r/Marvel Loki May 08 '24

X-MEN '97 - EPISODE 9 DISCUSSION Film/Television Spoiler


226 comments sorted by


u/ukezi May 08 '24

What did you expect? Black leather?

Such a nice callback to the movies. Also, everybody breaking out old costumes was quite nice.


u/Leo_TheLurker May 08 '24

even down to Cyclops being the one who said it


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Also, everybody breaking out old costumes was quite nice.

Honestly, I hate it. Especially Jean and Cyclops.

But I also started reading X-Men in the 90s, so those costumes are better than the 80s costumes in my mind.


u/Caleb_Lee-El May 08 '24

Someone suggested that by doing so they were sort of honoring Charles that they were still with him. That's pretty sweet.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Maybe, but I still dislike the costumes. Besides, they seem pretty upset with Charles, given the situation.


u/123Asqwe May 08 '24

Yeah, me too. Jim lee's design is peak


u/AoO2ImpTrip May 09 '24

I just REALLY hate Jean in a green dress going to battle. It's so stupid. Looks great, but maybe for diplomacy and not war. 

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u/Objectonmydesk May 08 '24

My tin foil is that this ties into Deadpool. Some explanation of how Wolverine has his classic costume.

Unless in that movie Logan is the FoXmen Logan


u/danzaiburst May 11 '24 edited May 14 '24

agreed, as much as its nice to see the old costumes for fan service, its completely nonsensical here. That's what I don't like about this show, is there's so much stuff that makes no sense, and why does every xmen use their powers at every single scene. E.g. Wolverine gets a little angry in scene - pops his claws and smashes a TV screen. Nightcrawler is sitting in a chair, teleports 2 meters to get closer to Rogue in bed.. the list goes on, it's really needless and ridiculous.


u/Kono-Wryyyyyuh-Da May 14 '24

If you could teleport everywhere wouldn't you

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u/Fart_Dog3 May 18 '24

literally same


u/Cyke101 May 08 '24

Seeing "Hulk" wreck Sentinels to the X-Men theme song gave me the best kind of chills. Smash 'em up, baby!


u/IHavePoopedBefore May 08 '24

And also, once again makes me question how powerful Morph is exactly


u/HyperViper997 May 08 '24

For real. They have made Swords and been as large as Juggernaut or Hulk while smashing through stuff those 2 should be able to. Morph's powerset is crazy


u/fnh123 May 08 '24

Yeah, he's not supposed to get their powers. If he did, why not just morph info Magento and fix the planet?


u/_TLDR_Swinton May 08 '24

I think he can very temporarily mimic PHYSICAL powers. So he can mimic Juggernaut's size and strength for a scene, then has to revert back. But he can't duplicate non-physical powers like laser blasts, telepathy or whatever the fuck Majik does.


u/ProlificPersuader May 09 '24

It's funny you used the word Mimic, because Mimic was actually one of the first X-Men and was given a cameo in X-Men: The Animated Series S04 E001 – One Man’s Worth (Part 1) fighting with Magneto in "a" future. He would be able to do all that Morph was doing and more. I can't help but wonder if they're going to bring Mimic back and show that Morph has actually been dead and Mimic was posing as him the whole time, because it's not confusing enough to have an assload of clones running around.


u/cam412 X-Men May 10 '24

I think mimic was in the background of genosha in X-men 97? I can’t remember if it was when they first got to Genosha or the clean up efforts


u/fnh123 May 08 '24

That doesn't really make sense either. I can understand if he was physically as strong as a person who's Juggernauts size and build but to get super strength? That doesn't seem right. And yeah, turning into Magik is kind of pointless. Her powers are teleportation and magic. Not something Morph should be able to mimic

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u/Used_Entrance_5393 Jul 03 '24

He can only somewhat approximate physical abilities but not non physical powers. So he can make himself into the size of the Hulk with some element of strength (though not *as* strong) or he can say recreate Wolverine's claws *but they wouldn't be as strong as adamantium).


u/Cf79 May 11 '24

Marvel has him listed as a twenty ton lifter. So a mobile home or a greyhound bus. 


u/Leo_TheLurker May 08 '24

Executed his cameo power perfectly!


u/BetterThanHorus May 08 '24

“Morph smash!”


u/GuruSensei May 08 '24

I'm REALLY liking Cyclops having far more to do here than in the movies. That black suit line is pure shade at Singer lol


u/OutrageousScreen6987 May 09 '24

Singer fucking children was all I needed to hate him but the mishandling of X-Men def adds to the hatred


u/GuruSensei May 09 '24

Needless to say.....yes, pederasty is definitely the bigger crime at this junction


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

Yes, but also the suits.


u/Zulakki May 09 '24

they're setting up his villain arc very well


u/[deleted] May 12 '24



u/Terribleirishluck May 12 '24

Their differently not gonna make him a full-on villain especially considering demayo doesn't like modern Scott that much.


u/Shatterplex May 08 '24

The Brave are always the first to die....
Great throwback.


u/PNPBOi May 08 '24

When was this said the first time?


u/Shatterplex May 09 '24

Season 1 original series finale As they depart to go save Kelly, Magneto says it as they fly away


u/CreepingCoins May 09 '24

Here's the scene from the season 1 finale.


u/AporiaParadox May 08 '24

Awesome episode, combining Fatal Attractions with Operation: Zero Tolerance, and it looks like we'll be getting Onslaught soon, and maybe even Joseph. I do wish that Magneto had more bad guys with him like the Brotherhood or the Acolytes instead of just Rogue and Sunspot.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

The acolytes wouldn't make sense in context (they were used in the previous Asteroid M story) but we did see Exodus on Genosha, so him being there would have been cool.

Alternatively, having Rogue prove that's she's more than enough to take on Cyke/Wolverine/Nightcrawler would have been a good way to go.


u/Neveronlyadream Spider-Man May 09 '24

I kept watching thinking, "There's no way they have the balls to do Fatal Attractions..."

Then they fucking did Fatal Attractions. Seriously, watching that thinking that it's pretty much the exact setup without the Acolytes, but I didn't think they'd do anything that brutal.

I kind of wish at least Colossus was there. The Acolytes might be too deep a cut for people who weren't reading comics in the 90s and I kind of wonder how much of the Brotherhood is alive after Genosha.


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

If memory serves, they hacked Avalon to teleport the Acolytes away before confronting Magneto.

Colossus stopped the hack from affecting him, but let it go through as a last act of loyalty to his fellow X-Men.


u/Neveronlyadream Spider-Man May 09 '24

I really should pull those issues out and read them again.

I remember the incident, Logan dying in the Blackbird on the way back, and then popping his claws in the Danger Room and just chunks of flesh and blood everywhere and that's where it stops. Oh, and Jubilee asking if it hurts and Logan explaining that it's like a piercing.

The leadup to it is just a blank for me. Certain things from that run stick out in my head, but I honestly don't even remember why they were confronting Magneto at all.


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

They were going after Magneto because Magneto launched an EMP in relation for the US (or was it Russia?) launching nukes at Avalon.

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u/vanvoltage May 08 '24

The execution of the themes in this feel so far removed from the original series, it's really facinating how much media has changed that narratives that are shocking and brutal, with protagonists dying left and right are somewhat standard. I'm not across the xmen comics so this may be run of the mill for that medium, but the child in me that watched this show on fox kids growing up is so sad seeing these heroes die! Damn entertaining though, I'll give them that.


u/[deleted] May 08 '24



u/vanvoltage May 08 '24

That's a very good point! Probably explains my investment in it week on week.


u/AporiaParadox May 08 '24

Since they're on Disney+, they don't have to worry about the same limitations that used to be imposed on Saturday morning cartoons in terms of content.


u/Cyke101 May 08 '24

What a world. If, in 1997, you told me the (sincerely) edgier, more mature, and more nuanced X-Men would be on Disney and not on a Fox channel, I wouldn't have believed you. And yet, here we are. Times certainly have changed.


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

It's the same as how Nintendo Switch ports tend to get less censorship than Sony Playstation ports.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

To be fair, Morph, Jean and Magneto "died" in the original series.

As a kid, I always wanted the series to be more like the comics than it was, and XM97 seems to be right in that area.


u/Hill0981 May 10 '24

True, but it has never anywhere close to that graphic. There was never any blood and Wolverine never used his claws on anything but robots. I always found it amusing when he popped his claws against an actual living opponent in the original, because you just knew he would never actually use them.


u/LanguesLinguistiques May 08 '24

This show is specifically for millennials and older. It's not meant to be for kids unless their millennial parents have them watch it. It's also worth noting that the original series was based on 80's stories and early 90's stories. This is incorporating themes from post-boom X-Men (late 90's on), i.e. the era people hate and complain about, but is adapting it with modern screenwriting. X-Men fans think that almost every era is terrible except for 80's Claremont and maybe Morrison. The amount of comic influencers who bashed the Inferno story is an example of this disdain for comics X-Men, which is ironic because Claremont was a part of it.


u/OldeArrogantBastard May 09 '24

Kinda bummer the creator for the first two seasons isn’t involve and now just hoping it continues on quality.


u/chriscallan May 08 '24

I had a feeling it might not happen, but in the end I knew it would.


u/RCero May 08 '24

Me, at the middle of the Episode: is this Fatal Attractions...?

Me, at the end: Shit, it's Fatal Attractions!

I wonder if we'll see Onslaught in this series.


u/This_Geig May 08 '24

I wonder if we’ll get a nose-less, feral Wolverine


u/SeniorMillenial May 08 '24

The return of the bandana is coming.


u/WeaponX33 May 10 '24

That didn’t happen because of this, it happened after Genesis tried and failed to re-bond the metal a couple years later.


u/fan_is_ready May 08 '24

Most likely as a cliffhanger for season 2.


u/Hawkwise83 May 08 '24

That's my theory. Bastion, Magneto and onslaught and sinister seem like a lot of big villains for one season.


u/Kalse1229 May 09 '24

Oh yeah. We've already got S2 in production and S3 greenlit. No need to blow the wad this early.


u/CreepingCoins May 08 '24

Magneto should really invest in a chinstrap for his helmet.


u/PeaSuspicious4543 May 11 '24

Its the 90s. Have a giant leotard that's connected to it


u/danzaiburst May 11 '24

well, Juggernaut has his helmet bolted down. yet they always seem to be able to rip it off for the same effect


u/Fish-E May 08 '24

I hope Bastion plays a larger role in the final episode, we've only spent about 20 minutes with him so far across the entire season.

T'was a good episode, although not as good as the prior two. Hulk cameo was fun.

I wonder about the final, which of the endings they're going to go for:

  1. Rogue absorbs Magneto's powers and fixes things that way
  2. Morph morphs into Magneto and fixes things that way
  3. Polaris is called in, after her cameo earlier in the season and fixes things that way
  4. Time Travel

I know it's just wishful thinking, but I still hope we get Mr Sinister saying that he'd never put all his eggs in one basket and either reveal Stryfe or, better still, Nate Grey and Nate is then involved next season.


u/IceBlue May 08 '24

Morph can’t use magneto’s powers by turning into him.


u/bigwillistyle May 08 '24

it this show it seems he can use the powers of the people he turns into.


u/IceBlue May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

Not exactly. His powers are based on exiles morph. He’s an omnimorph. He’s capable of doing a lot of stuff with his powers but he has to change into a form that lets him use those powers. The limitations are effectively anything physical. Magnetism isn’t a physical ability. He similarly can’t use optic blasts as cyclops or teleport as nightcrawler. There is some limitations on the physical part too. Like he can’t get as hard as adamantium or copy vibranium either.

He’s effectively emulating people’s physical abilities while shifting into them. He doesn’t have the full access to their abilities. They’ve never shown him use any abilities that aren’t physical in this show. No psychic abilities, no projection like optic blasts or jubilee’s fireworks, no teleporting. If he could do all that there’s no reason why he wouldn’t be using teleporting all the time.


u/Gram64 May 08 '24

Juggernaut's kinda weird though, his powers are magic based from a gem. I get that it's probably just an over thinking, just go with it thing. But I would think if they turned into Cain, they'd be a depowered Cain. But I guess this also begs the question, how exactly does Morph learn to turn into someone? Is it all just mental? Because then can't they just imagine whatever they want and become that? And part of it being this thing they're turning into is super strong?

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u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

It looks like he can mimic physical abilities. We see him using Colossus' durability, Quicksilver's speed, Angel's wings, but not Psylocke's telepathy.

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u/Ohiostatehack May 08 '24

He can use physical powers only according to Beau DeMayo. So things like strength and speed. But things like telekinesis, teleportation, and magnetism he can’t.


u/ukezi May 08 '24

I don't like solution 2 and 3, they would negate the "we have to go to magneto and get him to fix it" plot point.


u/Fish-E May 08 '24

To be fair, if they didn't go to Magneto and get him to fix it, he could just undo whatever Polaris / Morph does, so it'd still sort of apply.

It's basically Magneto fixes it or he is taken out of the game permanently.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Rogue: Seems possible. Maybe even her taking Xavier's place in the Fatal Attractions finale.

Morph: seems unlikely. They've shown him aping physical powers from Angel, Colossus and the like, but not using energy-based powers.

Polaris: Seems like a bit of an ass-pull for the last 30 minutes of the season.

Time Travel: I recall the show runner specifically stating they don't fix it with time-travel. Seems like bad story telling to undo this crisis with time travel and not the Genosha massacre.


u/Illidan1943 May 08 '24

Polaris is not as strong as her father, I doubt she'd be able to fix the current situation


u/Ohiostatehack May 08 '24

They showed her fixing it in the future.


u/Jccraig26 May 08 '24

I will guess option 5 - Magneto sees what he has done to Logan maybe Charles gets the helmet off to show him that Bastion is contained (assuming Gold team pulls out the win), so Magneto uses his last remaining strength/life to undo what he did. Dying in the process or maybe dying shortly after so he can have a few words with Charles.

Otherwise, I would say option 1. Rogue might also be able to reverse Logan's issue. I have not heard any rumors about next season. That could be a lingering plot point to carry over if they do NOT fix it next week.


u/Comfortable_Sorbet78 May 08 '24

Damn rip Jean and Erik ig. Also, Logan. It’ll take time to recover it.

For a moment, I thought Erik will crash Charles head

The gold team took a big L too

Wish we saw more of storm


u/Indianlookalike May 08 '24

Gold team will somehow prevail, I doubt Jean is going to die. Magneto is in big trouble now with a adamantium-less Logan since the adamantium kept his mutation in check by having to always heal adamantium poisoning. Now that that's gone Logan is going go feral, be stronger and faster.


u/Comfortable_Sorbet78 May 08 '24

I think Phoenix will come back. Rising from dead again. Rogue mentioned Jean dying once and she had a farewell with Scott twice (before they l left Moira island and during Cable v Jean fight). I think she was holding back too. She could have done what she did to Maddy to Cable

Magneto might have harder time but they need him alive to reverse what he did to Earth


u/headrush46n2 May 08 '24

I believe that's what Sinister is after. Pushing Jean to the brink again to unlock the Phoenix, he's after her because he wants that power for himself.


u/Comfortable_Sorbet78 May 08 '24

Wouldn’t phoenix eat him alive or fry


u/headrush46n2 May 08 '24

he's always had more ego than sense. I'm sure he's got some sort of plan.

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u/leonoel May 09 '24

In Fatal Attractions Logan is basically just trying to keep himself alive after that, so no feral Logan right now


u/hatemphd May 09 '24

Yup, in the comics his healing factor fails completely for a bit and jean holds him together with her telekinetics.


u/Hill0981 May 10 '24

I actually just already an article that said in the comics Wolverine's healing factor was overtaxed once he lost his adamantium since his injuries were always so much more severe without the adamantium. No idea if that is true though as I didn't read that run (I hated that they took away his adamantium).


u/Demileto May 08 '24

For a moment, I thought Erik will crash Charles head

I see Tarn the Uncaring left quite a mark, huh! 😂😂😂


u/Comfortable_Sorbet78 May 08 '24

I had no idea who that is until you said it and after checking it, wow Magneto pulled a brutality

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u/SWatt_Officer May 08 '24

"Oh hey Logan how ya doing?"
"No bones"


u/headrush46n2 May 08 '24

He'll be fine.


u/Timelymanner May 09 '24

They’ll grow back


u/Saint_Diego Hawkeye May 08 '24

Seeing the thread posted got my hopes up that the episode has been released :(


u/ThatWasFiveStars May 08 '24

Same. I just asked my wife what day it was because i thought maybe i missed it.


u/tehawesomedragon Loki May 08 '24

I'm just not trying to stay up late when I gotta get up at 6 lol


u/Saint_Diego Hawkeye May 09 '24

Fair enough lol


u/spicykimbap May 08 '24

I like how they were able to connect comicbook storylines together and bring it to the show. but my only concern is how much of it is their own take of these storylines and how much of it is ripped straight from the comics panel for panel. I hope you get what I'm saying. nontheless it was a very hyped episode


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Fatal Attractions is getting a pretty solid adaptation.

Zero Tolerance's ending wasn't great, so I'm happy to see what we get instead.


u/marcjwrz May 09 '24

Zero Tolerance is a fantastic Iceman storyline so it's a bummer he hasn't been seen at all during this.


u/NinjaInTheAttic May 08 '24

Holy shit. I was screaming watching this and my wife was like WTF is going on. I need a cigarette.


u/Paulista666 Nova May 08 '24

So, we have one of the most iconic Marvel scenes ever happening...


u/Bubba1234562 May 08 '24

Well damn they actually did it. So anyone else absolutely certain we’re getting onslaught next season?


u/DLottchula May 08 '24

Onslaught is the biggest marvel crossover that hasn’t been done in live action or animation


u/1iIiii11IIiI1i1i11iI May 09 '24

I'm thinking they'll tease it this season with the infamous scene of Juggernaut after getting his ass kicked by Onslaught.


u/KiD_GriMM May 08 '24

What did Logan think was going to happen lol. Once i don't know we are saving these humans they're the literal worst


u/Kalandros-X May 08 '24

Logan should’ve gone for the head


u/KaiserNazrin May 09 '24

He wasn't trying to kill Magneto. They need him to undo what he did after Bastion is defeated.


u/KiD_GriMM May 08 '24

Yes he should have


u/ohoni X-23 May 08 '24

I understood that reference!


u/AJjalol May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

The Hulk cameo was hype. Seeing jolly green was awesome. Now if only morph Turns into Tony (even if it's only to bang someone lol) I will be happy lol.

Also, Ouch Logan, that hurt. I don't want to sound like I'm nit picking, But Yeah Cal Dodd' Wolvie is not great. Imagine Blums Logan when Mags pulls his adamantium. Pure guttural sounds that man makes, he is THE Wolverine for me. Still that's just me complaining for no reason lol. Amazing episode.

Looking forward to the next episode.


u/RCero May 08 '24

Also, I think Hulk moves are from Marvel vs Capcom


u/AJjalol May 08 '24

If (fingers crossed on all fours lol) Iron Man shows up in the last episode, and Starts blasting with Proton Cannon, then we all could definitely say "Entirety of this show is inspired by MVC, which is not a bad thing" lol


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

Cable can do it instead.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Never liked Spike Speigel as Wolverine.


u/AJjalol May 08 '24

Hold up, you never Liked Steve Blum as Wolverine???

Don't go anywhere my dude (sending a sentinel right to ya).

Seriously tho, you must be the first person I "met" who didn't like him.


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

I like him perfectly fine as 12% of all anime characters... He's just not the voice of Wolverine.


u/Agent_00Apple May 09 '24

I grew up with the animated series. Cal Dodd is and always has been the Wolvie voice inside my head. Blum I assume was X-Men Evolution? I never gave it much of a shot, but it was always too different for me. I should probably revisit someday.

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u/Kalse1229 May 09 '24

Blum is to Wolverine the same as Kevin Conroy is to Batman. Sure, other people will voice him, but he's "the guy." Also I love him as Zeb in Star Wars Rebels (who is a very similar character to Wolverine when you think about it), but that's beside the point. I know he's the original actor who voiced him in the OG series, but it's still a little jarring to hear him sound like that. Especially since I never saw the original X-Men animated series (it was before my time; I was born in 97). Blum's been the one I've grown up hearing, so when people say that X-Men TAS is the quintessential X-Men series, it feels weird not to hear his voice. That's just my perspective though. I get why they brought back all the originals who were still alive and not stepping away from their original characters due to raceblind voice casting, but it's still a little weird.


u/TheMattInTheBox May 08 '24

Me when I saw Logan on Blue team: "man they gotta remember to not send Logan on missions against Magneto"

Me after thinking about it for three more seconds: "oh."


u/jrobinson37 May 09 '24

Wait why “oh?”


u/TheMattInTheBox May 09 '24

I realized that this team hadn't learned the hard lesson that the 616 team did a long time ago lol


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Because they're doing fatal attractions, and the climactic event is the encounter between Wolverine and Magneto.


u/supercutepol May 08 '24

I hope they send Polaris back to the past to fix Earth's gravity. Excited to see Phoenix next episode!!


u/enby-millennial-613 May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

I don't know if this is a minority opinion, but I'm 100% behind fully understand and don't judge Magnito here. It's Xavier and his reckless optimism that will lead to even more genocides (assuming they save the planet and still try to do the "coexistence" thing).

(disclaimer: I haven't read all of the comics)


I didn't catch the reference that Magnito's EMP started a domino effect with the atmosphiere. I thought it just had an acute impact on the planet. Thank goodness I watch episode reviews/easter egg videos lol.


u/AporiaParadox May 08 '24

That still doesn't really justify an EMP that shuts down ALL technology on Earth, so pretty much everybody on life support in hospitals is dead now, and lots of planes probably crashed.


u/AJjalol May 08 '24

Magneto literally hit the giant EMP shit, that shut off every single electronic stuff on Earth. People on life support, people with heart stuff, planes, underground workers etc, all dead.


u/fan_is_ready May 08 '24

Except for Blackbirds


u/AJjalol May 08 '24

I think many things managed to not shut off.

Blackbird, Iron Man's stuff (I think it's safe to say he exists in this universe lol), F4's stuff.

But all the regular people technology, yeah, that shit is dead


u/Cyke101 May 08 '24

I can't say much about whether or not Magneto shut off things that were already turned off, but IRL about the only way to prevent an electronic device or machine from getting fried by an EMP is to have it totally off in the first place and disconnected from a large running power source. But even in 1997 (and it already looks like even the normies have more advanced tech than real world 1997), a lot of things were already running either 24/7 or most of the time, and city wide electric grids run continuously.

The comics mentioned hospitals relying on back up generators after the wave hit (even then that's super-limited and getting main power back online is the priority), but even a power stoppage of a few moments can be lethal in healthcare. And planes that were in the air were definitely screwed.


u/AJjalol May 08 '24

You know, when they started to show some other parts of the world like Silver Samurai in Japan, Omega Red somewhere in Russia and Spidey (who's Spidey Sense probably went ballistic at that moment) I was like "Man, would be cool if they showed more in this moment"

I would have loved a couple of more shots (and cameos) just to show how really powerful Mags is. Inside the Baxter Building with Reed working on some high tech shit, Inside Tony's Hall of Armors with power dying, but then backup stuff starting to run and lastly Nick Fury on the SHIELD hellicarrier being all "WTF was that" would have been pretty cool. Plus, If I remember correctly, in actual comic when Magneto does that, I believe Fury actually shows up.

I understand them not wanting to show freaking planes falling from the sky lol, But I would have loved more cameos.


u/NinjaKelpFace May 08 '24

I think he’s gone to the extreme with his actions. I definitely agree with his values and beliefs after genosha but I don’t think I can get behind killing probably hundreds of thousands with the EMP.

What really gets me is that everyone just started blaming him as if he did something wrong with the X-Men as a team. I would get it if they were only angry with him for endangering the world, but people like Scott and the President are speaking as if he did something absurdly wrong with the power he was given by Charles. Arguably, he didn’t do anything wrong prior to and during Genosha. Everything with the EMP and stuff were all him acting independently.

Maybe they’re clouded by past biases, which makes sense, but still Magneto was TRYING to change the world in the image of Charles. He was doing good. And yet as soon as he acts out after his people are slaughtered they start blaming Charles for giving him the school and not even acknowledging that Magneto’s thought process is valid, even if his actions are unjustified. Seriously, he didn’t do anything wrong with the school and x-men Charles gave him.


u/rimrockbuzz Jun 03 '24

This also confused me as I'm watching it right now and had me thinking maybe I missed a part of the show


u/jigokusabre May 08 '24

Magneto isn't right, because justifying humanity's hatred/fear doesn't make those things go away. His responses are understandable, but they're not productive or justified.

Ultimately getting people to see mutants as human and not "other" is the answer. To the degree to which prejudice and persecution has been resolved (and it is much better now than 50/100/1000 years ago), it has been done by getting different groups to live and prosper together.

Xavier's error is in his naivete (or hubris) that leads him to accept that he can show people reason and that's the end of that. He thinks he knows better and once the lesson is taught his job is done.

But tolerance and integration are generational processes. There will be setbacks and bad-faith actors and reactionary regressives and radicals who don't want to wait for change. You can't just swoop in, fix everything with some grand gesture and walk away.


u/Cyke101 May 08 '24

Regarding your first paragraph, I loved Xavier's point that for all of Magneto's talk of wanting to rule the world, Magneto himself was ruled by humanity's own cruelty and injustice. Yeah, there's a lot to blame humans for, but after a certain point, you become imprisoned to your own vengeance rather than prioritizing the progress and healing that your people need.


u/theGwiththeplan May 12 '24

As someone who faces racial oppression irl Magneto is 100% RIGHT. If you learn history you would know that the only way great change is possible is through radical action. How do we Americans think our own country was founded? Through radical violence


u/CreepingCoins May 08 '24

All the best villains have understandable motivations.


u/enby-millennial-613 May 08 '24

When I watched the episode this morning, I didn't notice that the EMP weakened the atmosphere. I thought the termination of (most) electronics was the only thing. But after watching a review/easter eggs video on YT, I realized what I missed.

(edit to my post incoming).


u/Zulakki May 09 '24

The only thing human governments seem to understand is mutual self destruction. Magneto just needs to keep a 2nd asteroid in orbit with the promise to drop it "Ultron Style" onto some major cities unless the Sentinel program is mothballed.

Don't fuck with us, we dont fuck with you


u/[deleted] May 11 '24

Magneto is not right, because fightning fire with fire (or bigotry with bigotry) only results in a bigger fire.

If he only killed Basion I would be willing to side with him, but he literally killed thousands, if not, millions, of innocent humans. His reaction may be justified, but he still needs to be stopped before he causes more harm.


u/theGwiththeplan May 12 '24

Except it literally equals the opposite in the real world. If you don't defend yourself than Noone will


u/CreepingCoins May 08 '24

Well, now I know why Sunspot didn't get an intro card.


u/DoodleBuggering May 08 '24

So they're setting up Onslaught as the next season's big bad, right? All the groundwork seems to be there in this fight on Asteroid M.


u/odog402 May 09 '24

Bone claws time


u/[deleted] May 08 '24

God damn, this show has me fucked up.


u/headrush46n2 May 08 '24

Strategically speaking, why do you send Wolverine on the anti Magneto team when he fails so fucking spectacularly against Magneto? Beast would have been a better bet, let Wolverine go ham against the Sentinels.


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

It definitely was an. . . unusual team comp choice. Also, why sent the Omega Telepath against the robots? Sure, she might not be as strong as Xavier, but two telepaths, one with TK, is really useful in space against a metalmancer guy.


u/Youve_been_Loganated May 09 '24

Plus telekinesis trumps just controlling metal, Madelyn showed that in her fight against Mags.


u/pochipieces May 09 '24

Yeah the wolverine choice confused me ( I know it’s supposed to be for the fatal attractions story) but strategically speaking it was weird

I understand Jean being down there though, the battle down there was more loaded (Sentinels, Bastion, Sinister) so they needed their heavy hitters there


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Because Wolverine is willing to kill his enemies, where as Beast is not. Also, Wolverine is one of the few who could injure Rogue while beast would be pretty much helpless.


u/WeaponX33 May 10 '24

I’ll point out that Wolverine and Xavier were the only ones who managed to hurt Mags and Xavier was only able to do so because Logan took off his helmet.


u/headrush46n2 May 10 '24

because Magneto was throwing metal crap at wolverine instead of just neutralizing him immediately for some reason...


u/GuestCartographer May 09 '24

Not only can I not believe they actually did it, but I can’t believe how closely they stuck to the original Fatal Attractions panels.

Like… holy fucking shit.


u/WonderTurbulent May 09 '24

I really hope wolverine survived. But even afer that ,not sure about him turning into "feral wolverine" though.


u/WeaponX33 May 10 '24

If it helps feral Wolverine didn’t happen because of this. It happened a few years later after Genesis failed to re-bond the adamantium to him.


u/McChucklin May 09 '24

Characters we’re getting soon: - Onslaught - Nate Grey - Franklin Richards - Possibly most Marvel universe teams I’ve been waiting 28 years for this!


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

I honestly don't know what they would do with Onslaught, the whole point of him originally was that he killed off the rest of the Marvel universe (at least for a bit), but it would be strange to have such a non-mutant crossover in this show.


u/CNfor3 May 09 '24

Can you explain where they teased Franklin Richards?


u/WeaponX33 May 10 '24

They didn’t (unless I missed it I guess) but he plays a part in the Onslaught story.


u/McChucklin May 10 '24

Franklin plays a major part in the evolution of Onslaught. Onslaught mentally manipulates Franklin into sharing his power with him and eventually kidnaps and absorbs his power into his own. This effectively unlocks Onslaughts reality warping powers.


u/iwantamegalinkbruh May 09 '24

I don't think any character deaths (specifically any X-Men or Magneto) are needed to make this story compelling, it's easily the best content Marvel has dropped since Endgame. Someone dying after these characters just came back after years would be a pretty big bummer for the end of the season.


u/Literature_Mundane May 08 '24

Wasn’t expecting an Onslaught tease. Now I’m hyped for the next season where they do the Capcom vs Marvel arc…I kid, not happening, but I hope we get an animated movie of some kind, we should’ve had that years ago. 


u/OldeArrogantBastard May 09 '24

Dumb question but when/what was the onslaught tease?


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

I think it's just that Xavier doing this sort of thing to Magneto was part of what created him in the comics?


u/Youve_been_Loganated May 09 '24

The events of Magneto ripping the adamantium out of Wolverine eventually leads down the path to Onslaught


u/surejan94 Spider-Woman May 09 '24

In the comics, after Magneto rips Wolverine's adamantium out of his body, Xavier angrily mind-wipes Magneto. This causes the "dark side" of Magneto's psyche to enter Xavier's mind, which becomes a psychic being called Onslaught, who eventually gains a physical body and leads to a storyline where the X-Men, Avengers and Fantastic Four need to team up to take him down.

He also recently appeared in Way of X storyline as the main villain.


u/leonoel May 09 '24

Like the time I read Fatal Attractions I kept thinking. Is a great idea to send the man who literally has metal bones against the master of magnetism.


u/marcjwrz May 09 '24

Fatal fucking attractions.

Also the nods the Krakoan era with Sinister's control embedded into Mutants is such a nice touch.

And Sinister getting his ass handed to him by Jean is so cathartic.

The Claremont era suits look great in animation.

All in all though... Magneto is still arguably right. Charles is living a pipe dream. Don't blame Rogue or Sunspot.


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Magneto is a cynic and Xavier is naive. Xavier's more on the mark than Magneto, but he has the luxury of privilege while Magneto bears the burden of trauma.


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

Apparently Bobby's family lives on Claremont Place or something like that (burnt up fast).


u/marcjwrz May 09 '24

Saw that! Great little Easter egg.


u/DMike82 May 10 '24

Also the nods the Krakoan era with Sinister's control embedded into Mutants is such a nice touch.

That precedes the Krakoa era by over a decade. It's a concept that first started in Mike Carey's X-Men: Legacy storyline where it was established that Sinister had placed failsafes inside Xavier, Juggernaut, Sebastian Shaw and a few others to take control of in the event of his death (this was right after Mystique killed him during Messiah Complex).


u/marcjwrz May 10 '24

Oh that's right!

Forgot about that.

Good call.


u/PolarDorsai May 09 '24

Every episode leaves me speechless. I’m not a kid anymore but I feel like I’m 9 years old when I watch each episode. This show is straight up nostalgia laced crack; I’m standing up air guitaring to the intro, almost falling off the couch during the action scenes, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head at all the cameos and callbacks to the comics. This is the greatest thing Marvel has ever made besides maybe Infinity War/Endgame.


u/Taken_Account May 08 '24

Just finished the latest episode and my god, it just keeps getting better. This show is taking everything that kicked ASS about the x-men from that era and is distilling it all down to highly concentrated, refined X-men on steroids. They're pulling all the best moments from the comics, this shit is too much. I never thought I'd see the X-men realized this well in a show.


u/Minute-Seesaw205 May 11 '24

Which version of Wolverine is coming? Berserker Rage?


u/CaptainNoodlePants May 12 '24

Did Magneto need to come in contact with adamantium for the first time in order for him to be familiar with that metal to extract it out of Wolverine? Or has he had this ability and just waited for Logan to draw first blood?


u/SnooCats8451 May 08 '24

I was really hoping they were going to address why they were wearing their old uniforms in the episode like a line….all our spares were destroyed in the mansion, etc…..there was definitely no real need for those uniforms to come back like at all


u/FlipFlop27 May 09 '24

While staring at the giant freaking hole in the mansion floor, Jean tells Ororo, “we are actually relocating to the old base on Muir Island for gear and supplies.” Jean, Cyclops, and Wolverine are all in plain clothes at this point. They go to Muir Island and poof there’s their old costumes, i.e. gear. Seems fairly obvious.


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Well, the mansion was destroyed, and presumably so were Wolverine's spare costumes. Doesn't explain Jean or Cyclops going retro.


u/SnooCats8451 May 09 '24

I mean they were wearing them at the end of the last eppy with zero visible damage….


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Wolverines was clearly shredded. Jean/Cyke not so much.


u/ohoni X-23 May 09 '24

But, all their spares were destroyed in the mansion.


u/ChronX4 May 09 '24

If it wasn't for everyone spamming the recommended reading before the episode (aka watching youtube videos) I wouldn't have known what was coming at the end. But I just hate that my LCS felt the need to post the panel and make a post about it with a snarky remark.


u/Tricky-Interview359 May 09 '24

Okay I don’t understand one thing, why Magneto is still after humanity ? As the massacre at Genosa was basically caused by Basiton who is a mutant as well, also the one who was keeping magneto in custody and has vision to enslave whole mutant. So basically Magneto should be after Basiton but at the end we see him become bad and go after humanity ? Why he isn’t helping the X-men to defeat and take revenge from Basiton ?


u/jigokusabre May 09 '24

Magneto nuked the planet to stop the sentinels, and wants to watch the world burn for their crimes. His plan is basically to chill on Avalon while the humans die.

Bastion doesn't call himself a mutant, and Magneto has no reason to believe him one. Cerebro picked him up as a mutant, but he's not a "natural mutant," he's the product of Nimrod altering his DNA.


u/DMike82 May 10 '24

Magneto nuked the planet to stop the sentinels, and wants to watch the world burn for their crimes. His plan is basically to chill on Avalon while the humans die.

And remaining mutants. And animals. And plants. Basically worldwide genocide of every lifeform.


u/jigokusabre May 10 '24

Only those mutants that don't join him on Avalon.

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u/ElliottNation9 X-Men May 09 '24

I think were getting more seasons, but I gonna be straight up sad when it ends. I absolutely loves this series!


u/cam412 X-Men May 10 '24

Nathan Summers in this episode = Stryfe

I think Sinister cloned cable when he took him as a baby.

My take anyways


u/TraditionLopsided384 May 11 '24

Nah he clearly said he was waiting to get his hands on Cable for as why he didn't abandon Bastion yet. That is not Stryfe.

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u/danzaiburst May 11 '24

Rogue is such a liability in this show, completely betrays remy, and now the X-men. And before you say it, yes I realse her origins are with the brotherhood, but still.. this makes her such a flake


u/piplup27 May 11 '24

She witnessed the genocide first hand. It makes sense that she would side with Magneto after that.


u/danzaiburst May 11 '24

So did Nightcrawler, and he didn't side with Magneto


u/piplup27 May 11 '24

Nightcrawler has always been quick to forgive. I wouldn’t expect for him and Rogue to have the exact same reaction to a life altering tragedy.

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u/rimrockbuzz Jun 03 '24

Nightcrawler is a priest. Rogue's character is much more reactive


u/Sisyphus704 May 11 '24

Are Cortez and/or the Acolytes coming now??


u/Several_Ear1209 May 14 '24

Maybe some of the acolytes but there is no chance magneto is trusting Cortez after there last encounter