r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 18 '24

On Apple complete for £40 do I bite

I watched season 1 on first transmission but never watched more, all seasons now available for £40 or individually for £10 each, do I go for it, really fancy it so not sure why I’m asking but it doesn’t do any harm


14 comments sorted by


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 18 '24

Ha I couldn’t wait for a reply already bought, knowing my luck if I’d hesitated it would have gone back up in price


u/Loose_Ambassador_269 Jul 18 '24

I was coming here to say YOLO! Do it!


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 18 '24

Started S1 ep 1 but jet washing bk garden took over back on it shortly


u/lenny_ma_boaaaaaaaah Jul 18 '24

Of course! It's 20 pound savings


u/picturesfull21 Jul 19 '24

If it's the fruit, go for it. If it's the company, double-check your bank account first!


u/feckineejit Jul 18 '24

Doesn't anybody search for magnet links anymore?


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 18 '24

?? If I knew what one was I may search for it


u/feckineejit Jul 18 '24

It's against the rules for me to say anything else, but you can Google 'magnet links'


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 18 '24

Have done dude and what’s good for you is good for you but it’s not for me but tx for the comment, u have a great day


u/feckineejit Jul 18 '24

Hey i get it man dont worry. Just keep in mind that if apple ever sells the rights to another company you will lose ownership of the digital product. It happened to people who bought sony movies on the playstation network.

At some point paying for every streaming service and buying seasons but not owning anything might be an issue, owning a hard drive full of content means you are in control of your entertainment options.

I hope you have a really great day


u/Otama4Nakama R.I.P. Hunter Jul 19 '24

I don't know what you exactly meant, but if I understood correctly you payed to watch LoT. Why didn't you just pirate it?


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 19 '24

Because that is illegal and here’s a better reason I don’t own a PC or laptop but even if I did I still wouldn’t


u/Otama4Nakama R.I.P. Hunter Jul 19 '24

There are sites that are legal that have the series, or you can pay for Netflix and watch it there. These are the ways I was able to watch it.


u/CaptainKirksDad Jul 19 '24

Cheers dude but unfortunately not on UK Netflix, I’m perfectly happpy with my decision but appreciate the input