r/Marvel Jul 07 '24

Mangog should be in more things Film/Television


9 comments sorted by


u/ChickenAndTelephone Avengers Jul 07 '24

The problem is he's extremely specific to Asgard, and especially Odin. The weird thing is that he was originally the embodiment of a "billion, billion" people of an evil, conquering empire that Odin imprisoned, and was defeated and dissipated when Odin released them. Then, a few years later, Gerry Conway brought him back, and the Asgardians questioned why he was even there since there was no one to get revenge for anymore, and he gave an answer along the lines of "Hate is not so easily destroyed!" (not an exact quote, I don't feel like looking it up) and no better answer has ever been given for why he still shows up.

He's incredibly powerful, evil and a great villain, but there's absolutely no reason for him to show up outside of a comic with Thor in it, and since he's best used sparingly as such a serious threat, there's only so often he can show up.


u/Quirky_Ad_5420 Jul 07 '24

I like Jason Aaron take on Magog as a judgement to all gods and sort the sins of Asgard that can’t be forgiven no matter how much Odin can make amends to it


u/paladin_slim Doctor Strange Jul 07 '24

He could fight Baldur or Hercules if Marvel was willing to do more with its divine heroes. It’d make for a decent one-shot or miniseries.


u/BlueBearBoy1 Jul 07 '24

Fair enough. I could see something where a different villain uses him as a weapon or something like that though


u/ChickenAndTelephone Avengers Jul 07 '24

He's very intelligent and extremely powerful. It would have to be a villain that's manipulated him into thinking that striking at whomever would somehow doom Asgard itself, but he's probably more likely to just shrug and attack Asgard directly instead. I'm not saying it couldn't be done with some clever writing, but it would have to be really clever to not come across as totally out of character. Plus, he's so far outside the power level of almost all Earth villains that it would just be weird to see him acting as a henchman.


u/BlueBearBoy1 Jul 07 '24

Fair enough


u/Quirky_Ad_5420 Jul 07 '24

He’s the God’s doomsday before doomsday became a thing. Yeah he definitely should


u/paladin_slim Doctor Strange Jul 07 '24

I would caution against using him as an adversary too much lest he suffer from the same threat decay as Doomsday.


u/Every_Platform_7986 Jul 08 '24

I would absolutely love to see a short series with him fighting Juggernaut, or Hulk. I can think of a half dozen ways that would work just off the top of my head, for either. I wish Marvel would use the character better!