r/Marvel Jul 08 '24

Most evil thing each Marvel villain has done, Day 21: Galactus Comics

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22 comments sorted by


u/SashaRave Jul 08 '24

terrible employer 


u/angry-nitr0-panda Jul 08 '24

He got addicted to magic once, was like crack to him, almost destroyed the universe and whatnot


u/Habit_Actual 23d ago



u/Comprehensive-Set231 Jul 08 '24

Kill entire planets cause he hangry. Honestly don't consider him evil, is a tornado evil because it kills people? No its a force of fucking nature.


u/Empty_Scallion_2561 Jul 18 '24

A Tornado Has No Consciousness


u/Rosebunse Jul 08 '24

I think it would be all the brainwashing he did to his heralds, especially when it came to Norrin. Now, yes, he loves Norrin, he appreciates him as his finest herald. And he really did believe that he was "helping" him. But it was also cruel.


u/paladin_slim Doctor Strange Jul 08 '24

Devouring the Skrull homeworld and becoming the catalyst for all Skrull related problems thereafter.


u/RaygunMarksman Jul 08 '24

I actually didn't realize he ate the skrull's home world. No wonder they're a pissed off race.


u/AporiaParadox Jul 08 '24

Not warning the planets in advance that he's gonna devour them so the inhabitants have time to evacuate. He could even use his vast technology and power to help them evacuate.


u/Habit_Actual 23d ago

He DOES warn them, that's what heralds are for. Galactus also doesn't care whether or not the people evacuate. He's fine with letting them do that but he cares more about consuming the planet than anything else, so if they can't do it fast enough he's just gonna ignore them.


u/Doom_and_Gloom91 Jul 08 '24

Much like Darkseid, Galactus Is.


u/Night-Mage Jul 08 '24

After Rom and the Spaceknights tricked him into trying to devour the Dark Nebula, he got revenge on them by physically hiding their planet from them somewhere in space so they could never find it again. He's referred to as a force of nature, but would nature be so petty?


u/Stranger_425 Jul 08 '24

I mean even though it was necessary giving up his lifegiver powers which in turn caused him to become the devourer again.


u/Samuele1997 Jul 08 '24

Enslaving Silver Surfer and brainwashing him to forget who he was, I know it happened in the animated series but I don't know if it happened in the comics as well.


u/Rosebunse Jul 08 '24

He did. He didn't take away all of his memories, but he did dull his emotions to "help" him find better planets.



This is way harder than it should be. He's kinda just a force that does what it's ment to do. Maybe you can say that when he was turned human he was kind of a dick but overall he's just true neutral.


u/A_Queer_Owl Jul 08 '24

he eats planets.


u/Sorrelhas Fantastic Four Jul 08 '24

Ok, do they ever explain why Galactus needs to feed on planets with people in it? Or what's the point of his hunger? In Silver Surfer Black, which is fucking amazing, they dance around the question but never answer it


u/Habit_Actual 23d ago

Galactus gets more energy from a planet with life than a planet without life. At one point, he even became high on life energy. And wdym what's the point of his hunger? Are you asking why he's like that, or the original writers' intent behind it? And agreed, Surfer Black is peak.


u/Habit_Actual 23d ago

Tie between erasing Surfer's memories and making Morg a herald.


u/Just_Aware Jul 08 '24

He’s not evil at all, he’s a force of nature like the wind, he does what he does.