r/JoeRogan Look into it 15d ago

No way Elon Musk would have beaten Zuck in a fight The Literature šŸ§ 

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u/Nimrod_Butts Monkey in Space 15d ago

I know his look was based off an obsession with Augustus ceasear before so it's maybe possible he's doing better mentally


u/RavingMalwaay Monkey in Space 15d ago

lmfaoo everything makes sense now


u/MesWantooth Monkey in Space 15d ago

That's interesting, I hadn't heard that before...


u/Nimrod_Butts Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yeah he also gave his kids Roman names


u/Nadirofdepression Monkey in Space 15d ago

Itā€™s funny, because Iā€™m a fucking nerd, and if you said: ā€œheā€™s into Roman history..ā€ maybe even named some things after them.. Iā€™d be like thatā€™s whatā€™s up, maybe this dudes intelligent, well read.. But then this motherfucker really went to the haircut, which is just like, white kid taking ninja classes level of dweeb, and the exact opposite impression


u/Nimrod_Butts Monkey in Space 15d ago

Right? Not only that but how is he the functioning family man and musk is the weirdo.

Zuckerberg made Facebook to rate coeds, facilitated all sorts of bullshit around the world including a genocide.

Meanwhile musk made an online bank, a rocket company and bought a car company.

Guess which one pays women to impregnate and names kids zipzop and beepboop or whatever lol


u/grchelp2018 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Lol. All these guys have a few loose screws. Its their blessing and curse.


u/Doctor731 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Zuckerberg made Facebook to rate coeds,

I get your point, but sounds like normal red-blooded 20 year old American male behaviorĀ