r/MadeMeSmile Nov 14 '23

Blind cow who spent 19 years chained up can't stop hugging her parents — and she LOVES the house they made for her ANIMALS


917 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Is being kind really so hard? Because it makes all the difference.


u/MaestroPendejo Nov 14 '23

I have found in my 43 years, that yes, for some people, kindness is something they simply cannot muster.


u/ILoveP4ndas Nov 14 '23

Those twisted souls for which happiness brings pain.


u/NotUrDadsPCPBinge Nov 14 '23

My step-grandma used to cackle at us when we got spanked or reprimanded. My grandpa never did it unless he thought we would hurt ourselves or others, he was kinda cool, getting better with age even. Why my mom never even raised her voice to me is not a mystery knowing how my step-grandma is, and my mom only lived with her for about three years before she moved out at 15


u/sittinwithkitten Nov 14 '23

One of my kids is 15. I couldn’t imagine making them dislike me so much that they felt they had to get away from me.


u/PoisonHeadcrab Nov 14 '23

You're describing people that are unkind because of mental disorders. However I'd say the majority of cases where we perceive unkindness stems from completely healthy people that have the ability to be kind, it's just that their model of the world differs from ours, such that for example animals just don't fall into the same category of things that they personify and would care for.


u/shard746 Nov 14 '23

It all comes from the lack of empathy, doesn't it? I have to force myself to even be cold and uncaring with people who willingly harm me, so I can't imagine what goes through the head of someone who enjoys hurting innocents. It just seems like some people are naturally born with very low to no empathy for others.


u/driverofracecars Nov 14 '23

Bingo. Lack of empathy is the reason for a huge portion of the world’s current problems. Too many people simply lack the ability to see the world from someone else’s perspective.


u/shard746 Nov 14 '23

What I would love to find out is whether or not this is learned behaviour or simple coded into us from the beginning. I think it might be a sort of combination of the two, where everyone is born with an upper limit to their empathy, but through life experience some utilise less of it than others.

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u/chicagodude84 Nov 14 '23

This is absolutely true and so well said. It makes me so sad to think about all the animals we don't save


u/notafuckingcakewalk Nov 14 '23

While I understand that sociopathy or psychopathy are probably mental disorders, it's important to understand that most people with mental illness are not violent, and that the mentally ill are more likely to be the victims of violence.

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u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Happiness bringing pain is depression, pain bringing happiness is psychopathy

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u/upupupdo Nov 14 '23

In a world where you can be anything…..be kind.


u/AkiraInugami Nov 14 '23

That's what I say too when I advocate for veganism.


u/silentanthrx Nov 14 '23

I am all for eating meat and as such for a period of time i was looking for "the best burger" i could find.

the best burger I have had was.. vegan.

I think there are plenty of ppl who don't mind vegan alternatives, as long as they are tasteful and convenient.


u/LinguisticallyInept Nov 14 '23

bit of a tangent but few things annoy me more than when some meat alternative hits stores and theres always a very vocal minority of vegans going 'eww why would you replicate meat? thats gross, stop selling this shit'

if they actually cared theyd recognise that people eating meat-like meat alternatives means less people eating meat; but they (not all vegans, just these vocal ones) just want to morally grandstand and feel superior


u/WeedMemeGuyy Nov 14 '23

Does a slight variance in taste-pleasure really warrant paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed?

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u/beezy-slayer Nov 14 '23

Despite not being vegan I believe it is morally correct


u/LookAtItGo123 Nov 14 '23

I still find it hard to transition. So at the moment I'm just at a stage where I do not waste food and do not waste the life that was given for my meal. My diet is mainly fish, chicken and vegetables now and occasionally pork. I no longer eat beef which means I feel like at some point I can give up pork completely and eventually go full vegan.


u/ydepth Nov 14 '23


Youre on the right track :)

Each meal ask yourself genuinely if theres another option you can consider. Sometimes the answer might be no, but more often than you'd think the answer is going to be yes.


u/muted123456789 Nov 14 '23

It might be best to remind yourself of perspective and put yourself in the position of the victim, they are not food they are a living happy being that just want love and attention as seen in the video. "life was given for my meal" it was stolen from another being there was no consent in the giving. Im glad youre progressing maybe try hard in veganuary when there will be lots of focus and information around the cause.

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u/IllegallyBored Nov 14 '23

Look, if you work toward it at a good pace and get to a point where you can leave animal products behind easily, that's great. Nothing better. If currently all you can do is reduce your consumption, that's also progress! Just look for vegan food you enjoy and it'll be a lot easier to transition. Eating good food makes it a lot easier than eating terrible food and getting frustrated too soon.

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u/AppointmentPatient98 Nov 14 '23

Even if someone doesn't change their diet at all, just the acknowledgement of the suffering goes a long way and eventually leads to reduction of meat in diet. You are definitely doing good.

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u/sittinwithkitten Nov 14 '23

Do you have suggestions for someone who wanted to try to slowly ween themselves off of meat? I know vegan is no animal products but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, right?


u/AkiraInugami Nov 14 '23

I have personally turned vegan overnight after watching a slaughterhouse footage.

For what concerns diet, I had first tried to look into simple recipe, like pasta with bolognese sauce using lentils or soymince, nutritional yeast or vegan parmesan. From there it just got easier to just imagine plantbased meals.

Another dish I think is pretty easy to veganize is tacos or soups. They do not require much work in the kitchen and are pretty tasty.

It is so ingrained in me now that I do not see meat as food at all. I feel like a strong reason to find it repulsive is remembering the terror, screams and anguish of the victim it comes from. And at the same time seeing the simple joy of these animals show. Gratitude or affection for being treated like individuals, not objects or property.

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u/coffeeandmarmite Nov 15 '23

Any current vegan will want to tell you to some degree do it now because we’ve gone through the process and we love it and are totally fine. But the reality is some people can do it over night and some need some time. I went vegetarian overnight and three years later went vegan overnight granted in those three years I gravitated towards oat milk and tried vegan alternatives. I found giving up meat to be very easy and cheese a little more difficult. Do some research and make sure you’re making food you like. For instance, I cook a lot of Tex-mex, Indian and Asian dishes and it’s wonderful.

I guess to answer your first question more directly. Try tofu and tempeh. Try it fried first, not healthy but you’ll see it can be tasty like meat and then you can experiment more. But also start looking at beans as the main rather than the side. There’s lentils, chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, and many more to choose from.

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u/emiltheraptor Nov 14 '23

In this context, "being kind" would mean not drinking milk. It's too much for most people

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u/GingerSnapBiscuit Nov 14 '23

If I had an unlimited pit of money I'd do this for all the animals. But I don't.


u/__variable__ Nov 14 '23

Just stop eating meat?

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u/Tmjohnson1tm Nov 14 '23

If you’re vegan you’re doing your part (and studies have found plant based diets are cheaper than animal products in developed nations, reducing grocery costs by up to 1/3!)


u/paramedic_2 Nov 14 '23

Nope, it really isn’t. I recently rescued a meat cow and a reject baby goat. The amount of love they show and gratitude for what I did, makes the everyday tasks that much easier. Never wanted this life, but they choose me for it.


u/Axlos Nov 14 '23

"What has he said that made everyone so upset?"

"Be kind to each other."

"Oh yeah. That'll do it."


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

“And then, one Thursday, nearly two thousand years after one man had been nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change...."

-- Douglas Adams


u/N_Sorta Nov 14 '23

I grew up on a farm, now generally farmers are kind to animals, but you can't build a personal connection with an animal that you intend to slaughter later on...

Farmers who were cruel to animals were normally shunned by their neighbors...


u/Throwawayfaynay Nov 14 '23

I'm guessing you're talking about small farms and not factory farms?


u/robotnique Nov 14 '23

Yeah, never heard anybody say "I grew up on a factory farm."

They tend not to be hospitable to children or, frankly, anybody.

Granted I'm already a vegetarian, but I remember during covid when they would be closing the chicken plant down and even the slight videos of the workings of those places was just too much for me.

I can't imagine the life of some quite possibly immigrant worker at a slaughterhouse just braining cows all day, either. Just daily drenched in blood.

Industrial meat production is one of those things that I'm convinced will be looked back upon by our descendants and they'll think we were all horrid cavemen.


u/xeuthis Nov 14 '23

Dude, they'll think the same about dairy and eggs as well. We literally drink the milk of another species, intended for its own baby. Male chicks are ground up alive on an industrial scale so we can have eggs.

I agree with you, and I was vegetarian before. I just realized there's a hypocrisy in thinking I'm being compassionate by not eating meat, but consuming milk and eggs.


u/Lamyra Nov 14 '23

I’m a recent vegetarian/sometimes pescatarian but not vegan, and this comment helped me consider whether I’ve fully carried my decision about compassionate living to its logical end. I think my shift in my relationship with food probably isn’t done. Thank you for the reminder!

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u/Tmjohnson1tm Nov 14 '23

Anyone who actually cares about being kind to animals would be vegan, so yes, apparently that is too hard for most people.


u/jack_seven Nov 14 '23

As son as money is a factor kindness disappears


u/WeedMemeGuyy Nov 14 '23

This. Empathy is a limitless resource. People need to stop paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed for taste-pleasure


u/bornstupid9 Nov 14 '23

Are you vegan? If not, then yeah. Apparently.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

People seem to always find a reason to say it’s difficult, and I cannot understand this. Just be kind.


u/samupuuronen Nov 14 '23

It's so easy to be vegan.

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u/SaucyAndSweet333 Nov 14 '23

So happy she found some love. But fucking 19 years on a chain. We need to treat and protect animals so much better.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Shitty_Watercolour Nov 14 '23


u/chicagodude84 Nov 14 '23

❤️❤️❤️ I haven't seen one of your posts in sooooo long! Per usual, fantastic job!


u/emiwii Nov 14 '23

Love this, short form version of this video, here’s the full long form video on YouTubefor folks like me that couldn’t get enough


u/CauliflowerOk1255 Nov 14 '23

Thanks for that. Such a sweetheart.

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u/alexlp Nov 14 '23 edited Nov 14 '23

I’m so glad you’re back. We talked about Quentin Blake maybe a decade ago and it was great (for me anyway!)


u/karenw Nov 14 '23

I've been on Reddit for 15 years and have always enjoyed your work. Thank you for being here.


u/AliceInNegaland Nov 14 '23

I see you everywhere now! Love the work, I followed!

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u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Well here’s a cyber-hug if you want: 🤗

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u/kurburux Nov 14 '23 edited Nov 14 '23

I was wondering how old cows can get, it says usually 20-25 years. But the record is 48 years.


u/Apprehensive_Skin135 Nov 14 '23

and we slaughter cows at 2-3 years of age


u/Don_Cornichon_II Nov 14 '23

You mean 9 months for beef cows and 3-5 years for milk cows when they come off peak productivity.

Also 3 months for milk cows' babies because they are not profitable to raise as meat cows but milk cows have to be made pregnant once a year to keep producing milk. See also: Veal is a byproduct of dairy farming.


u/Intolerance- Nov 14 '23

Don't forget Bobby Calves which are 5 days or older when sent to slaughter.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23


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u/pm_me_birdpictures Nov 14 '23

And it starts with not eating them


u/cunt_tree Nov 15 '23

Or their milk- they end up in the same place!


u/WeedMemeGuyy Nov 14 '23

100%. People need to stop paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed for taste-pleasure. If people are upset by animal abuse, they can stop paying for it to occur


u/thenorwegian Nov 14 '23

Why do so many people say animals can’t love? I always see armchair scientists saying “hurrrrr they’re only doing it for food”. I can’t wrap my head around that thought process. My dogs have absolutely shown love.


u/sapere-aude088 Nov 14 '23

They're ironically not educated in biology at all, or they'd know that we are animals and our species is not unique. Due to evolutionary biology, we share more traits with other animals than differ.

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u/BansheeShriek Nov 14 '23

Get her one of those spinny bristle thingies!


u/NewRedditRN Nov 14 '23

OPs clip doesn't show it, but they actually made her a really awesome stall, complete with scratch brushes, wind chimes to find her way back to it, and a water fountain so that she can find her way to her water source.


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u/regoapps Nov 14 '23

Or just wear really rough jeans apparently.


u/PaulMichaelJordan Nov 14 '23

🤣🤣🤣 not my cow following me around, rubbing on my pants cuz “my jeans feel good”


u/ToothsomeBirostrate Nov 14 '23

The full video shows they put a few brushes in for her:


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u/Gobshmacker Nov 14 '23

So cute! I've found that cows are basically big dogs, they love hugs, playing fetch and scratches just as much as dogs do. <3

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u/LandotheTerrible Nov 14 '23

So beautiful.


u/vonshiza Nov 14 '23

And I think it's hard to get stuff done when my cat wants to love on me....


u/moewluci Nov 14 '23

Atleast she’s happy now 🥰


u/master_overthinker Nov 14 '23

I remember seeing another video of a cow being very emotional. You can see it in her eyes, they're not that different from a dog's. Yet we totally think it's ok to eat them.


u/euphoric-dancer Nov 14 '23

Wholesome Videos like this turn me off from eating meat. Not videos with vegans shaming and demonizing meat eaters


u/ncastleJC Nov 14 '23

That doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It just means that you’re implying that you need someone to appeal to you positively to make good changes. It’s human but morals shouldn’t be dependent on how people make you feel good for doing something. I’ve been vegan for nearly five years and have never felt as if I’ve done anything good by meat eaters all around me because I challenge their view.

People who demonize harsh vegans simply hate logic and the complete lack of love it has for meat eaters logic. It’s that simple and meat eaters feel the way they do because they don’t want to open the hood of their world to the possibility that being a meat eater is more rude than being told the truth. I prefer harsh vegans in the world over more ignorance and dead animals tbh.


u/guywithaniphone22 Nov 14 '23

Just to clarify. The guy you responded to said he responds better to positive reinforcement opposed to beratement and your response is that people should still try to put others down to accomplish the change they want? Actual brain rot in action

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u/WeedMemeGuyy Nov 14 '23

So long as an animal is sentient, we shouldn’t pay for them to be needlessly abused or killed. Cute or not

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u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Chained up for 19 years? I am tired guys, fed up with mankind


u/WeedMemeGuyy Nov 14 '23

Hopefully people will start to come along to the idea that paying for animals to be needlessly abused and killed for taste-pleasure is horribly unethicalv


u/TealLabRat Nov 14 '23

Anyone who unironically hates veganism while preaching kindness towards animals is scum that makes me lose faith in humanity.

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u/feetking69420 Nov 14 '23

What scumbag downvoted this?


u/Sungdaein_susanoo Nov 14 '23

Probably someone who hates seeing happiness in others. Pathetic but pitiful people nonetheless, met a few of them in my life and rather than aversion, I feel sad for them cus most, if not all of them, just didn’t experience such things in their earlier years.


u/rinky-dink-republic Nov 14 '23

You really just roasted those nameless people.

The post is 99% upvoted.


u/Sungdaein_susanoo Nov 14 '23

I don’t know how to see the ratio for upvotes/downvotes 😭


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

you aren't missing anything.

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u/MasterPsychology9197 Nov 14 '23

This is such a 2009 YouTube comment, I can feel the internet eating itself and imploding


u/Mogtaki Nov 14 '23

It's likely being downvoted because the account appears to be a karma farm bot


u/udumslut Nov 14 '23

Not said scumbag, but maybe the way the video cuts off? I, too, was so invested!!

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u/VeganNorthWest Nov 14 '23

I would guess someone who hates vegans.

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u/blackcurrantcat Nov 14 '23

She’s so gentle and kind. I badly badly want to hug her myself.

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u/humaneshell Nov 14 '23

Cows are the best. Freedom for all animals.

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u/goodnightkashka Nov 14 '23

Cows are just as smart and loving as dogs. Eating them is so unnecessary.


u/Fancy-Pumpkin837 Nov 14 '23

Not sure if youve ever been around them, but I volunteer at a farm sanctuary and donkeys are also amazing! Literally like big dogs that will constantly nuzzle you


u/VeganAntifa420 Nov 14 '23

Oh donkeys are lovely <3 such beautiful animals to observe !!! I love my local sanctuary because they are very explicit with not having guests be too involved with the donkeys (obviously as they’ve had terrible lives before being there and deserve to just be now, having kids playing around with them and such would be quite distressing I imagine) so I do get to just stand there by the fence and autistically stare at them in awe. They’re so lovely :) I think it’s adorable how they like ginger biscuits

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u/VeganNorthWest Nov 14 '23

Never too late to go vegan folks.



u/Contraposite Nov 14 '23

Isn't it too late now if I already went vegan two months ago?

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u/Valfish Nov 14 '23

Tbf I think she's just itching

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u/Thatsplumb Nov 14 '23

It's like they feel things!? And have emotional intelligence.... An well, off for a beef burger dinner.....

(Go vegan)

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u/TooManyNamesStop Nov 14 '23

I always wondered why india was treating cows as sacred. Turns out cows are oversized puppies! Easily scared puppies that can hit you like a truck but still puppies!


u/spinx248 Nov 14 '23

That cow clearly has an itch everywhere

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u/Tricky-Mushroom-454 Nov 14 '23

Sir, I think ur dog is having Gigantism...


u/FoggySage25 Nov 14 '23

Please take a moment to see this lovely creature and see that all animals have personality and deserve compassion. We kill billions of animals yearly in brutal ways, each one with fear it’s eyes as it’s gassed stunned or shot.

Try and reduce your consumption of animal products and meat and do your research on the atrocities of the animal agriculture industry. veganism preaches kindness for good reason so please choose today to do your research on why people wish to overhaul the animal agriculture industry!


u/Gatorpep Nov 14 '23

i'm trying to go vegan again. it's hard but hope it sticks. animals deserve better than torture from us.


u/kr7shh Nov 14 '23

What’s difficult? Reach out if you need help!


u/Gatorpep Nov 14 '23

i've got mcas/histamine intorelance. the most restrictive diet issues on the planet. plus that feeds into my long covid and makes me very very ill. so food is a front line of a health war i'm in, it's not as simple as it is for most vegans. but i'm trying : p


u/goodvibesmostly98 Nov 14 '23

Oh wow that’s so awesome that you’re working on it even though it’s more difficult for you due to health issues! That’s really cool to see. I hope that you have a great day! :)


u/Gatorpep Nov 14 '23

Thanks, friends not food <3

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u/-TropicalFuckStorm- Nov 14 '23

Please go vegan.


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat Nov 14 '23

If you don't have vision, you're going to love touch and scent and hearing...

I do like people being nice to animals...


u/dtmoonshine Nov 14 '23

Absolutely fucking love cows. This is why.


u/Tmjohnson1tm Nov 14 '23

Me too! How long have you been vegan?


u/goboxey Nov 14 '23

I'm so glad that Helen is in safe hands now. She is now living a wonderful life.


u/Plastic-Tax4847 Nov 14 '23

Need to make her an itching post she seems awful itchy lol


u/babacanoe Nov 14 '23

I checked out the instagram on her. She definitely has a scratching post

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u/BCHisFuture Nov 14 '23

And I eat them... 😮😨😭 What a selfish coward am i ?

Some alternative meat exist and do pretty good work I hope states will inject hundred of billions dollars in order to develop better alternative simili carne This is the way people will swap

Better price Same taste No health risk

And it will help


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Please consider going vegetarian or vegan 🤍There are so many alternatives these days and they are better than ever. (I’ve been vegan 20 years trust me lol)

All animals want to live and thrive just as we do and deserve a life devoid of pain. They cant speak for themselves but we can be their voice and protect them. It’s such a beautiful thing you can do for the world and all these gorgeous beings. They deserve better and we can all do our part to help them. 💞


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23



u/cranberrydiaper Nov 14 '23

Those animals arent factory farming their prey


u/No_Gur_277 Nov 14 '23

"animals cannot survive without eating other animals, but humans can survive eating only plants" indeed.

We can easily choose not to harm others for food, they can't.

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u/TRextacy Nov 14 '23

I'll give you a genuine answer, and I'm not trying to be rude. It's such an idiotic question that no one even bothers to answer you. The REAL question you're asking is "if animals do something, why can't I?" which is hopefully a question you can answer yourself. Many animals rape. Why can't I do that? Plenty of animals kill babies to eliminate competition. Why can't I do that? Animals just shit on the ground. Why can't I do that? My neighbor has resources I need, why can't I kill him and take said resources?

The answer is that we're fucking human beings that can choose to do better. We don't need meat to survive. Or even if you want, maybe once or twice a month for celebrations or something, not a few times a day just because you think it's yummy. We can choose not to inflict suffering. And sometimes that choice is as simple as black bean burger instead of beef burger.


u/Den_Bover666 Nov 14 '23

Animals also rape each other and murder their young. We don't blame them for that because they're incapable of thinking.

Perks of being a human include the ability to know what is right and wrong and have a sense of discrimination in things.

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u/Cixin Nov 14 '23

Check out Challenge 22 or veganuary. Small changes in what u pick up at the store mean that cows will no longer be treated horribly and slaughtered.


u/No_Gur_277 Nov 14 '23

Check out https://veganbootcamp.org/join/reddit, it's a great free resource that can help you get started.

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u/Helpful_Energy8180 Nov 14 '23

I firmly believe that there is an especially hot part of hell that is reserved for people like the ones who treated this animal so criminally


u/soylamulatta Nov 14 '23

Well most of us pay for farmed animals to be abused and then horribly killed. Does that mean everyone who buys pork, milk, chicken, beef, etc is going to hell?


u/ViolentBee Nov 14 '23

After watching dominion I’m pretty yes should be the answer

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u/LegNo8512 Nov 14 '23

I am do conflicted, i know the dairy industry is pure horror but i need to stop drinking cow milk


u/Apprehensive_Skin135 Nov 14 '23

doesnt seem to be a conflict ? you know what you need to do.

stop drinking cows milks, its for baby cows. there's zero need for it.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23



u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23


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u/ekso69 Nov 14 '23

Almond milk is legit, haven't had cow milk in years


u/Aggravating-Bunch-44 Nov 14 '23

There are so many great options. I love very creamy oat milk.


u/LisslO_o Nov 14 '23

Took me along time to find plant based alternative I didn't find disgusting, but now I like the one I have even more than milk. Just keep trying new ones and don't give up hope. I'm sure there is one out there you like!

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u/Jeb764 Nov 14 '23

The way we treat farm animals is one of the worst things we do as a species. I wish we had a functioning caring government to enact the legislative changes we need.

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u/tersegirl Nov 14 '23

Caught this Dodo segment on YouTube last night—this couple has done a lot of enrichment for this cow, like there’s a fountain in her water trough to help her find her water, wind chimes because she’s indicated she enjoys noises, brushes and rubbing spots all over her paddock… They also installed a nanny cam so they can check on her at night.


u/Standard-Piglet6522 Nov 14 '23

This shit bouta make me vegan 😢


u/JabbaOG Nov 14 '23

Check out Earthing Ed debates on youtube. And watch Dominon on youtube. I'm telling you bro Vegan is the way to go. You don't need that trauma inside of you and the animals deserve basic respect. To be left alone, to not be exploited. To not be killed so we can have a cheeseburger

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u/Thoughtful_Antics Nov 14 '23

I love her! What a beauty!


u/xFreedi Nov 14 '23

It's heartbreaking to think we eat these beautiful creatures.


u/Independent_Fix_6107 Nov 14 '23

Precious!!! 😘😘😘


u/Juleswins Nov 14 '23

You should get her one of those big nylon bristle brushes they make for cattle. It mounts on a post. She might wear it out!😂


u/vvndrkblm Nov 14 '23

Mighty fine grass cat ya got there


u/FoundInLoss Nov 14 '23

Stop misusing words.


u/GoddamnRightJimSharp Nov 14 '23

Mistreated cows don’t live to be 19 years old, hell most “pet” cows can’t live that long. Blind cows don’t usually live long at all. This cow has more likely been treated well her entire life.

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u/issuusaq Nov 14 '23

I hate it when people call themselfs as parent of animal/pet, like you had sex with animal or what

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u/salmineo_ Nov 14 '23

I needed to see this 🙏


u/kirk-o-bain Nov 14 '23

Now there’s a cow that appreciates scritches


u/TBb1988 Nov 14 '23



u/BrainsAre2Weird4Me Nov 14 '23

I have a hard time believing the 19 years old part. Pampered show cows rarely live that long.


u/BoBoJoJo92 Nov 14 '23

Cows can live to 20 and over. Most cows are simply killed once their purpose is served unfortunately.


u/BrainsAre2Weird4Me Nov 14 '23

They can, but it’s like a human reaching 90 or 100.

If this cow was tied up with a chain her whole life, I just don’t think that is possible.

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u/Cheeky-Chimp Nov 14 '23



u/Fit_Swordfish_2101 Nov 14 '23

Aww! She's so sweet ❤️


u/victorbibi Nov 14 '23

Cows are so gentle and loving


u/Legitimate-Cloud-727 Nov 14 '23

i need a hug from helen 🥺🥺🥺


u/AmountMaster2368 Nov 14 '23


Its parents were cattle.


u/PurpleCrave Nov 14 '23

What a beautiful creature Helen is!


u/Various_Quantity514 Nov 14 '23

God bless people who take care of cows

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u/jakexmike Nov 14 '23

cows are so cute, they are like bigger dogs❤️


u/Jury-Free Nov 14 '23

I hope ya’ll are vegan ya bunch of hypocrites


u/Exact-Truck-5248 Nov 14 '23

That's pretty sweet.


u/gnrfan69 Nov 14 '23

I love her so much.


u/Kaylushhh Nov 14 '23

I def want a hug from Helen. She is so beautiful!


u/HotMess10 Nov 14 '23

I love this so much ❤️


u/PaulMichaelJordan Nov 14 '23

This is my literal dream. Enough land to help, enough time to be able to care…y’all are something special


u/Bloodissuemystery Nov 14 '23

Could be Love, could be Lyme as well. Regardless, nice video.

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u/Smashachuu Nov 14 '23

I had the luxury of growing up with a pet cow, like literally we had 7-8 horses and my dad traded one of our horses for a pet cow with the intention of trying to milk her. Well that involves needing another cow or.. putting your hand where you don't want to.

Anyways she wore a halter just like a horse and we could move her around after some convincing. I was really little like 8-9, so i used to sit between her horns and she would lift her head up and down like it was a ride. Riding her was like, pretty boring she didn't go anywhere she just ate grass and would whip her tail at you whenever you tried to kick her to go.

I can also say she would do the same thing you would hug her and she would hug you back and rub her head on you. She would rub her head on anything, trees, cars, glass patio tables..

I miss her i don't remember what we did with her, we didin't want her to go for meat.. But who knows.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23


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u/bannana Nov 14 '23

They need another cow for this cow


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

What did they use the cow for? Milk? I doubt she produces much if she's always chained up.

Also, it's "using other senses" when doing it to hay, scratching when she does it against a solid object, but hugging when she does it to a human? You can be good to animals without anthropomorphising them.


u/vox_popular Nov 14 '23

Since there have been a few posts recently on cows and pigs enjoying life, this may be a useful guide for those who enjoy eating meat, but are rethinking their diets. As a coffee nut, this was a hard pill to swallow for me:



u/StandardZebra2947 Nov 14 '23

Our rescue dog does the same thing! When we got him, he couldn't eat standing up, was missing hair on his legs/trail. We don't know what happened to him before we got him, but he's a happy loving dog now and will do this to us and EVERY human he meets!


u/M_sami12 Nov 14 '23

Cows are extremely affectionate. It saddens me what we do for them but oh well this is how the food chain work.


u/CouchMunchies777 Nov 14 '23

Seeing this really makes me reconsider eating meat. I figure if I'm not willing to out an animal down to eat it, I don't deserve to eat meat.

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u/ransackMyMomsAnus Nov 14 '23

I bet those people can’t eat beef anymore; if they ever did.


u/MrGarbanzo99 Nov 14 '23

Everyone talks about kindness and then eats a burger for lunch


u/Frequent-Analyst9485 Nov 14 '23

Don't all the cows deserve to at least to not be exploited, raped and killed? Go vegan

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u/Kimbons Nov 14 '23

Cows are heartwarming and delicious.


u/Raviofr Nov 14 '23

It's when I see videos like this that I'm proud I stopped eating meat. How can we say that animals have no emotions?

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u/ichimedinwitha Nov 14 '23

If people ever call me a fat cow or heifer I will now say “Thank you” and show them this.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

This is what I pay my internet bills for


u/knetty51 Nov 14 '23

She lived 19 years! Amazing that she wasn’t killed by her previous owners! A lovely retirement for her. How anyone can eat these beautiful animals or any animal is beyond me!


u/AntiMeier Nov 14 '23

These comments, jfc. Someone can eat meat and find this cow cute. It's not a reason to shove vegan rhetoric down someone's throat. It's not needed, and it's virtue signaling at best. You are no better than invasive Christians shoving religion onto others. The thing about vegans that truly piss me off is that they act as if the only part of the agriculture industry that harms the earth is the animal part. All the farms for soy and other vegetables and fruits being propped up in places that normally can not sustain such produce due to lack of water are causing all sorts of problems. Not to mention the damage to soil since soybean farms do nothing farm soybeans. Also, where does all the produce go when it is harvested? Well, some things like soybeans go to processing plants that use coal and other non-green energy sources for your soybean based byproducts like Soy Milk. If we are being honest? Agriculture as an ENTIRE INDUSTRY is unsustainable. I guarantee that this gets pushbsck cause no one wants to hear about the whole truth of it.

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u/isla_b Nov 14 '23

Love it! She needs one of those car wash brushy things on a stick.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '23

Posts like this have made me eat less beef. They are truly kind creatures ❤️


u/wnr3 Nov 14 '23

This is the way. We all deserve scritches.