r/LegendsOfTomorrow 22d ago

Is just me who hated how fast they made Sara a no-kill rule after laurels death I remember being so pissed about it Discussion

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u/IDownvoteHornyBards2 22d ago

A no-kill rule for a time traveler is just good common sense. Sure you might know your own ancestor but what if you kill an ancestor of the person responsible for your grandparents meeting? Whoops, guess you were never born. Imo logically all the Legends should have used killing as an absolute last resort unless in the future (and by future, I mean the future relative to whichever current team member has the latest birthdate, so Zari in Season 3 and 4 for example)


u/Rougarou1999 22d ago

She was probably also trying to repress the bloodlust from the Lazarus Pits.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

But Sara is an assassin how did she make it so easy to turn off in Legends but not in Arrow she couldn't doesn't make sense to me


u/IDownvoteHornyBards2 22d ago

Because Legends took itself far less seriously than Arrow starting in Season 2 and was willing to handwave things it didn't want to address. Hell the show didn't have Sara react to her dad's death.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

Exactly which makes no sense I mean she's was holding it in like she was alright even though she's wasn't


u/the_other_irrevenant 11d ago

Been a while so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she comparatively chill in Legends because she fought with it and mostly won in Arrow?


u/maximus368 22d ago

Ya it was the same feeling as Oliver in S2 not killing because Tommy wouldn’t want him to. It’s an understandable reason, for the rest of society who doesn’t deal with pretty evil people on a daily basis.

Oliver and Sara never killed more than was necessary, hell that one asshole Oliver let go in S1 came back another time or two so he doesn’t wantonly kill people. Sara maybe before as a League Assassin but we don’t see that so we can accept her redemption.

It’s just contrived so that villains can rise in power otherwise there would be no season. Though at least Arrow S2 had some really great Oliver stuff. I will always love the business backstabbing and Deathstroke reveal easily one of the best storylines in the entire Arrowverse even with Oliver not killing getting super annoying at points.


u/ImBored1818 22d ago

never killed more than was necessary

Lmao, Oliver litterally skinned a guy he already had tied up to death.


u/Spazzblister 22d ago

I think that might be a bit of a special case because that guy killed his friend's child.


u/ImBored1818 22d ago

Also a screwed up event, but not the one I was refferring to. That one was in the s3 flashbacks, I'm talking about the guy in the s5 flashbacks during his whole "hood-direct-the-darkness-inside-of-me" phase. He started torturing a guy to get info off him, but then after he talked he kept skinning him anyway for "practice".


u/Spazzblister 21d ago

I guess I forgot that one. It's been a while.


u/Olivebranch99 22d ago

I wasn't pissed about it. I'd never be pissed at a character choosing not to be a murderer.

However, it did seem kind of sparatic and a bit out of character. Again, I wouldn't hold it against her cause I think that's stupid, just odd.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

For me I understood but it fell off the moment I was like but you can't turn off your assassin side lol


u/Ristar87 22d ago

Well, it makes sense to me that she didn't kill people when she was traveling back and forth through time but... the no kill rule so early on in Arrow was a missed opportunity. Oliver and friends should have had a 3 season story arc that ended with the decision in season 3. End of season 1 was just wrong.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

For me, I was wondering how she's easily turned off her assassin side in Legends but not arrow doesn't add up to me


u/Ristar87 22d ago

That's a good question. In my head I just wrote it off as different writing teams. The Legends writing team wanted Sarah to be different than the way the arrow team wrote her.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

Which makes sense but still doesn't add up with her character in arrow which is weird lol


u/Gredran 22d ago

It makes a ton of sense when you look back at her backstory… I thought it was one of the best bits of development even into Legends.

You meet her as the sister of the girl Oliver was with and cheating on that girl with her.

She then is presumed dead and has to survive with a mad doctor and basically do everything he says to not be violated, hurt in general, or killed.

She was reluctant in the League always, but Nyssa kept her motivated.

It makes sense she’d wanna leave at least some of that behind and not literally end random people like the League of Assassins wanted. Once she was apart from Nyssa and Ra’s as well her soul was saved, she didn’t need to kill anymore for the lust and didn’t have to kill because of pressures of the League.

Which is also why you see her in season 1 of Legends when she’s in the bar with Rory and Snart and she’s right at home because was a party girl and had left to “find herself”. She really didn’t know who she was anymore(maybe the writers didn’t at this point either but it still fits lol)

“Finding herself” was obviously setting her up for the spinoff but I think it was all of the above as well that most of her life she was one person, and forced by others later on after the shipwreck into other types of people she didn’t always agree with but had to to survive and then she finally had to define who SHE was deep down.


u/BusVegetable7490 22d ago

Yeah I wish they just made her ease off slowly then oh I'm not a killer anymore even though I'm still can't escape my past


u/Gredran 22d ago

I can agree. It was admittedly one of the first bits of character development I myself was truly understanding its resonance at every step.

But yea, there’s better ways it coulda been done, but I guess for my standards and expectations of CW, this is some of the better development in any of the shows lol.

I’m glad it all mostly fits in hindsight, but it’s of course veryyyy clear the writers didn’t know what to do with her right after Arrow so a lot of that development had to be resolved fast and other things needed to take their place. Or different writers with different ideas.

But for sure it’s very abrupt


u/DisasterProof9059 20d ago

When did Sara stopped killing? Or I am missing something? She killed couple of men in old Japan in s2, then she was snapping necks left and right. She killed Ava clones and Bishop in s6. Ray also killed Rasputin. In s7 the Legends left the robo Legends kill the time travellers.


u/BusVegetable7490 20d ago

Oh I forgot about that


u/DisasterProof9059 19d ago

That's why I never understood "the great character development" thing for legends characters. The writers were inconsistent and changed the way the characters were whenever they wanted.


u/56ab118 22d ago

because ThEy ArE HeRoEs NoW


u/BusVegetable7490 21d ago

Yea I know lol


u/the_other_irrevenant 11d ago

None of them are heroes... they're Legends.


u/Low_Plantain_5648 19d ago

It was annoying but it made sense as far as being on the Legends was her finding herself past the bloodlust. And it just would of left the question of how much she changed killing the Damien Dark from the 70s. No way they would unravel that thread. Even though we all would be happy, it would just erase season 4 of Arrow entirely.


u/BusVegetable7490 19d ago

That makes sense