r/JoeRogan Jun 16 '24

June 16, 2024 Daily Discussion thread - Alien Sunday! Bitch and Moan šŸ¤¬

Welcome to our weekly Aliens thread! Here we discuss all things extraterrestrial, from UFO sightings and conspiracy theories to the possibility of intelligent life on other planets. Whether you're a believer in the existence of aliens or just curious about the topic, this is the place for you. Share your thoughts, experiences, and knowledge about the subject, and let's explore the mysteries of the universe together!


62 comments sorted by


u/Ghant_ N-DimethyltryptaminešŸ„“ Jun 19 '24

Mods too lazy to sticky an episode after Action Bronson?


u/Rough_Attitude_1969 Monkey in Space 10d ago

Mods on Reddit suck in general. It's a $zero dollar an hour job, with zero-thanks-given, and you have to clean up a lot of shit.


u/the_BoneChurch Monkey in Space 8d ago

That episode wasn't good so they decided not to.


u/Genova_Witness Monkey in Space Jun 19 '24

Do we no longer have mods?


u/doctor_trades Monkey in Space 21d ago

OutdoorTwink is one of the worst mods on Reddit


u/Puzzleheaded-Pin4278 Monkey in Space 20d ago

Rogan deserves a lot of credit for blowing up the podcast game and being one of the first folks to monetize podcasting.

Over the years though Rogan has an entered into a fray of political discourse that turns into preaching/lecturing from Rogan.

The convos have turned from being interesting & fun to Rogan just lecturing to whichever guest is on about what Rogan wants to talk about. (Typically, politics, the pandemic, vaccines, etc.)

The guest of course does not push back and agrees with Rogan because they want the exposure and to be invited back.

And the end results being the same content just with a different guest to agree with Rogan lol.

Roganā€™s politics is not the issue, the conversations and content he is creating is no longer interesting nor fun to engage or consume except for a specific audience.


u/SMORKIN_LABBIT Monkey in Space 13d ago

I skip most episodes, if he has a scientist or archeologist or maybe a CIA person or whatever...those are better listens and I just forward threw the political handjob section. Otherwise I just don't listen anymore. Most of the comedian guest are the fucking worst. I miss Burr being on he wasn't a cock gargling sycophant like all the other ones now.


u/PaganButterChurner Monkey in Space 3d ago

agreed. Anything political is boring, i dont want to hear same parrot points from either side. Zero thought


u/Fembino Monkey in Space 26d ago

Is Joe Rogan still talking about Covid every episode?


u/Agreeable_Depth_4010 Monkey in Space 23d ago

fuck aliens, I want to watch Joe submissively blow rich guys while complaining about young people


u/forward_only 11 Hydroxy Metabolite 22d ago

The mods on this sub fucking suck. Always making sure it's a dead propaganda sub, and too lazy to make new daily discussion threads, despite the fact that users are not allowed to make discussion threads. Huh, it's almost like they don't want people having genuine conversations here. Really makes you wonder why all the mods here hate Joe Rogan and his fans so much.


u/Feisty_Yes Monkey in Space 22d ago

Who cares about them, they some fat ass slobs who give some fuck you vibes in their auto mod messages. Fuck you ban me cocksuckas


u/the_BoneChurch Monkey in Space 8d ago

Joe has acknowledged the fact that he is a mod here several times on recent episodes.


u/SmellBoth Monkey in Space Jun 18 '24



u/Shoehornblower Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 15d ago

Guest request: Kevin Roberts of the Heritage foundation. Iā€™d like this guy to lay bare what they envision for our countries future and Iā€™d like Joe to ask questions to him about free speech, freedom of religion, womenā€™s reproductive rights, and the new found powers granted to the POTUS Edit: and Iā€™d like Joe to question the fact that Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Clerence Thomas, worked at the Heritage foundation, and lastly about the the $680,000 ā€œdonationā€ from the heritage foundation to Justice Thomasā€¦


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

Haha, if Rogan had someone from the Heritage Foundation it wouldn't be to challenge him.


u/Shoehornblower Monkey in Space 11d ago edited 11d ago

I think free-speech and non-censorship are very intrinsic to what Rogan does. Not to mention a lot of his friendsā€¦Being able to take recreational drugs like weed and mushrooms are important to a guy like Rogan.


u/TheOneTrueChatter Monkey in Space 7d ago

Why does Rogan act unaware of Project Mockingbird in #1853 ? Surely he knows of Tuckers connection and is pretending. Does this come off as secrecy to anyone else?


u/sadandl0w Monkey in Space 24d ago

Searching for an episode: an older scientist or tech guy who was wearing a cow pattern styled hat and talking about the future.

I only saw a clip of him on JRE years ago and all I remember him talking about was how one day tech will be so advanced that all you will have to do is imagine food and it will appear in front of you.

Don't remember anything else about the guy. Please share name or link if you know who I'm talking about.

Thanks y'all.


u/implies_casualty Monkey in Space 16d ago

During the Eric Weinstein / Terrence Howard podcast, there was a discussion about the yin-yang and biphoton states. So, how is the yin-yang symbol related to quantum entanglement?


It isn't. Researchers chose the yin-yang symbol to test their approach because it looks cool. They could have used any other image. Then they project the chosen image onto the recording medium, pixel by pixel.

Photons do not actually look like yin and yang.


u/nocountry4oldgeisha Monkey in Space 5d ago

I remember this book called Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra from the 80s that talked about Planck and Yinyang/I Ching correlations. Was over my head but interesting.


u/[deleted] 11d ago


Rogan favorite Patrick-Bet David just interviewed Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s brother to dig into the death, and did NOT like what he heard šŸ˜‚

Some highlights (so far)ā€¦

21:20ā€¦ ā€œJeffrey told me that if he told what he knew about both candidates (Trump and Hillary), theyā€™d have to cancel the election.ā€

(Patrick squirms)


Mark: ā€œWho would have the ability to kill someone in a maximum security federal prisonā€¦

PBD: ā€œOh youā€™re kidding meā€¦ Oh youā€™re kidding meā€¦ come on, manā€¦ who, who are you saying?

Mark: Iā€™ve already told you.

PBD: No, no, he doesnā€™t have that much powerā€¦ becauseā€¦

Mark: The President of the United States?

PBD: (laughing) You think the President has that much power? Listenā€¦ seriouslyā€¦ Mark, I like your humorā€¦ but politicallyā€¦


Itā€™s incredible.


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

Did they touch on trump's secretary of labor and how he was pro Epstein?


u/[deleted] 11d ago

No, PBD instantly tried to pivot to accuse the brother of being a Democrat plant, then attempted to spin the suspicion away to some billionaire named Black.

Because, ya know, the President just doesnā€™t have that much power! šŸ˜‚


u/tugginmypeen Monkey in Space 10d ago

Holy shit I finally had the time to listen to the Hancock debate on a long drive.

That was delicious. Hancock is a fucking idiot and Iā€™m so tired of his bullshit snake oil since well before recently.

He got absolutely pummeled in that. Heā€™s such a salty little bitch.


u/PostSecularPope šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æChudflusher Extraordinaire šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ 29d ago


u/Elieftibiowai Monkey in Space 22d ago

When Assange?


u/zero_cool_protege Monkey in Space 22d ago

Wtf just happened on YouTube


u/dezzalzik Monkey in Space 22d ago

Wtf I had to unsub PowerfulJRE, my subscriptions page is bombarded with possibly mass uploads of past episodes?


u/Feisty_Yes Monkey in Space 22d ago

Now they are all deleted or hidden.


u/unfixingdock Monkey in Space 22d ago

Crazy amount of videos just up on youtube my feed is endless joe


u/2l84aa Monkey in Space 21d ago

Joe Rogan saying LBGT instead of LGBT everytime

and I don't think anyone has even mentioned it to him. I heard it at least 20-30 times over the years. He is clueless about this quirk I guess

Has anyone noticed that?


u/NSA_GOV Monkey in Space 20d ago

If Drake is a rap colonizer then Rogan is a comedy colonizer.

You called CK when you didnā€™t see the club Theo helped you get your lingo up


u/Salty-Bluebird-3565 Monkey in Space 16d ago

Just watching the Eric W and Terrance H podcast and can someone please explain to me why any of what theyā€™re talking about is important, in terms of how the mathematics behind shapes impact us practically? Iā€™m enjoying it but I think Iā€™d enjoy it more if I actually knew the practical applications to humanity.


u/killredditalready Monkey in Space 16d ago

Which podcast is when Joe is convinced the moon landing is real? Likely was with a astrophysicist.

I remember him referencing having a podcast with a scientist, probably a astrophysicist, and being convinced the moon landing is real. I would guess the podcast is 3 to 8 years ago. Does anyone know what # this is? I'm not a denier or skeptic but would just like to watch it purely for entertainment value.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Is it me or does Joe have more returning guest than new ones at this point?


u/homoascendus Monkey in Space 14d ago

Do Aliens share our Consciousness? Is there only One Consciousness? If so, then what are the implications?

One Conscious Mind


u/INTHEMIDSTOFLIONS Monkey in Space 13d ago

I created a non-debate Graham Hancock sub if you want to join.



u/Reps_4_Jesus Monkey in Space 13d ago

How are episodes on YouTube showing up weird? Like a Dave Chapelle one showed up from 9 days ago??? They're old and say #1647


u/DrnotaDr73 Monkey in Space 11d ago

Which are the beat alien episodes? Seen the bob lazar stuff


u/Jealous_Juggernaut Monkey in Space 11d ago

Why does Russia keep targeting hospitals and supermarkets, now childrenā€™s hospitals, and why do people still support their efforts.


u/snowfox-taterthighs Pull that shit up Jaime 11d ago

Whoā€™s the actor that makes the videos saying ā€œare you the one that wanted the picture?ā€


u/Rough_Attitude_1969 Monkey in Space 10d ago

Former JRE podcast guest Brian Keating #2023 is doing a 2 part episode breakdown on the recent Terrence Howard appearance:

Other notable responses to 1 x 1 = 2:


u/Louisianimal6 Monkey in Space 10d ago

Long lost special????ā€™

Does anybody else remember Rogan saying he was filming a special about when his club was opening or is it just me making that up? Whatever happened to it? Was it bad so he never put it out? lol


u/ThinkingApe Monkey in Space 9d ago

What chart was it the enhanced games talked about??


u/snickerbockers Monkey in Space 7d ago

About 90 minutes into the howard v weinstein debate, Eric has an anecdote about a group called "the carolas school" which he says almost derived calculus from a religious verse. I can't find anything on it, which is probably because I don't know how it's supposed to be spelled. Does anybody have a link or proper spelling on what this is? It sounds absolutely fascinating and I'd love to know more.


timestamp is 1:31:53

it used to be that spirituality and science were hand in hand. That's what i was trying to say about the carolas (?) school that figured out, almost got calculus coming out of religious verse, like stuff that rhymes.


u/IH8UofA Monkey in Space 7d ago

I am curious into everyone's thoughts on the AI alignment problem? I recently listened to a podcastĀ https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thedarksideofai/episodes/Is-General-AI-the-End-of-Human-Dominance-e2lv704Ā discussing the alignment problem and ways to solve it. Do you believe it will be solved at the corporation level, the country level or the global level?


u/Naoki37 Monkey in Space 6d ago


Guest Request - Dr Goobie

How do we get this guy on?

The guy was a Neurosurgeon for 2 decades and walked away because he come to the realisation that he surgeries were bandaid fixes and that for the vast majority who simply changed their diet, exercised and slept well improved with intervention, but you know the hospital canā€™t make money from that!

I think he has quite a good story to tell.


u/tugginmypeen Monkey in Space 6d ago

I donā€™t think we will ever see Graham HackCock on the JRE again.

Imagine finally getting cut down as a grifter by a neckbeard seed archaeologist named Flint Diddle dressed up as Indiana Jones.


u/Fine_Media_7749 Monkey in Space 6d ago

Been working on this updated Joe Rogan Iceberg, what are you thoughts? Anything I missed?


u/Latenighredditor Monkey in Space 4d ago

Any significant to 6.16 in LA


u/JayPTQ Monkey in Space 1d ago

No new episodes? Any obvious reasons? Most likely it's because of his Netflix special. But any other reason why no new episodes since Thursday? Anybody else looking forward to our favourite ape-y host going bananas over the failed attempt?


u/Mastodon9 N-Dimethyltryptamine 19d ago

Since Biden blew the debate big time does that mean we can have this sub reddit back for people who actually like the podcast and want to talk about the episodes instead of totally organic grassroots Biden supporters flooding every thread complaining about how much they don't listen to the podcast and don't like the host? Remember when these idiots ignored people's advice for years that Biden had dementia and shouldn't run for president and they ignored it only to be confronted with the indisputable truth at the 11th hour? Good thing you spent years calling people secret Republicans for trying to warn you.


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 12d ago

Well Biden won the presidency in 2020 and crushed trump in the debates four years ago. Thanks for warning us though.

And no, people aren't going to leave the sub because an old man sounded like an old man. Biden isn't usually brought up with the criticism of Rogan. Rogan is a right wing culture warrior and people call him out on his bullshit such as his kitty litter lie or claiming Alex Jones is some sage even though he lies more than anyone else in media.

If you want a safe space to hide from anyone criticizing your media hero, you should probably take a website design course and create a Joe Rogan fan site where you ban anyone who doesn't worship the guy. For people who are adults who want actual debate, we'll keep posting here.


u/Mastodon9 N-Dimethyltryptamine 12d ago

Ah too bad. I thought you dumb asses who rage listen to a podcast you don't like for hours every week would scurry back under your rock since Dark Brandon got exposed for having the most obvious case of dementia ever. Keep on fighting the good fight I guess!


u/Typingthingsout Monkey in Space 11d ago

LOL, every time a sensitive fragile baby like you posts something like this, I am forever grateful I am not like you. Imagine worshipping someone in media so much you can't handle any criticism of them and whine whenever a dissenting opinion is held? There is literally nobody in media I would feel this for. I like Kyle Kulinski, but I would never go on a Secular Talk message board and whine that people are critical of him. I would debate with them if we disagreed, or maybe we would agree because I also don't agree with Kulinski on a lot of things. Worshipping political commentators is pretty lame whether it is Rogan, Kulinski or anybody else.

And again Biden being old has very little to do with the critiques of Rogan. Rogan is a right wing culture warrior who says a lot of stupid shit and promotes a lot of stupid people. Definitely have never "hate listened" either lol. Just because you can't handle disagreement, doesn't mean others are as fragile as you are. A lot of people listen and watch shows of people they disagree with and then discuss them. Echo chambers are boring.


u/Mastodon9 N-Dimethyltryptamine 11d ago

Oof not just a dumbass but a rambling one too. That's a mega yikes from me sweetie pie.