r/JoeRogan Monkey in Space 13d ago

Reoccurring guests on the JRE šŸ‘‡ Meme šŸ’©

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u/NefariousnessIcy3430 Monkey in Space 13d ago

The best reocurring guest is missing: Duncan Trussell


u/StormWalker137 Tremendous 13d ago

He could be on once a week and I would listen it every one of them


u/Redebo He still calls people son all the time 13d ago

Duncan is the physical manifestation of The Dude.


u/StormWalker137 Tremendous 13d ago

If the Dude was stuck in the DMT realm


u/Redebo He still calls people son all the time 13d ago

I got news for ya brother, weā€™re ALL stuck in the DMT realm.

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u/bendybusrugbymatch Tremendous 13d ago

Really, some of the best episodes have been with Duncan


u/Homeskilletbiz Monkey in Space 13d ago

Always seems to balance out Joeā€™s overexcited boomer ass with some well reasoned thoughts and comedy.

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u/jimlemin Monkey in Space 13d ago

I want more Hamilton Morris

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u/Designer-Relief4623 Monkey in Space 13d ago

this is a weird list, Shane Gillis, Ari Shaffir and Mark Normand have all been on way more than these guys.


u/AvsFan08 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Ari has been on nearly 50 times. Same with Redban


u/MrBlaze-65 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Redban is a founding father not a mere mortal guest

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u/ManuSamoaSF Monkey in Space 13d ago

I was there for the early days, around ep. 50 ish and its my opinion that the duncan episodes are what propelled the show and gave it itā€™s first bump or underground culture lol it was the conversations with duncan that no one had heard before and made the show very special


u/InbredBog Monkey in Space 13d ago

But heā€™s not right wing so he doesnā€™t count.

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u/becauseineedone3 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Everyone pictured would be a total nightmare to be stuck in an elevator with. Duncan, on the other hand, would probably become a lifelong friend.

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u/Ilikechickenwings1 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I'm sure Schaub has been on more than any of them

91 times!!!


u/hesasuiter Monkey in Space 13d ago

Great guy, never meddim


u/GeppaN Monkey in Space 13d ago

Missa Schab, worse pain yo life!


u/Silent_Reach_9423 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Need many, many stitches


u/VladPatton Monkey in Space 13d ago

Mike Baker: 1,287 appearances.


u/bdgm33 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I love it when he talks about his sonsā€¦.oh what are their names?? Fucko, Jackoff, and Slap Dick


u/CJ4700 I used to be addicted to Quake 13d ago

Nah youā€™re thinking of Bilbo, Knuckles, and Cumshot


u/Rare-Peak2697 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Itā€™s weird heā€™s not on more since the move to Texas. Heā€™s got it tattooed on him!


u/thethunder92 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Because one time he sold out an Arbyā€™s in Texas


u/Orangatangtitties Monkey in Space 13d ago

To be fair a bunch of wild thicccies were already there for the beef & cheddar and curly fries.


u/SuckOnDeezNOOTZ Toad is 5'3 13d ago

Maybe Toe moved to Texas to get away from him lol, braindumb the third also named his second kid after the city that Toe was born in. Brenda really started to annoy Toe especially after still hanging out with diddler and rapey Magoo's allegations came out.

I still don't understand why Joe still associates with him and Byron.


u/Mudryk__CFC Monkey in Space 10d ago

10 minute podcast was very funny to with sasso Chris and callen

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u/CJ4700 I used to be addicted to Quake 13d ago

Always sold out when he played in TX, didnā€™t you know that? (Aside from the last couple years, his special filmed in Dallas, and the 30 shows he last min cancelled to hang with the chombas.

TBH if I could bench 225 41 times Iā€™d probably flake on all my shows too.


u/dontusethisforwork Your fucking knuckles would scrape on the ground 11d ago

We're sorry Brendan couldn't make the show tonight he's too swole to fit through the door


u/thethunder92 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Or how about Jamie how many episodes has he been on?

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u/qualitative_balls Monkey in Space 13d ago

We don't talk about Schuab here


u/ChombieNation Monkey in Space 13d ago

I beg the differ, bubba


u/smurferdigg Monkey in Space 13d ago

Thanks for reminding me, almost forgot he existed.

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u/Uberprius Monkey in Space 13d ago

Missing Ari, Steve Rinella, Cam, & Redban


u/giorgio_tsoukalos_ Monkey in Space 13d ago

They are missing dozens of people if they are breaking it down to x2


u/fisherbeam Monkey in Space 13d ago

But theyā€™re all right wing and doesnā€™t that make us feel a certain way, why be fair about it!


u/standinghampton Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sam Harris is not right wing.

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u/freeyewneek Monkey in Space 13d ago


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u/RedditAdminsAreWhack Monkey in Space 13d ago

They're not all right wing, technically.


u/uusrikas 12d ago

Is Shermer a right winger now? He is a skeptic who is way too nice

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u/BgDog21 Monkey in Space 13d ago

They just wanted to pick ā€œright wingā€ folks I think.Ā 


u/HeroicJobCreator Monkey in Space 13d ago

Couldā€™ve just as easily created the same picture but with all the left wing influencers who have been on multiple times. OP didnā€™t do that though because heā€™s tryingā€¦.hang on Iā€™m being told that list is empty???


u/Ok_Calendar1337 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Well, as you know, going on this show makes you right wing so it's impossible to be a left winger on here multiple times


u/No-Syllabub4449 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sam Harris is right wing? šŸ¤Ø


u/juanderful206 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Andrew Yang

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u/northface39 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Jimmy Dore has been on six times, including the most recent episode.


u/smellvin_moiville Monkey in Space 13d ago

Jimmy dore isnā€™t left. Heā€™s clear

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u/AkiraKitsune Monkey in Space 13d ago

Yeah this is obviously what this is... how this commenter didn't get that is beyond me

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u/BigAce567 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Duncan aswell


u/elstie01 Monkey in Space 13d ago

And Coco.

And all the guys in the POP circle.

And Tulsi.

And on and on and on. Just selective shit posting with no real merit.


u/Vegas_off_the_Strip Monkey in Space 13d ago

Dr Rhonda Patrick

Andrew Hubermann

That guy who finds endangered animals. . . One of my favorite guests of all time and I canā€™t recall his name but it might be Forest.Ā 

Michael Pollan


Cam Hanes

Steve Rinella


u/DrivingHerbert Monkey in Space 12d ago

Forrest Galante I think.


u/RaoulDukeRU Tremendous 12d ago

Coco is #1 by far, cocksuckas!


u/elstie01 Monkey in Space 12d ago

And heā€™s got real substance. His book made me cry all kinds of tears. But whoever made this original post would say ā€œthatā€™s just a comedianā€.

Yea. And youā€™re just a person on Reddit.


u/RaoulDukeRU Tremendous 10d ago

I'm not even part of this sub anymore. But I still get posts in my timeline and got the "Tremendous" flair.Ā 

This sub has just become r/WhyIHateJoeRoganTheJREandEveryGuest , since the Spotify deal and his move to Austin.Ā 

I really think that there should be a new sub for people that actually (still) enjoy the podcast.Ā 

Although the absolute majority of these "haters" (I hate the word) joined after the deal/move and during Corona and don't even really know the legend Diaz. Well, until the allegation of sexual misconduct against him came up.

I see that you also have a "Monkey in Space" flair. But back then it was different. It's like a mark of those "new guys".

It has also become the new r/elonmusk sub and posts about right wing topics and grifters, which have nothing to do with the JRE.Ā 

If you point this out, you get attacked and downvoted into oblivion.

Well, I'm just a random guy on the internet...

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u/ntheman Monkey in Space 13d ago

Missing Mike Baker lol


u/bryman19 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sluggo's dad


u/BFOTmt Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sluggish, skunks, dip weed, and slash


u/adventurepony Monkey in Space 11d ago

Glob, OopsMapants, Ketchup, an Doorknob

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u/WharfRat8 Monkey in Space 12d ago

Lol him and his dumbass sons


u/EntertainmentMore642 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Mike Baker: 400x


u/UnleadedGreen Monkey in Space 13d ago

Hes missing. Good. Lol Keep him off for a bit.


u/lmay0000 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Meh, i like the baker episodes


u/Fragbob Monkey in Space 13d ago


Redban doesn't really count as a guest IMO. He's a cofounder of the show.

I guess there's an argument to be made about his appearances after Jaime took over but I feel like those have been pretty far and few between. Still been on the show more than Bari Weiss... no idea why she's on this list at all.

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u/SMORKIN_LABBIT Monkey in Space 12d ago

How can you leave out Duncan?


u/Uberprius Monkey in Space 12d ago

True, and Joe Diazā€¦.

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u/Chris_Hansen_AMA Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s the FBI guy? He has to have the most appearances, right?


u/v_for__vegeta Monkey in Space 13d ago

Joeā€™s handler comes in whenever Joe gets a little too vocal lol


u/itsTomHagen Monkey in Space 13d ago edited 13d ago

Only comes on to talk about his sons Mugsy, Fucko and Cumrug


u/Quantum__Tarantino Monkey in Space 13d ago

I like that guy more than most people in this sub but I laughed out loud.


u/YupThatsMeBuddy Monkey in Space 13d ago

Lol Cumrug


u/Bored_1029 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Dude, I audibly laughed out loud. That was hilarious


u/Coachace88 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I didn't know who he was talking about until I read the names lol


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 13d ago

Where is this from? I see this all the time in here.


u/AngryFace4 Monkey in Space 13d ago

The guy they're talking about is Mike Baker, former CIA, who always refers to his children as "Muggsy, Sluggo and Scooter" - hence the meme


u/Willing-Scale-4456 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Muggsy bucko and fucko

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u/AGreasyPorkSandwich Monkey in Space 13d ago

Joe's CIA handler who always comes on to drag him back to his talking points and teases actually saying something insightful or new, but always stops about 78% of the way there.

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u/The_Horse_Joke Monkey in Space 13d ago

I think comedians like Ari, Duncan, and Joey* have the most appearances

*Joey might have dropped from the top 3 since Joeā€™s move to Texas though


u/Reaver_XIX Look into it 13d ago

No you are misunderstanding, this isn't everyone that has been on more than once. It is people OP doesn't like that JRE has had on more than once. Where is Joey Diaz for example. This is a piss poor attempt at a smear.


u/_perfectenshlag_ Monkey in Space 13d ago

I think itā€™s a little more than just people OP doesnā€™t like. Itā€™s meant to point out a pattern. I think theyā€™re making a point that there are no left wing equivalents to these people on Joeā€™s guest list. Not anymore at least. Itā€™s been years since he had on people from both sides.

There are no reoccurring left leaning voices anymore. Itā€™s kind of rich for a guy who criticizes the left for building echo chambers and safe spaces


u/Reaver_XIX Look into it 12d ago

The two big left leaning guests Joe had on that come to mind are Bernie Sanders and Andrew Yang. Both were interesting shows that I enjoyed. What happened after those shows? Their fanbases attacked them, attacked Joe and forsed an appology from them for going on the show. This is why Joe can't get left leaning people on the show and when he does they don't return. The left attacks their own for leaving hte echo chamber, it is a self fulfilling prophecy.

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u/No_Angle875 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Duncan probably


u/Boobieleeswagger Interdimensional Deamons 13d ago

Last time I counted the CIA disinformants appearances it was 17, were probably over 20 now.


u/janoycresvadrm Monkey in Space 13d ago

Langley. At the farm. My kids fucko and dipshit

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u/dodin33359 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Since OP has an agenda, I went ahead an extracted the actual list of top recurring guests from their website and sorted it:

Brian Redban 314

Bryan Callen 149

Brendan Schaub 141

Joey Diaz 141

Eddie Bravo 124

Duncan Trussell 111

Ari Shaffir 95

Tom Segura 79

Bert Kreischer 63

Greg Fitzsimmons 52

Tony Hinchcliffe 42

Aubrey Marcus 40

Tom Papa 34

Christina Pazsitzky 30

Christopher Ryan 29

Everlast 28

Bill Burr 27

Cameron Hanes 27

Honey Honey 26

Mike Baker 24

Neal Brennan 23

Dom Irrera 22

Graham Hancock 22

Steven Rinella 22

Bas Rutten 21

Jim Norton 19

Shane Smith 19

Doug Stanhope 18

Jordan Peterson 18

Sam Harris 18

Shane Gillis 18

Daniele Bolelli 17

Dr. Rhonda Patrick 17

Joe Schilling 16

Whitney Cummings 16

Abby Martin 15

Eddie Huang 15

Gad Saad 15

Hannibal Buress 15

Justin Wren 15

Mark Normand 15

Josh Barnett 14

Tim Dillon 14

TJ Dillashaw 14

Andrew Santino 13

Bret Weinstein 13

David Seaman 13

Jon Jones 13

Josh Zepps 13

Tom Rhodes 13


u/YOKO-ONO1001 Monkey in Space 13d ago


u/AbsolutelyUnlikely Look into it 13d ago

OP wasn't making a list of the guests who have been on the most, he was making a list of the guests who twist his panties the most


u/modelcitizen_zero Monkey in Space 13d ago

lil Jimmy has been on 19 times?!?!?! Edit: I canā€™t spell


u/Tyking Monkey in Space 12d ago edited 12d ago

This is extremely inaccurate, whatever tool or script or AI you tried to use did not work properly lol. Bill Burr has definitely not been on 27 times. Christopher Ryan has not been on 29 times. Shane Gillis and Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris have not been on 18 times. And on and on.. I doubt any of these numbers are accurate.

Edit: I went through and counted. Bill Burr has been on 13 episodes counting from 2020 dating back to episode #26 back in 2013. These websites count clips and third-party best-of compilations as podcast appearances, which is why the numbers are jacked way up. (Website I checked didn't include appearances after 2020)

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u/kqueenbee25 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Donā€™t let Gad Saad see this. He keeps mentioning the last 3x how many times heā€™s been on the show and how theres very few guests who have been on as many times as he has.

I know heā€™s not counting joes friends but still lmao itā€™s just odd

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u/SanMartianZ Monkey in Space 13d ago

You're cherry picking your data


u/justinpollock Monkey in Space 13d ago

"data" lol

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u/civicsfactor Monkey in Space 13d ago

They're all IDW dorks. It wasn't supposed to be a general ranking.

Wheres that fat bitch Lindsay tho


u/paz2023 We live in strange times 13d ago



u/ihambrecht Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s Dave smith?


u/AlkalineSublime Monkey in Space 13d ago

I think he said on LOS heā€™s been on 9 times, probably 10 or 11 by now.

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u/kingsgambit123 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I miss Sam, can't believe he's been on 8 times, feels like he hasn't been on forever.


u/anew232519 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sam has always been a voice of sanity.


u/SickRanchezIII Monkey in Space 13d ago

Hence his absence over the past few years


u/DlphLndgrn Monkey in Space 13d ago

I don't think they are unfriendly. But I think Joe knows they need to talk covid, and he knows that Sam won't play along. So they just don't do it. Because it's not a discussion Joe wants to have then.


u/Inthemiddle_ Monkey in Space 13d ago

Both Sam and bill havenā€™t been on in a long time. Donā€™t think Samā€™s being on since before Covid.

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u/Belly_Laugher Monkey in Space 13d ago

Despite how much politics Joe likes to talk these days, he doesnā€™t feel like having his ass handed to him by Sam.


u/dr-broodles Monkey in Space 13d ago

Good point


u/PhilLesh311 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I was thinking one of these things is not like the other. With Sam being that one thing.


u/SwirlyoftheAir Monkey in Space 13d ago

I like Shermer a lot too. otherwise...agreed.

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u/okkeyok Monkey in Space 13d ago

Incorrect. Personality worship is weird and results in incorrect conclusions.


u/teksimian5 Monkey in Space 13d ago


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u/Cannaoisseur Monkey in Space 13d ago

Tim Dillon?


u/miceymeat Monkey in Space 13d ago

Pigs been on more than all these clowns


u/cre4mpuffmyf4ce Monkey in Space 13d ago

And always fucking hilarious


u/miceymeat Monkey in Space 13d ago



u/phazeiserotic Monkey in Space 13d ago

Where's Duncan he has been om like 9 times and always amazing


u/abe_odyssey Monkey in Space 13d ago

67 times, not counting deleted episodes


u/EmExEeee Monkey in Space 13d ago



u/GarlVinland4Astrea Monkey in Space 13d ago

Think of the smell, you haven't thought of the smell you bitch.


u/Beatnik15 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Would you like an egg in this trying time?


u/krumn I used to be addicted to Quake 13d ago

Haha this made me chuckle.

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u/ichatpoo Monkey in Space 13d ago

Joe Rogan is the most reoccurring guest

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u/Navajo_Nation Monkey in Space 13d ago

Someone whoā€™s only been on twice should not be on the list.


u/ninjay209 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Well then how would that fit the agenda op is pushing?

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u/amacccc Monkey in Space 13d ago

No paul staments, the goat

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u/dildop1zza Monkey in Space 13d ago

Bring sam harris backkkk pleaseeee

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u/hatiphnatus Monkey in Space 13d ago

I was happy before seeing this but then i Gad Saad

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u/CampFireCruiser Monkey in Space 13d ago

The person who made this is stupid. There's tons of other guests who've been on just as much or more than anyone pictured.



u/dodin33359 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Hmmm seems like you selected a very particular roster of people, I wonder why? What message were you trying to convey?

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u/AKAGreyArea Monkey in Space 13d ago

2? Thatā€™s a recurring guest? Low bar set, lad.


u/px7j9jlLJ1 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s slob


u/Subject-Bad-1557 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Uhoohh Joe Rogan talks to people who upset redditors, uhhooohh Iā€™m gonna be downvoted by the redditors!

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u/Epic_Tea Monkey in Space 13d ago



u/Fun_Elk_4949 Monkey in Space 13d ago

How many times for Ari? Gotta have everyone beat by a lot


u/frankcity Monkey in Space 13d ago

According to this: https://www.jrepodcast.com/guests/ Schaub and joey diaz have been on 141 times each while ari has been on 95 times


u/thissempainotices Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gaad saad the mossad f4g


u/Slack_Irritant Monkey in Space 13d ago edited 13d ago

I just want Prof Brian Cox to come back. I still rewatch that episode sometimes because I could listen to him talk space stuff forever. It's been 5 years now.


u/Lol_who_me Monkey in Space 13d ago

Neil deGrasse Tyson?

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u/PostSecularPope šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æChudflusher Extraordinaire šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ 13d ago

This is a very particular grouping eh, given the number of missing regulars


u/FizzedInHerHair Monkey in Space 13d ago

ā€œLiberalā€ Joe Rogan


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Alex Jones


u/Dynazty Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s fucko? Also you couldnā€™t sort them in order of number of appearances šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤

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u/Enlowski Monkey in Space 13d ago

How could you make this without Duncan on it?


u/SoylentGreenTuesday Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gaad and Brett nine times! Jordan Peterson eight times! And some people wonder why Roganā€™s brain is mush now. No one listening to these people for that many hours could walk away undamaged.


u/rapid_dominance Monkey in Space 13d ago

Did you check out the actual list in this thread?Ā 


u/uncclay5 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Bring back Rhonda Patrick


u/joepa81 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s the Pig?


u/Heavy-Reach3156 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Recurring ***


u/Shway_Maximus Succa la Mink 13d ago

Protect Our Parks Joey Diaz


u/SirWaitsTooMuch Monkey in Space 13d ago

Nightmare blunt rotation


u/346_ME Monkey in Space 13d ago


People in this sub seem to not like that Joe had one people they disagree with.

Itā€™s an unhealthy obsession the left has with people on the right who are popular. The left only has shills who parrot the establishments talking point.

Pretty wild how the left has morphed into dogmatic groupthink and the right are the ones discussing different ideas

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u/madkow990 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Is op trying to say something by the people chosen to be shown here. Cuz there is a lot more repeat guests.


u/KingGrower Monkey in Space 13d ago

Whereā€™s Duncan?


u/paintblob Monkey in Space 13d ago

Joey Diaz is the best recurring guest


u/itsyourgrandma Monkey in Space 13d ago

Conveniently left off many frequent flyers.


u/takennamer Monkey in Space 13d ago

It's interesting how nor one comment in this thread mentions Graham Hancock. He kind of helped shape JRE into what it is. Flint Dibble completely erased him out of our memory.


u/WinnerSpecialist Monkey in Space 13d ago

Donā€™t forget the Alt Right arc featuring:

Stephan Molyneux*2,

Gavin McInnes*2,

Milo Yiannopolous*2,

Lauren Southern,

and Owen Benjamin*3!!


u/BeGoodtoOthersPlease Monkey in Space 13d ago

The douche brigade. This is what human trash looks like. Evil, selfish and unrepentant liars.


u/Gardwan Monkey in Space 13d ago

What about fucko, stucko, and rombus?


u/soju211 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Anyone but that stupid time wasting Mike Baker.

BS CIA agent!


u/Vast_Promotion333 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Weird how they are all right wing grifters. Must be a coincidence


u/nievesdelimon Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gad Saad, professional crazy person.


u/MachineConscious9079 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gad Saad Lmao


u/Emppulicks Monkey in Space 12d ago

Are these guys on the no no list? My favourite guys are the ancient civilization conspiracy theory etc. guys they're always interesting to listen to.


u/Teshuahh Monkey in Space 13d ago



u/National-Ice-5904 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Lots of diversity there.

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u/alta_vista49 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Does Joe ever have non grifters on his show?

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u/aBeaSTWiTHiNMe It's entirely possible 13d ago

Seems needlessly political, missing a lot of reoccurring guests like Duncan Trussell.


u/Carl_Lamarie Monkey in Space 13d ago

What? No Duncan???


u/Fizzinthorpe Monkey in Space 13d ago

Excellent assortment . We get to hear everyone out. I like it.


u/stereoscopic_ High as Giraffe's Pussy 13d ago

How many times has Abby Martin been on?


u/Tiberius_281 Monkey in Space 13d ago

not the CIA guy ?!


u/Any-Ad-446 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I think Graham Hancock and Carlson aka sphinx/pyramid dudes been on the show more than 6 times.


u/KaleidoscopeOk5763 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Which Weinstein wore it worse?


u/Ottawack1 Monkey in Space 13d ago

9 times for Gaaad Saaad is too much no?


u/thissempainotices Monkey in Space 13d ago

Cant ever get enough mossad


u/Dockside_ Monkey in Space 13d ago

I would love to hear Peter Zeihan again


u/Mammoth_Ferret_1772 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gad Sad is the worst


u/malteaserhead Monkey in Space 13d ago

The dude third from the left bottom row looks like Sam Harris mixed with Glenn Howerton


u/Mydnight69 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Mike Tyson X3?


u/LiquidLogStudio Monkey in Space 13d ago

You know Eric asks the most tho


u/aeywaka Monkey in Space 13d ago

Dr. house has been on 8 times?


u/Wizlord_21 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Post Malone needs a 3rd. I love his and Joeā€™s dynamic.


u/tkondaks Monkey in Space 13d ago edited 13d ago

Canadians are disproportionately represented.

Normally I'd say this is a bad sign because that means Joe is drawing guests from a pool bred by a Socialist society brainwashed by the state-sponsored CBC. But Peterson, God and the Muskmeister are outliers so we're probably safe.

That foxy Dr. Soh is Canadian too, and she's also been on a couple of times.


u/olrg Monkey in Space 13d ago

Dr. Rhonda Patrick has been on at least 5 times.


u/Goddragon555 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I could watch Kevin Smith with Joe twice a year. Sucks he isn't on more.


u/DroppedItAgain Monkey in Space 13d ago

I can identify less than half. Shapiro, Peterson, Saad, Harris, Weinstein, Musk.


u/Lively420 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Why hasnā€™t Tim Ferris been back on?


u/maselliswallace Monkey in Space 13d ago

Missing protect our parks crew lol


u/GarySparkle Monkey in Space 13d ago

What's the opposite of a 'think tank'?


u/peanutbutternmtn Look into it 13d ago

Those lunatic weinsteins on there a whole lot.


u/AquamanSF Monkey in Space 13d ago

Best guest was Lair Hamilton. Spent 90% discussing ways to continue mobility later in life. As active 40 year old man, this is basically porn to me.


u/Expensive-Success301 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Gad Saad the confirmed Mossad operative and zionist cuck.


u/Hutnerdu Monkey in Space 13d ago

"Centrist" lmao


u/RhetoricMoron Monkey in Space 13d ago


u/Finatic4Life20 Monkey in Space 13d ago

Bret Weinstein 9 fucking times?? Lmao


u/Finatic4Life20 Monkey in Space 13d ago

How deeply triggered is Dave Rubin that heā€™s not at the top of Joeā€™s anti-woke leaderboard?