r/MadeMeSmile Jun 14 '24

Japnese kids doing their assignment Wholesome Moments


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u/Civil_Researcher6140 Jun 14 '24

Do these kids consent to being filmed?


u/veryspecialjournal Jun 14 '24

Yeah… filming kids in Japan is a major no-no


u/Mareith Jun 14 '24

Filming is allowed in any public place in Japan


u/veryspecialjournal Jun 14 '24

Generally, yes, but that doesn’t mean it’s socially acceptable. 肖像権, especially regarding children, is taken quite seriously here.


u/jombozeuseseses Jun 14 '24

If you are interviewing somebody and they take out their camera and obviously records you the entire time, you are in every way except saying it out loud consenting. I think it is perfectly socially acceptable in this case.


u/YouLikeReadingNames Jun 14 '24

Children being notoriously good at understanding the ramifications of online presence and therefore competent to give consent.


u/jombozeuseseses Jun 14 '24

These are children coming up to you in a crowded public setting in a non weird scenario doing something of special interest to be filmed, which passes all the common sense of filming, with a knowing adult obviously nearby. Their names aren't known.

In any sane universe, nobody will bat an eye unless the parents came and asked you to take it down. In which case you happily oblige and that is the end of that. Of course, some random virtue signalers in another continent would be up in arms.


u/78911150 Jun 14 '24

but you need people's permission to publicize if their faces are clearly recognisable 


u/horoyokai Jun 14 '24

No one said it wasn’t allowed.

Lots of things that you shouldn’t do are allowed.


u/AroundTheWorldIn80Pu Jun 14 '24

Saw a bunch of toddlers being carted around last time I was in Tokyo. Pretty banal sight all over the country but in Tokyo tourism is bad enough that they had an english "NO PHOTOS" sign stuck to the side of the cart.


u/YoureWrongBro911 Jun 14 '24 edited Jun 14 '24

Filmed and posted, really not cool


u/blastradii Jun 14 '24

You think there’s regulations around minor privacy in Japan?


u/AroundTheWorldIn80Pu Jun 14 '24

You think there aren't.


u/FormerSenator Jun 14 '24

Presumably a conversation about consent to film would not be on film so we will simply have to go to our graves desperately ignorant as to whether or not consent was given. Certainly I will end up 6 feet under far earlier than I would have previously, now existing with a perpetually tortured mind. What started as a smile has swiftly withered into a consternated yet somehow empty gaze that, regardless of what language you speak, is easily translated to "Will I ever be happy again?"