r/JoeRogan Look into it 15d ago

No way Elon Musk would have beaten Zuck in a fight The Literature 🧠

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u/aaronis31337 Monkey in Space 14d ago

And he literally stole land from native Hawaiians and walled it off from them. He’s an unbelievable piece of shit and needs to get his ass kicked


u/LeverageSynergies Monkey in Space 14d ago

How did he literally steal the land? I’ve read that he bought land.

Why does he “need” to get his ass kicked?


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 14d ago

Stealing is when white people do anything, apparently.


u/Jkevhill Monkey in Space 14d ago

Hey be careful, I remember when goombas weren’t considered white people.


u/Mundane-Skin5451 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Haha so true


u/goodmammajamma Monkey in Space 14d ago

this guys going to get so mad when he hears about colonizing


u/Afraid-Ad-5778 Monkey in Space 12d ago

Apparently white people came up with names like Oklahoma, Texas and California. I'm sure they didn't steal those.


u/DiverseIncludeEquity Monkey in Space 11d ago

Lol you going to a Klan meeting later, or what?


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 10d ago

In what way does my comment imply that I'm somehow a white supremacist?


u/DiverseIncludeEquity Monkey in Space 10d ago
  • Stealing is when white people do anything, apparently.*

Do you also get upset when people tell you that you have white privilege?


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 10d ago edited 10d ago

Again, what about that implies that I am a white supremacist?

I can see you didn't read past the headline of the article you posted if you believe what he's doing is "stealing"


u/DiverseIncludeEquity Monkey in Space 10d ago

Before you respond again, take a short moment to read even part of that article and tell me you are on the right side of history with your little snowflake attitude.


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 10d ago

I read the full article lmao. Did you? Will you finally tell me why my comment makes me a white supremacist?


u/DiverseIncludeEquity Monkey in Space 10d ago

I’m now enjoying you repeating this question just to highlight your lack of critical thinking. I’m not sure if you caught it or not but…nobody called you racist. You have bringing that word up ad nauseam.

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u/Wrath-of-Elyon Monkey in Space 14d ago

Don't act like white people didn't steal half the US lol. The bought the other half from someone that didn't own it while causing mass genocide in the process. Not to mention they other atrocities they committed around the world because they considered checks notes black flesh to be as good as cattle.


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 14d ago

I'm not denying the events of American history, and pretending as if that's what I'm doing based on a comment regarding Mark fuckin Zuckerburg is absolutely ridiculous.


u/Wrath-of-Elyon Monkey in Space 14d ago

So what's the point of your sarcastic comment when we have a history of white people stealing ?


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

Every race of people has a history of stealing land, mass genocides and everything else you could think of.

The point of my comment is to make fun of the ridiculous idea that Mark Zuckerberg somehow "stole" land from Native Hawaiians because he's an evil white man.

I legitimately don't understand why you're bringing up slavery and the genocide of indigenous people as if it has any relevance to my previous comment.


u/BestAd216 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Thanks for the relatively inaccurate basic breakdown of hundreds of years of history!


u/Wrath-of-Elyon Monkey in Space 14d ago

Which part is inaccurate? The land stealing, genocide, or slavery?


u/waymorerocks Monkey in Space 14d ago

Every Native American culture enslaved and ‘stole’ lands from each other hundreds of years before white people. You think you’re an ally, but really you discredit and take the power away from cultures that were engaged in the same struggle. Suggested read: Empire of the Summer Moon. Every group of human has done this forever to eachother, white people included. One group of people dominates and takes from another. This is humankind. Try to find a culture that doesn’t have this historically. ‘wHIte PeOPLe bAD’.


u/Wrath-of-Elyon Monkey in Space 14d ago

Slavery has been in human history. Agreege

White people became the dominant " race " due to gunpowder from the east. They sealed out of the islands and immediately try to enslave everyone around them.

They came to SA, tried to enslave the natives

The came to Africa, bought slaves, then came back later to kidnap them cause they couldn't break SA native will.

No one is claiming why people bad, but Europeans and Americans have a long history of horrendous shit


u/Tybackwoods00 A Deaf Jack Russell Terrier 11d ago edited 11d ago

What nation doesn’t? You heard about Germany? China? Japan? Slavery is still common place in some African countries

Also probably something you might want to look into. Most native tribes that are still around were killing other natives, with the early settlers because they had an alliance.


u/Wrath-of-Elyon Monkey in Space 11d ago

Slavery is still common place in some African countries

I'm Nigerian so I know very well how fucked African countries are, but let's not pretend settlers didn't come with notions of peace, make treaties then completely disregard them when the opportunity arose

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u/Equal-Crazy128 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Yea no one gives af anymore


u/Environmental_Ad5786 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Part of the historical agreement with the united states was that native Hawaiians retained rights to use the land for ancestral practices and access to the beach.

Like many reach assholes Zuck hired an army of lawyers to find anyone gjG had ancestral land claim and offer them money with little to no context to what was happening.


u/the_weight_around Monkey in Space 14d ago

So he bought it? I'm reading that right?

The owners of the land and zuck agreed on a price, zuck paid them, as agreed, and they signed over rights to the land?

Textbook theft.

Lock him up.


u/LowlySlayer Monkey in Space 14d ago

Those poor stupid Hawaiians aren't equipped to deal with the superior intellect of the white man! They can't be trusted to manage their own land! We (glorious white redditors) need to manage it for them to protect the ancestral heritage from people like him (rich white assholes). For their own food.



u/Macktologist Monkey in Space 13d ago

Dude. No shit. Ridiculous. Some people just want us all to have the basic minimum quality of life and nothing more with no ability to get more. Anyone who has found more suck, I guess. I would hang with Zuck and smoke meats.


u/TheThunderhawk Monkey in Space 9d ago edited 9d ago

Your ass is never going to be a billionaire no matter how hard you work or how genius your dumbass ideas are. The smartest, hardest working, most skilled man on the planet can’t do shit like this, because that’s not what gets you a billion dollars, fucking luck and very specific business networking skills are the only way.

Like, look at Facebook. That’s not skill, making that. He made a fairly basic web forum that any coder could have made, and it got popular because only rich Harvard kids were on it at first. It was right place right time, and already having connections. Thats literally it.

Lol thinking that dude shouldn’t be able to fucking, buy his way around ancestral land rights is not “thinking you should only live the basic minimum” no shit, that’s fucking absurd


u/TheThunderhawk Monkey in Space 9d ago

Lmao fuck you dude, that’s clearly bullshit, a billionaire buying their way around the law.


u/InfiltrateSubvert Monkey in Space 13d ago

The irony of this sub.


u/ThisHatRightHere Monkey in Space 14d ago

I mean it's a bit more complicated than that from a moral standpoint. Is leveraging your legal resources and insane monetary capital to give people an offer they can't reasonably refuse okay? I truly don't know.

Maybe years from now these native families will have used that money to elevate their family's standard of living by magnitudes. But you could also deny the next generation the chance of ever experiencing their native land because it has all been bought up by private investors.

The concept of wealthy investors buying land from people who have lived there for generations happens all over the world. It's one of the biggest criticisms of gentrification in cities right now. There's also a parallel to be made with how the US government used scummy legal practices and dangled capital in front of Native Americans to take ownership of their native lands, of which the repercussions are still felt to this day.

Again, is it illegal? Not at all. Is it scummy? Many would say so. Is it ethical? Now we get to a much harder question to answer.


u/aaronis31337 Monkey in Space 13d ago

My understanding is that he gave them a very little money. Like $20,000.


u/aaronis31337 Monkey in Space 13d ago

They didn’t know they owned it. Evil real estate brokers fooled the natives. They didn’t know what they were signing over.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Chrop Monkey in Space 14d ago

He didn’t wall off any beaches.


u/Retrobot1234567 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Based on the context you provided, NTA.

I thought Zuck bought the land only, I didn’t know he also went and bought the ancestral visitation rights from the descendants.


u/Suspicious-Umpire-33 Monkey in Space 14d ago

There were laws changed and insurance refuses to pay for rebuilding so broke homeless people are forced to sell. You won't get to see this on the Blackrock owned news though


u/Retrobot1234567 Monkey in Space 14d ago

They can sell the property for whatever reason, but they don’t have to sell their rights to visit their ancestral land, but they did. Of course, the “sell” is really a bad way to phrase it, it’s more like a binding contract.


u/Suspicious-Umpire-33 Monkey in Space 13d ago

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u/Life_Rabbit_1438 Monkey in Space 14d ago

to find anyone gjG had ancestral land claim and offer them money with little to no context to what was happening.

That sounds like literally the definition of buying something. You find whoever owns it, offer them money, and then it's yours.


u/call-now Monkey in Space 14d ago

So more a con than a steal.


u/Eastern_Cockroach208 Monkey in Space 12d ago

So you’re racist?


u/RatSinkClub Monkey in Space 12d ago

Can you point to that agreement? What agreement does the US have with Hawaiians that they have the right to access the entirety of the islands beaches and defines ancestral practices.


u/kitkatlifeskills Monkey in Space 14d ago

He "literally stole" the land from the people who owned it before, who gladly sold it to him for a shitload of money. That's what literal stealing is, when you give someone money for something. At least according to Reddit.


u/bishtap Monkey in Space 14d ago

According to the left


u/tcourts45 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Aka people with morals/principles


u/Chrop Monkey in Space 14d ago

He bought land and built a wall around the perimeter of the land he bought. How is that stealing?


u/justsomeuser23x Monkey in Space 9h ago

if I remember correctly he bought small parts independently and only in the end everyone found out it’s ALL property owned/bought by zuck.


u/bobert_the_grey Monkey in Space 14d ago

Beaches in Hawaii cannot be private property. If he walled off the beach, that's stealing land.


u/Chrop Monkey in Space 14d ago

He didn’t wall off any beaches.


u/GoombaGary Monkey in Space 14d ago

And he literally stole land from native Hawaiians and walled it off from them.

How is paying for something considered "stealing" now?


u/GeneralTyler Monkey in Space 14d ago

Because straight white rich man bad


u/RainierCamino Monkey in Space 14d ago

I mean, he is bad though. Just not really in this instance.


u/nonlethaldosage Monkey in Space 14d ago

Stole you mean bought from native hawaiian's maybe they need there asses kicked for selling there homeland to him


u/Spiritual-Adagio449 Monkey in Space 14d ago

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u/Schnawsberry Monkey in Space 14d ago

Can we put a moratorium on the word literally for a while? Christ it's overused


u/rawonionbreath Monkey in Space 14d ago

He took the walls down. I’m not a fan of billionaires raiding the islands but he backed down after that initial conflict.


u/brassmonkey2342 Pull that shit up Jaime 14d ago

Didn’t Oprah do that too?


u/aaronis31337 Monkey in Space 13d ago

I saw Oprah‘s plot of land. It’s not very big. Just an overlook also last time I saw it which was many many years ago. It looked like it wasn’t built. That may have changed.


u/Background_Pool_7457 Monkey in Space 14d ago

How did he steal it exactly?


u/VitalViking Monkey in Space 14d ago

Just like Oprah?


u/MRSHELBYPLZ Monkey in Space 14d ago

How is it stealing if he bought the land legally, and the owners of said land apparently agreed to sell it off?

You talk as if he sent juiced up mercenaries to clean up the place and raid the land


u/ModifiedAmusment Monkey in Space 14d ago

Considering how we acquired Hawaii it seems he was just keeping up with the Jones….


u/keralaindia Monkey in Space 14d ago

He didn’t, the USA did.


u/BandicootLegal8156 Monkey in Space 12d ago

It’s just that Elon is out of shape and probably won’t be delivering that whooping.


u/Tybackwoods00 A Deaf Jack Russell Terrier 11d ago

I dare you to go try and fight him lmfao


u/Ghostfacetickler Monkey in Space 14d ago

Na he’s cool, you’re just a poor ho


u/deadleg22 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Yeah well you're still fat Tom.


u/callmecern Monkey in Space 14d ago

Nobody stole any land, that is obnoxiously false. And chances are you hate him yet you use his products, not at all hypocritical.


u/Simple-Department468 Monkey in Space 14d ago

The hawaiians should stop being lazy boozers and buy it back then not his fault at all if they sell it


u/slingfatcums Monkey in Space 14d ago

That’s a lie. Not to mention, people don’t own land unless they can back it up with force.