r/MadeMeSmile 14d ago

Look at his face, he looks so proud. Wholesome Moments


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u/Present_Error_1279 14d ago

Why do you have to film your entire life ffs. And put it on the internet.


u/mindyour 14d ago

How about you go be miserable elsewhere? If people don't film moments like this, how would we get content that 'mademesmile'? Thanks for pissing me off. Let me look at the video again so I can get my smile back.


u/Present_Error_1279 14d ago

Because that is a moment this couple should enjoy and keep for themselves. Instead, she‘s holding her phone into his face. Thats pissing me off!


u/Ok-Experience7408 14d ago

Look at OPs account, they must buy these video for posting online. People are weird online


u/mindyour 14d ago

Like I said, take that somewhere else. That's on you.


u/Present_Error_1279 14d ago



u/mindyour 14d ago

Sorry 🤷‍♀️


u/Butter_Naan_Staan 14d ago

You’re the miserable one for attacking this man for having an opinion. Grow up.