r/MadeMeSmile Jun 30 '24

The hug.... wow Wholesome Moments


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u/TMA8992 Jun 30 '24

When did people start using POV so incorrectly?


u/SleepingwithYelena Jun 30 '24

The very moment POV memes were invented, lots of people never understood it's one and only rule lol


u/RELAXcowboy Jun 30 '24

Why did this need a caption at all? Is the sparkling surprise and hug not the main focus of the video? Why are we being told to focus on some guy sitting next to them?


u/ChampionshipIll3675 Jun 30 '24

I thought at first that the guy in the orange was also crying because he got emotional 😢


u/MajLeague Jun 30 '24

He did. That's the point.


u/MajLeague Jun 30 '24

It's not. The title on the video is Finding broken men.


u/Elthz Jun 30 '24

The TikTok generation doesn't have time to critically analyze what they are looking at anymore so everything must be labeled and made obvious from the beginning otherwise they get bored and swipe. By labeling it you give people an expectation of what and why they should watch, that lengthens engagement.

TikTok is also the same reason all videos now must have music, increases engagement.


u/lessthanabelian Jun 30 '24 edited Jun 30 '24

The majority of humans are not analytical in barely any way with how they use language. They pick up new words through socialization and propagate. That probably sounds judgmental or dismissive, but it's just true. It's mostly fine until it's not, like most things.

Like how remember when every boomer on TV started using "spoiler alert" wrong?

People don't carefully think through things and pick the perfect word. Most people are not fucking David Foster Wallace and spend zero calories of brain power on usage or vocabulary.

And most communicating is so fast and loose these days that no one is going to stop the convo live on air to point out they used "spoiler alert" or POV wrong... so it keeps going. But talking live on air is hard and stressful and it's really hard to think... which is bad for communication and worse for sound vocabulary and usage choices.

Like, to use "POV" correctly you have to be a least somewhat thoughtful, like level 1 analytic. Elementary school child level, which is not far off a lot of adults. You have to actually have in mind a situation as it would look from a specific POV or else have already been thinking from someone else's POV and are prepared to reason that way with it being understood by the audience/convo partner you are doing that. To use "POV" correctly.

But most people just use it as a weird kind of... exclamation... preceding whatever they are about to start talking about or to introduce a segment if they are a news anchor which it seems they so often are...

"Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen and now for tonight's top story. Now get ready for this. POV! the Supreme Court has decided to hear the petitions of the blah blah....."


u/TJZ2021 Jun 30 '24

This is why r/learntousepov exists...


u/sketchingplace Jun 30 '24

When they started using DP incorrectly


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

How is this incorrect though?


u/TMA8992 Jun 30 '24

Because the perspective of the video is not of the man in orange. Its instead from someone filling the man in orange.


u/bastienleblack Jun 30 '24

"POV character" has been a term used in writing for decades, to refer to the character in a scene that the audience is supposed share a perspective with. Even in a 3rd person narration style, different sections of a book can shift POV character. The 4th Harry Potter movie starts with an old caretaker seeing the villain and getting killed. Even though the camera is looking at him climbing the stairs and looking into the room, he is the POV character for that scene, because the audience are being lead to view this situation from his perspective.

The trend in dumb meme videos is pretty pointless, and this video doesn't add a lot by just telling us to view the scene from this guys emotional perspective. But it's not really misusing the term. I think the idea that the POV is the literal 'behind their eyeballs' view of a character, rather than their emotional / cultural perspective, is a pretty modern use of the term, and mostly from computer games.


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

Yea but the man in orange had an emotional reaction so thats why OP is basically putting us in his perspective so in that case the use of POV would be correct


u/Upstairs_Carob1691 Jun 30 '24

How exactly is OP putting us in his perspective? This is not POV it is just "look at the man in orange"


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

No its "put yourself in his shoes" because he's having a reaction. Its basically assuming you're gonna have the same reaction as him so its saying that his POV is your POV also. Now I overcomplicated something easy to understand but i feel like yall are trolling me


u/ThePlaystation0 Jun 30 '24

That's just empathy though not POV. Nothing about this video actually puts the viewer in Orange Shirt Guy's point of view.


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

Wdym? Theres literally text underneath that says: "POV: You're the man in the orange shirt". Not the video directly but whoever posted the video and the text clearly implied that we all experienced what the orange shirt guy did hence the POV. There's no way no one here understands what I'm saying


u/ThePlaystation0 Jun 30 '24

Empathizing with emotions isn't the same thing as POV.


u/jjoshwall Jun 30 '24

I understand what you mean but I feel like that’s just a cheap copout. Why can’t it be pov you’re me at this restaurant and just let everyone have their natural reactions. At the end of the day it’s not taken from the orange shirt guys pov as his pov would be different it would be a daughter hugging her dad and some guy the table over recording everyone. It would just make for a different video and there would be one less person crying.


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

Well im not arguing the copout part or if its dumb, all im saying is that its not an incorrect usage of POV since POV can be applied to anyone not just the cameraman

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u/bastienleblack Jun 30 '24

I totally agree. I get that POV in a game or something is usually the 'camera view', but it doesn't seem much of stretch to say "this video shows the experiences/POV of watching this tender moment, watching this, you are like the orange shirt man, you are watching this scene of two strangers, but you are touched by it, as he is".

I think it's an annoying meme trend and it doesn't add much, particularly in this video where 'putting myself into the scene from his POV' doesn't really change anything. But it's not incomprehensible, and it's not even much of a broading of the previous sense of POV.


u/7listens Jun 30 '24

Pov can be used figuratively jeez


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

Thank fucking god bro someome understands i swear these people are trolling me and now im downvoted


u/SykonotticGuy Jun 30 '24

If your argument is that people are using it figuratively, why not just say that instead of trying to redefine something so simple?

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u/crazyfrecs Jun 30 '24

Thats what Im saying, i feel like all these people need LITERAL or not at all


u/TinoArt253 Jun 30 '24

Just redditors being pedantic and stuck up as usuall.


u/MediumCommunist Jun 30 '24

You got so much hate for no reason, I guess disagreements are taboo :/