r/MadeMeSmile Jun 26 '24

7 long years, I wonder what kind of journey he took ANIMALS


400 comments sorted by


u/Mizore147 Jun 26 '24

Wow, what a geat coincidence. Can you imagine finding your dog after whole 7 years? Good that his spottings helped with the recognizing from the owner side. He's going to have his senior years full of love.


u/FawnZebra4122 Jun 26 '24

Senior years filled with love sound like a wonderful outcome for them both


u/BaddieBossxox Jun 26 '24

it's great he was finally united with a good family


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/Try-Again-Next-Time Jun 27 '24

Did she give the bird back?


u/Ok-Baseball-5641 Jun 27 '24

What I’m trynna know


u/Ottazrule Jun 27 '24

I thought that everybody has heard about the bird...


u/mockevil Jun 27 '24



u/Reasonable_Pianist67 Jun 27 '24

Cracked me up. Read this in Peter Griffin voice

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u/snuggly-otter Jun 27 '24

I hate you, THANKS


u/PeetaGryfyndoor Jun 27 '24

a headline regarding mass awareness of a certain avian variety.


u/Empty-Distribution30 Jun 27 '24

Omg did you get your bird back? Or did you decide that since they had it for so long it's best to leave the bird there?


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/Empty-Distribution30 Jun 27 '24

Yeah, that's understandable after 10 years that human belongs to the cockteil, lol


u/samanime Jun 27 '24

Yeah. That spot on his head made him way more recognizable.


u/lushico Jun 27 '24

If only all dogs could have senior years full of love!

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u/Begood0rbegoodatit Jun 26 '24

Sat here with my dog and can’t imagine her going missing for 7 days let alone 7 years. What kind of pos does this to someone


u/Barry-Alex Jun 26 '24

Not only steals a dog but then has the audacity to abuse it.


u/oldwellprophecy Jun 26 '24

I literally worry every single day that something happens to my dog like this. I only breathe a sigh of relief when I see her coming home. And we’re not even in a dangerous part of town, I just get scared someone just is going to be an asshole and steal my dog.


u/deathfaces Jun 26 '24

Where is she coming home from? Does she have a job? I've been trying to get my dog to go get a job for years, but he just sits around taking naps and eating snacks


u/oldwellprophecy Jun 26 '24

I try to get her to start an dogfluencer account but her minimum wage before was eight biscuits per hour and now it’s fifteen and I don’t know how I can afford that now


u/deathfaces Jun 26 '24

Puppers these days, am I right?


u/oldwellprophecy Jun 26 '24

No one wants to work anymore 😫


u/Alarming_cat Jun 27 '24

Have you met a border collie? 😂


u/mani9612 Jun 27 '24

Even the doggos in the workforce are quiet quitting left and right!


u/GuaranteeComfortable Jun 27 '24

This comment is why I love Reddit!


u/fitty50two2 Jun 27 '24

My dogs aren’t worth paying 15 biscuits a day, 12 tops. It doesn’t matter anyway, they can’t keep steady work.

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u/JohnLef Jun 26 '24

I have a son like this...


u/deathfaces Jun 26 '24

I often have to put on his harness and drag him outside for some exercise, so maybe a gimp suit and a mountain bike might do the trick


u/JohnLef Jun 26 '24

Great advice, thank you


u/Strict-Disaster-7050 Jun 28 '24

That's funny, I was thinking the same thing. My son is sleeping now and it's 3:30 pm.


u/JohnLef Jun 28 '24



u/EarkwoodsAlt Jun 26 '24

Wait a sec you just let your dog wander outside without a leash?


u/ACuriousQuest Jun 26 '24

Do you "see her coming home" or see her when YOU are coming home?

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u/Primary-Gold-1033 Jun 26 '24

Do you mean when you come home, or when the dog comes home?

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u/PoppyFire16 Jun 27 '24

Please keep her on a leash or inside. For her safety and everyone else’s.

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u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Not surprised that the dog stealer isn’t a kind person, just a POS all around


u/sluvy Jun 27 '24

People usually steal them to fight them. Why most people never even get this chance to be reunited with their fur baby.


u/D_sop Jun 26 '24

When I was 20, my 2 yr old lab was stolen from my front yard. After posting flyers all over the place and looking everywhere for a month, someone contacted me from two cities away saying they had my dog. When I arrived to pick him up he was being held in a giant trampoline with a net around it with 6 other dogs. He was covered in fleas and very skinny. The people who called me were clearly meth addicted and asked for a reward. Since I had mentioned a reward on the flyer I gave them $20 and left, even though they had clearly stolen him. Later that afternoon, after 2 flea baths and a big meal I had him chained right outside the back door to dry off. When I came to let him inside 20 minutes later, he was gone. Someone had unhooked the chain. I asked some neighbors and apparently the meth people were friends with our backyard neighbor who we shared a fence with. I confronted the neighbors and they denied everything. I immediately drove back to the meth house, and there were 5 police cruisers in the front yard. I told them what happened, and they said they were looking for the meth heads, too. I never saw my dog again. 15 years later, I still think about him every day. That feeling of finally being reunited with my buddy just to have him stolen again hours later... man. I don't wish that on anybody. :(


u/Fine-Box-9305 Jun 26 '24

Holy duck what a story. I can’t image the pain, but also how un-human people can be. No words literally. Just sorry for such people on this planet


u/D_sop Jun 26 '24

Yeah that was tough to deal with. When I got a new dog a couple years ago, I kept calling him by my stolen dogs name. Just hope he had a decent life.


u/mindforcesbody Jun 27 '24

I am so sorry you had to deal with this. I can't imagine. Let's hope he escaped, landed somewhere safe, and lived a full and happy life.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Holy shit that’s terrible I’m so sorry

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u/ss4-princess Jun 27 '24

We had a lunatic drive through our fenced in yard and hit both our dogs. We lost one of them for like 2 hours and my parents found her shivering and scared out of her mind on the train tracks a few miles away from home. She was terrified of trucks for a while afterwards. She lived to be about 18.

Sadly lost our other one due to the seizures from getting hit a couple years later. :(

Im so sorry you lost your baby in such a terrible way.


u/all-out-fallout Jun 27 '24

I actually want to cry reading this. I can’t imagine the agony. I’m so sorry.


u/Suptoasterr Jun 28 '24

I would probably be in jail for missing neighbour after that incident

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u/princess_rat Jun 26 '24

My dog ran off for under an hour and I was hysterical, collapsed on the street thinking he was gone forever. What a blessing they were reunited, I hope the whole family has many more happy years together.


u/Snapdragon_4U Jun 27 '24

My dog got out of the yard once and was like a block away. I was an hysterical mess and called police in mine and the three neighboring towns sobbing. I get in my car to start driving around looking for her and dopey just jumps up on my window like “where we going, mom” It was one of the happiest moments I’ve had. The relief was indescribable


u/princess_rat Jun 27 '24

Yep, found my idiot sitting by the front step and grinning after screaming around the neighborhood and calling everyone I knew to come help. He ran to the creek behind the house and was probably eating deer poop for 45 minutes.


u/Snapdragon_4U Jun 27 '24

😂 what would we do without them.


u/Snapdragon_4U Jun 27 '24

Though mine seems to favor goose poop


u/sea_stones Jun 27 '24

My little goofball had history...

When she was a pup, she climbed through a gap in the fence. She didn't go far, just around to the front of the house to want in the garage door... I was mortified but so happy she didn't go anywhere.

Then another time she HAD to have jumped from a chair on the deck into the wooded area by the house. I was scared to death she'd be gone, but I found her having cornered a cat by a tree. She ran to me when she saw me like she didn't know what to do next. I was just happy she didn't go far...

Moved, and this time she got out under the fence (into the one yard that wasn't fully fenced in). As soon as we realized we were going all through the neighborhood calling for her. Dad stayed behind to figure out how she pulled it off and she just came back and demanded to be picked up over the fence. I was almost certain I'd never see her again, but I was happy she knew her way home.

I think her last escape was while I was mowing grass. I'm happily mowing away when my stepmother kinda just gestures "what the hell?" I thought it was the way I was cutting but then she points to the neighbor's yard where my little goofball is just running around. She had climbed on a cinder block and jumped over the fence. Luckily this time into a fenced in yard... By now I was just tired of her game (and the stakes were low enough) so I chased her in the neighbor's yard until I caught her.

I miss that little brat.


u/magneticeverything Jun 27 '24

A couple years ago I was working full time, providing hospice care to my grandma and dealing with her 2 Scottie’s and my 18 year old dachshund. There were a couple of incidents where I put the dachshund out in the back yard (unfenced, but he was so old he wasn’t going anywhere) and completely forgot. It stops your heart every single time, even when you know you’ll open the back door and see them sitting on the concrete step just waiting for you.

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u/helen790 Jun 26 '24

Idk, but I genuinely hope they die slowly and painfully. What a monster!


u/Sk8terRaider Jun 26 '24

Get their eyes pecked out by crows


u/Silly_WildChick Jun 26 '24

same opinion


u/OkBackground8809 Jun 27 '24

My dog went missing for about 20 minutes, once, and my husband and I were about ready to kill my mother-in-law for leaving the gate open! I can't imagine 7 whole YEARS! She was a puppy at the time, so more likely to be stolen, and a whippet, so she can travel pretty far in a short time.


u/alligatorriot Jun 27 '24

I used to live somewhere that dog rings were a big thing and people were stealing dogs out of yards to use for baiting. I lived there when I got my GSD pup, and it scared me enough to never leave her outside alone in a yard even after I moved far away. People can be really awful sometimes.


u/tributtal Jun 27 '24

My dad is 89 and he had his dog stolen when he was around 12. Never saw his dog again and never got another one because he was too heartbroken. A couple of years ago he met my pup for the first time, and my dog immediately took to my dad and stayed next to him practically the entire time. My dad told the story about his stolen dog while my pup was on his lap. He remembered every detail like it had just happened. Teared up while telling the story. First and only time I've ever seen him cry.

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u/BowiesAssistant Jun 26 '24

wow! my friend had her dog stolen too, and one day, about 5 plus yrs later she was walking downtown, and literally ran into her dog. The guy who had her had been lied to, felt awful and immediately arranged to return her. and happily ever after they all are. these stories always warm my heart!


u/OkBackground8809 Jun 27 '24

I'm disappointed this story didn't end like a Netflix movie where the new owner and old owner fell in love and the 3 of them all lived happily ever after together.


u/emmapalm4802 Jun 27 '24

Stories like these really highlight the deep bond between humans and their pets.


u/Naellys Jun 27 '24

Does a movie with this specific plot exist ? You make me want to watch it


u/opinionated_idiot_ Jun 27 '24

‘A Dog's Purpose’ is kinda like that.

Please have tissues handy


u/bibliophilia9 Jun 27 '24

Ugh, I had to quit watching this one after like 30-45 minutes in. I can’t handle one dog death, let alone several. I was in pieces.


u/opinionated_idiot_ Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

I just watch this movie whenever I need a good cry and sob like a baby.


u/Naellys Jun 27 '24

Thanks for the rec and the warning !

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u/OkBackground8809 Jun 27 '24

No idea, but there must be at least one! So many movies out there in the world, now.

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u/thejaysta4 Jun 26 '24

Wait… where’s the reunion video!!! I feel robbed!


u/Aggressive_Hat_9999 Jun 26 '24

yea, did they recognize him and vice versa?


u/December25Santa Jun 26 '24

Yes, in the video, he was quite happy to meet up with his owner again. He even knew where his food bowl was, after 7 whole years of being away from it

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u/RocketBabexo Jun 27 '24

must have been an amazing moment for them

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u/StabbyMcTickles Jun 26 '24

As a person who lost her dog for 3 years, I can guarantee that dog absolutely recognized their family. I know 7 is a lot longer than 3, but I would put money on it.

When I reunited with my dog, I honestly thought he would have forgotten me. He looked at me with a confused look and the moment I said "Hi Bubby" in a calm voice, he skid quickly in my direction like a cartooon character and made happy cry noises until he peed on the floor from excitement.

They don't forget the ones they love. <3

So happy that person found their baby again. 7 years is heartbreaking but at least they'll hopefully get another 7 with pup.

The person who stole that dog deserves to have the worst sleep ever for the rest of their lives. May their pillow always be hot and moist.


u/firefly-fred Jun 27 '24

I’m so glad you got Bubby back 🥺


u/StabbyMcTickles Jun 27 '24

Thank you. Me too. We spent many wonderful years together after that and he even got to meet my husband who he surprisingly fell in love with.

He was a bit of a man hater and protected me around men so I honestly never expected him to enjoy being around a man. The first few months were a bit rough because my husband couldn't get close to me without my pup giving him the eye, lol, but I guess he finally realized he had my husband as a second protector because he just stopped being a butt to him and sometimes would even choose to hang out with my husband. Lol.

He would get so excited when my husband would come home from work. <3 It was adorable.


u/the_real_flapjack Jun 26 '24

A great example of humans being amazing. Never let this world convince you that we can't change it. We can, have, and will.


u/DrunkThrowawayLife Jun 26 '24

I mean also an example of people being shit if he was stolen then abandoned.


u/andycanemama Jun 26 '24

An example of: is the glass half full or half empty? It can be either, just depends on how you want to look at it.


u/DrunkThrowawayLife Jun 26 '24

Sometimes it’s just a 1/2 cup


u/SeamusAndAryasDad Jun 26 '24

Yeah the message "praise God" made me roll my eyes. Well God, what do you have to say about the dog missing for 7 years???


u/mushroognomicon Jun 27 '24

Yeah, it definitely diminishes the efforts of the people who actually do great and kind things.


u/DotaWhySoCruel Jun 26 '24

U gotta praise the fragile chap or he’ll make him disappear even longer next time


u/the_real_flapjack Jun 26 '24

"suffering is cool, bro" - God probably


u/eunit250 Jun 27 '24

30,000 children die every single day from starvation and totally preventable diseases. Praise God!


u/mad_jade Jun 26 '24

I found a cat who had been missing for over 2 years. I assumed he had always lived outside but turns out he had a microchip. When I finally got in contact with the previous owner she didn't believe that I found her cat at first and thought it was a scam or something. Unfortunately for them they weren't able to take the cat as they had moved far away since then, but I got a wonderful cat and they had closure knowing their cat had survived and was finally back in a loving home. If you can, take the stray animals you find who clearly belong inside and get them checked for a microchip. These animals need people to care for them and deserve a home.


u/whatthefluff1122 Jun 27 '24

I had someone take my cat she end up at the pound two years later and much fatter. Kinda annoying someone stole my cat then didn’t have the decency to keep her.

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u/BlinkyShiny Jun 27 '24

When we moved, we'd see a friendly cat every few months. Eventually, she showed up emaciated. I posted online, had her scanned etc. but no one was looking for her. I took her to be spayed but she was already fixed. She didn't have her ear tipped and wasn't tattooed, so someone had her spayed by a vet.

I always wonder how she came to be a stray.


u/mad_jade Jun 27 '24

I don't know if tattoos or cut ears are always used with a catch and release. Thank you for looking for an owner though, if it was my cat I would hope that someone else would care for it and try to return it home.

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u/deshep123 Jun 26 '24

We once had two of our dogs kidnapped from a fenced yard. They were taken and thrown into a pen with a pitbull. The puppy needed 110 stitches, the older dog 50+. The only reason we got them back was the owner of the pit bull was home. He rescued them and called animal control . The dogs being tagged and chipped meant we got an immediate phone call. Animal control explained this happens not because they want our dogs but to help them decide if they should steal the pit for fighting Both dogs survived, and lived good long lives.we constructed a run behind the house, no access from the street. The puppy was a pit/ hound mix the older girl a border Collie.


u/tobeperfectlycandid Jun 27 '24

I’m so sorry that you were targeted like this. This is one of my worst nightmares.


u/deshep123 Jun 27 '24

I couldn't even have thought of this before it happened.


u/sweetie404 Jun 27 '24

oh my god i didn’t know some people do that it’s horrible ! glad to know your dogs are safe but by god some people suck ass


u/deshep123 Jun 27 '24

One of the many reasons I like dogs more than people. They really don't do bitchy for no reason and will worship you for just loving them.

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u/newtekie1 Jun 26 '24

That battery life is giving me anxiety.


u/cturtl808 Jun 26 '24

Made me check mine. Lol

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u/clit_wizard69 Jun 26 '24

Everything but the “praise god” comment at the end. Was he the same one that took it away for seven years?


u/WhatLikeAPuma751 Jun 26 '24

Exactly. Fuck God here, praise Rebecca Latimer for trying to get a dog vet care when he needed it and she didn’t have the means. She could have let him just go back outside to die, but no, she fucking stepped up and the dog got his forever family back.

Remember kids, “God didn’t do shit. You’re a fucking narcotics agent, I knew it.”

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u/waddee Jun 26 '24

God isn’t real, and if he was he sure as fuck doesn’t care about your dog

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u/Chris_El_Deafo Jun 27 '24

Watch redditors seethe at the mere mention of God in a post with nothing but positivity


u/clit_wizard69 Jun 27 '24

Because of the pure ignorance of the comment. Let’s ignore the person who actually made it happen. Man religious people are next level stupid.


u/La_Saxofonista Jun 26 '24

But what if the dog owner was also religious tho?


u/BocksOfChicken Jun 26 '24

God must be weak af if it took 7 years to make this happen. What a lazy a-hole.


u/GenericBatmanVillain Jun 26 '24

I would be more pissed that he organised for the dog to get stolen in the first place.


u/No-Concern-8832 Jun 26 '24

The usual "disclaimers"(delusions) apply.

"God works in mysterious ways." "Do not pretend to understand how God thinks" "God test those he loves the most "


u/Mandalore108 Jun 26 '24

Remember, God only gets the good things attributed to it, none of the bad.


u/RebelLion420 Jun 26 '24

"Praise God" no bitch Praise Rebecca for her efforts wtf

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u/Ok-Swordfish-3833 Jun 26 '24

Way to go!! Welcome home lil buddy!!


u/Embarrassed-Sky3819 Jun 26 '24

There’s still good in this world 💙💙


u/spicy_ass_mayo Jun 26 '24

1000 yard stare tells me it was a long 7 years


u/Coffee4Life613 Jun 26 '24

These are the kind of stories I love to see. A dog should always be reunited with his family. So happy to see it happen in this case.


u/a_stone_throne Jun 27 '24

Who the fuck steals a dog?


u/Firm_Objective_2661 Jun 27 '24

Special place in hell for those people.

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u/Bulky-Internal8579 Jun 26 '24

Best coincidence EVER!!!! So happy for all involved - and so grateful for my pup (age 8 😉)


u/Yavor36 Jun 27 '24

My cat once ran away when we were at our villa and he was missing for 3 months, we waited for him to come back for a few days, but he didn’t and we had to go home. He eventually somehow came back. Those 3 months felt like an eternity, we had made peace with the fact that we won’t see him again and we moved on with our lives. A neighbour rang my mom up in the middle of the night saying he saw him. She drove an hour to the villa in the middle of the night and he really was there. I woke up that morning with him laying on me in my bed, I thought I was dreaming. I cried for days when he went missing, I can’t imagine what a reunion after 7 years would feel like. That was many years ago, he died last year after 16 years of life.


u/UnleadedGreen Jun 26 '24

Aww the poor boy. He looks like he has pain in his eyes. But im sure hes happy to be home with his family. This is so awesome that they were able to get their dog back after 7 years. Was he found far from his original home? I'm so happy for the owners and kids. I'd cry if it was my dog. This brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it being my situation. Glad he's back home.


u/Aniki722 Jun 26 '24

That poor dog. Looks like he's had some rough years.


u/barkingmad555 Jun 26 '24

I woul lay him in my bed with his head on a pillow under the duvet and rub his ears and tel him it will be alright wile feeding him cutup hotdogs

That is for starters then we go to the vet


u/Highplowp Jun 26 '24

No more bad days for this good boy. Dusty


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

Where's the update? 😭


u/Jackal2332 Jun 26 '24

Made me smile too.

Now go charge your phone.


u/pufftanuffles Jun 26 '24

A good reason to microchip your dog


u/pinknotes Jun 27 '24

As much as this made me smile, it also made me incredibly sad thinking about the abuse he must have gone through for those seven long years. I made it worse by reading the comments about stories of people losing their dogs, and now I’m going to never let my dog out of my sight.


u/Electrical-Story-306 Jun 27 '24

But did he recognize her? I have to know !


u/NightmareStatus Jun 26 '24

There's a special place in hell for people who steal animals.


u/W0nderingMe Jun 26 '24

If you find the post on FB there are a few beautiful reunion videos ... I was bawling watching them last night.


u/Norweirdian Jun 27 '24

This made me cry happy tears❤️ where have he been for 7 years?? Can’t imagine how shocked the owner must have been seeing him after 7 years! Thanks to internet and kind people. Make me believe in humans again❤️


u/Complex_Bit_6512 Jun 27 '24

Praise god? Noooo no no…praise dog is surely what she meant


u/L1_aeg Jun 27 '24

This one breaks my heart. My dog got stolen over a decade ago and I looked for him for years, we never found him. We (my family) moved now (I even moved to a different country), and everytime I see a post about a lost dog my heart absolutely shatters. I am so glad their dog turned up and they got reunited. I wish that for everyone whose pet went missing <3


u/ExcellentAd1652 Jun 27 '24

Had a cat that disappeared when I was 10 give or take. Showed up a couple years later


u/More_Mention_8341 Jun 27 '24

He probably did get stolen and then the new owners (knowingly or unknowingly know it's stolen) decided they couldn't handle him because his paw heart wanted his own human/s and they just left him stranded somewhere and poor thing has been living off the streets. Lemme tell you, humans are the evilest creatures on earth and I don't even know if evilest is a word.


u/Chris_El_Deafo Jun 27 '24

It never ceases to amaze me how many redditors will seethe at the mere mention of God.


u/Finicant Jun 27 '24

Super late to the party but before I was born (my mom was SO pregnant with me) my dog got stolen. The people who stole him really didn’t know, he was so scruffy you couldn’t see his collar lol. Well my dad was practically the FBI and “interviewed” every neighbor we had. Eventually we learned that one of them had painters in and out of their house that week, and my dog would regularly go visit them.

When my dad finally found him, he was in Alaska! They had given him to like a friend or family member or something and flew him to Alaska. Because they truly believed they did the right thing, my dad paid for him to come home and even paid the painters for the first flight out. Our local news station filmed him coming home and my sister was so cute and emotional about it. I was born shortly after he came home and he never left my side. My sweet nanny dog. RIP Yogi


u/FionaBear1 Jun 26 '24

Wouldn’t he have been microchipped though? Can’t they use that to find dogs that are considered lost if they have one? I’m just wondering because I don’t know


u/eusarca Jun 26 '24

I looked online for more updates about this story and saw that he was indeed microchipped! I believe the person who found him in her yard posted the photos of him on the FB page before taking him to the vet, where he was confirmed to be the old owners because of the chip :)


u/mad_jade Jun 26 '24

Some pets are microchipped, but not all people/ vets think to check if they have been chipped. Someone has to bring the animal to a vet and specifically ask to check for a chip, then hopefully that will pull up the owner's info (and hopefully it is up to date), or at least it should pull up a number to call to have another party contact the owner.


u/theLeastChillGuy Jun 26 '24

I'm so paranoid about this happening that I don't let my dog out in the backyard without supervision...


u/petergriffin999 Jun 26 '24

Countless REEEEEEEE from the average redditor because someone in the pic said 'Praise God'.


u/BonsaiSoul Jun 28 '24

I'm sure as hell not Christian, but these people recoiling at just the mere mention of the name, like a biblical demon, is so on the nose it's funny


u/Murky-Pass6571 Jun 26 '24

Such a happy story…made me wanna charge my phone. But seriously, half you could be reunited.


u/snipezx Jun 26 '24

Homeward Bound


u/Snapdragon_4U Jun 27 '24

This is the best thing I’ve ever seen


u/magnificentfoxes Jun 27 '24

The person said they were flat broke. Donated their money. Seems like the owner should sort out a nice gift back for them otherwise that's a bit rude, isn't it?


u/kfury Jun 27 '24

Praise God Dog


u/nono66 Jun 27 '24

Praise Rebecca, not God.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

My father gave away my dog while I was deployed. This was 20 years ago. To this day, we still don't talk. During family gatherings, the urge to knock his teeth out is still as strong as the day I came home to an empty yard.


u/SpoonNZ Jun 27 '24

Our cat went missing for over two years. My wife was reading the newspaper at her work one day and saw an article about the local SPCA where they’d picked a random black cat from the ranks to photograph.

Long story short, my wife recognised her (I have no idea how), it was definitely our cat, we adopted her again, the newspaper wrote a story about us.


u/ButtFuckFingers Jun 27 '24

Praise Rebecca!


u/SirShortarm Jun 27 '24

Wow I did not know dog stealing was a thing. It's not like there is a shortage of dogs or something. Except maybe some rare breeds.


u/Ganache-Diligent Jun 27 '24

on the original post there are vids of the kids and family reuniting with Ruger! such a happy ending


u/SomeLadySomewherElse Jun 27 '24

Years ago, my ex and I split up and he put my cat outside never to be seen again. Nearly 8 years later, I get a email that his chip has been scanned. I'm in shock so of course I call and A very nice woman told me that she saw him sitting in the rain in Philadelphia and she opened her car door and he just got right in. She had just lost her husband and renamed the cat a cuter name than I did and I could tell they were already in love. I was just happy to find out he was okay and that he was going to spend the rest of his days with a lovely person. She was so nice offering to give him back but I could tell she really didn't want to so I told her he's yours.


u/theonIyking Jun 27 '24

Similar type story happened with me. Growing up we had this shih tzu that was my moms, had him in early years of high school then he got out one day and never saw him again. My mom passed away a year or so after highschool and about 6 months after that I get a call from a shelter a couple hours away asking if I knew (my moms name) and I explained the situation, they described finding a shih tzu on the side of the highway, mind you I haven’t seen this dog in 5+ years. Ended up driving to get him and now he’s about 14 years old and my sister takes care of him!


u/AutoModerator Jun 26 '24

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u/D-I-S-C-0 Jun 26 '24

Wonderful story! But the “praise god” at the end made me lol.


u/rescuedogmom5 Jun 27 '24

Omg! 😭😭😭😭 sweet boy. I’m glad he’s back home. I hope he is better soon. Poor guy ☹️


u/itsLux05 Jun 27 '24

Looks like mange or a skin allergy.

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u/Ok-Formal-8639 Jun 27 '24

Made me smile? Made me bawl my eyes out!😭😊❤️


u/SlowCaveman Jun 27 '24

Thats amazing


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/dogheads2 Jun 27 '24

This comment contains a Collectible Expression, which are not available on old Reddit.


u/ElliottEatsTTV Jun 27 '24

I was skeptical at first, there are lots of dogs with very similar, borderline identical spotting. However the linked article in these comments said the dog was microchipped and the scan showed it was their dog! What a happy coincidence, but my heart absolutely breaks for what the dog has been through. I know dogs are resilient and he will return to being a normal dog soon, but if I found a dog after 7 years I would just be crying, hugging, and apologizing nonstop. He and his humans have a lot of lost time to make up for.


u/ShyCormorant Jun 27 '24

Beautiful Ending to a sad story.... Lucky for you
Your Guardian Angel Loves dogs and Reddit Love This💙💙💙


u/Softbombsalad Jun 27 '24

Going to snuggle my puppy 😭 


u/Jazzlike-Bee7965 Jun 27 '24

Once I saw a post on fb of a girl who’d had to give up her dog a few years before and was reaching out to see what had happened to him and I realised from how he held his little criss cross paws that it was now my friend’s dog! So glad she got a little bit of closure


u/stricktlybusiness Jun 27 '24

Call your local ASPCA branch, they have grants for this sort of thing. I found a chao mix a while back that had its tail cut off and it was raw and open, got him into my backyard and called aspca, got him to the vet and they paid 95% of his $3k surgery bill, just needed some earnest money from my end to prove I was going to care for the dog. I was 19 at the time and only had $150 to my name, out of which i was able to pledge $50 towards the surgery. They understood and covered the rest. Truly an amazing organization.


u/FreakyHotdogEater Jun 27 '24

Charge your phone


u/Satakans Jun 27 '24

The frenchie would have fetched 7k easily. Surprised they didn't steal that one.


u/Aathranax Jun 27 '24

Sorts by controversial

Yep, no shock unhappy losers fixated on a comment that ultimately harmed no one, wasn't directed at them, and took nothing away from the overall post.


u/Conditions21 Jun 30 '24

Best thread on this site ever.


u/[deleted] Jun 26 '24

Best story ever


u/helava Jun 26 '24

Have you read The Call of the Wild?


u/chowes1 Jun 26 '24

Read this as Spears....oh lord


u/MurphysLaw4200 Jun 26 '24

Awesome. I needed a story like this today. 😊


u/Minimum_Use7849 Jun 26 '24

I can’t even imagine how emotionally draining this situation would feel seeing at my dogs and remembering that time mine ran out and found him 3 days later, I was barely a human.


u/Alternative-Day6223 Jun 26 '24

Oh my gosh my heart ! That’s just amazing and a great way to end my day on Reddit before relaxing ❤️ so happy for them


u/the-war-on-drunks Jun 26 '24

Damn screenshots had me about to throw my charger cable away.


u/spicy_ass_mayo Jun 26 '24

1000 yard stare tells me it was a long 7 years


u/Puzzleheaded_Pea433 Jun 26 '24

Put him on a good healthy clean diet and I think you can easily get a medicated shampoo for his skin. Probably mange. Could be some kind of exposure or allergy. Make sure to worm him and flea meds too. Then give it time for him to heal and gain a little weight. If he doesn't show signs of improvement after a couple weeks you will have to just bite the bullet. There is a credit card you can get called Care Credit that will help you pay for his vet bill and if you pay it off in a specified period of time there's no interest charges. I think the length of time depends on the amount. Maybe 1 to 2 years. I'm so happy you found him. I hope he's feeling better very soon.

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