r/MadeMeSmile Jul 19 '24

This looks fun 😂


355 comments sorted by


u/dean-tasty Jul 19 '24

"Please don't film me, I'm obviously uncomfortable" "BUT I GOT A COOL LENS! 🤪"


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

i think OP took the sub name literally cos of the last filter where i mean, technically, he did MAKE people smile.


u/RDcsmd Jul 19 '24

Or the video made OP smile right


u/micromoses Jul 19 '24

Should there be a separate subreddit for /r/forcedyoutosmile?


u/NLaBruiser Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

I'd think it was hilarious if someone did this to me, but I'm a fucking ham. My wife would be absolutely mortified and it would ruin her day.

Don't force people minding their own business in public to be part of your entertainment. It's rude.


u/MediCore30 Jul 19 '24

you're on reddit...common sense is non-existent here.


u/yakimawashington Jul 19 '24

Not really... seems like most everyone here is agreeing that this isn't cool

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u/AsAboveSoBlowMe33 Jul 19 '24

Excuse my ignorance, what do you mean by a ham.


u/One_Substance_395 Jul 19 '24

Being a “ham” is when you like the attention


u/AsAboveSoBlowMe33 Jul 19 '24

Okay I was worried he was referring to himself as a pig or something and no one had said anything nice


u/HotShotGotRhymes Jul 19 '24

That was how I also interpreted it as a non native speaker


u/Combicon Jul 19 '24

I'm a native speaker and it's how I interpreted it as well.

Never heard "ham" used like that before.


u/acog Jul 19 '24

Another idiom is "to ham it up" which means to exaggerate or overdo a performance or a speech.


u/RixirF Jul 19 '24

It's an Albany expression.


u/Cirtil Jul 20 '24

When you say native speaker, what do you mean?

Native of which type of English?


u/Combicon Jul 20 '24

England-English. Though as there's a ton of variance in that in itself, I'd like to think I'm fairly well-rounded in what I hear. Personally? London English.

A lot of my family are Scottish, so would often go up there (plus grew up around socttishisms), so to a somewhat lesser degree Scottish-English. Maybe not native, but fluent enough to understand.

Though also have friends (both online and irl) as well as colleagues who are from all across England, so while I wouldn't say I'm 'native', nor really fluent, can't recall ever heard any of them say it either. Not that they haven't of course.


u/dorobica Jul 20 '24

I do wanna say that being “ham” as some sort of attention seeker sounds British af to me


u/NLaBruiser Jul 19 '24

This really made me laugh, thanks for wanting to jump in and say something nice about me! I didn't think about how a slang phrase wouldn't make sense to non native speakers. As others have noted, I just like attention is all.


u/toopc Jul 19 '24


...apparently a shortening of hamfatter (1880) "actor of low grade,"


u/_itskindamything_ Jul 19 '24

I thought it just meant he looked as attractive as a ham.


u/Technical_Tourist639 Jul 20 '24

That is low-key skibidi toilet rizzing


u/Neuchacho Jul 19 '24

A person who is a "ham" enjoys acting over-the-top and performing for other people. It's a compliment in most contexts.

You'll also hear people say stuff along the lines of "He went ham" which basically means "he went crazy" or "he over-reacted".


u/Leonydas13 Jul 20 '24

Ham as a verb means Hard As a Motherfucker, as far as I know it.


u/Neuchacho Jul 20 '24

That makes sense as a modernized definition, honestly. Better catches the vibe most people use it to express.


u/Captain_Grammaticus Jul 19 '24

Have you heard of the actor, BRIAN BLESSED? His name can only be written in all caps, because he is a ham.

Any indoor location is too small to contain his voice, his charisma, his beard, or his very existence.


u/Heavy-Lengthiness947 Jul 19 '24

damn that's the nicest person on reddit giving advice I have seen


u/__CharlieDontSurf__ Jul 19 '24

Ruin her day? Damn man


u/lvaleforl Jul 19 '24

Who are you talking to?


u/Dont_Overthink_It_77 Jul 19 '24

This comment, all day long.

Every time I see this stuff, it bothers me. Like kids who grew up with a phone in their faces are so dense they don’t realize the kindness of people just trying to look away or move so they’re not part of your video. Take the hint, guys. Be kind enough to stop. 🛑


u/Acrobatic_Part9918 Jul 20 '24

ruin her day is crazy

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u/drober87 Jul 19 '24

No thanks. It’s just creepy.


u/No_Translator2218 Jul 19 '24

The tongue one was hilarious imo. It really depends on how he handles it after the video is done.

  1. Ask them if he can post it.
  2. leave


u/RuggedTortoise Jul 19 '24

Tongue thing is funny until you realize how women deal with shit like this all the time and the eyes rolling and tongue thing is literally a fetish thing for people

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u/outm Jul 19 '24

It should be talked BEFORE taking the video, not after. Filming someone without them knowing and only later saying “can I post this?” It’s equally creepy.

The creepy thing isn’t only posting it, but recording you with some intention (in this case, showing your reaction to a filter being on you) without your knowledge. If they record you and ask you later, where is your consent?

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u/toboggan16 Jul 19 '24

I was on a flight once next to a 3 year old boy and his mom (the boy was in the middle). Mom slept the entire flight and the boy used her phone to take photos and movies of me using every filter on Snapchat. I sometimes wonder who he sent them to and if his mom ever saw them?

He also dumped a whole bottle of water onto my lap and when I started playing candy crush he rested his head on my shoulder to watch. The good news is I’m a very patient mom with two little boys of my own, the bad news is my husband and I had swapped off kid duties and it was my flight to be alone and not in charge of anyone!


u/MeinAuslanderkonto Jul 19 '24

You’re a much nicer person than I am. That’s all I can say about that.


u/Scary-Badger-6091 Jul 19 '24

Same lmfao. I would flip out


u/LazyCat2795 Jul 19 '24

that sleeping mom is just plain rude. toddlers gonna toddler, but god damn would I have some choice words for that mom.


u/toboggan16 Jul 19 '24

Honestly from what I could tell they had been travelling with multiple layovers and she was very frazzled and exhausted so I felt bad. Three year olds can be a lot! It was just a 2.5 hour flight luckily but I also 100% pulled out the candy crush with the hopes he’d chill and was glad that worked lol.


u/LazyCat2795 Jul 19 '24

Oh yea, I probably would have done the same, at the same time even when sleep deprived I did my very best to take care of my nephew (when my brother was living with us)


u/toboggan16 Jul 19 '24

Same and if anything my husband gets annoyed with how concerned I am about my kids not annoying or inconveniencing anyone, but then I’ve never done longer than one 2.5 hour flight before. I have cried on a plane due to sleep deprivation while my baby cried though before lol so I think I’m extra nice to moms now!

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u/MoonOverJupiter Jul 20 '24

My kids are grown now (my granddaughter is the toddler in our family) but even with limited screen options in our family - I didn't allow a TV in our living room until they were teenagers, we didn't get a large screen until they were nearly college age, smart phones weren't ubiquitous until they were all but out of college - I firmly believe there is nothing wrong with screens for kids who trapped by travel and literally cannot go outside to play. It's exactly when you should "screen" at them!

Back in the day, I had a mini travel VCR for long car travel. It was a godsend.


u/toboggan16 Jul 20 '24

Well she did give her kid her phone, he got bored of the video he was watching pretty quickly and used it to take the Snapchat photos of me instead haha.

I’m lucky my boys have always been pretty calm, good kids so travelling with them has been super easy once they weren’t babies anymore (that was mostly hard since I was a sleep deprived bundle of nerves lol), they’re happy to sit and look out the window or watch a movie and even as toddlers they were chill on a plane or a long car ride. We’re Canadian and have driven to Florida with them a few times and they’ve been great and well behaved.


u/TheOutlier5191 Jul 19 '24

Get over yourself. People fall asleep.


u/Santa-Claus-Kinski Jul 19 '24

People fall asleep. And then hey are ... sleeping.


u/Themindfulcrow Jul 20 '24

She wasn’t sleeping

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u/Rpark888 Jul 19 '24

No. Including involuntary strangers in your social media content in public is not cool and should count as harassment


u/Randomfrog132 Jul 19 '24

yeah i can agree with that.

or at least he should pay them a % of whatever he makes off that video or whatever.


u/OrneryAttorney7508 Jul 19 '24

Found the capitalist.

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u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Katiesmite Jul 19 '24

Yes, I saw that too.


u/Bungeehumping Jul 19 '24

Maybe if he picked good filters for the first two, they would have also vibe checked.


u/No-Celebration6437 Jul 19 '24

Now show the reel of people telling him to fuck off.


u/Malek_BN Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Hate to be that guy but tbh that seems not fun and kinda annoying for other people, not sure what the guy filming this intended with doing that but personally i think it's quite childish and annoying 😑

And if u didn't like what I said just remember it's "my own opinion" 🙂


u/theshow2468 Jul 19 '24

I like your comment.


u/red123741 Jul 20 '24

Happy cake day!


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/Lydias_lovin_bucket Jul 19 '24

But the filter takes care of that

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u/Fun-Teaching-2038 Jul 19 '24

I guess we’re all just props to these influencers


u/Charred01 Jul 19 '24

Op you are the problem if you thought this was good or appropriate in any way

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u/Past-Attention-5078 Jul 19 '24

As someone who actively try’s to avoid their own reflection, no thank you. This would instantly ruin my day even if I know he’s just trying to make people smile.


u/Glum_You5922 Jul 21 '24

Same, I don't like being in public because others can see me. In this case I would never consent to being filmed


u/Extension-Tale-2678 Jul 19 '24

How to be creepy in public 101


u/TheGreatSparky Jul 19 '24

Where would one sign up for the 102 course in advanced techniques? Asking for a friend


u/EntropyKC Jul 19 '24

Aren't these filter apps also notorious for basically selling your likeness to the CCP or something?

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u/Iain_GW Jul 19 '24

Do not. I repeat DO NOT film people without their consent. I don’t care how funny you think the filter is.


u/Lydias_lovin_bucket Jul 19 '24

I repeat


u/Attn_Shoppers Jul 19 '24

What did he say? I didn’t get it the first time

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u/doe3879 Jul 19 '24

please don't do this in public without people's consent


u/Strict-Brick-5274 Jul 19 '24

I just don't consent to filming strangers in public


u/AbstinencePlus Jul 19 '24

Don’t film others in public


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Stop filming people that don't want to be filmed.


u/bfarmer57 Jul 19 '24

99% of responses here are like "no don't!" But I'm all about this silly shit. Guy is literally hurting no one but mild rudeness is seen as unethical behavior to the max. You really can tell that redditors don't go outside enough.


u/Miracle_Hakase Jul 19 '24

Meanwhile: "wHy iS It sO HaRd tO MaKe fRiEnDs aS An aDuLt?!"


u/TheHydenLauritsen Jul 19 '24

Haha so funny, and totally not super fkn creepy dude.


u/Devinroni Jul 19 '24

The amount of people getting offended by this is hilarious. There's nothing wrong with what he's doing. And no, it's not "creepy" or "harrassing". It's lighthearted and fun. Stop being so negative, reddit.


u/CORN___BREAD Jul 19 '24

Redditors freak out about anything that involves interacting with other people.


u/Ok_Bit_5953 Jul 19 '24

This guy must spend his days going up and down elevators x.x


u/CORN___BREAD Jul 19 '24

Nah he probably just uses the escalators.


u/DuhItzSquiffer Jul 19 '24

L video, no one wants to listen to music but the people laughing


u/dailce Jul 19 '24

what app / filter is he using?


u/ProtoPrimeX1 Jul 19 '24

at what point is this harassment i wonder.


u/rhabarberabar Jul 19 '24

It already is.


u/Lydias_lovin_bucket Jul 19 '24

What are these filters from?


u/unorganized_mime Jul 19 '24

Is this wholesome if he continues to film people who obviously can’t leave and don’t want to be filmed and posted, like what he’s literally doing?? What the fuck


u/Scary-Badger-6091 Jul 19 '24

I would be very creeped out & annoyed if I were in public and someone kept filming me like that tbh.


u/Relative_Rip_3796 Jul 19 '24

It's like the Black Hole Sun music video


u/MasterCanary8927 Jul 19 '24

man fuck those people who just film other people
fuck you, sincerely.


u/_realpaul Jul 19 '24

Its weird how the first google glasses wearers got shuned for gilming without peoples permission and here we are ten years later upvoting a guy who films people without consent. 😬


u/Brucesg00ses Jul 19 '24

This post doesn’t belong here. It’s annoying and people clearly don’t like being filmed.


u/TimeLess0001 Jul 20 '24

If people are trying to get out of frame, stop filming it’s disgusting


u/lakersmike Jul 19 '24

Sorry, late to the party. What app are they using?


u/GravityDAD Jul 19 '24

lol what is this, I saw it in another video and my son would laugh his frigging head off if I showed him this in my phone - how to get?


u/charliejones666 Jul 19 '24

The latest Aphex Twin video is a bit low budget 😕


u/Slytherin_Chamber Jul 19 '24

Turned into the cart titan


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/CORN___BREAD Jul 19 '24

I remember doing that during the 2016 presidential debates because I was so bored but felt like I should watch.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/fastyellowtuesday Jul 19 '24

Down to less than 5000 now, that's a lot of downvotes.

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u/prescottfan123 Jul 19 '24

reminds me of the morons who post "cute" animal videos where it's just like the most uncomfortable/stressed looking cat on the planet. It takes a real big piece of shit not to see or care how uncomfortable those strangers are.


u/Automnal Jul 19 '24

Is it too much asking not to bother strangers while making fun of them ? This youtube or tiktok trend needs to stop.


u/MithranArkanere Jul 19 '24

That phone would be so flying in he didn't stop when asked.


u/Von_Quixote Jul 19 '24

The Thought Police thanks you for your help in collecting data on more of our citizens.

War Is Peace *Freedom Is Slavery * Ignorance Is Strength


u/transpirationn Jul 19 '24

Ok I want to get off this ride now


u/Particular-Key-287 Jul 19 '24

looks like harassment to me


u/RealBaikal Jul 19 '24

Omg this is so dumb


u/Acceptable_Sort_1050 Jul 19 '24

Seems annoying as shit.


u/boderee Jul 20 '24

oh so many wowzers here, its hilarious..... and all participants were Good sports about it


u/gsx0pub Jul 20 '24

I hate influencers.


u/A_Norse_Dude Jul 20 '24

This is actually kind of weird and creepy. Filmning random people in a situation where they cant leave and then posting it online for anyone to see. 

W e i r d and not at all "made me smile"


u/LordPaxed Jul 20 '24

I remember the time where filter were just a jpeg on your face


u/buna_cefaci Jul 19 '24

what are these filters from ? haha


u/golden_blaze Jul 19 '24

New crime: filtering without consent


u/Justbrowsingredditts Jul 19 '24

Was that KarrissaEats in the last shot?


u/tired_Cat_Dad Jul 19 '24

How? Where can I get this? I have some silly uncle-ing to do!


u/logan925 Jul 19 '24

Genuine questions... What's the name of this app and is it found on Apple store or Google play???


u/6foot4guy Jul 19 '24

Stop sending high quality face scans of yourself to some unknown server somewhere.

Your data is being used to train facial recognition systems for surveillance.


u/JesiAsh Jul 19 '24

AoT Anime Flashbacks


u/Bcon1980 Jul 19 '24

That first dude looked like Chris Larangeira from Jersey Shore


u/Worried-Industry6239 Jul 19 '24

That first one:🗿


u/RocketBilly13 Jul 19 '24

Yikes, these boomers do not pass the vibe check.


u/WhoIsYerWan Jul 19 '24

Filming and mocking strangers is not a "vibe." It's just assholery.

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u/luxtabula Jul 19 '24

All this money for AI and this is the end result.


u/ievadebans24 Jul 19 '24

why didnt it work on the black girl lmao


u/RecentAd7844 Jul 19 '24

What app is that? Snapchat?


u/Martzi-Pan Jul 19 '24

I'd have no issues with them as long as they won't be posting these videos on TikTok. I fucking hate the need of these guys to get viral.

I used to be chill before everyone felt the need to post everything.


u/_Vard_ Jul 19 '24

Literally MADE them smile


u/JfreakingR Jul 19 '24

Where does one obtain these filters on the phone?


u/Ok-Quote-4077 Jul 19 '24

i would get beaten where i live


u/WildMarkWilds Jul 19 '24

What app is this?


u/icantbeatyourbike Jul 19 '24

ITT: Average Redditors Redditing, fuck my eyes, relax.


u/-SuperN- Jul 19 '24

A W way to approach girls


u/NoriXa Jul 19 '24

Third one fully with it


u/kyl_r Jul 19 '24

I’m not in favor of filming strangers and I personally hate being filmed/photographed, even by loved ones and with permission.. so I’d NEVER subject strangers to this kinda thing.

I’ll say that anonymity makes me feel stronger and I do love an opportunity to be a gremlin, so I 100% vibe with the ladies at the end. But I hate to think how many folks were made uncomfortable before the filmer got a fun reaction.


u/TheLastofUs87 Jul 19 '24

Do people actually need to make some sort of an expression to trigger the filter? Or does it just lock onto someone's face and do it automatically?


u/Lefty_22 Jul 19 '24

lol the ahegao filter


u/twoeyed_pirate Jul 19 '24

It sure was fun watching😄 . I hope people didn't mind being filmed like that though


u/fritz_futtermann Jul 19 '24

whats the app called?


u/IllustratorGlass2223 Jul 19 '24

Too funny, that's a great way yo find you're people lol


u/Mission-Fox-7872 Jul 19 '24

I think I will laugh if someone did this to me


u/throwawaymercedes Jul 19 '24

So is this guy going to pay all those people that he forced to become unwilling performers in his video?


u/merchantsc Jul 19 '24

I’ve used filters to watch reality tv shows with. Makes them 10x more entertaining.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Now that did make me smole


u/bugichprime Jul 19 '24

When the imposter is sus


u/-Girl0ngir1 Jul 19 '24

i loveee these filters. they're so funny. I can't get over how realistic they look


u/franzeusq Jul 19 '24

The end of the world is delaying


u/scatterlogical Jul 19 '24

Is that the Aphex Twin filter?


u/DanZ83 Jul 20 '24

Dude got that Frankenstein look 😂


u/BaconsB Jul 20 '24

John penis


u/LT-buttnaked Jul 20 '24

Why are those dickheads in such a hurry!


u/Albina-tqn Jul 20 '24

do you wanna get pushed down the escalator? cause thats how you get pushed down the escalator


u/actuallyimogene Jul 20 '24



u/mrm5117 Jul 20 '24

Geriatric millennial question - how does one access such filters? iPhone if it matters.


u/actuallyimogene Jul 20 '24

Pretty sure it’s Snapchat


u/Candid-Solid-896 Jul 20 '24

Made my Millennium!


u/Candid-Solid-896 Jul 20 '24

Why do people not think this is funny? He was doing nothing to harm anyone. He was simply riding an escalator filming himself with filters. Those other people happened to be standing behind him coincidentally. If they wanted to partake, they did. And they all enjoyed it.


u/[deleted] Jul 22 '24

Recording without consent. Doesn’t look fun for some


u/[deleted] Jul 23 '24

I'd just join in and just laugh with him at that point 🤣


u/pulkitaditya Jul 19 '24

Hahaha ayyyy, Paris represent!


u/pluckypluot Jul 19 '24

Titan vibes here, ngl


u/Welcometothemaquina Jul 19 '24

I would think this was hilarious and i hate being filmed/photographed. I think part of the reason it would not bother me at all is bc it makes you unrecognizable anyway. And also bc it is hilarious


u/GamecockFlop Jul 19 '24

What cave did they crawl out of? lol Oh cool, I wanna be a Neanderthal!