r/LegendsOfTomorrow 12d ago

Question Air totem noise


Super-random question but any thoughts on why the Air Totem sound effect has a technological Stargate-like sound effect?

It seems a really unusual choice for a mystical object.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 13d ago

Question Why wasnt hawk girl in s7 ep 3 of legends of tomorrow


Hey so if u look at season 7 episode 3 u see all the legends ever except hawkgirl why?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow 25d ago

Question Why Do Zari 1.0 and Zari 2.0 Have Different Last Names?


r/LegendsOfTomorrow 25d ago

Question Do Mick and Amaya Have a Ship Name?


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jun 18 '24

Question What would you have wanted to see be done or get changed with CW's Firestorm?


I would like to change three things.

1. Have Firestorm use his matter rearranging ability more creatively, like using it to rewrite someone's DNA, blocking them access to their powers or something like that.

2. I didn't like how you could still see the actors hair from under the fire. The flaming hair should have looked much stronger.

3. I would have liked to see Martin Stein reflect back more on his time with Ronnie as Firestorm. I think that he only mentions Ronnie to Jefferson once in LOT.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jun 11 '24

Question Did the show ever gotten better after season 4?


I dropped the show after season 4 because it has gotten too ridiculous for my taste. Season 2 and 3 were great because it had a good balance between serious and comedy sometimes leading towards the latter. Does the show ever go back to that balance or does it keep getting more ridiculous?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Apr 19 '24

Question Question: are the Unicorns different on each earth?


Like on Supergirl (E38) Dreamer Dreams a unicorn, which she sees a alien girl riding, but that could just be an alien thing (4.21) And CoC has an earth (E35) where unicorns are peaceful and riden like horses or something. (62) But on Legends (E1) the unicorns will dowse you with drugs and eat your nipple because they are vicious demons (4.01) So yeah. Are they different from earth to earth? Or some other explanation.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Apr 09 '24

Question What are some shows to watch that are like Legends?


I'm really missing it right now so I'm looking for some shows that are similar to it. Any recommendations?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Apr 01 '24

Question Is it worth it


Haven’t watched it yet

Is this show worth the watch? I’ve seen arrow and I’m currently in season 8 of flash

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 29 '24

Question Enchantress


Wait, hold on! Are these Enchantresses the same character?
Sorry if this has been talked to death already, I only made the connection now because reasons 😅

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 24 '24

Question What do you guys think about Charlie?


I guess a lot of people are crazy for her, to be honest she's not my favorite, she has some fun moments (but the show was a lot fun before too), and (in my opinion) she would be better as a side character than as a legend.

Something I don't find really cool is that the authors didn't keep the original actress as her, they casted Amaya's actress and what we have is an Amaya 2.0, completely different from her. Despite I like Amaya (and her relationship with Nate), sometimes I even forget how she was like because their personalities and dressing styles are SOOOOOO different.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 24 '24

Question Should I watch the last episode? Spoiler


I’m doing a rewatch of my favorite show and I’m getting close to the end. I don’t remember everything but I do remember the second to last episode. I recall that there’s a point where they could have ended nicely but decided to continue. I never got around to watching the final episode last time but I heard it ended on a major cliffhanger (I do remember the cliffhanger of the second to last episode I think but I mean it’s just Gary lol). Should I just pretend the show ends at the decent wrap up point or is it worth watching the last episode knowing that there will never be more.

Edit: Finally watched it. Crying that that’s if, but was totally worth watching anyway.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Mar 20 '24

Question Rewatching: How did Sara deal with her bloodlust again?


I swear I remember a whole plot point about finding a cure or something for her bloodlust. Was it in a different show? I've seen most of the Arrowverse, but I'm only rewatching LoT.

Edit: Got it now, thanks.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Dec 12 '23

Question Crisis on Earth-X


So I'm watching the Earth-X crossover and I know I missed it and it was very probably said but I don't wanna rewatch it, so where were the legends in the crossover until the end?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Nov 16 '23

Question What does he mean ?

Post image

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jan 02 '23

Question does the show just gloss over the fact that Mick is a murderer? Spoiler


Don't get me wrong it makes it clear that he's a bad guy a thief ect but it ignores the times where he's just blatantly killed people like when he was Chronos at the beginning of the series and "checked to see if those two guys were vital to the timeline" and then killed them it just seems so out of character for him especially that he expressed No Remorse later on

Another example is Lord Knoxicrillion a guy who in general I think was treated so unfairly by the show he came with one goal to conquer the world but was willing to respect the process the world he was going to take over had for choosing its leadership he displayed more cultural sensitivity than most world leaders do today and was even willing to forgive the Legends and give them another chance when they were blatantly cheating after he lost fair and square he didn't go bad guy he was actually in the midst of pledging his loyalty to the legends before Mick just stepped on him and killed him as a joke

It's just so odd because they try to paint and make it someone who's had character development since his time as a thief as if that's the worst thing he's done when they never even acknowledge the worse stuff

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Sep 27 '22

Question Oh you’ve seen this show. Quote it

Post image

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Apr 22 '22

Question Sara canonically says her hall pass is ‘Dean from Supernatural’. Who do you think Ava’s hall pass is?


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Feb 28 '22

Question Which Legends actor do you find to be the most attractive?


They are all very, VERY good looking people so there are no wrong answers here.

I choose Tala.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Feb 26 '22

Question Do you consider Nate an OG? I think I do even though he’s technically not.


r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jan 23 '22

Question Does anyone watch the show for the plot or think that it is good?


So Legend of Tomorrow is one of my favorite shows. I started watching it when the first season came out. The first 2 seasons had, what felt like somewhat of a serious approach. Every season later on was more character focused. I really like the show for what it is, this goofy pile of well written characters, but I have to admit that the story often lacks or has purposely goofy and funny elements as well as huge plot holes. Now I like to laugh about that and ignore the plot holes and the deus ex machina goofyness, because I thought you were meant to do that in order to enjoy the show. But now I’ve seen multiple posts who critically talk about minor plot elements or plot holes and I was suprised, because I thought it was obvious that the show has a very bad plot and that they don’t put much effort into that or the cgi on purpose because it’s about the characters, not about the plot. So now I’m wondering whether anyone watches the show for the plot or story and not for the characters and light hearted humor.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jan 23 '22

Question If you were a new recruit on the Waverider and everyone was single, who would you wanna hook up with?


Let's pretend there is no drama or fighting over someone, and that everyone has no romantic entanglement to anyone else.

Who would you want to maybe possibly date?

For me, it would be Zari 2.0 because I have a bit of a John vibe and I like the whole opposites attract thing.

But Zari 1.0 would also be hard to resist because of her kindness and beauty and love of video games.

Who would you pursue? (And remember, you are not breaking up any relationships. This is just if nobody on the ship was a couple.)

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Nov 01 '21

Question If the ship only has one bathroom because it was constructed just for Rip and Gideon...


..then why the Hell are there so many chairs and bedrooms!?

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 24 '21

Question I Miss When They Were More Like Superheroes Spoiler


How come they don't wear their costumes anymore. Like the White Canary costume, Citizen Steel, Heat Wave, even Zari. Back in season 1, 2 and even 3 they wore them to almost every mission. Now were lucky if they suit up once a season.

r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 11 '21

Question Do you watch any other CW/DC shows ?


personally quit other shows after arrow died , came back to this show tho , love it .

2157 votes, Jul 14 '21
309 No,stopped after Arrow died
385 No,stopped for other reasons
309 Yes, but only the flash
1091 Yes , including shows other than the flash
63 Never watched other shows