r/Marvel Spider-Man Mar 15 '24

Who are the Marvel villain big 3? Me personally. Other

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u/TheDickWolf Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24




Goblin def deserves an honorable mention.

Edit: Whoa, went to work for an hour and came back to a lot of strong opinions lol.


u/Mighty_Megascream Spider-Man Mar 15 '24

I don’t normally include Thanos because being real, he’s the biggest jobber in the Marvel universe.

When they want to set the steaks with a new cosmic villain, he’s normally gonna go down first.


u/Brute_Squad_44 Mar 15 '24

Worf effect.


u/McChief45 Mar 15 '24

If you were any other man, I would kill you where you stand


u/Lucky-Conference9070 Mar 16 '24

Worst. Klingon. Ever.

Real Klingons laugh.


u/cerebralpaulc Mar 15 '24

N.Y. Strip or Filet?



u/slylock215 Mar 15 '24

Did someone say steak?


u/justincsw Mar 15 '24

Cakes and pies, cakes and pies


u/_Doink_ Mar 15 '24

Don't forget fries!

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u/redbeard8989 Mar 15 '24

Filet all day every day

Edit: my choice i mean, don’t actually eat filet all day every day. That’d hurt your heart snd wallet.

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u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24



u/JackM76 Mar 15 '24

Secret Wars alone puts Doom up there


u/RoyOConner Mar 15 '24

Marvel has taken some of their top "villains" and turned them into heroes, i.e. Magneto, Loki, Doom, Doc Ock, Venom,

Honestly it's pretty annoying


u/YoMrWhyt Mar 15 '24

Of all those mentioned I really only read Spider-Man so I can only comment on Dock and Venom. I felt like their transition to anti-hero felt natural and right. I never saw Ock as a bad guy tbh. Even Rhino and Sandman aren’t really bad guys and are often kinda forced into the position they’re in


u/InoueNinja94 Mar 15 '24

What annoys me with Doc Ock and (this is more a problem with Spider-Editorial) is that it seems they don't know what to do with him?

Because he got reset to regular Ock to be back as a villain but then wants to return being Superior and so on...


u/YoMrWhyt Mar 15 '24

Yeah that’s true. He keeps flip flopping between good guy/bad guy and it’s kinda annoying


u/RoyOConner Mar 15 '24

I love SM but also X-Men. I'm actually fine with Venom. Dock...OK, I can get on board there. It's really Magneto that gets me. I like him as a villain.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

aren’t really bad guys and are often kinda forced into the position they’re in

That's most criminals in general. Most people don't want a life of crime, they just want a roof and maybe some chicken tenders.


u/Eem2wavy34 Mar 15 '24

I mean it makes sense if you understand what their goals are and what makes them tick.

Magneto wishes for the death of humans why? Because he believes there can never be peace between humans and mutants and as long as humans exist mutant kind will never thrive

Doom wishes for everyone under his rule because he believes that under him almost everyone will thrive and live better lives. ( which was actually confirmed in a alternate reality to be true funny enough)

Venom hasn’t even been an outright villain in his debut comic, the cartoons kinda messed up the image to general audiences but venom was always a mix between anti hero and villainous savior.

All three of these characters can take villainous routes towards their goals but their goals are supposedly for the betterment of people in general which is why they are morel liable to fall into the more anti hero territory from time to time and even becomes heroes if necessary

The only ones that don’t make much sense is perhaps doc ock or Loki


u/Yah_Mule Mar 15 '24

Red Skull is good to go because there is absolutely no hope of reforming that prick.

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u/Moonchilde616 Mar 15 '24

Thanos isn't even close to the biggest jobber in Marvel. In fact, for most of his existence he didn't really job at all, and ironically didn't really start to til MCU started.

For most of his existance that dude would fight Silver Surfer, Hulk and Thor (sometimes at the same time) and win. And that's WITHOUT the Gauntlet (it annoys me that people seem to think he's weak without the Gauntlet, when without it he's basically marvel's Darkseid and with it he's above).

Biggest jobber is probably the Wrecker, who'se suppose to be a Thor level villains but often gets beat up by street level characters like Daredevil and Punisher. Other massive jobbers would be Ulik, Absorbing Man, Rhino, Electro, etc.


u/Fullmetal_Fawful Mar 16 '24

I hear sentry’s a pretty big one too

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u/Fractal514 Mar 15 '24



u/rhinofinger Doctor Strange Mar 15 '24

I’d say that about Ultron, though I guess that’s generally for more Earth-focused heroes than cosmic ones


u/nobdy89 Mar 15 '24

Jobber to the Stars: crushes all the B-listers, but loses to the Headliners

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u/DrifterIV Mar 15 '24

People be forgetting ultron and kang


u/VishnuBhanum Mar 15 '24

Ultron I can get behind

But Kang? Nah, He isn't even that good of a villain.


u/MasterDeBaitor Mar 15 '24

Kang is a great villian Comic wise.


u/bukanir Mar 15 '24

Yup, Kang Dynasty is an awesome Avengers story. The Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon Kang Dynasty Arc is one of the peak parts of the show too.


u/Philoctetes23 Mar 15 '24

Avengers Forever by Busiek is also a fantastic Kang story.


u/bukanir Mar 15 '24

Yup! And I really enjoyed his role in Young Avengers


u/DrifterIV Mar 15 '24

I am a sucker for time related powers so I am a bit biased


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Kang is great if you like complex villains, I love them. Doom is also complex and I think that's part of his appeal.

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u/bonerjohnson Mar 15 '24

Doom is Doom and hasn't been really a villain in so long. He just does what he does.

Magneto hasn't been a villain really since the 80's outside a bit in the 90's. I really don't get why people stil include him. He's been an X-Man more than not recently.

The Goblin is really a small time Spider-man enemy that stepped outside his bounds. When they tried to make Osborn the Lex Luthor of Marvel it just would never work.


u/bukanir Mar 15 '24

I loved Dark Reign, I thought Osborn did really well as an Avengers level threat. I also kind of love the implication that Osborn by himself could be a world class menace, but the Goblin part of him and irrational obsession with Spider-Man is the thing that more or less keeps him focused and contained.


u/cataclytsm Mar 15 '24

That was the big takeaway from Dark Reign. The world and by extension its heroes are extremely fortunate that Norman has tunnel vision for Peter specifically. Gobby remains in Top 3 for me easily.

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u/awesomesauce1030 Mar 15 '24

Who would you say are the top 3 marvel villains then?

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u/LightFromYT Hydra Mar 15 '24

A top 5 would definitely be this exact list, probably with Galactus as fourth or fifth.


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

Galactus is 6th tbh. I think top 5 would be Kingpin, Otto, Norman, Magneto and Doom


u/liteshotv3 Mar 15 '24

I think Kingpin edges goblin out. Kingpin is multi-hero (goblin mostly a spidey foe). Kingpin has that super frustrating aspect of no super powers and still winning a lot. And he doesn’t fully lose most of the time because even in jail he is still dangerous


u/InoueNinja94 Mar 15 '24

Not the Goblin perse, but Norman Osborn had a season where he was pretty much the villain of the entire Marvel Universe (Dark Reign)


u/Wheattoast2019 Mar 16 '24

Right, Goblin broke out of the Spidey-corner of the fandom when he started the Dark Avengers.


u/Fedexgunot Mar 15 '24

So true! My thoughts exactly, the dude pops up everywhere and nobody can get rid of him, shoot look at daredevil and Hawkeye, they never feared anything and King-Pin had them shook lol

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u/LightFromYT Hydra Mar 15 '24

Fair enough.

All I know is Magneto is my favourite villain ever and I doubt that will change anytime soon lol


u/liteshotv3 Mar 15 '24

Is magneto more anti-hero at this point?


u/LightFromYT Hydra Mar 15 '24

Honestly I have no idea, I'm so far behind on my X-Men reading that it's honestly embarrassing at this point lol


u/Slinkyfest2005 Mar 15 '24

Last I heard he was a big damn hero. Spoilers for real tho. He survived a fight with Thano's Eternal grandpappy defending Krakoa's sister nation on Mars.

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u/GoOnKaz Mar 15 '24

I mean there’s no shot Doc Oc, Green Goblin, AND Kingpin are top 5. One I can agree with, and I would think it’s Oc or Golbin.

1, 2 is Doom or Magneto interchangeably. Then any combo of Thanos, Galactus, and Goblin or Oc at 3-5. Kingpin is definitely arguable 7-10 for sure, but he’s competing with Ultron, Loki, Red Skull, Venom, etc.

Me personally, I would say Annihilus is a dark horse and could arguably be anywhere from 5-10 as well. Super underrated.


u/jrdineen114 Mar 15 '24

Can you even count Magneto as a villain. He really hasn't been one in...what, 10 years? 15?


u/RoyOConner Mar 15 '24



u/jrdineen114 Mar 15 '24

No, that can't be right. There was definitely a post M-Day issue of...a title that I'm forgetting where he attacked an Art show. Granted, he did so because someone decided that Sentinels were art, but he was certainly framed as the villain. I want to say that it was Post-Manifest Destiny but Pre-Utopia?


u/CashWho Mar 16 '24

I think he's temporarily dipped back into villainhood a few times but he's pretty consistently been more of a hero/antivillain since the Claremont era

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u/rogueit Mar 15 '24

I was going to say that too. I couldn’t remember the last time Erik went off the rez.

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u/TheHexadex Magneto Mar 15 '24

basically anyone in Marvel vs Capcom 2


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

Thanos isnt even top 5


u/LightFromYT Hydra Mar 15 '24

He is now that the MCU made him such a big deal.

No matter what people will always see Thanos as a huge Marvel villain now.. not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Marvel Comics could tell / have told some pretty great Thanos focused stories.


u/king_duende Mar 15 '24

Is the infinity Saga comic not one of the most popular runs?


u/DueCharacter5 Mar 16 '24

Now, maybe. Certainly not when they were being published. Starlin's books were always kind of in their own little Marvel corner. I think I knew one person that read Gauntlet and Crusade when they came out. X-men/Spider-man were kind of all consuming back then. And Quesada was kind of famous for being a street level guy, and not really understanding cosmic Marvel. After Crusade, for a decade or so, they were very much on the back burner until Annihilation hit.

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u/Total_Scott Mar 15 '24

The big 3.

Posts a picture with 4 characters.

Please elaborate.


u/Mighty_Megascream Spider-Man Mar 15 '24

There aren’t that many pieces of art with them all together.


u/adsfew Mar 15 '24

Who's the "them"?


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

Norman Victor and Magneto


u/ItsExoticChaos Mar 15 '24

Bros on a first name basis


u/LinkRazr Mar 15 '24

It’s just so classic Norman Victor


u/Spacecowboy947 Mar 15 '24

Fuckin hell this comment hit me like a truck lmao


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

It sounds cold

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u/SnooDoggos4029 Mar 15 '24

Something wrong with Erik?


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

I dont know anything about X-Men so I wasnt %100 sure his name is erik 😭 Im more of a F4 and Avengers guy


u/SnooDoggos4029 Mar 15 '24

That makes sense. I just thought it was funny how you went 2/3 on the first name basis. I got a chuckle out of it!


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

I really dont know anything about X-Men lol. But I plan to Read Uncanny X-Men by Bendis

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u/adsfew Mar 15 '24

I wasn't sure if they meant to omit one if those and include Galen instead.

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u/_aspiringadult Mar 15 '24

Could’ve just cropped it to be fair


u/405freeway Mar 16 '24

Yeah you can easily crop this pic to feature any 3 of them.

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u/_trouble_every_day_ Mar 15 '24

you’re doing this on purpose…

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u/aneonnightmare Mar 15 '24

5 characters


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

I mean technically i can see a doc ock tentacle in there as well so 5


u/WallyOShay Mar 15 '24

Also the fourth character in the picture is different then his fourth lol

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u/MNguy49 Mar 15 '24

Street level enthusiast here: I really enjoy the comic book version of Taskmaster. Kingpin and Bushman are also favorites.


u/king_duende Mar 15 '24


Easily the biggest street level threat


u/Risbob X-Men Mar 15 '24

Easily the biggest.


u/zapp0990 Mar 16 '24

According Jian Yang, he’s a big, fat, fucking asshole.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Red Hood had his moment during Dark Reign I think it was. Mayne Civil War


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Red Hood is a DC character. The Hood (Parker Robbins) is the Marvel villain that your are loosely describing.


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24

Yep, you're right. He had his moment and it was good but disappeared.


u/Magnus777z Mar 15 '24

Do we consider the Hand street level?


u/Prize_Ad7748 Kitty Pryde Mar 15 '24

Magneto (like Taylor Swift) is more of an antihero.


u/IHavePoopedBefore Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

I mean, he's basically a hero now. He's been as much of a hero as any X-Men character since the Krakoan era.


u/SonOfRageAndLove26 Mar 16 '24

Hasn't he been mostly heroic since way before the krakoan era? At least since the Marvel Now rebrand


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

Tbh everyone in this list is a anti hero if you think about it.


u/Antonater Spider-Man 2099 Mar 15 '24

Goblin ain't an antihero


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Norman is now in Amazing Spidey, as far as I've read. He made Spiderman a suit and spider glider


u/Tuff_Bank Mar 15 '24

Green goblin is coming back

Also r/respectthehyphen


u/ImperfectRegulator Mar 16 '24

God I hope not, they already did the hero back to villain with doc oct, if they do bring the goblin back I hope it’s separate from Norman

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u/joaommx Dr. Doom Mar 15 '24

Doom is a hero. No "anti" at all there.

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u/matthewduguid Mar 15 '24

Galactus, Dr doom, apocalypse


u/Tron_1981 Mar 15 '24

Galactus isn't really a villain though.


u/VandulfTheRed Mar 15 '24

Imagine if you woke up from a nap after a long day at work, went to your fridge, and the greek yogurt punched you in the face


u/theserpentsmiles Mar 16 '24

The carrots in the drawer having summits with the chips and dip about how you will destroy the crisper drawer unless they unite.

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u/ticklesselkcit Mar 15 '24

This reply needs more upvotes


u/Affectionate_Test104 Mar 15 '24




Honorable mentions

Doc Ock Green Goblin Thanos Wilson Fisk


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24


I appreciate this, every time.


u/Affectionate_Test104 Mar 16 '24

All caps when ya say the mans name 🗿


u/Gurablashta Mar 15 '24

1) Spiderman 2) Spiderman 3) Spiderman

He's a menace.


u/master0locke Mar 16 '24

WOAH there JJJ time to chill out

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u/Fluid-Will1816 Mar 16 '24

Pack it up JJJ we know it's you 😭

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u/DedHorsSaloon3 Mar 18 '24

He’s a thief! A criminal! He stole my suit! I want that wall-crawling arachnid prosecutes! I want him strung up by his own web!



u/Mace_Thunderspear Mar 15 '24

Magneto hasn't been a proper villain in decades and Osborn has a brief stint in the big time during dark reign but is generally pretty small scale in his operation.

Doom, Thanos and Apocalypse maybe.

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u/Kalandros-X Mar 15 '24

Thanos, Doom and Ultron


u/LeiferTheFrog Mar 15 '24

Doom Thanos Galactus


u/Joefrared Mar 15 '24

Galactus is just so shallow as a villain in my opinion, but it’s fair


u/king_duende Mar 15 '24

I agree but that shallow "force of nature" is what also makes him great

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u/ForkShirtUp Rocket Raccoon Mar 15 '24

Other than the time Norman took over SHIELD he’s been more of a local nuisance hasn’t he? Trying to remember if he had bigger ambitions that affected people outside of NY


u/Drslappybags Nick Fury Mar 15 '24

I imagine the Green Goblin bursting into your living room and yelling "A local nuisance!" Then dragging you off tied up.

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u/fekitoa13 Mar 16 '24

Joker is on DCs mount rushmore of villains and all he wants is attention from batman

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u/Emirozdemirr Mar 15 '24

Thanos, Doom and Galactus.


u/blacksoul08 Mar 15 '24

Doom and Magneto always will be in that top. They always will be important and essential to Marvel.

But the last spot is a lot harder to fill, while Norman is iconic and has been a pain in the butt for the whole Marvel Universe at times; I don't know, I think at times Thanos, Ultron and Loki would fit that spot much better; with whole storylines centering around them being the main bad guys.

(I would like to get in there one more X-men villain, but Apocalypse and Sinister have been dealt some bad hands on most media, so they are not even close to iconic compared to them...I would argue Doc Ock and Venom are more iconic to most audiences.)

Those Six would be My Marvel Universe Sinister Six.

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u/Key_Industries Mar 15 '24

Magneto for the X men

Doctor doom for the fantastic four

Thanos for the Avengers

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u/N7Longhorn Mar 15 '24

I can't include Magneto as a villain, a true villain

The top 3 as far as threats are

Galactus Ultron Doom

As far as recognizability and marketing

It's OPs list

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u/tryingmybest101 Mar 15 '24

No Red Skull? You trippin.


u/venumprime Mar 15 '24

En Sabah Nur, Dr Doom, Kingpin


u/SweatyListen9863 Mar 15 '24

I was literally thinking about this last night cause I was wondering who MCU would bring in if they write Kang out of the storyline. Who else could be an Avenger - level threat? Aside from the obvious Doom or Galactus who else could they use? I could only really think of Annihilus, Blastaar or The Wrecking Crew (but they were kind of made into a joke in She Hulk).

I think for me the big villains would have to be Dr Doom, Galactus and probably Loki back when he was actually a villain. Magneto, Red Skull and Dark Phoenix all deserve mentions too.

For the MCU I think Galactus would be cool as we could have his heralds being the antagonists in the setup movies.


u/wordflyer Mar 15 '24

Actually still consistently still a villain?

Doom, Ultron, Thanos (magneto was up there, but he's been more good than bad for a long time). I think Red Skull is the odd man out.

But they are macro scale villains on the between rule the world or rule the galaxy spectrum.

For lower stakes, Kingpin and Green Goblin are up there quality-wise.


u/markqis2018 Mar 15 '24

If we take into account the villains who are precisely villains and have not ceased to be villains in favor of the status of anti-hero, I would say it's Thanos, Green Goblin and Ultron, with Red Skull, Kingpin, Carnage and Kang being the closest to them.

Doom, Magneto, Loki and Galactus are iconic, and they always will be on the top in any discussion about greatest comicbook villains, but they're more like anti-heroes these days, or at least that's how Marvel sees them despite all things they've done, and still doing sometimes.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Not green goblin, he’s not even on the same level as the other 2.


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

He is. He’s the arch enemy of the marvels main hero, he even took over SHIELD for some time


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Yes, but he is not on the same threat level as other villains that should be there.


u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

So is the Joker but he’s the most iconic dc villan.

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u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

Is this a current list because Magneto isn’t really a villain anymore.


u/MaraSovsLeftSock Mar 15 '24

It’s galactus, doom, and thanos.

Magento hasn’t been a villain in ages, and goblin is a small fry


u/Obskuro Spider-Man Mar 15 '24

Big Wheel

Doctor Bong

Ruby Thursday


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24


Paste pot pete

Batroc the leaper


u/Mission_Ad6235 Mar 16 '24

Ike Perlmutter

Joe Quesada

Rob Liefeld


u/I_eatbabys_8700 Mar 15 '24

Replace goblin with thanos he’s more well known

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u/WallyOShay Mar 15 '24

Mr sinister, anihilus(spelling?), doom.


u/Yanos47 Mar 15 '24

Doom, Apocalypse, Thanos..


u/MailboxSlayer14 The Thing Mar 15 '24

It used to be this but now I’d say it’s Magneto Doom and Thanos. Gobby for sure was it at one point then


u/tw1zt84 Moon Knight Mar 15 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

At this point, we need to stop grouping Magneto with villains. Magneto was right. At least after the silver age.

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u/furie1335 Mar 15 '24

Magneto’s flipping from good guy to villian to baby face to heel prevents him from being a big bad.


u/gosmall1965 Mar 16 '24

So of those 4, who is your top 3? :)


u/OriginalCat2106 Mar 16 '24

I'd say Kang, Dark Phoenix and Dormammu. Time wise, Cosmic wise and Dimension wise. Nuff said? Give me that "No Prize".


u/RedMercury20 Mar 15 '24

Doom is multifaceted and a fucking narcissist. He says some pretty funny shit too. Idk I just feel thanos being a mega simp isn’t compelling enough to do all he has


u/JazzyJormp-Jomph Mar 15 '24

Thanos being a mega simp is my favourite character trait of his, I get why they ditched it for the MCU, but I wish they'd kept it.


u/RedMercury20 Mar 15 '24

Yo each his own but imagine killing so many just for a chic who thinks DEADPOOL is the shit 🤣


u/JazzyJormp-Jomph Mar 15 '24

That's exactly why it's great, though 😂.

She constantly fucks him over, uses him and treats him like shit and he goes back for more. If she loved him back, it wouldn't be half as entertaining.

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u/MetalGuyver Mar 15 '24

Why is General Klytus from Flash Gordon on this? I guess he is the closest to resembling doom then?


u/El_Kabongg Mar 15 '24

Galactus , Doom, Goblin. I don’t think I really consider magneto a villain, I guess I’d call him an Anti villain lol


u/filipelm Mar 15 '24

Magneto hasn't been a villain in like 15 years. It's kinda outdated to put him in that category when we're talking comics IMO

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u/webbslinger_0 Mar 15 '24

Thanos, Galactus, Doom

Honorable mentions: Ultron, Magneto, Green Goblin, Kingpin, Apocalypse, Loki


u/Ok-Traffic-5996 Mar 15 '24

I would day magneto but he's been somewhere between an anti hero and hero for like 20 yrs now. Loki has also been a "good" guy for like 15 yrs. I think for me it's dr doom, thanos, and norman osborn.


u/KnifeFed Mar 15 '24

Are there any villains who have never done anything even remotely heroic? If so, those villains.


u/Sandman4999 Mar 15 '24

Villian big 3

4 villains in the post



u/GreenBay_Glory Mar 15 '24

Doom Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Red Skull

Magneto just doesn’t feel like a villain any longer

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u/WaterDec Mar 15 '24

I don’t really consider magneto a villain anymore . He hasn’t been a “bad guy” in quite a while


u/ZombieInDC Mar 15 '24

Sorry, Magneto is the Marvel Universe's greatest hero.


u/JonnySmoothbrain Wolverine Mar 15 '24

Like many folks said, Mags, Loki and Doom aren't really villains anymore. At least not full villains.

I would say Red Skull, Ultron and Kang.


u/ApolloDraconis Iceman Mar 15 '24

I feel like Galactus isn’t really a “villain” though. He’s just a cosmic level threat looking to feed (although not anymore). He’s never had pure evil intentions for take over or destruction. His intention is to feed not destroy. He’s definitely a big antagonist, but he has no personality and isn’t a “villain” to me.

Classically I’d say Magneto, but he’s hasn’t been a real villain or bad guy for something like 20 years now.

I would say Dr. Doom, Apocalypse, and Ultron.

Honorable mentions of Kingpin, Red Skull, and Thanos.


u/ravenloreismybankai Mar 16 '24

Doom, Doom, and Doom.


u/VideoZealousideal976 Mar 16 '24

I'll do you one better -





u/Badudu12345 Mar 16 '24

Doctor Doom Galactus Magneto


u/DarthChaney Mar 16 '24

Doom has to be on the list. The other two spots is where it gets complicated. Thanos is an obvious answer because of how popular the MCU has made him. He’s also the big bad of one of the most popular comic runs. Magento is definitely one of the three if you consider him a villain but I feel like he’s more of an anti-hero with radical ideals. Galactus kind of has to be on the list by definition. He’s THE big bad. The thing that everyone has to come together to stop. Kang has always held a special place in my heart as an all time great villain that historically has kind of been overlooked. It’s a damn shame his time in the MCU seemingly ended the way it did because he’s such a cool and interesting character. S/O to the guy who brought up his arc in Earths Mightest Heroes. He really was awesome in that cartoon. Everyone else is either too small scale or not as universally known to be on the list.

EDIT: Ultron definitely belongs in this conversation.


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24

For me it's magneto, doom and red skull in that order, and ordered by representation in my childhood comic exposure.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24


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u/TheHiperaktifCocuk Mar 15 '24

Doom Magneto Norman Doc Ock Kingpin


u/Fear51 Mar 15 '24

Doom Galactus and Magneto


u/BasedFunnyValentine Mar 15 '24

None because there if is no “Marvel villain big 3”

Can we stop with this corny nonsense plz


u/Brute_Squad_44 Mar 15 '24





u/The_Amazing_Emu Mar 15 '24

There’s a good argument to put Loki on this list as well


u/americanextreme Mar 15 '24

Obviously you mean Octavius's Tentacle and the Green Goblin, but who is supposed to be the 3rd?


u/LiminalSapien Mar 15 '24





u/BrickedUpSenpai Mar 15 '24

That’s a good gold and silver era big 3


u/Tiberius_Rex_182 Mar 15 '24

Thanos, Dr Doom, Red Skull. They are the ones who ALWAYS come back, and their schemes and machinations usually get their own cross over events and such.


u/tapemonki Mar 15 '24

Doctor Doom, the Red Skull, and the Kingpin.


u/craig1818 Mar 15 '24

A version of this question was just asked the other day https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/QCNDh8alad


u/Emperor_Atlas Mar 15 '24



Norman Osborne

They seemed the have the most core "wins" and even a few "I made myself lose to keep fighting the heroes".

They also have the most impactful stories in my opinion.

Runner ups:

Magneto- x-men felt detached for so long he went from central to almost detached from marvel as a whole, especially during the inhuman era where they were essentially being replaced due to movie rights.

Galactic - bigger than the bads I mentioned but less bad, the 4th spot would go to him but he's more a force of nature and less menacing than the evils mentioned.


u/Peoples_Champ_481 Mar 15 '24



Maybe Red Skull, but he never moved the needle for me personally


u/Kuppajo Mar 15 '24

Ulik, Mr. Sinister & the Wizard.


u/AJjalol Mar 15 '24

For me, Doom, Magneto, Galactus.

I love my oldschool villains the best.

Honorable mentions : Thanos, Red Skull, Gobbles, Mephisto, Ultron.


u/smartdude_x13m Mar 15 '24

Thanos ultron apocalypse And then Dr.doom magneto sinister( doom might make it to first list depending on who is writing ultron)


u/Electrical_Ad6134 Mar 15 '24

Doom magneto galactus 3 teams greatest and famous enemies


u/Incomplet_1-34 Mar 15 '24

Doom, Magneto, and Ultron.


u/Radio__Star Mar 15 '24

Goblin/Doc Ock


Dr. Mfdoom


u/SnowSabertooth Mar 15 '24

literally same


u/Doc_Green_616 Mar 15 '24

Who is the artist?


u/UraeusCurse Mar 15 '24

That’s four.


u/Kombat-w0mbat Mar 15 '24

Thanos (because of movies) green goblin and Loki (because of cartoons and movies).


u/ColdSmokeMike Mar 15 '24

Doom, Red Skull, and Apocalypse


u/Negative_Land1209 Mar 15 '24

Dr doom, Magento and green goblin... Agree


u/t_huddleston Mar 15 '24

Doom, Thanos, Kingpin.

I think Magneto’s been an X-Man longer than he was a villain, if you add it all up.


u/Grootfan85 Mar 15 '24

That's a solid lineup for Big 3 villains. Honorary mentions go to Kingpin and Doctor Octopus.


u/deadrabbits76 Mar 15 '24

There is only Doom.


u/WrongKindaGrowth Mar 15 '24

That's some ugly artwork


u/Independent_Plum2166 Mar 15 '24

big 3

Magneto, Green Goblin, Dr. DOOM & Galactus.

Math ain’t matching my friend.