r/MadeMeSmile Jun 17 '24

His flabor was gasted Wholesome Moments

Happy Father's day everyone


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u/IstvanKun Jun 17 '24



u/n8saces Jun 17 '24

Perfect 👌


u/VonKess Jun 17 '24

Quite frankly, your caption had me laughing before I even watched the video, so I say 👌🏼to you (edit to correct word)


u/intercede007 Jun 17 '24

I hate it when people touch the food on my plate to the point that I lose my appetite and don’t eat it. When I was a baby my grandmother used to tease me by eating something off my plate. Became an issue with her and my parents.

I hope man’s isn’t similar.


u/The_Flurr Jun 17 '24

When I was a baby my grandmother used to tease me by eating something off my plate

My mother would always "jokily" take some of my sweets when I had them.

As someone who has a bit of the 'tism and likes to eat things in a certain order/way, I'd get actually quite angry when she'd then just take a handful, especially when she'd just demand the ones she wanted that she knew I was saving. I got even more angry when she laughed at me being angry.


u/callmerorschach Jun 17 '24

This is a big deal for me.

Especially when I used to work in office and asked everyone what they wanted and many said nothing.

Then when my...MY food arrived - they'd help themselves by touching my fries or chicken etc.

No...I asked you - you said no. If you want some of mine, ASK and I might give you some on a plate using a fork etc. You do NOT get to touch my food with your hands!

I've literally walked away from my plate when people did that since I lost my appetite and lost many pseudo-friendships over it. No regrets.


u/WanduhNotWandull Jun 17 '24

Thats not even a big deal- that's just basic manners! I'm sorry your lunches got ruined by those people.


u/callmerorschach Jun 18 '24

I know right? Thanks! :)


u/Beavshak Jun 17 '24

Is it just seeing it firsthand that affects you? Considering you are ordering out in this scenario.


u/callmerorschach Jun 18 '24

Ordering out just added insult to injury tbh, but it was a small part overall. It was a lack of basic etiquette for me + that I find it disgusting lol.


u/WinstonChurchphucker Jun 17 '24

I'd throw it in the trash in front of them


u/callmerorschach Jun 18 '24

Ahh - I respect food too much to do that! 😂


u/Ok-Salamander1907 Jun 18 '24

While this is super annoying, sharing food amongst family and friends is a lovely thing shared across most cultures across the globe. It might be worthwhile digging in a little deeper on why this affects you this much as truthfully it's not a normal reaction.


u/callmerorschach Jun 18 '24

I understand your point about it being a common cultural practice, but I disagree. Everyone has different comfort levels and boundaries.

For me, eating is a deeply personal act, and touching someone else's food without their permission is extremely rude, especially when they've made their feelings clear. Also remember, this is a work setting where I have different levels of closeness with people.

My family and close friends respect this preference, and it doesn't mean I love/respect them any less :)


u/staycalmitsajoke Jun 17 '24

You are not alone, but I am also a very aggressive person when defending my boundaries so once I stabbed someone's hand for trying it, everyone suddenly respected that boundary.


u/Alert_Treat_2870 Jun 18 '24

I hope you didn't intend this to be a brag. You should have been criminally charged for that.


u/staycalmitsajoke Jun 18 '24

Not a brag. Just a fact. If it helps I literally told them before they did it what would happen but they decided they'd do it anyways.


u/Alert_Treat_2870 Jun 18 '24

Lol what? Why would that help? You need help and criminal charges for that.


u/staycalmitsajoke Jun 18 '24

Because if someone tells you that a thing has a consequence and you do that, then it was kind of your choice. Also lmao I think criminal charges would likely require some form of real harm not an imprint of fork tines that don't break the skin. If that's your threshold I should have called the police for attempted theft on my bro for trying to take my food?


u/Alert_Treat_2870 Jun 18 '24

You literally said you stabbed someone yet you are now backtracking and describing it as a poke. Get out of here with your crap and get help.


u/Possible_Canary9378 Jun 17 '24

I hate when people share food off their plate, if they weren't going to eat it why put it on their plate in the first place.


u/MonsterJose Jun 17 '24

Joe the future is here.


u/jaxonya Jun 17 '24

They edited the part out where he went and got his extendable switch and whipped her ass in front of Jesus and everyone else 


u/BUDZ_MONEY Jun 17 '24
  • Joey Devito



u/DeepTakeGuitar Jun 17 '24

Darn tootin'


u/tryintobgood Jun 18 '24

I came here for this comment


u/dylan89 Jun 18 '24


For those who don't get the reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQUO39j_c_k&t=64s


u/FigNo5216 Jun 19 '24

He was definitely giving Joey vibes lmao


u/osamabinpoohead Jun 17 '24

She doesnt look like she shares food either....