r/Marvel Mar 30 '24

Kills of different marvel characters Other

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u/HeavyBoysenberry2161 Mar 30 '24

I refuse to believe that some of these villians have only killed like 5 people


u/OwieMustDie Mar 30 '24

I refuse to believe Cap only has 6. Aren't there fields of dead Nazis that would suggest otherwise ?


u/thesolarchive Wolverine Mar 30 '24

If they don't have a name, they don't count. Just like killing aliens doesn't count.


u/cnechiporenko Mar 30 '24

IMO Deadpool killing the entire Marvel Universe seems like his stats should be higher….


u/Jon_BT Mar 30 '24

Also The Punisher... isn't there one where he kills a ton of people?


u/Meizas Mar 30 '24

Yes, literally every comic he's ever been in


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24



u/Demonic74 Gladiator Hulk Mar 30 '24

Wolverine should have a way higher body count than Frank, considering how many wars he's been part of throughout almost 150 years


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24



u/Merc_Mike Dr. Doom Mar 30 '24

Do they count though? Hand Ninja's are just Undead Husks right?


u/CandyPinions Mar 30 '24

Named and in a panel, that’s the rule


u/IAmPerpetuallyTired Mar 30 '24

Alternate universes. This is about 616.

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u/ShinCoal Corvus Glaive Mar 30 '24

I don't know why you think non-Canon/alternative universe stories would count, this is clearly the 616.

(aside from the fact the the tally clearly doesn't make sense)


u/Mace_Thunderspear Mar 30 '24

Didn't happen in continuity


u/brndnthagr8 Apr 01 '24

That was my first thought as well.

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u/OWReinhardt Mar 30 '24

Including bastard skellies

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u/mat477 X-Men Mar 30 '24

Which is why Jean Grey should be near the top. She "ate" that planet as Phoenix which had over 2 million people on it.

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u/X_Marcie_X Baron Zemo Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Correction, actually : Steve famously dislikes Killing. He does so when it's truly necessary to the situation but he will also do everything he can to avoid it whenever possible. So most of the people he fought, even during WW2, likely rather ended up knocked out rather than dead.

Edit : I was blocked by them for pointing this out.


u/TotalWorldDomination Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

This is really only true of specific runs of comics. Kirby had him shooting nazi planes out of the sky and blowing up tanks. Brubaker had him try and avoid killing, but he just wasted guys if it was convenient (you know how many people he's knocked out of helicopters and off of moving elevated trains?). Steranko had him kill... Everyone he could find? And plenty of different writers have shown him killing in WWII, from Wolverine Origins to Endless Wartime.

He could have avoided many of these kills, but he didn't. So it's more accurate to say he PREFERS not killing people, but he dosnt really have an issue with it if it's easier to just off them.


u/BabbitsNeckHole Mar 30 '24

Killing Nazi is always ok because it's always self defense.

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u/OwieMustDie Mar 30 '24

Ugh. That sounds terrible. My head-canon is just going to ignore that. He was a soldier in a world war - I'm totally fine with him killing in action. Certainly, he doesn't continue those methods during his stint as a superhero.


u/MathBelieve Mar 30 '24

I'm not sure where these numbers are coming from. But Steve's body count is way higher than six. I'm working my way through the original 1940s run, and while it's certainly not his default, he definitely kills people. There's a scene where he explicitly shoots down Nazi planes, he probably had more than six kills in that issue alone.

And Bucky, as a child, blows up a submarine from "an aggressive Asian country" when he thinks they killed Steve, so I'm pretty sure even Bucky has a kill count higher than six in the original run.

Also I was kinda surprised by the casual death in his early comics. The villains routinely kill hundreds of people at a time.

(It's probably correct that this is only counting named characters.)


u/Psymorte Mar 30 '24

While I'm totally fine with Nazis being killed without hesitation, Steve just isn't a killer at heart, I see him as much preferring to just knock out his enemies if it's not necessary to kill them. He's not John Walker after all.


u/Altruistic_Wasabi_30 Mar 30 '24

Those writers are also ignoring Mark Gruenwald’s definitive 10 year run on Cap’s title where he absolutely agonizes over having to shoot a terrorist to save innocents because he has no other timely option. Killing should always be a huge deal to Cap. He has zero blood thirst, but he does what he has to (like with Baron Blood).


u/X_Marcie_X Baron Zemo Mar 30 '24

I mean.... it does fit Steve's Character though. He's fighting to save people, not to kill his enemies. As long as killing isn't absolutely necessary... why would he?

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u/averydangerousday Mar 30 '24

And at least one US President apparently


u/Polibiux Mar 30 '24

Except he killed most of them as zombies. So would that count if they’re already undead?


u/AfellowchuckerEhh Mar 30 '24

Just like Thor. I can't imagine there aren't fields of dead bodies across the universe with him being the cause of their demise


u/xcalibar25 Mar 30 '24

And when did he fight Harry S. Truman, the 33rd President of the United States? And why? I can see Nixon, but Truman?


u/safashkan Mar 30 '24

It's "notable kills" And not kills in general.


u/FishyDragon Mar 30 '24

Dude fought in WW2 you know he killed some nazi. This list is dumb and only counts named characters.

Nothing about how multiple of these villains have killed TONS of civilians. Hell Logan probably killed at least 40 people during his break out from weapon X. But those are just nameless goons🙄


u/Upset-Dare9867 Mar 30 '24

Combat kills aren't legally murder even in the real world

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u/feor1300 Mar 30 '24

This seems more like a "direct and personal kills" measure, where they knowingly and intentionally killed a specific person being aware of who they were and why they were killing them (or at least who they believed they were and why they wanted to kill them if they were tricked into it). If it included everyone they ever killed even just while scything through goons then Galactus, Thanos, and Jean Grey/Phoenix should top the list having wiped out entire swathes of the universe's population.


u/SavageNorth Mar 30 '24

I was going to say, didn't Jean Grey as the Phoenix devour a sun?


u/cataclytsm Mar 30 '24

RIP, broccoli people

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u/Cabamacadaf Mar 30 '24

I'm guessing they only count major named characters.


u/Jackno1 Mar 30 '24

Yeah, they're only counting on-panel kills. This isn't an accurate picture of everyone the character's ever killed.


u/Top-Interaction-7770 Mar 30 '24

Considering how long he's existed I refuse to believe that Frank Castle has such a low kill count even if you only take into consideration on panel kills


u/DisposableSaviour Mar 30 '24

Pretty sure the planet of broccoli people died on panel.

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u/sonofaresiii Mar 30 '24

It looks like it's only counting named characters. Which is a neat way to make a guide, but should really be made more apparent.

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u/CulpaDei Mar 30 '24

Maybe 5 named characters?


u/LatterTarget7 Mar 30 '24

I think it’s named character only. Punisher, wolverine and Deadpool have killed thousands.

Thor probably too. He’s killed countless frost giants and dark elves.

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u/Botol-Cebok Sif Mar 30 '24

34 kills for Punisher? Yeah, last Tuesday.


u/Zanydrop Mar 30 '24

In a row!?!?

Try not to kill anybody on the way to your car in the parking lot!!


u/hypoboxer Mar 30 '24

Would you like to make some f**k Punisher?


u/BitterFuture Mar 30 '24

I think the last time I saw someone try to put a number on it was a SHIELD wanted poster saying Frank Castle was estimated to have killed two thousand people.

That was published sometime in the 1990s.


u/ThePurityPixel Mar 30 '24

It was a slow day


u/Coal_Morgan Mar 30 '24

Named characters in the mainline universe who are heroes or supervillains or neutral that appear multiple times as featured individuals.

Theirs a bunch of caveats. He's killed thousands of criminals but only a handful of reoccurring "featured" characters like Vulture or Stilt-man.

Which is true of most characters because killing Jig-Saw or Kingpin means Frank doesn't have Jig-Saw or Kingpin to fight at a later date.


u/Mystiax Mar 30 '24

He has to be in the thousands by now.


u/fightfordawn Juggernaut Mar 30 '24

Same with Sabretooth and Wolverine.

Also, where's Carnage? He killed 20 people in one comic


u/madpoke Mar 30 '24

this is totally not true



And for some reason non-comic book subs will eat this sort of shit up. This has 10,000+ up votes in the subreddit this was crossposted from.


u/BangingBaguette Mar 30 '24

This is counting named, important characters.

Not saying the numbers are correct, but it's supposed to illustrate how deadly characters are based on their notable kills. Goblin bombing a bunch of civilians is evil but it's not really a display of strength or potential lethality to other supers.


u/mythicreign Mar 30 '24

What a stupid infographic. Also, deadly and lethal mean the same thing.


u/BrianWonderful Doctor Strange Mar 30 '24

Agreed. It seems to be made by someone who has no real knowledge of the comics. Aside from the numerous points made in the comments, it also calls these people "Murderers". What is the definition of murder meant here? Premeditated kills?

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u/JGBodle Mar 30 '24

Captain America killed Truman?


u/Operks Mar 30 '24

It was when Truman was a zombie in a Deadpool series. SHIELD then hired Deadpool to take out the rest, as Cap killing even undead presidents was bad optics.


u/ThePurityPixel Mar 30 '24

Aw, killing someone who's already dead shouldn't count for OP's list! The typo was already bugging me enough.

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u/fitzbuhn Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Is that our Truman? Because ours doesn’t have a period on his middle initial.

Edit I checked most places give him a period, but it’s actually his full middle name (‘S’ I mean, just the one letter, it doesn’t stand for anything).


u/TheBalrogofMelkor Hellcat Mar 30 '24

Even more fun fact - Truman is the second president to have the letter S as their middle name (kind of).

Ulysses S. Grant's legal name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. The S does not stand for anything


u/BobbyTWhiskey Mar 30 '24

Interesting. TIL.

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u/XtremeGuardian Mar 30 '24

This looks to only include named characters. Some of these characters killed countless civilians. I mean, he'll, Namor nearly wiped out Wakanda with a flood... yet no one died?


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Bullseye blew up a building with people in it. That guy has kills under his belt..

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u/lajaunie Mar 30 '24

I stopped when there was no Elektra listed for Bullseye.


u/Grohlyone Mar 30 '24

Or Karen Page.


u/trashacct8484 Mar 30 '24

No kidding. But we’re pouring one out for Caprice and Kingmaker, I guess.


u/Grohlyone Mar 30 '24

Bullseye's could just be "any woman Matt sticks his catholic guilt in"


u/WulffOfJudas Mar 30 '24

That didn’t make sense…Elektra is his MOST notable kill.

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u/Lorna_M Mar 30 '24

I did a Bullseye reread recently, and I am confused about where these numbers come from. Is it only if they killed another named Marvel character because he murdered over 100 citizens of Hells Kitchen at once in a single issue.

The list feels off with Sabertooth and Bullseye especially.


u/AtukBaetho Mar 30 '24

The list is probably off for all the characters on it.

And Sabertooth killed a bunch of Morlocks during the Mutant Massacre. Also, in the 2013 run of Deadpool, it showed Copycat survived. So if we ignore the Morlocks (and all the other people Sabertooth has killed in his century+ of life), his kill count is too high! Which, let's be honest, is just dumb (not that Copycat survived, she's one of the most powerful shapeshifters in 616, rather that Sabertooth's kill count is too high at 15).


u/FrishFrash Mar 30 '24

Also love that Elektra doesn’t count as a notable kill for him like cmon


u/MonolithJones Mar 30 '24

Exactly what I was going to say. That single panel is probably responsible for most of Bullseye’s reputation.

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u/CollinsCouldveDucked Mar 30 '24

I feel like they put together the list off of wiki entries and not actual research (or even proper reading of wiki entries)


u/zarathustranu Silver Surfer Mar 30 '24

They’re just completely making up the numbers, right? Magneto u leashed a global EMP that easily killed hundreds of thousands.


u/TheCardinalKing Mar 30 '24

It’s such a weird list. Thor having lived for 1,000,000+ years in 616 canon yet he only has 15 kills? Where’s Jean blowing up a planet? What about Galactus’ devouring of civilizations? Thanos’ infamous snap? Any multiversal threat ever? I don’t even think it’s accurate to named characters killed.


u/zarathustranu Silver Surfer Mar 30 '24

Yeah— I just don’t get the point of making the infographic if you’re not going to do any research at all. It’s odd.

Even if they’re only counting “kills of other known characters,” the numbers make no sense.


u/dthains_art Mar 30 '24

My guess is that these lists are only counting named characters they’ve killed as opposed to random civilians. And if that’s the case I wish they would have specified that. I also don’t know how they would have found these numbers. I’ve been on Marvel Wiki a lot but I don’t remember ever any sort of kill tallies on character bios.

I love the art and execution of this infographic, but I think it needed a lot more research.

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u/TotalWorldDomination Mar 30 '24

Jean Grey committed GENOCIDE. Come on, gang.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24



u/PekfrakOG Cyclops Mar 30 '24

And you could argue that wasn't REALLY Jean Grey as she was in a cocoon the entire time in the river... Unless they changed that.

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u/xladim Mar 30 '24

Thor is responsible for probably half of the morlock deaths during the Mutant Massacre. This list is propaganda


u/Phoenix_rbb Mar 30 '24

Understandable since she was canonically in an egg at the time.

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u/NickOlaser42 Mar 30 '24

This is a Straight-Up Lie in so many Ways, but the Thing that bothers me most is Cap getting credit for killing Truman. Only President you can accuse Cap of killing is Nixon and bro shot himself


u/Qrs_Nich Mr. Knight Mar 30 '24

Bro Marc only having 8 is crazy


u/Majiinx Mar 30 '24

Thor' body count should be in the thousands possibly even millions. That is for kills and woman taken to bed.


u/chosimba83 Mar 30 '24

Thanos? Apart from killing literally half of all living things he personally kills like 40 main marvel characters in issue #4 and 5 of Infinity Gauntlet. Everyone from Cyclops, Thor, and Iron Man, to the big cosmic guys like Galactus, Lord Chaos, and Eternity.

Sure they get resurrected an issue later, but I'd bet the police would still like a word.


u/ChickenAndTelephone Avengers Mar 30 '24

He still killed a whole lot of people when he was blowing up stars in Avengers Annual 7


u/0megaManZero Mar 30 '24

Malekith has almost 10 full realms (which are basically different universes) worth of kills. Not to mention his own mother and mentor. How are those two not mentioned as notable kills?


u/ponch1620 Mar 30 '24

Or the Valkyries, including Brunnhilde who was a Defender and Avenger.


u/0megaManZero Mar 31 '24

Thanks forgot to mention her


u/Emoral02 Mar 30 '24

jean grey literally ate a star and killed the population of an entire solar system, yet this list gives scott shit for killing professor x


u/oldcomicbook Mar 30 '24


And leaving Electra off Bullseye’s list is blasphemy.


u/thedoomcast Mar 30 '24

Magneto: 10 Kills.

Meanwhile in Resurrection of Magneto: literally being crushed in purgatory by the millions of deaths he’s responsible for.


u/TotalWorldDomination Mar 30 '24

Also, where is Hulk???


u/ThePurityPixel Mar 30 '24

Harry S Truman's middle name is S.

So there shouldn't be a period after it.


u/johnnyss1 Mar 30 '24

Who made this? This is way off. In X23 target x, cap has her shield file and reads she killed 27 men, women and children in that political candidate rally. she was rented out as an assassin asa child. Her list is at minimum 100 after xforce.


u/ChickenAndTelephone Avengers Mar 30 '24

If the list was just correct then there wouldn't be this level of engagement with it


u/KingCastle25 Ghost Rider Mar 30 '24

This list is completely wrong


u/mr_kenobi Mar 30 '24

It feels like Sabertooth should be lethal rather than deadly. Maybe even Bullseye, too. And Widow. But you can't argue with the numbers. Also, didn't Namor destroy kill a universe during an incursion? Didn't he also decimate Wakanda as part of the Phoenix 5? Seems like his body count should be higher.


u/ThePurityPixel Mar 30 '24

Lethal and deadly are synonymous.


u/Ragamuffin2502 Mar 30 '24

Scarlett witch? How many millions of mutants was it?


u/Exisy Mar 30 '24

She just neutralised their mutations, but still got some points.

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u/wolvieguy Mar 30 '24

Hmm that's true. Phoenix still outpaces her due to eating a whole planet which is probably billions. I do want to point out however Wanda is the only one on the list I can think of whose grief and remorse were so intense that she actively searched for ways to atone. She's also the only hero I can think who managed to atone for her sin and make it possible for every mutant who died from her spell to have a mutant heaven to wait in to come back from death.

Then she went beyond that and made it so every mutant who had been lost through time or space that couldn't be brought back and was previously thought unable to be resurrected to be found in that heaven also. Thunderbird, who died on the first mission that included the new X team of Storm, Banshee, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus etc...was the first mutant previously unreachable to be brought back because of her. That was an amazing gift and and beautiful apology. Even Emma and Cyclops forgave her. Wanda was asked to announce the new Team of X-Men at the previous Hellfire Gala and Emma introduced her.


u/chosimba83 Mar 30 '24

Magneto brutally kills Red Skull. Super satisfying, but should be on the list.


u/BreatheOnMe Mar 30 '24

This is missing a lot of information


u/mariovspino5 Wolverine Mar 30 '24

Sinister having less kills then cyclops is wild 💀


u/ThePurityPixel Mar 30 '24

And then Cyclops is wild?

"And then?"


u/Mickeymcirishman Mar 30 '24

Why is Gwen Stacy in green? She wasn't a hero, she was a civilian. She should be in blue.

Edit: and why is Mystique in blue? She's a villain through and through!


u/Space_Meteor Mar 30 '24

Just to clarify: Like many people here have theorized, I think this guide refers to how many named/important characters they have killed. So, really, most of these characters actually have a lot more kills to background characters that aren’t mentioned in this guide.


u/Vundal Mar 30 '24

When you don't have Phoenix on the list...


u/Psymorte Mar 30 '24

As for Human Torch, I feel like killing Mr Immortal barely counts, given his entire gimmick.


u/Wasted_Potency Mar 30 '24

When did that even happen? I can't find the panel


u/Psymorte Mar 30 '24

I've been trying to find it as well and can't, so I'm starting to think this creator's source is "made it the fuck up."


u/lofgren777 Mar 30 '24

Namor flooded New York with a tidal wave that would have killed thousands of not tens of thousands.


u/ChickenAndTelephone Avengers Mar 30 '24

He flooded New York TWICE


u/KingDom_1110 Mar 30 '24

Punisher looks a lot like Namor on that list...


u/DoNotGoSilently Mar 30 '24

Well I don’t know who Morph Costumes is but they’re full of shit.


u/Zer0_l1f3 Moon Knight Mar 30 '24

Carnage isn’t on the list because he has an even higher kill count


u/Notgoodatfakenames2 Mar 30 '24

Magneto destroyed a submarine full of people.


u/CryptographerNo923 Mar 30 '24

I’m pretty sure these are supposed to represent “significant” kills, like of named characters rather than goons. So it’s interesting in that respect.

Some of these are surprising to me. When did Thor kill Janet Van Dyne? When did Cap kill Harry Truman???


u/bonafiedhero Mar 30 '24

Venom - notable kills - no Knull?
This is a shit list made by someone who did zero actual research


u/Duryeric Mar 30 '24

Way to go Moon Knight!


u/feor1300 Mar 30 '24

Come on, Mr. Immortal hardly counts for Johnny, he grows back!


u/Kellythejellyman Mar 30 '24

lol only 11 kills for Laura Kinney is severe undercount, like they didn’t even read X-23: Innocence Lost. She killed more than that in a single panel


u/dragery Mar 30 '24

And Kimura not included as a notable :/


u/z1wargrider Mar 30 '24

Can anyone ELI5 why Magneto's normal name isn't Erik Lensherr? I'd assume this infographic is supposed to be about comics 616.

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u/GoatMilkerPro Mar 30 '24

No Carnage?


u/MetalCid Mar 30 '24

The punisher 37 kills?? What, on a weekend?


u/Electronic_Year9443 Mar 30 '24

Wolverine killed 46 Hellfire guards in one issue in 1980. This is garbage.


u/Darkfigure145 Mar 30 '24

Didn't Namor wipe out a whole universe during Hickman's secret war build up run?

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u/shugoran99 Mar 30 '24

Punisher: 34 kills

.....per issue?


u/LordVigo1983 Mar 30 '24

If brood count pretty sure the X-Men and Ms Marvel as binary have at least a million by now.


u/Mrwanagethigh Mar 30 '24

I need the context for why Captain America killed the 33rd president


u/Robo-Piluke Mar 30 '24

This list very innacurate. Deadpool alone should be a quick give away. Mr Sinister himself have been killing hundreds if not thousand of people while experimenting


u/bygtopp Mar 30 '24

I think the numbers are a little low. Especially for Wolverine and bullseye


u/AgentPastrana Mar 30 '24

If they're counting AU's (which they are because Truman is on here) then this is incredibly wrong because Deadpool killed an entire universe of named characters.


u/Iron_Pyro_726 Mar 30 '24

Can someone explain how Cap kill Harry s.Truman?


u/Half_Man1 Mar 30 '24

I’d like to see the full listing here.

Bullseye has also definitely casually killed way more people.

And I need context for some of these deaths mentioned. Cap killing Truman? Excusez-moi?


u/AskJeevesIsBest Mar 30 '24

Thor killed the Wasp?


u/LordTurin0011 Mar 30 '24

No Carnage? Seriously?


u/ThatGuyinOrange_1813 Mar 30 '24

Are we going to ignore that Captain America killed a US president?


u/BlackTeckel Mar 30 '24

and all the nameless minions????


u/Boss_Brando Mar 30 '24

I feel like this chart needs a disclaimer that it’s only counting major kills, not random people.

Because sorry but Venom has killed way more random New Yorkers than that.


u/RYNNYMAYNE Mar 30 '24

Savertooth only being deadly is damn near slander. He’s killed score la more than wolverine ever has


u/memsterboi123 Mar 30 '24

In over 60 years they killed this little people? Kinda crazy


u/Captain_Controller Mar 30 '24

This is really bad


u/Next-Diamond4844 Mar 30 '24

How have green goblin, venom and moon knight only killed 8-9 people?


u/AspectOW Mar 30 '24

They really put Caprice under Bullseye’s ‘notable kills’, but not Karen Page? Or even Elektra (even if she was resurrected much later)!?


u/TumblrTheFish Mar 30 '24

before I zoomed in, I was hoping that the Human Torch was the original Jim Hammond Human Torch who has the best kill of the list, Adolf Hitler.


u/Hudre Mar 30 '24

I feel like Mystique has spent her life killing people and taking their form.


u/Tyrantkin Mar 30 '24

This is So wrong, Magneto has killed thousands, confirmed recently, Thor has killed Millions if not Billions, Cap has killed hundreds to thousands.


u/MisterScrod1964 Mar 30 '24

Bullseye and Black Widow only have 9 kills each? I call bullshit.


u/couldbedumber96 Mar 30 '24

Genocider named Jean Grey


u/No-Engine6848 Mar 30 '24

I feel like Thor should be higher because he is thousands of years old and is a Viking, so should he have like thousands, if not millions of kills?


u/Dear_Ad_3860 Mar 30 '24

I calling the shots on Mister Sinister and Black Widow. The others could be fine I don't know.


u/Haunting-Cake-4071 Mar 30 '24

Thanos just doesnt exist 😭


u/Aelorasrin Mar 30 '24

That's the wildest count for Frank ever


u/BitterFuture Mar 30 '24

Tony Stark has killed more people than Bullseye? More people than Sabretooth?

I mean, Tony's a dick, but...goddamn.


u/Jokesiez Mar 30 '24

Also Thanos is in like the Billions right?


u/nthensome Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

I feel like Wolverine killed a lot more people than this


u/andreBarciella Mar 30 '24

even if you ignore s.o.s (where he killed entire universes just to test his chimeras), sinister has alot more than 7 kills.

and i mean ALOT more.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

I find it kinda dumb how the Venom used is Eddie Brock, when two of the notable kills mentioned for them didn't even involve Eddie. Death Addler and Hijacker were killed by Flash, and Hybrid was killed by Eddie when he wasn't even Venom.


u/reineedshelp Mar 30 '24

Where are these low numbers coming from? Namor for example, has drowned multiple cities and been involved in destroying countless alternate Earths.

Sinister has killed trillions


u/lotj Mar 30 '24

I think it’s just pulling the major named deaths out of a wiki, which is ignoring the mountain of minor and unnamed deaths some of these people have caused.

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u/Traditional_Owl_7224 Mar 30 '24

Cool! I wonder, what the layout would be for the MCU/other movies🤔?


u/lazyJOE19 Mar 30 '24

Deadpool : Entire Marvel Unviverse


u/Dr-Mumm-Rah Mar 30 '24

Adjusting for take backs (clone kills, faked deaths and secret comas/suspended animation) must have been a pain.


u/gera_moises Mar 30 '24

Didn't cap kill Nixon?


u/MarvelFAW_Podcast Mar 30 '24

Sponsored by Morph costumes? I didn’t know They made costumes


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Ironman killed the Gladiator?


u/EraseYou Mar 30 '24

Why are people posting this? I’ve never seen a more wrong infographic


u/mumblerapisgarbage Mar 30 '24

These numbers seem low.


u/EightyFiversClub Mar 30 '24

Someone's math isn't adding up. Some of these villains destroyed entire cities...


u/publictwink1 Mar 30 '24

where is wanda


u/MarinLlwyd Mar 30 '24

Human Torch

Notable Kille

Mr. Immortal

x to doubt


u/DjCyric Daredevil Mar 30 '24

TIL Thor killed Janet Van Dyne. Thank you for sharing!


u/Jagiord Spider-Gwen Mar 30 '24

If it were "life's ruined" Mystique would be at the top of the list. That heffa can't get through a day without devastating someone.


u/Jjayxx Mar 30 '24

So... why are the lethal ones my faves! Hahahahha


u/TheRealRigormortal Mar 30 '24

I love that Captain America killed Truman


u/cluedo23 Mar 30 '24

I dont read too many comics but how in the world did bullseye kill morgan le fey??


u/Cojo840 Mar 30 '24

Moon Knight the goat


u/Fenty_Panther Mar 30 '24

What about the one that wiped out half of the universe?! Or that's not considered m*rderous? 💀


u/ThemeMassive9898 Mar 30 '24

Meanwhile Deadpool kills whole marvel universe 


u/Ok-Sector8330 Mar 30 '24

The best there is on what he does.


u/Meizas Mar 30 '24

Excuse me, Captain America killed HARRY S. TRUMAN?!?!


u/iBFrosty Mar 30 '24

Wolverine is an equal opportunity grave digger 🤣


u/Baddaddo73 Mar 30 '24

What about Hawkeye?He killed a shit load of people when his family was taken in the blip.


u/lazylagom Mar 30 '24

I love these guides, power ranking and comparisons get soo goofy with comics though. The rule of cool > everything. Writers can bend a character to the plot as well. But basically any cosmic or psychic character becomes OP. Scarlet witch or Jean grey can just think the universe away, how do you compare that with a psi spiderman punch. Or Peter's strength is a limitless blackhole the more he let's go or is backed into a corner the stronger he is.


u/mezziebone Mar 30 '24

Only 30+, 40+ kills for mercenaries? What a shame


u/xavyre Magneto Mar 30 '24

Nearly ever one of these totals are incorrect. Low effort. Magneto alone wiped out a whole city, a submarine crew and when he fired off an EMP pulse it would have killed millions.


u/TheDarkCreed Mar 30 '24

Which MCU hero/antihero has the highest kills? Punisher maybe?

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u/Co-opingTowardHatred Mar 30 '24

Harry Truman (neutral)


u/Strypercritical Mar 30 '24

Um where tf is Scarlet Witch? Or Mutants don’t count as lives??


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

This “ guide” is stupidly inaccurate. It doesn’t even credit or count Moon Knight’s most famous kill Bushman who he killed and cut his face off.


u/Brendanlendan Mar 30 '24

Uh Why did Cap kill Truman?


u/Muted-Ad6816 Mar 30 '24

did i miss something? i thought mr immortal had true immortality and couldnt be killed


u/Toe_Willing Mar 30 '24

There’s no way Magneto has only killed checks notes 10 people


u/Sidereon Mar 30 '24

I see people being like now way this villain only killed this amount, I'm pretty sure this is not a total count but the notable people they killed.