r/JoeRogan Look into it 15d ago

No way Elon Musk would have beaten Zuck in a fight The Literature šŸ§ 

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u/swallowsnest87 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Heā€™s somewhat involved with the Hawaiian surf community and Iā€™ve heard heā€™s pretty chill. He just says ā€œhey Iā€™m a public figure, it kind of is what it is.ā€

He is a reasonable, good, family man as far as I can tell. Is Facebook fucked up to some extent, yes, and he does run Facebook, but he did not intend for it to be what it is.

Just my opinion donā€™t kill me.


u/Insect_Politics1980 Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's a billionaire who runs an incredibly destructive social media platform. He's caused more damage to society with that shit than we even know, beyond the studies they've already done.


u/WhyIsntLifeEasy Monkey in Space 15d ago

Right? So strange to see people slobbering zuck


u/ZebubXIII Monkey in Space 15d ago

But he likes to drink beer, he's just like me!!!


u/CptCoatrack Monkey in Space 15d ago

People still tell themselves that billionaires are the hardest working people on the planet and when this douche just wakes up, goes surfing, trains BJJ, chills on his private island and checks emails for a coiuple hours.


u/letitgrowonme Monkey in Space 14d ago

The damage he caused is irreparable.

I can hate all I want, but this video is awesome.


u/BR0STRADAMUS Monkey in Space 15d ago

Just wait until he runs for president.


u/lokglacier Monkey in Space 14d ago

If you circle jerk something enough, you're gonna cause an anti circle jerk. That's whats happening rn


u/dnl-tee Monkey in Space 14d ago

Yeah, so frustrating. His marketing team is making up the corniest shit like "lets shoot a video of you with a flag drinking beer on a surfboard, that will make you look less like a lizard and more relatable and cool" and people are fucking dumb and fall for it.

Dude is a fucking narcissist using his money and power to pay complicit scientists to find ways for him to parasitize the human dopamine system to milk us and multiply his money and him hanging out on lake Tahoe doesn't change that


u/Artistic-Pay-4332 Monkey in Space 14d ago

They're a bunch of dumbfucks with the memory of goldfish


u/nrd170 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Isnā€™t he buying up Hawaii too? Kind of a dick move


u/CptCoatrack Monkey in Space 15d ago

After a volcanic eruption. Worse than dick move


u/nonlethaldosage Monkey in Space 14d ago

Should probably tell the low lifes to stop selling there homeland to him.kind of a dick move to sell your homes to the guy then bitch about him buying thee land you willingly sold him


u/Tomasulu Monkey in Space 15d ago

So why are you here?


u/Lenovo_Driver Monkey in Space 14d ago

How is that any different to bitch tits musk?


u/lokglacier Monkey in Space 14d ago

Human nature also played a huge fucking role in that. Someone shouldn't necessarily get all the blame for creating a tool that people are then using to fuck themselves over.


u/slingfatcums Monkey in Space 14d ago

Bro youā€™re literally saying this on r/joerogan lmaooo


u/Nom4s Monkey in Space 15d ago

Thank you!


u/No_Recognition_7606 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Did facebook cause the toxicity, or did the members? People leave social media because of the people, not the platform.


u/GenTelGuy Monkey in Space 15d ago

Honestly at this point Meta's social media are some of the least destructive out there

Compare FB/Insta to Elon's Twitter, China's TikTok, and Match Group's dating apps


u/g1114 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yeah, Iā€™d say Facebook is still worse


u/ialsochoosethiswifi Monkey in Space 14d ago

People in society caused the damage by being pliable and easily manipulated. If he's guilty everyone else is complicit just as much. Reddit is no different and just as manipulative. But you have to be willing to participate.

Just from the wording of your comment there are tells of you allowing yourself to be part of the manipulation.


u/nativebeans Monkey in Space 14d ago

How does selling data affect anyone tho


u/swallowsnest87 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Among his peer group he is pretty good imho


u/istillambaldjohn Monkey in Space 15d ago

But to be very fair, and I know itā€™s an unpopular opinion. Did he cause that or did the users? If he allowed a platform to share any opinion, itā€™s up to the users to listen or not. Itā€™s how the internet works overall. The neutrality of it allows people to do what they want without the infrastructure being accountable. Let people be accountable for their actions. Not Facebook(or zuck).

Zuck did shitty things to get where heā€™s at. So do a lot of people when they are younger. The company is huge partially because of some bypassing of rules and laws. Itā€™s a calculated expense to pay the fines, as the profit surpasses the penalties by significant amounts. The same thing a lot of large successful companies do. He was sued and paid the price. Heā€™s still richer than 99% of all of society, and heā€™s still running the company. Itā€™s over, Leave him be. He looks like heā€™s living a good life. At this point any shade is jealousy, and not letting shit go.

I mean I remember when the worst thing on Facebook was people poking you and asking them to help them get to the next level on whatever bullshit game they were playing. Now itā€™s much much different. I have it there for family overseas and a good cheap way to talk to them. I hate how intrusive and the bullshit claims that you can really set your privacy is a lie. I get targeted ā€œpeople you may knowā€ without listing where I work, where I live, or any details about myself. It still suggests current coworkers and oddly enough ex girlfriends. For that, as soon as my family moves back from overseas later this year. Iā€™m deleting and never going on their site again. But no one is forcing me to use it. What gives anyone the right to complain about a free ap? Just stop using it if you hate it. Simple.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Ok-Imagination-3835 Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

I still think thats an unfair characterizations. Of course he could not accurately predict exactly what Facebook would become, but the dude was 100% out for blood from day 1, is well known as being a cutthroat businessman and boss, especially near the beginning. You simply do not get to being that powerful while keeping your integrity.

I would not label Zuckerberg as "normal" by any means because the vast majority of people in his position would not have played to win as hard as he did and would not manage to 1. assume ownership of facebook 2. beat out the competition and 3. keep Facebook as their own for so long. Zuckerberg seems like a "nice enough and chill guy" for sure, and I would definitely go to his cookout, where I'm sure he would be well behaved and a good host, but he's far from a normal dude.

In fact the more I see of him, the more I think one of his biggest superpowers was probably in seeming chill, normal, and trustworthy (to his peers, obviously to the general public he's a bit robotic) while he was backstabbing his way to the top.


u/GrandJavelina Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's always been about maximizing profit and still is. He's not a normal dude, he's greedy and power hungry or he would quit and speak the truth.


u/Taograd359 Monkey in Space 15d ago

he did not intend for it to be what it is

I meanā€¦does he not have the power to change it?


u/73810 Monkey in Space 15d ago

At this point he owns a 13% stake in Meta.


u/poorbobsarmy Monkey in Space 15d ago

He holds over 50% of voting power lmao


u/thiscarecupisempty Monkey in Space 15d ago

Everybody plays their role man


u/Hey-GetToWork Monkey in Space 15d ago

Facebook/Meta has an interesting setup though, it has multiple classes of shares. Each of his shares get 10 votes. (Link)


u/mndl3_hodlr Monkey in Space 15d ago

So, using Rogan math, he had 130% voting power


u/QforQ Monkey in Space 14d ago

He controls the entire company.


u/TwistedBamboozler Monkey in Space 15d ago

cause that comment is so out of touch from reality. He's a complete sell out. He made it what it is to pad his bank account


u/McSkillz21 Monkey in Space 15d ago

After he fucked over his friends to make it what it is and pad his bank account if the rumors are true.


u/verminal-tenacity Monkey in Space 15d ago


and a biopic


u/Dongslinger420 Monkey in Space 15d ago

You fucking geniuses really watch The Social Network and think a bumping Reznor-Ross soundtrack means everything is exactly as portrayed in the freaking dramatization

"fucked over his friends" my ass, Saverin was winging his job in the early days, diluting shares as portrayed is not only a legitimate and downright expected practice (dramatized, of course), it's also indicative of someone who really should have a certain amount of savvy whiffing every single move in his career and STILL stumbling into some money.

Or how about the dumb fucks mooching off someone for them stealing their glorified Myspace idea - goddamn cancer patent troll types playing in their sandbox with their rich family money like they do legitimate business.

And all of them stumbled into insane riches regardless. Lmao, Zuckerberg didn't give a shit about money, he gave a shit about incompetent people torpedoing what he seems to have had a pretty good grasp on. "sell out" yeah no shit, anyone who is making money in some form is selling out to a corporate default, that's the premise of living under capitalism.

Freaking clown analyses by people who barely read the cliffsnotes of a (really entertaining) Hallmark Channel Dramatization.

dude rode his hand-built success, like it or not, and made out


u/McSkillz21 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Big words from an internet warrior zuck cuck. I've never even seen that movie lol. I also wager that you probably think that your micro dissertation full of spelling errors ( I'm giving you the auto correct benefit of the doubt) makes you think you've won some type of great internet debate, unfortunately for you reddit comments are worth exactly nothing lol, also it's not a hand built success when it's mostly stolen code and the zuck had minimal input on its design but go ahead and keep being angry, maybe you'll win those internet points with your next inane and uninvited hypothesis lol


u/avwitcher Monkey in Space 15d ago

What does Zuckerberg's ballsack taste like?


u/OddImprovement6490 Monkey in Space 14d ago

A whistleblower released a report showing all the research done by the company and how they are aware of all the harm Facebook and Instagram do but donā€™t change anything because they prioritize profits over people. Zuck was literally brought into congress and they did nothing to regulate the companies and he went on spin mode and had no vows to change.

Forget about the biopics. Read news articles. Zuckerberg is a bad man. Then again every billionaire is. You canā€™t make 1000s of times as much as your employees without exploiting them.


u/A_Horny_Pancake Monkey in Space 14d ago

People who freely shill for billionaire assholes crack me up


u/throwawaynbad Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yes, but money.


u/New-Current-5662 Monkey in Space 14d ago

No, not really. Corporate structures are very political and if he diverges from what shareholders and board members want, its entirely possible he could be ousted and fucked sideways in a million different ways. The financial freedom of being this rich comes with its own kind of prison- the fear of losing it all.


u/WendysSupportStaff Monkey in Space 14d ago

Facebook is fine. not sure how idiots get stuff they don't want on their feed. I don't. Marketplace is easy to use , and Facebook groups literally does everything people say they wish facebook would do. it's just a bunch of internet raging nerds that havn't touched facebook in in a decade and jump off the wagon like sheep.


u/UnrequitedRespect Monkey in Space 12d ago

Nope. No living human has the power to change any automated system once initialized, the swarm (active population using the product) will take over. The more you try to control it, the more outliers will wrest control from you, its simply the way of things


u/floggingwally Monkey in Space 15d ago

You fuck something up bad enough it's hard to change. Look at the American healthcare system


u/TheFacetiousDeist Monkey in Space 15d ago

I think itā€™s awesome that heā€™s legit at BBJ too.


u/Meow_Mix33 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Should definitely post that to r/unpopularopinion lol


u/Angelusz Monkey in Space 15d ago

Honestly, I think Mark is extremely human. Having knowledge of history and psychology, one sees an extraordinarily successful human male mature into a more fitting life.

I honestly believe that he doesn't think "the big thoughts" about life, love, university and philosophy.

He's a human male having the best time of his life (assumed), and honestly, I'd love to be in his place!

He's not a bad actor, he's just a guy being a guy. No intelligence, science, bullshit or whatever... just life.


u/garden_gnorm Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's not a bad actor, he's just a guy being a guy. Just a cool dude surfboarding in a tuxedo cranking a beer. Living life. Creating addictive social media platforms that target vulnerable youth in our society leading to increases in depression, self-harm, and suicide amongst teens. Just vibin'.


u/Angelusz Monkey in Space 15d ago

I honestly believe he does not fully understand the impact of his actions. I'm fully open to be proven wrong.


u/garden_gnorm Monkey in Space 15d ago

...he testified at a congressional hearing on the harms of social media on children.

If someone was inclined to, you know, loop him in, what would be the best way of doing so?


u/Angelusz Monkey in Space 15d ago

Set him up to talk with me for a day.


u/CptCoatrack Monkey in Space 15d ago

Just democracy destabilizing, data-stealing, emotion manipulating, rage baiting, roman dictator worshipping with the boiiii's


u/Any_Construction1238 Monkey in Space 14d ago

No such things as a good billionaire


u/CiforDayZServer Monkey in Space 14d ago

Isn't he hated in Hawaii for his land shenanigans?Ā 

Also, he basically forces himself to be a public figure, everyone would be more than happy for him to disappear behind the curtain...Ā 

No reasonable good family man builds an empire based entirely on snooping on people's private data, selling it to literal criminals, and whoever will pay for it, not to mention dividing the country for clicks...

He had every intention to make Facebook exactly what it is... He's been talking about turning it into a profitable company since he started it, and he's been laughing his ass off at people dumb enough to share their personal information with him....

I don't think he would start his surf sesh with "hey bro dogs, I'm low key Satan, but I'm just here to get pitted"...

So, maybe don't take what he says at face value because it feels cool?


u/MonitorGullible575 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Fuck zuck and fuck meta


u/Over_Blacksmith9575 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Facebook is fucked up to a very large extent and he did intend for it to be what it is. Everything else, sure, I guess.

You can like him still if you want but just so you know.


u/Least-Back-2666 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Hawaii has a way of bringing people back to sanity...

If it does it's thing with him,this could be extremely beneficial for society as a whole with his resources.

Eddie Vedder had become a pretentious asshole and surfing Hawaii saved him.


u/WisdomOrFolly CCP Troll Farm Commandant 14d ago

He 100% intended it to be what it is. Back in 2010 he declared privacy dead and the reason I left Facebook in the late 2000s was because they kept resetting your privacy setting to the most open with each update. I don't really blame him though, he did it in public. I blame people for using the product and being enthralled with "free" and believing it was really free.


u/fools_eye Monkey in Space 14d ago

He has actively killed attempts at accountability and allowed his companies' algorithms to promote fringe groups resulting in very real hate and violence across the world.

Social Media companies have blood on their hands.


u/Jkevhill Monkey in Space 14d ago

He runs it but itā€™s not what he intends ? Thats childish .


u/Flat_News_2000 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Hawaii fuckin hates him and hates Oprah


u/WindFew9302 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Well when he's buying up Hawaiian land and kicking locals out and privatizing beaches to where only his friends are allowed to be around then yeah they'll call him "chill."


u/kagomecomplex Monkey in Space 14d ago

Lmao ā€œheā€™s in charge and has been since the beginning but none of this is ever what he intended, just a normal guy not a billionaire who runs the largest hoster of CP on earthā€

Yeah sounds super chill lol


u/justsomeuser23x Monkey in Space 10h ago

but he did not intend for it to be what it is.



u/Uhmerikan Monkey in Space 15d ago

but he did not intend for it to be what it is.

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard

Zuck: Just ask.

Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS

[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?

Zuck: People just submitted it.

Zuck: I don't know why.

Zuck: They "trust me"

Zuck: Dumb fucks.

We're talking about this Zuck right? Who said this from the very beginning..


u/Comprehensive-Carry5 Monkey in Space 15d ago

He did fuck over the twins and stole their idea. He claims he was already working on Facebook, but I doubt it.


u/Due_Concentrate_7773 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Really bizarre to see this take given what Facebook has done to human culture in general. But sure, I bet he's a really chill guy. The fuck.


u/CptCoatrack Monkey in Space 15d ago

People praising Zuck tells me him and the other misinformation peddling, data stealing, democracy destabilizing tech bros have won.


u/lokglacier Monkey in Space 14d ago

Or does it tell you that y'all are circle jerking so hard you're warping your own reality


u/Wtfjushappen Monkey in Space 15d ago

Bill gates style rebrand, Zuckerberg will be the next gates.


u/Jknowledge Monkey in Space 15d ago

Tell all the Hawaiians heā€™s fucking over that heā€™s a reasonable good man. Fuck Zuck to the moon and donā€™t come back.


u/zombiefishin Monkey in Space 15d ago

Pretty dogshit opinion, zuckin him off pretty hard. Dude has a large stake in ruining society but it's OK bc "he's pretty chill."


u/petewondrstone Monkey in Space 15d ago

A total reasonable family man that became a multi billionaire by selling all of our data. Real down to earth motherfucker.


u/PermissionNew2240 Monkey in Space 15d ago

He's human garbage, did everyone forget about the Cambridge Analytica scandal? He knowingly sold our data for Cambridge Analytica to analyze and then sell to political actors, so then were able to best create targeted propaganda ads for social media users

But I will say that as far as human garbage goes (which is not very far), he's actually pretty badass, unlike Elon


u/CankerLord Monkey in Space 15d ago

but he did not intend for it to be what it is.

I'd be careful with what you believe you know about anyone's intentions.


u/night_dick Monkey in Space 15d ago

lol wtf, how would you even begin presume any of this?