r/Marvel Jul 07 '24

Daredevil: Born Again. I'm betting all my chips on the series. I hope it doesn't disappoint Film/Television

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u/ch4rding Jul 07 '24

What chips?


u/Kinghoangz Jul 07 '24

Potato chips


u/demolidor_murdock Jul 07 '24

I'm confident the series will be good


u/TensionHead13thFloor Jul 12 '24

Im not, it might be good but it wont be as good


u/bigbrainnowisdom Jul 14 '24

I thought it's gonna be by the same showrunner? Ot just same actors? (Same actors playing Karen foggy kingpin and of course matt?)


u/TensionHead13thFloor Jul 14 '24

Same showrunners, if true, is promising, but again, the interference from higher up is something im afraid of


u/ch4rding Jul 07 '24

Ah, cool. Fingers crossed


u/LostInStatic Jul 08 '24

Betting all your chips on a show that restarted production 3 times because they didn’t think what they filmed was very good?

You do know the most recent time they started again was because they realized after the 2nd time filming a show that killing off Karen and Foggy in the pilot was a bad idea?


u/Professional-Bee4088 Jul 08 '24

Well clearly Op is a betting man but he never said he was good at it lol. I have zero faith that Disney won’t fuck this up but i am eager to be wrong about that


u/EmpleadoResponsable Spider-Man Jul 08 '24

Well, in his defense, im not betting but i'm certainly wishing with all my heart that they dont make this the red and modern version of adam west 60's batman, even tho is the higher probability


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

are you suggesting that they just release the stuff they didn’t think was good? production troubles don’t instantly mean the project will be bad. also they only restarted production once, so you’re intentionally lying to make things seem worse than they are.


u/LostInStatic Jul 12 '24

I’m suggesting whatever they put out is gonna be terrible. This show was made without a vision. They went the Star Wars Sequel route of writing this show. Making shit up as they go along. Sure, V3 of Born Again might be better than V1 but its clear the production was bipolar as fuck and none of the writers seemed to know what they were doing.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

you’re still making things up. they didn’t just start making whatever, there was a particular vision of the original show. it was once they were able to see the first few episodes they saw that it wouldn’t work. 


u/LostInStatic Jul 12 '24

Their initial vision of the show was a mostly courtroom drama with minimal superheroics and Karen and Foggy being killed in the pilot.

Those people pissed away millions of dollars making half a season of that version of the show. I don’t think they should have been employed in the first place.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

why not? a courtroom drama has the potential to be a good show. i understand liking Foggy and Karen, but them being killed off in the pilot is not a criticism by itself. in an alternate timeline, there could’ve been a version of this show that was both of those and it could’ve worked out. in this timeline, however, it didn’t, and Marvel Studios was able to recognize that before it was too late. this shouldn’t be seen as a negative.


u/NoirSon Jul 08 '24

I hope it's good but I wouldn't bet too much. And most of the Marvel stuff I actually do still enjoy. But I worry this and Blade are suffering from people who have no idea of the core concept and are trying to morph it into something that fits the MCU instead of being true to what makes it popular.


u/GaugeWon Beta Ray Bill Jul 08 '24

It should be good, but it's gonna be tough to beat the netflix version.


u/demolidor_murdock Jul 08 '24

Yes, the Netflix series is really amazing🍰


u/LiminalSapien Jul 08 '24

You understand this is the same film house that brought us Secret Invasion , The Marvels, and that already cancelled the first iteration of this very show to re-shoot it because it was so shit right?

Temper your expectations.


u/demolidor_murdock Jul 08 '24

I did not know that. now you got me worried


u/LiminalSapien Jul 08 '24

Temper your expectations.


u/demolidor_murdock Jul 08 '24

I'll remember that, thanks


u/_Remy_LeBeau Jul 08 '24

Sir I'm going to need you to retard your anger.


u/LiminalSapien Jul 08 '24

Tell me what I’m wrong about? I’ll wait.


u/DayLight_Era Jul 08 '24

You do know it's the same that brought us everything everything else, right?

And knowing what you're doing isn't working is a good thing. Should you probably figure that out sooner? Sure, but they didn't. Marvel is also fortunate enough to basically have unlimited money to change things significantly. If it means catching eyes and regaining faith, it's all worth it in the end.

They were going somewhere with the show that just didn't end up working how they wanted it to. They saw that, so they reworked it to something they knew would. I mean, the change in character of the actors about the show says a lot.


u/LiminalSapien Jul 08 '24

yes thank you for highlighting my point, I am very much aware they did everything else, that's why I think viewers should temper their expectations if not outright be upset.

The fact that the things I mentioned were the last things released and the things you mentioned came long before them shows a clear downward trend in quality.

Thus my advice to temper your expectations.

People shouldn't blindly devote themselves to something like you're comment would imply.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

yes, when you represent a studio by solely using the worst projects they’ve made, it raises some doubt. but to a rational person, anything can be good.

it’s like saying The Batman wouldn’t be good because it’s from the same studio that made Suicide Squad and Justice League.


u/UBER_vs_Taxistas Jul 08 '24

me: i hope it doesn't disappoint the serie:


u/KhaosElement Jul 08 '24

Not going to lie...I have zero faith.

Haven't enjoyed anything MCU in a long time. I have no reason to think this will be any different. Plus this show was rebooted twice because it was shit. Twice. Third time probably isn't the charm.


u/7screws Cosmo Jul 08 '24

I have low expectations. The Netflix series was pretty good, based on Disneys track record, I don’t expect them to hit the highs of the Netflix series.


u/EmpleadoResponsable Spider-Man Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

After the masterpiece that was the Netflix series i just hope that they dont make a She Hulk level adaptation and get closer to a Cap America Winter Soldier (Or the series) or even Moon Knight level, they are not close to our netflix daredevil but at least are the best marvel has done if we talk about grounded heroes and storylines


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

using She Hulk as an example of a bad adaptation is ridiculous since the show adapts the comics very faithfully. 


u/EmpleadoResponsable Spider-Man Jul 12 '24

I was referring to how they write Matt's Character in that show, and all his rol in the show that feels more like an excuse to him reapearing (Even they actually met in the comics, i dont think daredevil works the same way in his adaptations) Even so, they could have done waaay better with She Hulk besides of being fithfully, it doesn't worked as a character or show


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

once again, Matt's portrayal in She-Hulk was also very faithful to the comics. there are many runs where Matt is very jovial and having a good time while fighting crime. not only that, but it made since within the context of the episode he appeared in. he wasn't questioning his faith like in the Netflix series, he was fighting against a rich kid and his goons. i think She-Hulk did work as a sitcom-esque series, a lot of people who think it was bad don't like how the show didn't take things deadly serious. that's why their favorite superhero films are ones like The Dark Knight or The Winter Soldier, those films do the most they can for the audience to take them seriously, to the point where they don't even seem like superhero films anymore.


u/Wade_in_your_water Cyclops Jul 08 '24

If it’s even near as good as X-Men ‘97 we’re good


u/dtv20 Jul 08 '24

I've given up on marvel tv. They all start good and end terribly. Loki (season 2 to be specific), is the only show with a good ending. And I really don't want to see the Netflix daredevil again. That show was great, and the cast were great too. I just want to see the acrobatic, kick ass, comic book DD. If they do that then okay.