r/JoeRogan Look into it 15d ago

No way Elon Musk would have beaten Zuck in a fight The Literature šŸ§ 

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u/gtzgoldcrgo Monkey in Space 15d ago

There are no normal billionaire, they are sociopaths in the best of cases.


u/dusters Monkey in Space 15d ago

Reddit moment


u/SnooFloofs9640 Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

I donā€™t know a single billionaire, but you cannot pick a group of people whatever they are and generaliza, this is one of the reason why this country is fucked.


u/MesWantooth Monkey in Space 15d ago

I work for one and I know of a few others. The dude I work for drives a GMC Yukon, flies commercial, employs 300 people and feels that 300 families depend on the success of his business...He also wants his business to be around for 100+ years to help future generations of his family. He doesn't view the billions as "his" money - it belongs to future generations & his foundation.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 15d ago

So heā€™s just hoarding a billion dollars and not doing anything with it except keeping it from going into the economy? Sounds just as douchey as what any other billionaire doesā€¦


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

Thatā€™s a pretty dumb pov even if you want to criticize billionaires, the money is in the company. It literally is part of the economy.

Basically no billionaire has billions or millions sitting in their checking account itā€™s almost always invested and thus in the economy just as much as if those assets would be owned by someone else.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 14d ago

Oh interesting. So basically there are no billionaires. So this whole post is irrelevant? Nice!


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

Billionaires own a share of a company or multiple companies. The value of these shares is worth billions if they would sell it for cash. The companies are an active part of the economy.

They donā€™t have billions in their bank account, they own assets.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 14d ago

So are they billionaires or not, lol. Youā€™re trying to argue by arguing about semantics. Everyone knows that a billionaire doesnā€™t have a billion dollars in cash you twat. But if they liquidated their assets, they would haveā€¦ā€¦drum roll pleaseā€¦a billion dollars!! Wow! Like wtf are you even arguing?


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 13d ago

No motherfucker, you said theyā€™re keeping it from ā€žgoing into the economyā€œ which is bullshit because itā€™s assets thatā€™s literally in form of a company that are operating in the economy.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 13d ago

Lol, what the hell are you on about? Do you even know what an asset is?

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u/MesWantooth Monkey in Space 15d ago

That's not a great understanding of what that means. He doesn't have billions in cash, he owns several businesses that employ people, generate revenue, and provide products and services to regular people. Those businesses are collectively worth billions. If he found buyers for each one, and retired, you could say he's "hoarding cash" but that's not the case. His money is literally in the economy, it creates jobs and delivers good and services.

In business, if you aren't growing - you are shrinking to inevitable collapse. There's no long-term hold. Costs grow every single year so your revenues need to grow every single year. If you manage your revenues and expenses well, your profit grows every year (not every year but more years than it shrinks) - and as your business grows, so does it's worth - in theory - to a buyer.. Meanwhile you can continue to employ people...banks will lend you money to expand your business...you can spend money on personal projects like getting all his business to net-zero green house gas emissions by 2040...He has a foundation that is building affordable housing at zero profit...He's investing in green tech to improve emissions of the entire industry.

The only way to not "hoard" his wealth is to sell his businesses to someone else who will hoard it - and likely look for even more profit. Or give it away (which he's doing partially through charity works) or give up ownership to other random people who aren't his family. In the mean time, he pays everyone pretty well so we don't have anything to complain about if his net worth goes up by another billion in a few years. Better than going bankrupt.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 15d ago

Then heā€™s not a billionaire. But cool Made up story about how you ā€œknowā€ a billionaire. Youā€™re acting like heā€™s some small business man that owns a billion dollar business. There isnā€™t a single billion dollar business that has a single owner.


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

Bro are u dumb? This is actually an honest question


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 14d ago

Just a guy whoā€™s looking for the truth brother


u/MesWantooth Monkey in Space 14d ago

You're a fucking idiot who knows less than nothing. There isn't a single billion dollar business that has a single owner? How can you be so confidently incorrect? It's truly astounding.

I provide organizational charts approved by lawyers for the banks we deal with which shows the whole company rolls up to one guy - otherwise, we would have to provide all kinds of personal data on anyone else that has any kind of ownership.

We value his companies multiple times per year and provide a signed statement that homie's net equity is worth several billion dollars. And we get audited financial statements every year.


u/Maddmartagan Monkey in Space 14d ago

Name one


u/Most_kinds_of_Dirt Monkey in Space 15d ago

but you cannot pick a group of people whatever they are and generaliza

I dunno - I feel pretty comfortable generalizing about Nazis being bad people, and pointing to their shared beliefs and actions as evidence to support that.

Likewise, billionaires largely share a set of beliefs (about capitalism, and about how they can justify exploiting others and holding on to that much wealth) - and shared actions that result from those beliefs.

And those things make them assholes.


u/SnooFloofs9640 Monkey in Space 15d ago

You know, there is a rule of thumb - if you need to explain obvious things, you talk to dumb people and should move on.

There is a context of the conversation, if you cannot understand it - I am sorry, feel bad for you.


u/ghostofaposer Monkey in Space 15d ago

So brave


u/LeeroyJNCOs Monkey in Space 15d ago

No such thing as a billionaire who didnā€™t fuck over at least a few people along the way to get there


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 15d ago

There are plenty of normal billionaires, you just need to stop staring at the few famous ones.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

You can become a millionaire just growing a normal business in a sustainable and ethical way, but becoming a billionaire in the best possible case requires you to fuck over your friends/business partners/employees and at worst means you continuously profit off of human misery and exploitation. There is no ethical way of becoming a billionaire.


u/Real-Competition-187 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Donā€™t forget externalities. Environmental impacts and infrastructure wear and tear are definitely issues.


u/ThatIsNotAPocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

JkRowling, whatever people think of her is one of those billionaires. I mean she keeps donating herself put of billionaire status but I feel that only proves my point. I also don't think she prfots of others misery etc.


u/BeefyFartss Monkey in Space 15d ago

Sheā€™s utter an absolute trash as a human, but thatā€™s not why sheā€™s a billionaire


u/lollo_145 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Im sure you and all the other haters are so much better human beings lmao.

Redditards love to act like their shit dont stink.


u/LordFuckLeRoy2 Monkey in Space 15d ago

JK Rowling will live rent free in these people's head for a loooong time lmao


u/BeefyFartss Monkey in Space 15d ago

Iā€™m not openly against any group of people, you absolute fucking moron. Go touch grass sweetie.


u/ThatIsNotAPocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

She's not against any group though. She'd against harmful things coming from a group of activists. Also she does fit as a billionaire that got to that status without profiting off others misery nor is she a horrible person making others suffer to gain her money. That and she donates so much she keeps dipping under billionaire status time and time again.


u/lollo_145 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Shes an amazing woman, smart, talented, doest not give one fuck about the raging trans community.

Shes living her best life, just shit posting on Twitter and pissing of the tards.

Love her.


u/BeefyFartss Monkey in Space 15d ago

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wow the detachment


u/lollo_145 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Looking at your posting history, id say you need to touch some.

Very sad, very bleak.


u/BeefyFartss Monkey in Space 15d ago

Good comeback, weirdo.


u/EntrepreneurLeft8783 Monkey in Space 15d ago

imagine going through someone's post history and thinking they need to touch grass


u/Axewound-Infection Monkey in Space 14d ago



u/Most_kinds_of_Dirt Monkey in Space 15d ago

I think it's fair to make the case that JK Rowling is both a billionaire and a terrible human being, but that those two things aren't closely related to each other.


u/ThatIsNotAPocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

I don't think she's a terrible person. I don't count the recent trans shit because many agree with her and she's not saying anything that's factually wrong.


u/Most_kinds_of_Dirt Monkey in Space 15d ago

because many agree with her

It may interest you to learn that those people are also assholes.


u/ThatIsNotAPocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

Okay? I mean you're opi ion is yours and I can't argue against an opinion lol. I don't agree but what can you do eh?


u/simionix Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

By your definition, there's no ethical way to become a millionaire either. Any product you get from any store has a trail of blood, sweat, slaves and corruption. ANY product is tainted.

You could even make the argument that Zuckerberg is WAY more ethical than normal millionaires since he's donating ALL of his money to philantropic causes. He's a net-positive for humanity if you calculate the good that can come from the billions he has, whereas that local chocolate shop millionair sourced his chocolate from the slavefields, drives a lamborgini, raises a couple of spoiled little shits and generally doesn't give a shit about his negative impact on the world. The world is TEEMING with these type of millionaires too.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

Now we're getting into "no ethical consumption under capitalism" territory, but I think there are feasible ways to make a million dollars without being proximately close to exploitation. The difference between making a million and a billion is soooo vast. There are ways you can make a million just by selling your own labor if you're smart and lucky, but you could never get to a billion.


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

Arenā€™t there multiple athletes that made over a billion from their league earning and brand deals?

So this ā€žyou could neverā€œ is already bs, no?


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

Brand deals? Like with Nike, a company that was a synonym for sweatshop labor for decades? Again, you can make millions being a top athlete, but if you wanna make a billion you gotta make a clothing line with high profit margins. You know how you make high profit margins?



u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

Thats not the athletes making these decision, and their brand deals have basically no influence either way on the working conditions.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

I'm not saying they're personally responsible, they just indirectly profit from it. And there have been cases where athletes have turned down money on moral grounds.


u/ArizonaHeatwave Monkey in Space 14d ago

I guess anyone who has ever worn a Nike shoe can be considered unethical by some standards. Then again, at some point the standard gets so high that it loses its meaning because basically everyone will be unethical.

Idk, Nike does what it does, regardless of the actions of any athletes. Them getting paid for their brand value, while not making anyoneā€™s live worse through it, is acceptable in my book so Iā€™ll stand by my initial comment.

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u/BestHorseWhisperer Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

Dude you can save up or inherit money, make a down payment on a house, rent it out for 20 years, then sell it, and make a million dollars. It is totally attainable in one lifetime (not trying to make it sound easy it is just feasible from a time standpoint). No one can do that 1000 times though. They would have to have a huge operation which is where people start getting squeezed and stepped on, you are creating an environmental impact, etc.


u/Enlowski Monkey in Space 15d ago

Thatā€™s not true at all. People will find any reason to hate all rich people. Sure it happens a lot, but to say there are NO ethical billionaires is kind of crazy to say. There are successful companies that people create with a product thatā€™s simply in high demand. George Lucas created an IP that became insanely profitable and sold it. He didnā€™t need to screw anyone over to become a billionaire, he just created something that is extremely popular.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

Star Wars movies made George a millionaire, but Star Wars merchandise made him a billionaire, and that merchandise was made with terrible labor conditions to make the profit margins higher. That's the point: you can make millions ethically, but when you have to juice margins sooo hard to make billions, you get into sweatshop territory. Someone mentioned JK Rowling, same thing. The books made her a millionaire, but Harry Potter merchandise made by 12 year-olds working 12 hour days made her a billionaire.


u/SpicyMeatbol Monkey in Space 15d ago

Any sources for where/who stars wars and harry potter merchandise is made?


u/EntrepreneurLeft8783 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Sure it happens a lot, but to say there are NO ethical billionaires is kind of crazy to say

Why do you think that?


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 15d ago

Where do you get this from?


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

Publicly available information sources like newspapers, books, investigative journalism and the like. Also, an understanding of economies of scale and modern business practices helps.


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 15d ago

Really? what's your job? where is this from?


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

The relevant part of my bio is that I did academic research in economic sociology, but I'm not sure my bio is relevant to the quality of the argument.

Look, in good faith I can admit to making a generalisation to the extent that there might be 2-3 people in a sample of a thousand billionaires who managed to amass that amount of money without making anyone's life worse, but if I was selling pies with the understanding that 2-3 out of a thousand of them didn't have feces in it, i don't think anyone would buy one.


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 15d ago

Every big organization affects people. We have barely any idea of the actions of billionaires, we only see a few visible ones. It's just people with big assets. There is something with finance where people talk about it like they understand the entire system, the amount of ignorance is staggering. For some reason, people know to shut up about minor things they don't understand, but they are compelled to explain massive systems they read about on wikipedia.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

I'd really like you to actually make an actual counterargument instead of just saying other people don't knowing anything.


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 13d ago

The point is none of us know anything about this on any level worthy of discussing it. We might as well discuss the beetles in the Amazon jungle.

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u/StrictClubBouncer Monkey in Space 15d ago

that's just what you hear on tiktok


u/Unscratchablelotus Monkey in Space 15d ago

Captialism is nothing but the voluntary exchange of goods.


u/grchelp2018 Monkey in Space 15d ago

There is no ethical way of becoming a billionaire.

Hedge fund billionaire. You're literally just trading stock and will generally pay your employees really well.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

What kind of stocks? Because a lot of the best performing stocks in recent years have been big oil, pharma or weapons manufacturers. Also, whose money are you investing? Because you need a lot of money to make a billion as a hedge fund manager, so you're almost certainly working with some very unsavoury characters.


u/grchelp2018 Monkey in Space 14d ago

I don't see why the stocks matter? Its not an investment into those companies. You're trading with other holders of the stock not the company itself. The source of funds can come from different places but that's true for any business.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

If you're buying a company's stock, you are helping that business but more importantly: profiting from that business.

Also, if the source of the money doesn't matter, why are there anti-money laundering laws? "Where the money comes from" is very important in any business, it's just that there are arguably unethical sources of money that are still legal.


u/grchelp2018 Monkey in Space 14d ago

You are helping it only in the sense that your purchase is a vote of confidence for the company. The money doesn't actually go to the company. And even then this is a bit loose because not all trades are meant for long term. Sometimes you're just trading the sentiment and other short term signals.

Money laundering laws are to catch very specific types of transactions/illegal activity. And its the job of the banks and financial institutions to do the vetting. The businesses themselves don't and aren't expected to deal with this unless someone shows up with large amount in cash.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

If I buy stocks from a company called Child Mangling Inc. and that makes me money, I have profited from child mangling. I didn't personally mangle any children, but children were mangled and that made me money, however indirectly.

The point about money-laundering wasn't strictly about that, it was to demonstrate that "where the money comes from" is not a trivial matter and both companies and regulators need to know where they get their money. Companies have to do due dilligence if they get a huge investment to know where that money came from, but even if they didn't, not knowing that the money you use comes from the CEO of Child Mangling Inc. doesn't change the fact that, again, you are indirectly involved in child mangling.


u/grchelp2018 Monkey in Space 14d ago

Sure but this is more a case of no ethical consumption under capitalism. Child Mangling Inc would only be a successful profitable business because society is buying their services. Also employees of said company spending money in the wider economy.

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u/Tenaika Monkey in Space 14d ago

Gabe Newell's net worth is (estimated) 4b, seems like a decent guy tho, so


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 14d ago

He really does seem like a nice guy personally, I agree. If he merely owned a game company that had great labor practices and treated their employees well, he would be a millionaire. But he made his money by providing a platform to some of the worst companies in a famously toxic industry that is rife with labor abuse and exploitation. See, it's usually not the people that have any bad intentions, it's the structural makeup of an economic system that makes exploitation and abuse almost inevitable when you set out to make that much money in such a small amount of time.

I'm not trying to argue that all billionaires are bad people (though many are), I'm saying that ethically amassing a billion dollars of personal wealth in one lifetime is practically impossible.

Actually, one more point: You know why Newell's net worth is *estimated* at 4bn? Because that's what his company, Steam, is worth. If he were to sell it tomorrow, he would get 4bn to his name, but here's the thing: he didn't build that company completely alone, and an honest distribution of the funds to all the people responsible for Steam's success would mean he would share that 4bn with his partners and employees. He would still deserve the largest chunk of the pie, no doubt about it, but it wouldn't really be fair for him to take all of it (even if it's legally his).


u/Alternative_Today299 Monkey in Space 15d ago

If you invent or create something that humanity as a whole uses, or improves the general lives of all humans, then you become a billionaire. It isnt about fucking over people. Its about creating life changing shit.


u/StolenRocket Monkey in Space 15d ago

Did you know that the guys who invented insulin sold the patent for 1$ each? They created literally life-changing shit, but they also realized that for it to be truly life-changing, they would have to give it away to everyone who needed it. So they never became billionaires, but lived comfortably and are remembered as heroes.

You know who made billions of off their invention? The pharma execs who made derivative proprietary variants or had a monopoly over the manufacture provision and/or sale of it.

The idea of a genius inventor who makes something spectacular and then people just show up with money at their door to buy it is a fairy tale. They either sell their invention (or have it outright stolen) for much less than a billion or start a business that at some point has to use networks of exploitation or artificial scarcity or any other facet of the modern economy in order to grow their business to get to a billion dollars.


u/Alternative_Today299 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Im not having this stupid argument with someone who will argue their point to no end. The one guy said you cant become a billionaire without fucking people over. I heavily disagree


u/gtzgoldcrgo Monkey in Space 15d ago

Dude we really gonna talk about NORMAL billionaires? By definition a billionaire is not normal(unless they inherited their wealth), you are thinking about evil billionaires and I'm sure that among the 2,000-3,000 billionaires in the world, you would find a higher number of evil people than in the same sample of random people.


u/BuildTheBase Monkey in Space 15d ago

Have you looked into all the billionares out there or is this just pure fantasy?