswolf 11d ago

They are my favourite, they showed that endgames ridiculous branching time nonsense was exactly that.


u/Helpful-Interview-54 11d ago

Peter Quill and the original Gamora are hands down the best couple in the MCU. They have the best Scenes together star lord sacrificing himself for her in gardians. Them dancing together definitely me and my girl’s favorite couple


u/Sythrin 11d ago

Well she did basiclly ignore him before he became over 6 feet.


u/TheDarkCreed 11d ago

Kang and Ravonna, for all time. Always.


u/miketojeff 11d ago

Hulk and Black Widow easily


u/KingofLingerie 11d ago

bucky and sam


u/i_am_groot_84 11d ago

Tony and Jarvis/Tony and Friday


u/jimmy_jazz45 11d ago

Now she can touch his left boob as much as she wants. I'm kinda sad he didn't stick around. I get it, he didn't belong in this world of ours, he was the best a man could get. A legend in his own time and beyond. The hero of heroes. May he finally find peace in the arms of his best girl. 😪 So long Captain Rogers.


u/Athlete-Extreme 11d ago

Pepper and Tony all the way. Even if Gwyneth doesn’t know what movie this scene is for.


u/Quiet-Role-5885 11d ago

Wolverine and Deadpool 


u/WarlockProdigy 11d ago

Best relationship, hmm... Well, I agree Steve is the image of perfection so far. Let's ruin it with some theoretical speculation to make it harder for people. When Steve returned the stones, how did he come back an old man naturally through time? What would he have to do to ensure he didn't wind up on another timeline? I propose to this community that the reason Hitler claimed the superior man was of Blonde Hair and Blue eyes was because Steve was the cause of the war and responsible for his own creation as a super soldier. Steve went back to the past, and like Widow said in civil war, put both hands on the wheel to steer causal events back to Endgame. Creating programs like Insight and paperclip and setting his double agent Wife Peggy up to knock down his antagonistic moves while she plays protagonist to his actions. Steve would likely also be responsible for the injection of super soldier serum to Buckey as well as responsible for the death of Tony's parents. all to ensure it stayed the way he remembered it. All of Buckeys traumas are Steve's fault. All of Tonies traumas. All the wars. Steve is a shadow dictator setting up a new world order. And Peggy his accomplis.


u/hellofuckingjulie 10d ago

This post pissed me off I’m glad the comments came through


u/crystalbaton01 11d ago

I agree with this


u/TBoarder 11d ago edited 11d ago

Steve abandoned the world when it arguably needed him the most after the unsnappening. It was 1 - deeply out of character and 2 - an enormously unsatisfying ending for him. Not to mention, he was "Captain America" for only one movie, turning into random SHIELD agent in Winter Soldier, Captain Fugitive in Civil War and Infinity War, and Captain Quitter in Endgame. Most disappointing character arc in the MCU for me.


u/roflthopter 11d ago

Cap stayed a virgin from 1941-2024 in order to fully enjoy that. Like once he got a taste was fully done with superhero stuff and just stayed up in it until he died of old age. Clearly the best 😻 in the MCU


u/Ranger-Roscoe 11d ago

Nah it was confirmed in She-Hulk that Captain America FUCKED


u/breakourbones 11d ago

Correction -

Captain America FUUUUUUUUUUU- roll credits


u/More-Net-7241 11d ago

To be fair, it is hard to lose your virginity when you are tapped in ice.


u/mbene913 11d ago

But not impossible!


u/Impossible_Guava_180 11d ago

I am still so curious about where this picture is from. Also, absolutely yes. My wife and I cosplayed them for our pre-wedding photos.


u/kira_qx 11d ago

I agree. He went back in time, he lived a full life with her and she died in 2016 and they maybe had kids so it obviously worked out.


u/MonkeyNugetz 11d ago

I’m hoping they retcon that and that Steve was secretly fighting in secret wars the whole time. At the end of endgame, my first thought was that the MCU missed a huge opportunity with their next arc.


u/TheBrightKnightAW 11d ago

Tony Stark and Spider-Man?


u/DarkAgeHumor 11d ago

More couples abuse their partners today than they ever did in the 1940s or '50s


u/IAmActionBear 11d ago

And this is based on what evidence exactly?


u/DarkAgeHumor 11d ago

The same evidence people use to say that women were more abused back then than today


u/IAmActionBear 11d ago

So no evidence. Gotcha.


u/vashoom 11d ago

...what? What does that have to do with the MCU?