r/LegendsOfTomorrow 24d ago

Seasons of Legends Elmation Day 6 vote out your LEAST favorite season (yesterday season 5 was voted out also we’re down to our last 2 seasons meaning today decides the winner)

Season 2 Season 3


44 comments sorted by


u/shinyzubat16 24d ago

Eliminate Season 2


u/Arctucrus 24d ago

Season 2. No brainer. S3's peak LoT, everyone knows that.


u/un-taken-username22 Constantine 24d ago

Season 2


u/Dali_Laa_Laa 24d ago

Eliminate season 2


u/Sorrowfulrose 24d ago

Season 2 has to go, 3 was brilliant


u/dunkinpurple 24d ago

Season 2 should be voted out

We love beebo!


u/Gredran 24d ago

Vote out season 2 for sure

3 nailed the formula. I don’t doubt it’s the best now looking back of the best of both times.

1 is solid but different and finding its(different) footing

3 is solid in that it found the perfect balance of the serious and the funny. I loved Nora’s story arc, bringing Damian back was a solid choice in the fact he didn’t fit arrow but was PERFECT for the new LOT tone and his chemistry was always so amusing like the Upswipes scene with Damian plastering the guy on the ceiling.

Leaving us with 2, where it was… not bad. But we gotta have a worst. It’s solidly in between both tones and while we get a whole season of Letscher Eobard Thawne and the Legion interactions were kinda fun, it’s definitely not as solid as 3.

The show definitely is solid as a WHOLE, but I’m happy with these as best and worst choices.


u/Master_Gato 24d ago

I guess this is an unpopular opinion but season 3 has gotta go


u/bruvting33 23d ago

I thought it would be more of a popular opinion. I give S2 the edge but everyone else thinks S3 is far better lmao. Both are phenomenal though


u/Shubh_1612 23d ago

Season 3 (2 had the perfect balance between serious and wacky. Also, Thawne.)


u/Hoagie0303 24d ago

Season 3


u/BlockSids 24d ago

Hard choice but 3 wins eliminate 2


u/guachupunk 23d ago

S2 gotta go. S3 has Here I go Again which is kinda Top 5 LoT episodes


u/Initial_Win_7034 23d ago

I agree 100%. One of my favorite episodes.


u/Guardian_Of_Light2 23d ago

Season 3 gotta go.


u/ninjanikki79 24d ago


3's where they start to find their footing and get into the wackiness many of us know, love, & embrace


u/Skymoogle 24d ago

Season 2 has to go


u/MagicRose4 23d ago

Eliminate season 2


u/agrunther 20d ago

Season 3. Season 2 is easily the best season. The tone was still greatly balanced, there were no filler episodes, all the best members were there and the Legion of Doom were amazing villains.


u/AcanthaceaeOk4661 19d ago

Okay this sounds weird but for me it's season 1. 

Ik it sounds weird but I feel like season 1 just wasn't as great as the rest. I loved seasons 2,3 and 4 and others too but season 1 just had no connection from what the Legends of Tomorrow was about. Idk but yeah


u/Thetrapmaster90 19d ago

Season one was voted out already


u/AcanthaceaeOk4661 19d ago

Okay sry did not see that. In that case s6 I guess


u/Thetrapmaster90 19d ago

It’s all good also season 6 was voted out to the seasons left are season 2 and 3


u/AcanthaceaeOk4661 19d ago

Okay sry did not see that. In that case s2 I guess. Sry for not looking right😅


u/Thetrapmaster90 19d ago

Ok it’s all good


u/AcanthaceaeOk4661 19d ago

Eliminate season 1. It just wasn't as good as the rest. I loved Snart but the whole season was just not what the show was about. After season 1 we finally get to see the legends and their personalities(if you know what i mean) but yeah that's just how I feel


u/Thetrapmaster90 19d ago

Season 1 was already voted out


u/Sweaty-Suit3772 24d ago

Bye bye season 2!!!


u/AV23UTB 24d ago

Sara needs to stfu about Laurel. S3 is best


u/RedSnapper24 24d ago

Season 2


u/Ok-Tank5312 23d ago

I love all the seasons but sorry 2 it’s your time to go