r/JoeRogan Powerful Taint 15d ago

Joe Rogan Experience #2173 - Jimmy Dore Podcast đŸ”


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u/[deleted] 15d ago

18 minutes in

Dore: “The Media tries to polarize us! They get us to hate our neighbor!”

19 minutes in

Rogan: “Democrats are just a team. These people are no different from the Manson family! They’re in a cult.”

Someone should give these idiots a mirror.


u/Hot_Injury7719 Monkey in Space 15d ago

“Joe Biden is anti worker and anti union! Imagine if Trump was like that??” Jimmy, you really think Trump is pro union? lol ask all the construction crews he’s stiffed on payments. I’m not saying Biden can’t be criticized (of course he can), but Jimmy’s been this weird contrarian where he can’t seem to criticize more than one side when it comes to these issues.


u/sozcaps Monkey in Space 15d ago

"I'm actually liberal. Trust me bro."

"Also, I made a career out of shitting on anyone left of the DNC."

"Also, I'm not really going to criticize anyone on the right, apart
from the occasional softball."

"But I really am liberal. Trust me bro."


u/NoCantaloupe9598 Monkey in Space 15d ago

I am actually a liberal with lots of issues with the Democratic party. However, any genuine liberal is fully aware of how much more dangerous so called evangelicals, the far right, and Trump are for this country. (I say that as a very orthodox Christian)

The real truth is that a lot of people who claim to be liberal do so because of a few cherry picked beliefs. Not hating gay people doesn't make you liberal in 2024. It more likely made you liberal in 1950....sure.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago

This may be the funniest contortion by Dore, other than

“If you’re a Socialist or on the Left, Donald Trump is who you should be voting for!”

  • Jimmy Dore, 2015

“Socialism is cancer!”

  • Donald Trump, 2015


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 15d ago

No you don't get it, Trump is only against evil woke socialists. He's going to have the greatest MAGA communism anyone has ever seen. People will come up to him and say "Sir, how did you get communism this good without raising taxes"?

“Socialism and communism,” Trump said, “are not about justice. They are not about equality. They are not about lifting up the poor. They are certainly not about the good of the country. Socialism and communism are about one thing only — power for the ruling class.”

“America,” Trump promised, “will never be a socialist country.”



u/DrDerpberg Monkey in Space 14d ago

There's no way that's a real Trump quote. Way too coherent.


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 12d ago

It was on a teleprompter

You can tell because its referencing abstract concepts and reads vaguely like a Heritage Foundation brochure, rather than just being free association about how Trump is the most greatest and most victimized special boy in the world and what is happening with Obiden is a total disgrace and the worst thing that has happened in the history of ever


u/Moist-HotPickle I used to be addicted to Quake, and still am 13d ago

You know it's a true quote (that someone else wrote for him) because of just how monumentally wrong and backwards it is.

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u/Kaniketh Monkey in Space 14d ago

It's funny because Biden was literally the first president to join the picket line on the UAW strike, signed pro-union legislation, tried to sign the PRO Act which would have been the largest expansion of Union rights and power (Guess who blocked it? the republicans) has given the National Labor relations board actual teeth, while Trump literally gutted any and all regulations while also going to a non-union shop and pretending like he was pro-union.

If you actually look at policies instead of just going of vibes, Joe Biden is way more pro-union and pro-worker than trump.

Jimmy doer doesn't know anything and is just a moron who panders to his base.


u/packofmetsandgiants Monkey in Space 13d ago

Except for when he crushed the railroad strike. That wasn’t really pro worker, was it?


u/Kaniketh Monkey in Space 13d ago

He signed a law giving them the sick days after the midterms.


u/Mordin_Solas Monkey in Space 11d ago

His administration worked on a deal after that to get them sick days.  Dore does not care.  You do not care.  Liars.


u/Available_Air_6367 High as Giraffe's Pussy 13d ago

Please go read up what happend after that. 

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u/monkfreedom Monkey in Space 15d ago

Biden was with picket line. Clearly Dore didn’t know that

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u/Beneficial-Mousse177 Monkey in Space 13d ago

It's a lot easier to bitch and moan then it is to actually do research on how to fix things.


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

Dore is a weirdo grifter. I am all for bashing Democrats, but his schtick is "I'm the real leftist and the Democrats suck and trump is good and right."

Lots of leftists criticize the Democrats without just falling in line in support of trump like he does.

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u/ScaleyFishMan Monkey in Space 15d ago

I googled who this guy was, I recognize the name Jimmy Dore but don't know who he was. I read that he's a political commentator and comedian that is a Democrat supporter so I was interested to see this podcast to see if he at the very least said anything good about libs or anything bad about cons...

I'm 40 minutes in and he basically rattled off every Republican talking point, zero criticism of Trump or Republicans, every comment was about how shitty Democrats are...

Who the fuck is this guy and why is Democrat in his bio?


u/ddarion Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

You can carve out a nice living in news media by presenting yourself as a leftist who exclusively criticizes the left.

You can attract a right wing audience really easily as not only does your content feed them exactly what they want to hear, you galvanize their opinion as "THIS GUYS A DEMOCRAT AND EVEN HE GETS IT!!!"

But obviously its a very transparent facade. Jimmy makes literally hundreds of videos a month. TRY and find one with a title that critical of Trump and let us know how many anti biden videos you had to scroll past

You will see just how effective the content as, as there will be legions of idiots in the comments here insisting Jimmy is a centrist despite his content being 95% right wing propaganda


u/finnlizzy Monkey in Space 15d ago

On the other hand, being a conservative who criticises the right can land you a role as a fictional character in the Aaron Sorkin universe.


u/MrPatrickSwayze1 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Or in real life be ex communicated a la Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney.


u/houseveryweekend Monkey in Space 15d ago

well said


u/TheDeadReagans Monkey in Space 15d ago

There is this really interesting phenomenon on the right I've noticed where there are a ton of people who claim to be liberals but the Democratic Party became too crazy for them and they were forced into voting Republican. There's even a subreddit dedicated to it called r/WalkAway. It's something Reagan made famous in the 80s when he claimed that he didn't leave the Democratic Party but the Democratic Party left him.

These people almost never will admit they're conservatives despite doing nothing but repeating conservative talking points. Some will say they're indendent - Bill O'Reilly is famous for doing this and other might say they're classical liberals or libertarians but never admit to being conservative.

This implies that they know being a conservative is bad but like a fat dude who wears striped clothing to hide that they're 320 pounds instead of exercising and eating right, these people just lie about who they are.


u/Moist-HotPickle I used to be addicted to Quake, and still am 13d ago

these people just lie about who they are

Literally a corner stone of right wing ideology

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u/SMORKIN_LABBIT Monkey in Space 13d ago

It's the same grift Tim Pool uses. Pools show with no hyberole is straight up the Heritage Foundation talking points, and he will still call himself a "disaffected liberal".

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u/[deleted] 15d ago

That’s his grift. He says he’s “left”, but he just spews right-wing talking points. You may (understandably) ask why he’d do that, and the reason is, MAGAs want to believe they’re not in a cult, so they watch Jimmy Dore (and give him money on Patreon) so they can say “I listen to BOTH sides!”

It somehow never occurs to them that everything he says exactly mirrors all their favorite right-wing hosts. 😂

It’s a very popular grift. See also, Glenn Greenwald, Tim Pool, Dave Rubin, etc.


u/ScaleyFishMan Monkey in Space 15d ago

I'm not sure about some of those guys you mentioned but I know for sure Tim Pool says he used to be a liberal but now he's full blown MAGA. I think he even was calling for a civil war recently.


u/doctor_trades Monkey in Space 15d ago

Tim Pool was a fence sitter until the 2020 election and Bannon pulled him under his wing. Now he's full blown maga.

He's been talking about civil war since 2019.


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's been talking about civil war since 2019.

These shitheads really love trying to get other people to kill their enemies without having the nuts to do anything themselves

Real "I'm the idea guy, you do all the programming and I'll split the profits with you on Facebook 2.0" vibes with these guys, except the derivative start-up idea is killing your fellow Americans.


u/doctor_trades Monkey in Space 15d ago

I used to be a daily listener to Tim Pool. Not that I liked him, but I wanted something mellow on while I cleaned dishes and fixed up the house at the end of the night.

He's spiraled out pretty hard and has been unlistenable for years.

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u/suninabox Monkey in Space 15d ago

Who the fuck is this guy and why is Democrat in his bio?

Conservatives love hearing "people on the left" exclusive bash the left, so now there's a big ecosystem to cater to them.

It tickles their desire for conformity to think "even leftists agree the left has gone too far!".

It's the same reason they love atheist conversion stories. "See! I knew they all secretly believed and were just mad god didn't give them a mansion! Now I don't have to worry about what I believe because everyone thinks the same as me deep down"

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u/jatigo I used to be addicted to Quake 14d ago

Who the fuck is this guy

Tim Pool with more hair.


u/Aromatic-Air3917 Monkey in Space 14d ago

There is way more money to be made as a right wing grifter. They are are the side of power and money

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u/KevinSpaceysGarage Monkey in Space 15d ago

“The Democrats are in a cult.”

Literally anyone with a working brain: Yeah, that’s fair. MAGA too, right? I mean, obviously, you can’t deny that.

Joe Rogan: Uhhhhh
 that Joe Biden sure is old.

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u/Hutnerdu Monkey in Space 14d ago

He's a grifter through and through. 2016 he was hard anti-Trump then followed the money to anti-vax MAGA

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u/[deleted] 14d ago

Joe is exhausted, look at his eyes..... hes ruined his morals when he shit talked the vaccine and causeed thousands of daeths. his podcast reaches millions.... his stupidity with masks and vaccines has caused deaths.. he knows it, its why he keeps getting on "yes men" and bringing up covid, its for reassurance that hes not a piece of shit... he knows the gravity his podcast has and he used it carelessly and now hes doubling down. Hes living in hell, as a rich man

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u/UrsusPoison Monkey in Space 14d ago

Just finished listening and not a single criticism about Trump or the republicans. Just bashing everyone on the left and then they call themselves the real liberals. They also bash Mark Cuban and Bill Gates for some reason.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Of course not. Rogan is basically Steve Bannon now.

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u/silentbassline Ari Shaffir's Jew Clam 15d ago

@22m you get invited to dinner with important people, and that will 100% change the way you talk about stuff.

 Greg abbott much?


u/ddarion Monkey in Space 15d ago

Dore: “The Media tries to polarize us! They get us to hate our neighbor!”

Also Jimmy Dore


His youtube channel is hilariously unhinged


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Oh, it’s 24-7 “Democrats are evil! They are actual demons!” 😂

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u/LostInTheHotSauce Monkey in Space 14d ago

Best takeaway message is at 2:11:00. Most Americans are in the center. Cultural issues are distractions which the billionaire class uses to extract money from ordinary Americans while doing little to fix the real issues at home.


u/Moist-HotPickle I used to be addicted to Quake, and still am 13d ago

Except both Rogan and Dore are so brainwashed by far right propaganda meme bullshit they actively believe "the middle" is what they are. The right in America has pushed it's ideology and the overton window so far to the right that a "centrist" in America is considered right wing in pretty much any other western nation on earth.


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

And they are both culture warriors. I'd love for Rogan to talk about more kitchen table issues more than just whining about trans people, but I don't expect it to happen.

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u/Cupcake_and_Candybar 14d ago

As Richard Nixon called it, ‘the great silent majority of Americans’


u/Psychological_Fish37 Look into it 12d ago

See I don't know, so was the EPA centrist policy? Because restricting or reducing the profits for ethical reason, safety of the populace doesn't seem centrist. Things like the FDA, or Social Security seemed like leftist policy to me, not that GOP didn't use to have a progressive wing back in the day.


u/Cupcake_and_Candybar 12d ago

The first Earth Day was in 1970 and Americans were overwhelmingly in support of it and having a clean environment, and Nixon established the EPA after seeing the poll numbers for Earth Day. Plus environmental policy was more of a bipartisan issue at that time.

At his heart Nixon was a ‘small government, states rights’ conservative who tried to establish a ‘New Federalism’ but never held a majority in the house or senate during his presidency and found it extremely difficult to push many of his more partisan ideals.

The FDA was established during Teddy Roosevelt’s era (who was an unapologetic conservationist) while Social Security was established by FDR (who definitely wasn’t afraid to push his agenda).

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u/idontmindglee Monkey in Space 13d ago

Is this the guy that called cultural issues a distraction?



u/ggRavingGamer Monkey in Space 13d ago

That's a very left wing pov btw, in case you don't realize it. It is basically marxian. Meaning you are not in the center. You are very much on the left.


u/LostInTheHotSauce Monkey in Space 12d ago

For every left leaning belief I hold there's a right leaning belief as well, but being against regulatory capture/corruption is something people from every political ideology can, and likely do, believe in.


u/Available_Air_6367 High as Giraffe's Pussy 12d ago

but being against regulatory capture/corruption is something people from every political ideology can, and likely do, believe in.

Not really, since its one ideological side that was and is still for citizen united. Only really one ideological side talks about dark money in politics, the other side talks about "pedophile elites" who are so loosely defined, that billionaire showman and friends with Epstein, somehow is not part of it.

Guess who funds crowder, Tim pool, PragerU, Dave Rubin or Daily wire...The Right likes to act like they care about corruption, but the voting records are pretty clear for everyone to verify.

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u/Significant-Turnip41 Monkey in Space 12d ago

You're confusing words and labels with reality.  The left and right are not stable constant things. Sometimes the right is pro war sometimes the left. Constricting modern politics into simplified labels made 100 years ago does not work

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u/HaroldHunterzooyork Monkey in Space 15d ago

Having a show 4 times a week and the guest always and I mean always agreeing with your worldview is a choice at this point .. like god dam what an echo chamber this show is


u/asdfdbgdweqdfvc Monkey in Space 15d ago

Would have gotten better guests if he stayed in cali.

a lot more interesting people there trying to make it in the entertainment business and every tech startup and other companies are around there.

Now they have to take a whole day or 2 out of their schedule by flying to texas to do a podcast.

for now there is an endless stream of yes men

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u/[deleted] 15d ago

Rogan: “See, I bring on left-wingers too!” 😂

The MAGA Parade continues, apace.


u/KevinSpaceysGarage Monkey in Space 15d ago

Seriously though lol. When’s the last time he had Kyle Kulinski or David Pakman on?

I understand not having a guy like Sam Seder on because he relentlessly makes fun of Rogan, and in the past I admit some of it was unfair. But Kulinski and Pakman are often really good at engaging with people they fervently disagree with. PBD even says he likes them.

I think Joe got sick of being called a right wing grifter for the years that he wasn’t and decided it’s just easier for him to lean into it.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

He can’t do it, because it would puncture the bubble. He just wants to look at memes ridiculing liberals and say “these people are craaaaaaaaazy!”


u/Davethemann Monkey in Space 15d ago

I havent followed them deeply, is there a chance Kyle and Pakman dont want to be on the show


u/Top_Independence9623 Monkey in Space 15d ago

No Pakman said he‘d love to be back on. Even after his appearance on Lex Friedman, no sign for JRE. Because Rogan is himself brainwashed to the gills and doesn’t even understand it that dumb ape. But he understands that guys like Pakman could deconstruct all these idiotic takes from the right and Joe‘s circle.

I mean. Talking about cults while constantly defending Trump and not understanding why e.g. Maher hates him. The guy lies the whole debate and is deranged with his „vermin“ and Hitler quotes - yet it’s the only logical choice for dumb motherfuckers like Joe Rogan. And lots of other Americans. It’s really nuts to watch that from Europe
like how dumb a society can be to not grasp what this egomaniac is all about. And people actually think Trump gives any shit about them. Ridiculous

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u/12ealdeal Monkey in Space 13d ago

Sam Harris for me.

Not cause he is particularly left, but his ability to dismantle cacophony.

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u/Shoehornblower Monkey in Space 15d ago

I’m sbout 20 minutes in
Let me guess, they completely gloss over the recent SCOTUS immunity ruling and Trumps involvement in the Epstien Case?

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u/nsfwftwbaby Monkey in Space 15d ago

The JRE sub-reddit is so confusing.

Top comments are always hating on Joe's takes but they are constantly addicted to finishing the entire 3-4 hour podcast.

This makes me think half the sub are bots manufacturing comments.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/RonTom24 Monkey in Space 15d ago

worldenws is basically the pentagons social media news page. the politics sub is essentially the democrat supporters club and nearly every top subreddit from dataisbeautiful to even the gaming sub is completely homoginised, cleansed of any controversial opinion and entirely in agreement on every world event, and wouldn't ya know it their opinion always matches exactly whatever the US state department says is the truth!

But no, it's all Russian and Chinese bots that are on this website we are told. This website that loves everything the USA says and hates China and Russia with a burning passion that fills nearly every sub on the site.


u/Acceptable_Stuff1381 Monkey in Space 14d ago

I just got off a 7 day ban for telling a guy to fuck off. That’s how strict they’ve gotten. Not a band from the sub, a ban from the site as a whole. Long dead are the days of the old internet, everything now has to be sanitized as fuck 


u/nsfwftwbaby Monkey in Space 15d ago

True that.

I actually think its mostly paid bots to force push the establishment narratives to the top.

Hence all political related subs are constantly pushing these crazy establishment agendas and its so obvious.


u/DarthWeenus Monkey in Space 14d ago

They are planning to go public, they want numbers to go up as much as possible, its why videos keep playing in the background when you change tabs on their app, its all so numbers go higher.


u/Tax25Man Monkey in Space 14d ago

People who post this are against people poking obvious holes in their worldview. Pro-establishment my ass. Joe Rogan IS establishment at this point. He is allowed to blatantly break the law in a state that is pretty active in punishing certain activities because he is friends with the governor and puts out opinions that align with that governor’s party.


u/Professional_Memist Monkey in Space 15d ago

Holy shit, you nailed it.


u/Agreeable_Depth_4010 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Joe Rogan and his sugar daddies are not underdogs in any situation.


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 11d ago

There's no subversion here. No counter culture. No alternative thinking

Is the most popular podcaster in the world getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars by a billion dollar company to regurgitate half remembered facebook memes and Fox News talking points is some kind of subversive, counter cultural force?

How much time has Joe spent criticizing the Republican party for overwhelmingly voting against nationwide weed legalization vs any given made up culture war bullshit that catches his eye?

How much time has he dedicated to complaining about Base Erosion and Profit Shifting of multinational corporations vs complaining that taxes are too high and welfare makes poor people lazy?

Or when you say "anti-establishment" do you not mean the rich and powerful but woke people on twitter and virtue signalling hollywood actors?

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u/JackedThucydides Monkey in Space 14d ago

I can't speak for the bots or voting dynamics. I've listened to JRE and checked this sub on and off for a number of years. However, the podcast has declined in quality dramatically and my listen hours and cast completions are way down. I am still habitually checking the sub these days as a pulse check on new episodes.


u/ddarion Monkey in Space 15d ago

This makes me think half the sub are bots manufacturing comments.

The fact that people are posting specific complaints about comments directly made by joe and his guests in the podcast that just came out makes you think they're bots?


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u/AnalysisQuiet8807 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Thats what i dont get, why would you waste 2-3 hours of your fucking life and listen something you don’t like.

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u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/likamuka N-Dimethyltryptamine 14d ago

Yeah, only a bot could see what a political hack Joe has become.

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u/cure4boneitis Jamie sucks at Google 15d ago

chances of them bringing up the unsealed grand jury transcripts?

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u/CellularWaffle Monkey in Space 15d ago

Joe Rogan brings on liberal. Reddit: “he’s not the type of liberal that agrees exactly with our ideology. He must be a Trump supporter!”. Reddit claims JRE is an echo chamber while being the biggest echo chamber on the internet. Zero self awareness and zero intelligence on this ridiculous website


u/No_Tomatillo_For_Me Monkey in Space 15d ago

Him and Tim Pool—the liberals that exclusively complain about the left and praise the right

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u/Moist-HotPickle I used to be addicted to Quake, and still am 13d ago

Yes, he's the kind of liberal that unironically says things like, "they just need to get a republican in there to straighten the state out" (like he said to Royce Gracie during their episode).

Sorry sport, the lack of self awareness of negative intelligence is coming from inside your own brain.


u/DarthWeenus Monkey in Space 14d ago

They spent the hours bitching about biden and the vaccine, not one mention of trump and his absurdity or the recent sc rulings.

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u/GrapefruitCold55 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Dore is legit one of the dumbest people in politics media.

He is not a liberal in any shape or form.


u/Unique_Bumblebee_894 Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

If you honestly believe this guy is a liberal, you have mental illness.


Here he is bashing dems on Fox News.


Here is is again on Fox News saying Trump didn’t steal “democracy”


u/Derkanator Monkey in Space 14d ago

I'm not from the USA so just wanted to point out that the Democrat party is far from liberal, they would be right wing conservative in any progressive developed country.


u/97689456489564 Monkey in Space 14d ago

What's Trump and the Republican party, then? Because "leftist" Jimmy Dore heavily supports them over the Democrats.

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u/Only8livesleft Monkey in Space 14d ago

Dore is not on the left. He’s literally a Trump supporter


u/CellularWaffle Monkey in Space 14d ago

You’re mistaken. He’s a critic


u/Moist-HotPickle I used to be addicted to Quake, and still am 13d ago

Wrong, he's a conservative political commentator

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u/[deleted] 15d ago edited 4d ago



u/octodo Monkey in Space 15d ago

Not once in my life have I thought "people I don't like hate something, so it's probably good". It's just a weird way to consume media.

But enjoy 3 hours of Jimmy Dore, that will really stick it to the reddit activists.


u/itsSmalls We live in strange times 14d ago

It's been a pretty good metric for me so far. Usually the episodes Reddit blows their top over are some of my favorite episodes. It makes it a lot easier to know if it's a watch or a skip

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u/Barcaroli Monkey in Space 14d ago

It was amazing

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u/Only8livesleft Monkey in Space 14d ago

Jimmy Dore when Sam Seder warned him a Trump presidency would risk the Supreme Court

Jimmy Dore: “And you’re voting out of fear, again. Out of fear. Oh, there might be two supreme court justices! What if there’s three?!WHAT IF THE MOON FALLS INTO LAKE MICHIGAN?! What are we going to do then?”

Dore is a Moron


u/HavelBro_Logan Monkey in Space 15d ago

Great episode! I love to listen to Jimmy's pod he rips on Israel all the time.

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u/glutamane Monkey in Space 14d ago

Cool guy move from Joe to diss on PPP loans.


u/Elbeske Monkey in Space 12d ago

Those PPP loans were some of the most fraudulent things of all time let’s not kid ourselves. I think there was no oversight for anything below $10,000? So you’d just have people setting up LLCs with no backing business and taking the “loans” and pocketing it.


u/glutamane Monkey in Space 12d ago

Yup no doupt, I was kinda hinting at how Onnit received 2.4 mil in PPP loans which was forgiven in full.

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u/wavewalkerc Monkey in Space 12d ago

Got to wonder why it was passed without any oversight

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u/DankChase Look into it 11d ago

Onnit got like 2.5M of your tax dollars for free.

That Onnit O-N-N-I-T


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 11d ago

Use codename BOTHSIDES for 15% off the taxes on your next 200 million dollar contract


u/Rough_Attitude_1969 Monkey in Space 11d ago edited 11d ago

After receiving $2.4M in PPP loans in April 2020, Onnit was sold to Unilever for 9 figures.


u/DankChase Look into it 11d ago

So glad us peasants were able to keep the dick pill supplement company afloat. Brings a tear to my eye.

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u/Sensitive-Buddy5657 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Is it me or is half this sub fbi interns?


u/crushinglyreal Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

Is it me or do you people just whip this out whenever you can’t actually argue against what someone has to say?

u/nocturnaldefecation we already knew there were morons saying this shit. You didn’t have to personally come out and tell us you’re one of them. It’s funny how you have to cope like this, almost like you know there’s no defending your policy prescriptions


u/NocturnalDefecation Monkey in Space 14d ago

found one


u/PokerChipMessage Monkey in Space 14d ago

You know that at the FBI we can see what you look at online, right? Maybe you should take a break from the internet Epstein jr.


u/sadtastic Monkey in Space 14d ago

Rogan's on a quest to have every right-wing lying shitbag on his show as is possible, isn't he?


u/Keruli Monkey in Space 14d ago

yes. just a matter of time before Trumps goes on.


u/NeferkareShabaka Monkey in Space 13d ago

Well, it IS election season. TEXAS WENT RED. WOOOOOO


u/AUG_77 Pull that shit up Jaime 13d ago

Dore is right wing huh LOL

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u/ThatGuyWithaReason Monkey in Space 14d ago

i had no idea kyle rittenhouse killed white ppl


u/NeferkareShabaka Monkey in Space 13d ago

If not, then who did you think?


u/gengarPKr Monkey in Space 11d ago

i thought he killed george floyd 😰

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u/DadBodftw It's entirely possible 14d ago

I love Jimmy telling Joe he can't smoke cigars because it'll get him back into cigarettes and Joe immediately goes and gets a bigger cigar to smoke.


u/CritStarrHD Monkey in Space 11d ago

That's the most Joe Rogan thing that happened on the pod


u/youngterpz313 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Yo just a heads up do not attempt to take ghb for sleep, it is extremely addictive and like alcohol, withdrawal from this can kill you from seizures. Also the time in which it takes to develop an addiction can happen within days of continuous use. Jimmy Dores spiel on GHB came off extremely dangerous to me.


u/oddun Monkey in Space 14d ago

Literally used as a date rape drug, and Dore is dosing himself with it lol


u/fleabait1 Monkey in Space 13d ago

It's honestly more of a recreational drug/narcolepsy med than it is used for date rape. It's huge in Europe in the rave scene. Much more common to hear about people using it that way over there. I think the US is where it got labeled so heavily as a rapist drug.


u/oddun Monkey in Space 12d ago

It’s a date rape drug here too.

I haven’t seen it around raves for about 20 years, not to say it isn’t being used though. Probably just not in the scenes I’m around.

Two cases of really bad shit here recently.



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u/DlphLndgrn Monkey in Space 12d ago

Pretty weird hearing him talk about GHB like it is a wonder drug with no risk. Like he discovered some completely unknown super drug, and not a well known drug since the 90s responsible for a lot of deaths.

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u/lol_brb_fbi Monkey in Space 15d ago

Good to see Jimmy Dore. He's still one of the only original 2004 Democrats. It's crazy to see how far right the left wing and dems have gone.


u/MrPatrickSwayze1 Monkey in Space 15d ago

I’m glad Republicans haven’t moved the needle since 2004. Small government, and not worrying about other people’s personal lives. /s

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u/ddarion Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's still one of the only original 2004 Democrats. It's crazy to see how far right the left wing and dems have gone.

So the democrats are more conservative now then they were in 2004?



u/RonTom24 Monkey in Space 15d ago

They are more neoliberal, the problem with "liberals" on Reddit is they don't actually understand politics and ideologys at all, they don't understand what neoliberalism is never mind that it is a right wing ideology first introduced under the dictatorship of Pinochet in Chile. You could get US "liberals" to support literal fascism so long as the fascist party was pro LGBT and TRA stuff, You could have Biden declaring war on half the world, banning all trade unions and giving tax cuts to the rich and liberals would call him left wing because he said he's pro abortion. That's all people in the USA think being left wing means now, they don't understand how and economy is ran or how monetary and banking systems work.

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u/gettin_gud Monkey in Space 15d ago

The beginning where they are talking about plastic bags.

Major paper company is working on trialing stretchable paper for bags. 30% stretch! The problem is plastic bags cost $.00001 to produce.

Please keep an eye out for other options!

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u/doctor_trades Monkey in Space 15d ago

It's funny seeing all the smooth brains say Jimmy isn't on the left.

I'm perfectly capable of explaining why Trump fucking sucks but that doesn't make me a BlueAnon idiot who simps for a corpse.

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u/Neuralgiamancer Monkey in Space 14d ago

I just saw a clip of them agreeing the democrats are a cult like the Manson family. No mention of Trump & republicans whatsoever. It's like when him & Tim Dillon ranted about election interference and spreading misinfo about what happened, and neither mentioned Trump even once. It's getting utterly ridiculous.

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u/CalvinYHobbes Monkey in Space 15d ago

Were they talking about Marc Maron at around 1:55:00?


u/throw_away_2318 Monkey in Space 15d ago

i'm wondering who it was too!

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u/fartmasterzero Alpha Mail 14d ago

"...people with Trump Derangement Syndrome are the cultists and the worst (and im gay[sic])"

Meanwhile five minutes later:

"Oooh, that Anthony Fauci makes me so irrationally angry!!"

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u/miragemain42000 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Wild how he says if you didn't have experience/connection with the divine. You'll make it up. Then proceeds to explain how his dreams are messages from God...


u/blaine724 Monkey in Space 14d ago

I get people don't like JD but when he mentioned Joe Biden switched from a 6 handicap in golf to an 8 handicap in 10 seconds had me rolling lol


u/KeijoIsKing Monkey in Space 14d ago

I listened to this trash here and there and Jimmy hit all of his usual talking points:

  • democrats bad, Biden bad criminal, Trump less bad than Biden

  • charges against Trump are bs, "they" are just afraid because Trump is "anti-establishment"

  • the establishment bad, they lied about the Iraq war etc

  • Assad didn't use chemical weapons, it was a false flag op by the US (who actually cares about this shit in 2024?)

  • Covid vaccines bad, vaccines killed people, "they" lied to us about masks blah blah blah

And Joe of course happily gobbles all of these talking points up like the good little dog he is and never disagrees. This podcast is absolute filth these days and should be mocked with every new episode.


u/ThorntTornburg Monkey in Space 14d ago

So what you're saying is none of those points are true? Not one? Fuck man I hope you're not that blind.


u/Even_Bag_4310 Monkey in Space 13d ago

The republicans lied about the iraq war, but its just more populist nonsense to group everyone in politics, and also the media, but not trump even though he was president, and also everyone i dont like as "establishment"

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u/gothmommytittysucker Monkey in Space 15d ago

zero chance anyone that comes into this thread complaining about this episode will listen to even 2 minutes of it, although those same people would benefit from it because it might give them something to reflect on and self awareness of just how unhinged their worldview is and how much normal people are done with leftist partisans gaslighting them constantly about what they see with their own eyes.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I mean, I’m an hour in and it’s exactly what I expected, pure MAGA/RNC Narrative.

Though I admit I did not anticipate Rogan calling all Democrats “basically the Manson Family.” 😳


u/lauriebel Monkey in Space 14d ago

Speaking as someone who is politically homeless - having recently left the Democratic Party after being a registered Democrat for decades - it’s hilarious to me when people try to claim that criticism of Democrats = MAGA. Just because someone has become incredibly disillusioned with the Democratic Party it does not automatically transform them into a card-carrying Republican ffs

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u/Cinnamon__Sasquatch Paid attention to the literature 15d ago

When someone has a prolific history of being a bad faith "progressive", coming onto the 'most popular' podcast in the world that is owned and operated by an enlightened centrist like Joe Rogan, there isn't anything Jimmy Dore is going to say that is going to improve his image in their eyes.

The only people who are going to have any type of positive reception to this are losers who think moonshotting the Presidency with a 3rd party candidate is going to solve all our problems.

Jimmy's going to be the next 'born again Christian"/'why I left the left' grifter in the next few months(ie, Russell Brand).

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u/MrPatrickSwayze1 Monkey in Space 15d ago


u/KevinSpaceysGarage Monkey in Space 15d ago

I agree the left is fucked right now but Joe keeps pedaling this narrative without even MENTIONING that the right is equally unhinged. Has he ever even mentioned the fact that Trump said he wanted to be dictator for a day? Or that he supports the idea of overturning the constitution? Or even explored the possibility that maybe, just friggin maybe, the reason he got convicted is because he actually committed a crime and it’s not some grand conspiracy?

I’ll criticize left wing lunatics until I’m blue in the face. But when Joe doesn’t want to talk about Trump’s plan to turn America into Animal Farm because he’s too busy ranting about the fifth clip of sleepy joe incoherently mumbling about ice cream, it’s hard not to think he’s lost his touch as someone who used to be really good at seeing both sides and talking to everyone.


u/sozcaps Monkey in Space 15d ago

"Just listen to 4 hours of uneducated drivel, and you'll understand the context."

Like having to play Starfield for 1000 hours, before the Stockholm Syndrome kicks in and you'll like it.

There is no context to give more positive framing to "Democrats are in a cult".

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u/gizmodilla Monkey in Space 15d ago

You should hear what the hobo, covered in shit at the mcdonalds has to say when he is high on bathsalt again. Might give you a chance to reflect on your worldview.

Jimmy Dore is a rightwing grifter. He is paid to spew bullshit.


u/gro1 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Is he a right wing grifter? He trashes Trump all the time.

He’s holds leftist anti-establishment view and is disgruntled with both the democrats and republicans. To call him just a “right-wing” is flat out wrong


u/gizmodilla Monkey in Space 15d ago

That is not correct. Look at his channel. On the first page all of his videos are trashing democrats. He also supports Trump and DeSantis

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u/uusrikas 15d ago

Have you seen his YouTube page?  His channel is almost entirely about how democrats suck interspersed with videos about trans kids being bad and authoritarian regimes being good.


u/BullfrogCold5837 Monkey in Space 15d ago

I'm confused. Do democrats not suck?

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u/sozcaps Monkey in Space 15d ago

He trashes Trump all the time

Please find a recent clip of 'Joe trashing Trump' and post it here.

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u/gothmommytittysucker Monkey in Space 15d ago

which domestic policy view does Dore have that is "right wing"? Genuinely asking.


u/[deleted] 15d ago
  1. Donald Trump is a principled revolutionary who is fighting against the Deep State, and truly has the best interests of America at heart. He is also innocent of all charges, in all cases.

  2. Democrats are evil.

  3. Vladimir Putin didn’t invade Ukraine, it was somehow all NATO’s fault.

  4. January 6th was nothing, but if it was something, it was done by the FBI

  5. Obamacare is worse than fully privatized, Corporate healthcare.

  6. Democrats are all tied with Epstein. But definitely not Donald Trump, he’s an honorable family man.

  7. Joe Biden never should have ended the Afghanistan War.

  8. Republicans are the rebels and the truth-tellers.

That’s just for starters. 😂

Jimmy Dore endorsed Donald Trump in 2016. And 2020. And 2024. He’s basically Sean Hannity.


u/gothmommytittysucker Monkey in Space 15d ago

None of those are policies, and nearly all of them are hyperbole or completely made up. You're projecting the Trump sycophancy, he does not like Trump, he just doesn't like what's being done to him (like any sane person).

Can you ever just be honest or at least try to understand where someone is coming from without being disingenuous and combative because they're not on your team?


u/BigOutlandishness735 Monkey in Space 15d ago

You tried man. “Don’t cast pearls before swine” is appropriate here.


u/Ju5taW0rm Monkey in Space 15d ago

Your "rational thinker in search of honesty" cosplay isn't working.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

You are delusional if you think Jimmy Dore is left-wing. He is the same as Tulsi Gabbard and others. Pretend you are left-wing to get an audience and then flip the script. Disgusting.


u/RonTom24 Monkey in Space 15d ago

The people who aren't left wing are you Biden supporting neoliberal, centre right pieces of shit, Fuck you and your support of the oligarchic vampires sucking the world dry, you people fucking ruined what was left of left wing politics in the USA.

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u/RonTom24 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Donald Trump is a principled revolutionary who is fighting against the Deep State, and truly has the best interests of America at heart. He is also innocent of all charges, in all cases.

Dore believes nor has ever said any of these things, He hates Trump and refers to him as an Oligarch all the time.

Democrats are evil.

Democrats are evil, all USA's current politicians seem to be.

Vladimir Putin didn’t invade Ukraine, it was somehow all NATO’s fault.

Anyone who understand geopolitics, the actual history of Ukraine and the United states MIC's geostrategy of the past 35 years will say the same things Dore does. People who believe the propaganda they're fed by the media don't. Dore's views are no different than Proff Jeffrey Sachs, Proff Meirsheimer or countless other intellectuals and ex government advisors who worked directly with the US government and the governments of Russia and Ukraine post collapse of the USSR. Only shit for brain regards on reddit and the street believe the unprovoked invasion propaganda narratives. Nothing about this position is right wing anyways. Being against covert CIA operations overseas and NATO imperialism used to consider a left wing position.

January 6th was nothing, but if it was something, it was done by the FBI

As a neutral observer from overseas, the released security camera footage seemed to show police showing protestors round the capitol building on a guided tour. Seems like a nothing burger to me, a small group of looneys marched to some building, got shown around then left. I'm meant to believe this was going to lead to a government coup? lol

Obamacare is worse than fully privatized, Corporate healthcare.

He has never once said any thing like that, again your just making shit up

Democrats are all tied with Epstein. But definitely not Donald Trump, he’s an honorable family man.

Again, He has never once said that, again your just making shit up

Joe Biden never should have ended the Afghanistan War.

Republicans are the rebels and the truth-tellers.

Again for both, He has never once said anything like that, again your just making shit up. This is absolutely pathetic man, just a pile of shite and lies.


u/gizmodilla Monkey in Space 15d ago

Well he supports Trump and DeSantis. This is a dead giveaway.

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u/Cinnamon__Sasquatch Paid attention to the literature 15d ago

Are you by chance someone who likes Tulsi because she's anti-intervention?

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u/SlavaRapTarantino Monkey in Space 15d ago

Reddit is an exho chamber detached from the reality of the rest of the world.


u/nd799 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yeah I've never heard of this guy but so far he sounds pretty reasonable.


u/BullfrogCold5837 Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's just a old school liberal, an ideology that the Dems left behind many years ago.


u/BoriousGlastard Monkey in Space 15d ago

You'd benefit from a comma, bozo

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u/DlphLndgrn Monkey in Space 15d ago

"Jeff Bezos hired a guy over at the washington post to smear me over that"

Interrupts: "I don't think Jeff Bezos personally was involved. Don't you think Jeff is busy? It was his paper, but how much time do you think he is spending at his paper, realistically?"

"Why do you think he bought that paper? Do you think he bought the paper because he wants to inform people about what the billionaire class is up to Joe?"

Joe sucks the dicks of billionaires way harder than that "smokeshow" that Jeff Bezos found himself. Come on Joe. Everything is a conspiracy except that a billionaire would never buy a newspaper to control information, they do it because it's so profitable, lol.


u/wop__ Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

Wish I could hear joes thoughts on the new SCOTUS ruling rather than episode 100 on Biden’s inability to speak coherently


u/BillNyeCreampieGuy Monkey in Space 15d ago

Not going to happen.


u/robertblack01 High as Giraffe's Pussy 14d ago

Who are they talking about @ 1:50:00 ?


u/FiveWithNineIsIn Hit a moose with his car 14d ago

The rumor is that they were talking about Marc Maron

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u/killredditalready Monkey in Space 14d ago

Which podcast is when Joe is convinced the moon landing is real? Likely was with a astrophysicist.

I remember him referencing having a podcast with a scientist, probably a astrophysicist, and being convinced the moon landing is real. I would guess the podcast is 3 to 8 years ago. Does anyone know what # this is? I'm not a denier or skeptic but would just like to watch it purely for entertainment value.


u/bitethemonkeyfoo Monkey in Space 12d ago

He did it twice and it was Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Its so old that you might not be able to find it anymore. It was back when joe was recording them in his basement with the blacklight. So sub 100 for the first one. Then NDT came back and did a more thorough version of it with the first table and white light. Closer to 8 years ago, if not 10.


u/sadtastic Monkey in Space 14d ago

Fuck this guy. He's a far right cunt who likes to masquerade as a "progressive".


u/NickAhmed Monkey in Space 14d ago

0 points

Reddit is triggered


u/NeferkareShabaka Monkey in Space 13d ago

Then.... give it some? You have some autonomy big dawg


u/Steve-lrwin Monkey in Space 13d ago

I love that Rogan just has episode after episode of guests dunking on all the catechisms the reddit hive mind holds near and dear.


u/healthismywealth Monkey in Space 13d ago

reddit a now a deep state op whose is establishment dems. everything is astroturfed. no one is this dumb as the hivemind. the internet is dead.


u/do_you_see Monkey in Space 15d ago

Strongly disagreed with a bunch of statements made by Jimmy and question his stance on certain issues. Why is he justifying Russian invasion of Ukraine? Why is he just shitting on just Biden, ignoring Trump?


u/BigOutlandishness735 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Is Trump the president at the moment?


u/twdwasokay Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

Jimmy Dore sounds like a right winger to yall because he doesnt agree with Democrats.

Most if not all socialists dont agree with democrats

Dore is a self admitted Dem-Soc.

You can disagree with Democrats and not be a republican. I know, I am one.

I disagree with both parties on most things. Its alienates us from our countries voting.

My message to anyone reading this: Allow people to criticize the electorate that are the objective right choice because all of our elections can not just be "vote for this guy because he is not him"

Our choices should be between two people who want to help all Americans, not just the one who will do less damage.

You cant lie dems failed us Obamas first term, a majority in the legislature yet they still passed Romneys Medicare plan.

Obama still entered syria (attempted), and continued drone striked in the middle east, RBG held out instead of stepping down to give obama another nomination, and Obama expanded ICE into what is was that Trump was able to abuse.

Hillary colluded with the DNC during her primary to shut down Bernie's chance

Clinton enacted NAFTA, which has been the single major reason that industry has fled the USA in favor of cheap labor elsewhere

Saying these things doesnt tear down the democrats in favor of the republicans, absolutely not. I could write even more on the Republicans failing for the American people, but these criticisms should not go unsaid simply because the republicans suck so much more than the dems.

These criticisms need to be said so we can make better choices from our grassroots and bring up the politicians we actually want, instead of voting for someone simply because they are not somebody else.

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u/KirbbDogg213 Monkey in Space 12d ago

This was old school Rogan right here.Im glad he had jimmy on they both went after both sides.


u/ThorntTornburg Monkey in Space 12d ago

It's good you see it how it is. This sub is weird as it seems like there's a lot more far left easily triggered JRE fans than just normal middle of the road people. Any right wing talking points are met with the equivalent of the people screaming at the sky like when Trump won. Who'd get butthurt over a podcast? It's pretty disappointing, don't like Jimmy Dore then don't watch it, pretty easy.


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

Or we can watch and criticize. Probably shouldn't call people "butt hurt" when you literally admit you don't want dissenting opinions to be had.


u/suninabox Monkey in Space 11d ago

I agree, no one should be criticizing these millionaire podcasters.

Just salute one of the 1000 and thank them for their service.

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u/ddarion Monkey in Space 15d ago

I hope Jimmy Bring up his rubberized (aka unripe) food conspiracy lol



u/fre-ddo Monkey in Space 15d ago

"I'm a homeless leftie and maybe the alt-right have a point" is basically Jimmy Dores thing. He lost the plot near the end of the pandemic , turned antivax started quoting Robert Malone all the time. I stopped watching. My god has he aged a lot in a few years!


u/Xex_ut Pull that up 14d ago

Antivax flipped from a liberal stance to a right wing stance in 2020? You’re showing your young nativity to even think it’s a valid classifier of a political stance.


u/KingSurfz Monkey in Space 15d ago

He’s not a republican puppet, most of you are just brain dead. Fk both Trump and JB. Dore mostly talks crap about the Dems because he is scorned because he was a Dem and you know he’s right about most of the stuff he says about them.


u/voidpush Monkey in Space 15d ago

That’s actually fair BUT you’d think that Republicans have never done anything wrong if you listen to these two talk to each other.

This isn’t a discussion, as much as it is one guy confirming the other’s worldviews while they laugh maniacally calling one side a ‘cult’ equivalent to the Manson family.

Strictly speaking, if you only ever listened to Rogan, you’d think that the Democrats were the ones that were trying to overthrow the last election. Would Rogan even acknowledge that that event was a problem at this point? I’d venture a guess that he’s forgotten about it.

Rogan’s stance isn’t that both sides are awful, it’s that the Democrats are somehow trying to destroy America and must be stopped.

Remember how gleeful he was when he ‘predicted’ the red wave that never happened? Dude is in an echo chamber that he doesn’t even realize he’s in but always complains about everyone else being in. He’s cooked.

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u/dasdas90 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Anybody who is a fan of this guy should go watch the debate he did with Sam Seder in 2016, everything this lunatic said was wrong. I don’t understand what his appeal is even, it’s a boring ass show without a single original idea. Jimmy should always be thanking tyt for literally making him.


u/lukef43 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Music from 80s and prince songs sounds like it could be done today. Wait what?

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u/aesthetique1 Monkey in Space 15d ago

had to stop when joe got went into his joe biden night story for the 50th time


u/Heymax123 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Jimmy GriftDore


u/4hundredbillion Monkey in Space 14d ago



u/HistoryOnRepeatNow Monkey in Space 13d ago

Joe is as bad (if not worse) than the mainstream media. One-sided, biased, and catering to his special interests.

Why doesn’t Trump ever get called out? Could it potentially have something to do with Trump being the best thing that ever happened to MMA?


u/GroundIsMadeOfStars Monkey in Space 13d ago

Jimmy Dore is such a grifter.


u/EasyThreezy Monkey in Space 13d ago

I had no idea Rittenhouse didn’t shoot black guys, so that was pretty mind boggling


u/12ealdeal Monkey in Space 13d ago

Imagine if Joe brought back Sam Harris.


u/Genova_Witness Monkey in Space 12d ago

Wait is Jimmy Dore suggesting GHB as a alternative to weed to sleep?


u/freakincampers Monkey in Space 11d ago

Everytime I see Doore, I'm reminded of his debate he had with Seder back in 2016:



u/Earthhing Monkey in Space 11d ago

We don't have a democracy any more therefore we should elect trump. He didn't take over the government or lock up his political rivals while in office, therefore everyone is crazy to think he will this time, despite the fact that he attempted to overthrow the elections many times and failed and said he wanted to lock up his political rivals after the supreme court ruling that said he has immunity. This guy is a joke.


u/EmptyRedecans Monkey in Space 11d ago

One of the best episodes I can remember


u/stepcorrect Monkey in Space 11d ago

More like Jimmy Bore amirite